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User: | rebel_bunni (844869) |
| The hardest part isn't finding who we need to be, it's being content with who you are. |
Name: | it's being content with who you are. |
Location: | Fremont, California, United States |
Birthdate: | 08-09 |
Bio: | I never was that kind of artist--the kind that could grasp a pen and have these incredible, wondrous words flow out of it. If I was one of those awesome writers, I'd have a whole life's biography typed on here, packed with a trivialities and self-reflections. But I’m not. I can't describe myself with these simple bland words, as much as I’d like to.
Sure, I could tell you where and what it's been like growing up, and about all the million trillion lessons that I've learned over the years (cheesiness & sentimentality galore!); I could list my likes & dislikes, and of my thoughts on life, people, friendships, blahblahblah. But what would be the point? It would be such a waste of my time, and yours.
Why should I let you inside my head so easily? Hey, if you want to get to know me, you'll have to be willing to listen and wait. Because...well, seeing as I'm not that great of a writer, I wouldn't be able to give you an accurate impression of who I am, and how I think.
For now, let's just say I am myself. And that's all I'll ever need, or want to be.
My ongoing philosophy is this: Seize the moment at every opportunity, 'Cause you never could be dead the next day; Do what you want, say what you want while you still can. No one lives forever, so never wait until it's too late. It's always better to know you tried, at least; Instead of eventually regretting all the things you could have done or said. Better to have thrown in an effort, than to have given up before you've even started. |
Memories: | 54 entries |
Interests: | 146: acoustic guitar, aim, anime, appreciation, art, being in love, being myself, best friends, books, brand new, breakdancers, breakdancing, bright eyes, buffy the vampire slayer, bunnies, candy, cards, carpe diem, challenges, chatting, chocolate, christians, comfort, computers, confidence, contemplating, conversations, courage, dancing, dashboard confessional, dreaming, dreams, emo, emptiness, endings, ethics, everclear, everwood, faith, food, freeloading, friends, friendship, fun, god, goo goo dolls, guitars, happiness, hiphop, honesty, hope, hugs, icons, ideas, imagination, inside jokes, integrity, internet, jesus christ, laughing, laughter, learning, life, light blue, listening, livejournal, loneliness, loss, love, luck, making a difference, making friends, martial arts, meeting new people, memories, michelle branch, minds, morals, movies, music, new beginnings, originality, pain, pearl milk tea, people, peotry, pictures, pigging out, poems, poetry, poets, privacy, procrastinating, promises, psychology, punk rock, quotes, randomness, raving, reading, reminiscing, rufio, saves the day, sci-fi, secrets, shoes, shopping, shortness, silver, sincerity, skateboarding, skater boys, skaters, sleep, smiles, solving problems, something corporate, songs, speaking my mind, standing out, stars, strength, style, sugar, sunrises, sunsets, surviving, tears, thanks, the ataris, the starting line, the supernatural and paranormal, thinking, thoughts, trance, trust, truth, understanding, venting, wasting time, winning, wishes, words, writers, writing, yellowcard. