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Jun 3, 2004 ::

Open Thread

Discuss the day's news here.

wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!

Please pay particular attention to the pending pentagon polygraphs…

it's priceless, really…

Seperation of Church and State?


I want only the best for the Iraqi people, God knows they deserve it. I hope al-Sistani's endorsement will be the first step toward a free and peaceful Iraq.

oh please, somebody wake up…

Did I mention W's "Catch and Release" program? Cause, if we kill all the terris now, we won't have any to hunt later on, don't ya know.

Mornin' Marshall

Good Morning Marsh.

Hi guys!

Hi Lance,

It's really early for you.


I checked, I'm not a guy. ;)

I'll say, I've seen the pictures!

My pastor has handed out literature from the Right to Life with candidates names, offices they are running for & their views. For some reason they were all Republican. I wasn't very happy when I left. I tore up my leaflet & handed it back as I walked out the door.

That is the problem I have with 527's like Right to Life.

I want them to have to file ALL campaign finance reports and disclaim their funds too.

Jacqueline, when you have a 10 month old in the house, you can be up at some pretty strange hours!

Did y'all read the polygraph story?

I forgot Lance. My oldest moved out last month & the other just walked the door to her "job" of babysitting down the street.

What a dad!

I'm getting there Marsh.

Regarding members of the Pentagon taking polygraphs to get to the bottom of the Chalabi intelligence leak - isn't it odd that DOD employees can be subject to polygraphs but not White House officials to get to the bottom of the Plame scandal.

Okay, where's my credit? I posted yesterday the story about the mayor of Crawford, TX supporting Kerry. Now this site has it's own thread about it. But do I get any credit for it? Nooooooooo. As Rodney Dangerfield would say, "I tell ya, I get no respect, no respect at all".

Lance, what if the Pentagon polygraphs implicate someone in the White House? Has anyone been polygraphed in the Plame investigation?

Is W now paying the price for scapegoating Tenet?

Okay, I have to go grab my coffee, grab the kiddo, and head to the sitter. I'll check back in an hour.

Lance! clap, clap, cheer! cheer!

You are a born leader my friend.

I do try to tell you that as often as possible.

I thing w is feeling a little bit of what goes around comes around in everything he has done the last 3 years.

Posted by Lance Collins @ 6/3/04, 07:34 AM

It happens. I usually take solice in the fact that anyone else can follow and/or parallel my twisted logic and just move on.

besides…this is more of an exhibition than a competition, no score will be kept…and as always, no wagering, please…

i'll bet you Bush looses in an historic landslide…


I'm not a competitive person, but I do LOVE a challenge.

I won't go that far. Landslides are hard to come by lately. The voters that do go out to vote are the passionate ones. We need to fire more of them up on our side. ;)

Good morning, all. It must be bad news — just saw something on CNN about the Mars rover ….

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 07:49 AM

Don't you just love our taxpayers $ going to another country & another planet?

That makes me all excited about going to work.

This link was inactive or incorrect all day on my homepage yesterday…today the link works…

It is worth sharing…

Enron traders: We robbed California Expletive filled phone transcripts point to purposeful manipulation of West Coast energy prices. June 3, 2004: 6:56 AM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Enron Corp. traders gloated about manipulating West Coast energy markets during the California electricity crisis in 2000-2001, according to telephone transcripts filed with federal energy regulators by a small public utility district in Washington state."…

George Bush is a mean, mean man. Apparently last week while visiting Nashville he "forgot" the name of our mayor (a Democrat) and told him to fix the potholes in Nashville. It was a "joke" but I don't find it funny.

Oh, to have been in the mayor of Nashville's shoes! I would have come back with something like, "yeah, as soon as we fix the potholes in Baghdad, right Mr. President?"

What an asshole.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 07:53 AM

Today's Picture


I think Nashville is a beautiful city. I really enjoyed myself there.

Sound familiar?…

One trader asks, "…all the money you guys stole from those poor grandmothers of California?"

