Seek Out A Star... [entries|friends|calendar]

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[29 Nov 2004|10:31pm]
hamsters are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
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Pictures! [21 Sep 2003|07:54pm]
[ mood | happy ]

As you can see, all of my extremely loyal friends are in this picture xP
Winston, Raymond, Morgan, Lynn, Andrew, Hayley, Victor, Karl, Margaret, Roshi, Dawn, Fen, Peter, Monica, Danny, me, Kathryn, Zach, Kelly, Kahoo, Cliff, Stephen and Alex.

More pictures...
My Sweet Sixteen, The Priceton Review, etc )

5 +

[25 Feb 2003|06:22pm]
Do you know this girl?

Friends Only!

Comment here, and I'll add you back.

(image was made by [info]_digidoll of [info]_best_banners_
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