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User:konoichi (117892) konoichi
Location:New York, United States
AOL IM:AIM status JaneSkellington (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 2446172 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Why sum it all up when it will be displayed in all its fragmented, stream-of-consciousness glory in my journal?

Updated: May 8th, 2002:

Lazily updated March 14th, 2003:

I'm a 19 20-year-old graphic design student at SUNY Oswego. I'm enjoying college life - my friends, meeting new people, my artwork, generally having a good time often to the detriment of my studies. I've had this journal for over a year now. It began as my venture to make fun of online journals and has evolved into a highly valued outlet for my thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy hearing from people passing through. *points to above contact information* Drop me a line.

Let's keep up the yearly tradition of sloppily updating my user info! April 5th, 2004

| feminist | graphic design student | geek |
Memories:1 entry
Interests:75: adopting pets, adult swim, allan cole, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, badgers, barbara hambly, bashing sociobiology, beads, bloom county, board games, chinese food, computer graphics, cthulhu, culinary arts, cyberpunk 2020, dance dance revolution, debate, digital illustration, discordianism, drawing, dreamcast, fantasy, fnord, gender studies, graphic design, hammocks, hello kitty, henry rollins, history, ice cream, illustration, indian food, japan, japanese, japanese culture, jet program, jet programme, jewelery making, karate, lake ontario, larping, medical anthropology, mexican food, money for nothing, movies, my dog, mystery science theater 3000, oceanography, ottmar liebert, portishead, pro-choice, reading, relaxing, role-playing, sarcasm, science fiction, sean russell, shiny objects, skies of arcadia, sociology, star wars, suburban life, tarot, tarot cards, the sims, timothy zahn, traveling, trillian, tv's frank, women's studies, word games, writing. [Modify yours]
People68:alien_sunset, avi_mhael, aw4249, azurecobalt, blackmanxy, carnalwolfgod, cheval, cirrussilvus, cnicodemus, demarazare, diwriter, docmia, dolphingirl, drusilla71, ecotvainmas, forlorn79, gamerahsc, gillan, glamazonwarrior, glitter_cake, goalby66, iliana_sedai, jacob09481, jameswong, jasondrake, jp7010, jthmzim, kalban, keinengel, ladybird7, latissha, lord_bradford, luciacifarelli, luciddreams, lynzylou, macabrefreak, magenta512, mdfoster82, meari, merlin7878, motomotoyama, mystiklestarr, nicholasgentile, nokomis1339, paradoxcycle, pmm1221, puck1810, quotarama, rathanylakan, raziellus, revelsofthedead, riki_kiki_taco, saturnss, senoritafish, shaelbopp, silentkitty, simplyred, sylphiel, themassiah, thumtax666, tomcat5453, treacerbullet, ubergeek2012, whitehawk, willing_exile, winterofred, wmshakes124, xamses
Communities6:japan_pics, jetjapan, ljforchoice, sterling_ren, stg_oswego, suny_oswego
Account type:Free Account

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