The second trader replies: "Yeah, Grandma Millie, man. But she's the one who couldn't figure out how to (expletive deleted) vote on the butterfly ballot."…

Thanks, Jacqui. Not TOO many potholes, eh?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 07:58 AM

That Enron transcript is horrifying, and now would be a good time to remind people of how chummy Shrub and Ken were back "in the day."…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 08:00 AM

No, no potholes. And the people were friendly. (not as friendly as Chicago though)

Don't give w any ideas, he might start paving the back roads in Baghdad. We have to gravel our alleys here. Not much Issue 2 money going around.

RE: Marsh's 6:56 post.

The problem is that not all people of faith are Republicans!!!

Sigh. How many times do we have to say it?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 08:02 AM

I bet African American churches didn't get that info from the Bush campaign.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 08:03 AM


What gets them is not how many times we say it, but live it. haha

I know exactly what you mean. I have to sigh as well…

Boxing promoter Don King stumps for Bush

- - - - - - - - - - - - By Michael Rubinkam

June 2, 2004  |  PHILADELPHIA (AP) —

Don King, the wild-haired boxing promoter, is touring the country with Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie to tout President Bush's re-election.

"Only in America," as King often says — and he did at a stop in Philadelphia Wednesday.

"People understand that George Walker Bush is the man with the plan to make America better," King, sporting an American flag tie and plenty of diamond-encrusted jewelry, told a group of black business leaders at a downtown jazz club. "Sometimes, just sometimes, it ain't too bad to be in the Bushes."

The latter line is the flip side of Jesse Jackson's warning at past Democratic conventions for Americans to "stay out of the Bushes."

King's rap sheet makes him an odd choice for Bush front man. He was convicted in the 1967 beating death of a man who owed him money and spent nearly four years in prison. In 1954, he killed a man who was robbing a numbers house he operated in Cleveland, but it was ruled self-defense.

King also has beaten tax evasion and fraud charges, faced numerous lawsuits from boxers and their handlers and endured three grand jury investigations and an FBI sting operation — all while cementing his status as one of the world's top boxing promoters.

Republicans see King as a way to reach the ever-elusive black vote. Bush managed just 9 percent of the black vote in 2000, matching Ronald Reagan's percentage in 1984 and faring just slightly better than Republican Barry Goldwater's 6 percent in 1964.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 08:05 AM

bed time. nite all.

Off to the gym. Later …

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 08:08 AM

going to the office.

OK, let me get this straight….

We've got Chuck D, Russell Simmons, Jesse Jackson and the Black Congressional Caucus.

They've got Don King.

Guess I would take those odds for the black vote any day.

BTW, does this King thing remind anyone of Sammy Davis, Jr and Nixon?? (For those of you old enough to remember).

Posted by Bob Seelig @ 6/3/04, 08:39 AM

Good morning. Newbie here. I've probably bumped into a few of you at past DNC events. Did anyone see the Yahoo article this morning regarding DNC invite to bloggers?…


The FBI has identified Pentagon civilians who knew we had broken Iran's secret codes and had contact with Ahmed Chalabi, and are now using lie detectors to ferret out who the drunk was who spilled the beans.

Good morning, fellow liberals and enlightened conservatives!

You know the old political adage, "As the Mayor of Crawford, Texas goes, so goes the nation!"

This is a good read for everyone, and Ohio bloggers especially.

Ohio is a key swing state. Bush and his campaign team are constantly visiting. No one gets - or stays - in the White House without carrying Ohio. But the White House better beware: For Ohio blue collars, Bush and globalization are the real evildoers. Says a former steelworker at a Wal-Mart: "We're going to do everything in our power so George W Bush this year will join the unemployment line"…

Next time a troll says, well what about all the good news in Iraq - post this article and say, there IS not good news in Iraq.

