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Below is user information for Marlene. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:marweiner (65473)
Location:Vancouver, Washington, United States
AOL IM:marboobooqt (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:Hey!I never really know what to say on these things so i just kinda blab!ok here goes, I'm a student at HBHS, I think I have a little bit too much school spirit since one time at a soccer game I started like yelling and cussing at the other team...IT WAS THEIR FAULT! THEY WERE BEING MEAN!, I just wanna say hi to all of my friends @ Bay, River, Skyview(I didn't forget Megan and Jessie) and @ Fort!I love hanging out w/ them, they're so awesome!I have blond hair blue eyes but I wear brown contacts.I am soooooooo in love with the show Jackass!expecially the one with the son smacking his really fat dad! That ones that best!damn them for canceling it! Oh ya, and Kristin, BSB SUCKS!hehe

Interests:311, a fish called wanda, abercrombie and fitch models, acting nerdy, amusement parks, baby blue, basketball, beef jerky, being wild, ben stiller, best friends, blink 182, blonde guys, brad pitt, bright orange, bright yellow, britney spears, brown eyes, busta rhymes, cartoons, cheese, chinese food, chocolate milk, clinque happy, concerts, dance team, dancing, day dreaming, driving, dude wheres my car, empier records, fairies, fashion, fast and the furious, fast cars, fenix tx, flip flops, flirting, flowers, foosball, football, friends, getting drunk, glitter, goldfinger, good charlotte, green, gummi worms, halter tops, handsome devil, heath ledger, hide and go seek, hip hop, hoodies, hot boys, hot cocoa, hot guys playing guitar, hot pink, hot showers, hot tubs, hugs, ice cream, intertubing, jackass, jamba juice, janet jackson, jay z, jimmy eat world, jokes, jones soda, laughing, linkin park, local punk bands, love, magazines, making people laugh, matthew lillard, mest, missy elliot, money, movies, mtv, music, music videos, mxpx, nelly, new found glory, nick at nite, nsync, old cars, orlando bloom, painting, parties, paul walker, people, photography, pictures, pizza, playing pool, pools, pop, portland, punk, punk guys, puppies, rap, redman, road trip, rollercoasters, running, shopping, shorts, sign language, singing, sleeping in, smiling, smores, snowball fights, soccer, stars, staying up all night, stewie, stroke 9, sum 41, summer, sun river, swimming, taking pictures, talking, tangerine speedo, tanning, tattoos, the ataris, the exorcist, the simpsons, tping, usual suspects, vacations, vin diesel, vodka, volleyball, waterfalls, weezer, wet seal, winking, working out, zebrahead
Friends:25: afflackash, cheerleaderpop, crazypeachkid, greenninja, iloveryan, imabyrd069, insanedewmonke, jendawg16, katiebug73, lbda187, lowlowhbhs, marweiner, megan029, missmoomoo, nitelight, numo1stunna, peachpaperclip, puffy123, rallydude, shellabell, shortcakeqt, shortlace, smoothskillz, tallmodelchick, texas_ranger
Friend of:24: afflackash, cheerleaderpop, crazypeachkid, greenninja, iloveryan, imabyrd069, insanedewmonke, jendawg16, katiebug73, lbda187, lowlowhbhs, marweiner, megan029, missmoomoo, nitelight, numo1stunna, puffy123, rallydude, shellabell, shortcakeqt, shortlace, smoothskillz, tallmodelchick, texas_ranger
Account type:Free User

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