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 128: | 2_broken_wings, _acourac_, _esthetiks, _lipstickstains, _loveridden__, _missinghalo_, _zephyr_, a_turtle, afrokenrice, angelakam, apricots, aznangel555, aznbananababe, aznsenseetion, aznxboubei, babyblu2sparkle, babydesirex, babyresa, babyxcinnamon, battery_d, bawlingsiren, bbangel615, biddilydiddily, blackeraser, bloobearyy, breathinglesson, cest_ma_vie, christinechou, cindyscore, circumflex, coldvic, color_filters, concrete__anqel, culpers, damagedpolaroid, dapii, death_of_a_dj, derangedangel, dk_archerii, eakiita, elegantangel, elysiumlost, espgryphon, exeunt_, fadinkwiksilv3r, gbsparklez, goldfishbubble, gonaked, goshomolly, grapesnobubble, green_eyed_gurl, gueixiou, gwaceez, hapidragon, highoneyecandy, hom3lesshom3boy, i_bluebubbles, iambigbaddennis, icbob, iverson_gurl, jenuinity, joannehoanne, kandiesweet, krysm, kwidine, kwlaznkid, kyootminidevil, lavendergurl, left_wanting, lilaimey, lilaznffairy421, lilconfusedgrl, lilramengirl, lilstarlight, lmixdemotionzl, lustingblood, lyttostarlite, mffnqueen, michelle___, midnight_skyz, mizdorkylicius, monkie_wee, moochelle, moomoofarm08, myazn143, neve, obsidian_blade, ogoodygumdropo, olegti, onepassion, penguins4lifee, puffy7penguins, punk_in_chains, punk_kitteness, quik725, renewu, rockeranjl, rwe_beck_ah, sariie, secretsparkles, shad0wdr4g0n, sm0oches, sn0w_flakes, sn0wb0ard3r4l1f, soulesschild, stacecats, stealthangel, stefibabie, stranger_cookie, striving_being, sunnxrain, supakewltoilet, sweetness44, t3nnislov3r, tainted__tears, thecoolest, toiletwater, twinklinstar637, uberpochacco, visualcircus, wasonce816, westernangel16, whirlaway, wufay, wushuiczqueen, wushupufferfish, yihua876, yungsters | | 13: | articulate, coffee_and_art, creativewriting, endings, inkandlight, literaryquotes, msj_gym, seethroughglass, stencil_art, streetstencils, the_photos, up_lifting, visionary_art | | 2: | foxtrot_feed, nonsquitor_feed |
Friend of: | 143: 2_broken_wings, _acourac_, _esthetiks, _lipstickstains, _loveridden__, _missinghalo_, _zephyr_, a_turtle, afrokenrice, angelakam, apricots, aznangel555, aznbananababe, azngymnast87, aznsenseetion, aznxboubei, babyblu2sparkle, babydesirex, babyresa, babyxcinnamon, battery_d, bawlingsiren, bbangel615, bebe_oranges, biddilydiddily, blackeraser, bloobearyy, butterflynena, cest_ma_vie, christinechou, cindyscore, circumflex, coldvic, color_filters, concrete__anqel, culpers, damagedpolaroid, dapii, death_of_a_dj, deluded_apathy, derangedangel, dk_archerii, eakiita, elegantangel, elysiumlost, espgryphon, ex_bunnirifi392, fadinkwiksilv3r, faerie_teardrop, fallenmirror, fallenxangel19, gbsparklez, goldfishbubble, gonaked, goshomolly, grapesnobubble, green_eyed_gurl, gueixiou, gwaceez, hapidragon, highoneyecandy, hom3lesshom3boy, i_bluebubbles, iambigbaddennis, icbob, illusiondies, iverson_gurl, jenuinity, joannehoanne, kandiesweet, kristine97, krysm, kwidine, kwlaznkid, kyootminidevil, lavendergurl, left_wanting, lilaimey, lilaznffairy421, lilconfusedgrl, lilramengirl, lilstarlight, littleknownlife, lmixdemotionzl, lustingblood, lyttostarlite, mffnqueen, michelle___, midnight_skyz, mizdorkylicius, monkie_wee, moochelle, moomoofarm08, myazn143, needles_2_pins, neve, nofx_, obsidian_blade, ogoodygumdropo, onepassion, penguins4lifee, pretendreality, puffy7penguins, punk_in_chains, punk_kitteness, quik725, renewu, rockeranjl, rwe_beck_ah, sariie, secretsparkles, shad0wdr4g0n, sm0oches, sn0w_flakes, sn0wb0ard3r4l1f, soulesschild, stacecats, starzyniight, stealthangel, stefibabie, stranger_cookie, striving_being, sunnxrain, supakewltoilet, sweetness44, t0rtured_s0ul, t3nnislov3r, tainted__tears, thecoolest, toiletwater, totorobaby, twinklinstar637, uberpochacco, visualcircus, wasonce816, westernangel16, whirlaway, wufay, wushuiczqueen, wushupufferfish, yihua876, yungsters, zirox |
Member of: | 28: _life_is_a_song, a_z_n, add_me, aroundfremont, book_worm, booktards, coffee_and_art, creativewriting, dead_letters, everwood, heartofasia, inkandlight, life_as_music, msj_gym, new_lj_friends, onetreehill, photography, quotes, seethroughglass, skateb0arding, skateboard_this, sos_usa, teenliterature, teens4christ, unsentemails, up_lifting, xunsent_letters, yourmemories |
Account type: | Free Account |