A Portrait Of Iraq's Disillusionment Primary School's Wretched State Becomes Symbol Of Unmet Expectations…

Some countries are "not saddened" to see the United States squirming to get international backing for its plan to hand over political power on June 30. Although the Security Council wants concessions, some also want to see the Bush administration "suffer," the official added.…

For those of us still outraged over the Texas redistricting:

Despite favorable redistricting, a recent media-heavy primary, a runoff campaign and a publicized fundraising visit from Dick Cheney, Republican Louie Gohmert’s campaign released an internal Republican poll showing Gohmert is in a statistical dead heat with incumbent Max Sandlin—a poll that one lobbyist said leaves Gohmert “…dead in the water…”

If Gohmert can't poll better than even in a custom carved Republican district, after spending hundreds of thousands on his primary campaign then he's in deep trouble against Max Sandlin — a tough campaigner who's known for over-performing in Republican territory.

If Max has the resources to compete, he'll win. Let's make sure it's a fair fight. Click here to contribute to the Sandlin campaign:…

If you can spare $5 or $10 I'm sure Sanlin can use it.

From Pam's article:

The problem with the Shura project is one that bedevils much of the country: corruption.

The culprit, according to Iraqi education officials, is a former teacher who persuaded the U.S. military to give her an office and let her choose which schools should be refurbished, and by which contractors. The woman, identified as Ezra Abdul Razak, allegedly demanded bribes from the contractors. She has since vanished, and an Iraqi judge is investigating the case.

Meanwhile, the contractors have not been paid and have halted work on Shura and nearly 100 other schools

Bremer and his boys sure know how to pick 'em, don't they?

Posted by Bob Seelig @ 6/3/04, 09:33 AM

All I can say is that Sinclair was spouting that line about no good news coming from Iraq. Sinclair, as you remember, is our ABC provider here in Columbus, the ones that wouldn't let use see the Iraq War Memorial Tribute on ABC. They sent a team of their own reporters to bring back some positive news. They never played their report, even as part of the replacement for Nightline, so I have to wonder if their reporters were able to bring back anything!?

Greetings Tiffani! Welcome to the blog.

Has anyone found a link on the mayor of Crawford thing? I've just seen mention of it …

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 09:38 AM

Good Morning everyone.

Morning All!

here's an interesting perspective on how the core strategies of the two campaigns affect the messages.

Bush and Kerry's dueling visions By Thomas Oliphant | June 3, 2004

WASHINGTON — George Bush and John Kerry might as well be speaking to different countries…

The commercials also underscore another largely ignored fact of campaign life, namely that its landscape is anything but formed at this point. Beyond Bush versus Kerry, it is still not clear how much security issues as opposed to pocketbook concerns will dominate. Moreover, it is anything but clear that Kerry can be made the key issue as opposed to the president's record and the condition of the country broadly defined.

What does seem clear is that Bush's bet that mobilization is everything has sent him down a road of all-out attack from which it is very difficult to veer once you start. Kerry, on the other hand, has retained considerable flexibility in introducing both himself and his ideas.

The Bush assumption is that Kerry is not merely a dangerous left-wing nut but also a dangerous opponent. The Kerry assumption is that he can gradually start a dialogue with a persuadable chunk of the country that is larger than the adherents of the polarization theory of politics realize.

The Bush gamble is that Kerry can be crushed. The Kerry gamble is that he can dare to be boring.…

Tiffany has the Bert warning on her website! And good pictures of some of my personal heroes.

Morning Democrats! So many Bush scandals.

Let's not forget the prison abuse scandal…

Exporting America's Most Notorious Prison Officials to Abu Ghraib….…

Posted by Kim K @ 6/3/04, 09:41 AM

From Pam's article about some U.N. Security Council members wanting to see the Bush squirm -

"The United States insisted Wednesday that it expects to win the required support for the resolution. "We believe that we are able to … accommodate the requests and the views of most of the 15 members of the Security Council," Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels. "We expect relatively smooth sailing at the U.N. Security Council deliberations on this resolution." "

Isn't that just like them? Smooth sailing he says. I'm sure the council members who already don't want to work with the U.S. are just going to love that comment about smooth sailing. Arrogant til the end.

