Oh the pain of not being on the "A" list! That's "A" for active puppets. |
[28 Dec 2003|06:37am] |
Did I receive invitations to any Yule parties this season? No. Did I receive invitations to any New Year's parties? Again, no.
Arathorn father of Aragorn is a forgotten man.
Looking around the Party Field... |
[14 Sep 2003|06:11am] |
...Hmmm. Looks like someone's been shooting at targets and forgot to take them all down. Why not take advantage?
*readies bow, aims, shoots, hits the bullseye right in the center*
Not bad for an old Ranger.
[20 Aug 2003|07:21pm] |
*looks up from rabbit he's skinning*
Tobey, what's wrong?
From the hot tub up on the deck of his flet... |
[03 Aug 2003|07:05am] |
[ |
mood |
| |
Really mellow |
] |
[ |
music |
| |
Something really, really mellow |
] |
Tobe. Word has it that we never post and our journal's considered inactive. Do you think we're inactive?
*lights up some pipeweed, passes it to Tobey*
Out on the deck of our flet |
[25 May 2003|12:32am] |
Tobey and I saw lights on at Bingo's Smial. He's been away for a long time so we went in to take a look. I guess we'll have neighbors again, right love?
*grabs microphone, starts singing songs off of "13" into the quiet silence of the forest*
Waking up from a deep snooze |
[20 Mar 2003|11:18pm] |
Oh my. I haven't updated since LAST YEAR!!!!!
*shakes fist at stupid mun who can't think of any plots*
That does it. Get me OUT of the Theater! TAKE ME AWAY!!! I'm going to visit my plastic son for the weekend. Then I'll be back.
I'll be welcomed there with open arms. At least I hope so.
*locks door, climbs down ladder, walks away very mad*
[31 Dec 2002|12:01am] |
Hey, check it out, Tobey. I think Bingo and Iorhael are back in the pantry smial.
Are they riding a pony? What a trip!
[25 Dec 2002|08:03am] |
Merry Christmas to anyone celebrating today. I'm not exactly what you'd call a Christian since I live my life according to Tolkien, not the Bible.
My friend Tobey read something about slash and how evil someone thinks it is. So in honor of that and because my mun is feeling spunky for a change, er, no pun there, no not at all I give you Tobey and me exchanging Christmas presents.
Contains slightly homo-erotic content. Our favorite kind.
[21 Dec 2002|10:04am] |
Our food supply looks a little grim. Better go hunt up a rabbit or two.
Wonder if that pizza place is still around? What was that number?
[10 Dec 2002|12:02am] |
[ |
mood |
| |
very, very lonely |
] |
[ |
music |
| |
Blur: Tender |
] |
*sings out on veranda of treehouse*
Tender is the night. Lying by your side Tender is the touch of someone that you love too much Tender is the day. The demons go away Lord I need to find. Someone who can heal my mind...
[06 Dec 2002|12:43am] |
*peruses LJs on the computer*
Hmmm...lots going on tonight on the Internet. And looking out the window of my treehouse, I see lights on over at the Bag End garden shed. Bingo must be home. And hopefully not alone.
At least SOMEONE is happy. I shouldn't piss and moan but man, where is Tobey? I miss him. I've made tons of arrows, cleaned every gun, made enough smoked salmon to last until summer.
Oh well, it could always be worse.
[23 Nov 2002|06:33pm] |
[ |
mood |
| |
happy and pleased and thrilled |
] |
[ |
music |
| |
Sigur Ros: ( ) |
] |
I was hunting in the woods near Bingo's place and I saw shadows in the windows there. Shadows as in 'more than one'. This is terrific. I hope it's who I think it is.
Bingo has waited so long for this
[21 Nov 2002|05:56am] |
*looks around*
So I'm finally home. Alone. My companion is gone for a while. I miss him already. At least we exchanged DVDs photos of each other so I can see him image once in a while skipping the part where he's kissing that Dunst woman. Well, better go on in and check out the place.
*climbs tree*
[05 Nov 2002|04:32pm] |
*looks around*
Just checking in. Our place is still the same. No news. Nothing exciting. Scroll on.
[19 Oct 2002|05:47am] |
*tears open envelope*
What's this? An invitation to visit my father in another realm? Wanna go, Tobey?
[28 Sep 2002|05:37pm] |
Has it really been a week since the party at Bingo's? My, how quickly life passes one by. What's been happening? Tobey and I have pretty much kept to ourselves, enjoying the recent snowfall and change of seasons. I've made some new arrows for my bow. Tobey's been in the darkroom a lot developing his photos of the wintery landscape.
Well, that's it for now.
[21 Sep 2002|05:45am] |
Life is oh so good these days. My new dwelling up in the trees is built on several levels. We're decorating it now with several pieces of art. Some of the statues are pretty big. I hope we can lift everything up here without breaking anything.
Hurry! Clean up! Wife's on the way! |
[08 Sep 2002|07:30am] |
Tobey! My wife might stop in for a visit! Sorry to pull this on you. Just move the power tools and stuff so she doesn't fall and break any bones! I'm nervous. I'm scared. I haven't seen her in ages!
[06 Sep 2002|05:36am] |
Tobey, where are you! Help! I have a problem.
I forgot to mention this, uh, previous entanglement to you.
[02 Sep 2002|07:55am] |
What a morning! Great time to work out. Everyone's still asleep around here. Well, back to it.
( Tobey pumps iron )