January 19, 2004
GIMLI'S GOT IT: Some people are picking on John Rhys-Davies for saying things like this:
The fact that a minister of the French government has to fly to Cairo to talk with one of the religious heads in one of the mosques to get his approval for a ban on headscarves can be seen in two ways.
One, is how wonderfully culturally sensitive. The other, it seems to give an authority to a wholly unelected figure well outside Europe's jurisdiction. . . .
When we are prepared to overlook certain things because we don't want to rock the boat, this is wrong.
The greatest act of racism is to expect that other people will not behave according to your values and standards. . . .
I do not want to see a society where, should I ever have any, my granddaughters have their fingernails pulled out because they are wearing nail varnish.
But while they pick on Rhys-Davies, the news from France seems in accordance with his fears:
France's drive to better integrate its five million Muslims looked shaken on Monday after a weekend of protests against a looming ban on Islamic veils and a bomb attack on the car of a senior public official of Muslim origin.
The veiled schoolgirls chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greater) in marches across France and the bomb that destroyed the car of the newly appointed prefect for the eastern Jura area have cast doubt over the policy of winning support among moderate Muslims..
Call me crazy, but I think he has legitimate reason for concern.