Ok, Lance, I'm sending a few bucks to Max, even though he feels compelled to shoot ducks out of the sky with a shotgun…(Very sporting) But a win is a win…

The girl at work couldn't believe my websites were attacked by Republicans; after all aren't they soooo noble?


I need to get ready for work. People are working on my apartment today.

Lisa Z, back out to the main page, right below today's open thread.

Morning, bloggers! Lance, I just sent Mr. Sandlin $20 yesterday! Woohoo! Go Max!

And there's another fellow, Morrison I think, who is giving "Kill-your-bugs" DeLay serious problems in his own district! Woohoo, WOOHOO!

And this news about the Mayor of Crawford! Cool beans!

Meanwhile, in my own neighborhood, I'm head of a committee to put together a voter registration drive in the neighborhood. At least 3 of us are getting deputized as voter registrars. The plan is to have a table at a "Community Watch" night-out event in August and then a door-to-door early in the fall. Voters here have to be registered by October 4 to be eligible for the November election.

Meanwhile the Dems For America organization is alive and well. There's a meetup 10 minutes from my house, but it's on a night I can't go. However, I still get the emails. They're block-walking, leafleting, doing it all! God love 'em, and the lady who leads it up is a real powerhouse! She has posted here before as "Karen from Round Rock," and I'd LOVE it if she'd jump in again.

Dears, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel, and I dare to hope that it's not an oncoming train after all!

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 09:46 AM

More from the e-mail I received on Max Sandlin (and don't you just love pulling for another Democrat named Max who's up against the GOP spin machine?)

"It couldn't happen in a more important race. Keeping Max Sandlin in Congress is critical to all Texas Democrats because he's on the powerful Ways and Means Committee. Sandlin is also the only Texas Democrat in a leadership position — he's Chief Deputy Whip of the Democratic Congressional Delegation. This guy is our voice in DC, we need to keep him working for us!

Louie Gohmert's counting on his powerful friends like Tom DeLay, who drew the district especially for the GOP, and Dick Cheney who just stopped by East Texas and raised more than $200,000 for Gohmert.

Let's show DeLay, Cheney and Gohmert that the regular folks of Texas are going to be heard from as well."

Welcome, Tiffani! Good to have new voices here :-)

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 09:48 AM

Welcome Tiffani!

Can I say it? I miss Bill & Hill?!

Mornin' Susan G. Great to hear about your grassroots efforts. I'm attending a meeting of the Houstonians For Kerry group tonight.

Kim, I'll even go further than that: I MISS BILL AND HILL ON THE HILL. She needs to be Prez one day soon (say, after the 2nd Kerry term!). She'll only be about 65 by then; young enough to be vigorously involved and old enough to be wise.

Glory hallelujah, the Bush Occupation of the White House is almost over! Only 7 months and 17 days until January 20, 2005!

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 09:55 AM

Morning all.

Haven't had time to post much lately or even to catch up on the reading. But I didn't want the week to pass without comment on the Alabama Supreme Court races.

The dumbasses in the Alabama legislature kept the primary well out of the heart of primary season, so everything's decided by the time we get to the polls. So only the local and state elections are decided and even then, only the GOP had multiple candidates for Supreme Court. Roy Moore backed three candidates. Tom Parker beat incumbent Jean Brown, 51% to 49%, unfortunately claimined he would've kept the Ten Commandments in the SCOTALA building. But the narrowness of the victory, and the failure of the other two Moore-backed candidates, shows me the Alabama GOP is now sharply divided. Seems like someone could exploit that. I think if it's done right Alabama could go Dem in the fall for Kerry, something no national Dem has done since Carter in '76. Not like we're any sort of electoral powerhouse or anything but that would be a huge emotional wallop against the GOP and something we could build back on.

There was a poll I mentioned awhile back saying most Alabamians would re-elect Bush but ranked him poorly on just about every single thing he's done. That tells me two things: 1) they like what they think he stands for and not his actual job performance, and 2) his support in Alabama is a mile wide and an inch thick. Or is that an inch wide and a mile thick?

Posted by Crazy in Alabama @ 6/3/04, 09:57 AM

Away to the office. Bye for awhile, dears.

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 09:57 AM

I see the trolls who honestly think they're not trolls are still here. Not to worry, Jesse will clean up soon enough.

Posted by Crazy in Alabama @ 6/3/04, 09:58 AM

Go down to "BattleGround States", and see Kerry's lead in most of the previous Red States. Ohio - Kerry state, TN - sorry, Bush by 2.5%…


My state is going to go back & forth til election day!

Fickle folks!

Good morning, democrats!

I heard a disturbing yet unsurprising NPR report this morning. Bush has refused to send a single representative to a World Population Conference because a handful of very loud far right evangelical objected. Why did they object? Because a few of the other invited attendees (this is a WORLD conference after all) have policies which support birth control clinics and have not outlawed all abortion activity. By this measure we should withdraw from all world activities since not all nations kowtow to the Bush immoral majority posture on everything. Not even our HHS dept will be represented. So I guess we could call this world population explosion crisis management by the withdrawal method. When confronted with facts about the clinics, which none of the outspoken evangelicals had ever visited or even spoke personally with anyone who had visited, could only say that the offending nations were "playing a shell game" about abortions. Remember the shell game language that led us into the fake WMD search/destroy mission in Iraq? Same strategy, same paranoia, same grandiosity.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 10:09 AM

Robert B,

To let you know, I'm chair dancing to: I fell in love ~ Susan Tedeschi


Kerry leads in Oregon 49.7% to 44.3% for lawyered up George. Bush lost Oregon by only 6,600 votes in 2000, so this poll is showing a definite decline in support for him there.

Nader pulls only 2.9%, which is low for him, especially when you consider that Oregon had been a bastion of support for him.…

Posted by Ed Farley @ 6/3/04, 10:13 AM

Welcome, Tiffani!


In addition to the main page of the blog, it was on both Yahoo and Netscape yesterday. I'll have to look again when I have more time — right now, I'm on my way out the door.

Btw, do you have a link to the Don King article? Un-f___ing-believeable, if true.

Since I was bumping around the Zogby site Ed linked, and came across the Catholic survey, it raises a question to me:

What is worse, a politician who personally opposes abortion but who realizes that his personal decision is based on his faith, and that, in the pluralistic society in which we live, others will disagree; or a politician who spends his entire public life castigating Roe v. Wade, yet who, in his younger days, took advantage of Roe to procure a legal abortion for a girlfriend (as W is rumored to have done)?

To me, the answer is a no-brainer. And I tend to think that most American Catholic bishops would agree with the answer to that question.

The ones who are publicly criticizing John Kerry for his stance on abortion run the risk of influencing the Catholic vote to Bush (how soon before one says he will deny Communion to a Catholic who votes for a candidate who supports abortion rights?). And Bush will be far worse for the Catholic Church than Kerry ever would be (consider the death penalty and the Iraq War in that regard).

Terry, the flap over Don King shouldn't surprize you. He is the consumate media whore, wait, just whore, really. the 6-7 votes this endorsement brings for the lawyered-up one we can spare, I think.

(how soon before one says he will deny Communion to a Catholic who votes for a candidate who supports abortion rights?).

Terry, I think this has already been said. I'm working right now, don't have time to look it up for you until later.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:30 AM



Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 10:32 AM

To help you sort out the drug costs by state, (now that the discount cards are out and your parents are worrying what to do) vs. Canadian drug costs, here is breakdown. Remember these new discount cards give 5-20% off the price only. Still does not compare to Canadian drugs.…

Jacque: that's her husband Derek Trucks on the hot guitar. what a couple.

Here's the REAL story on the job growth: Don't let the phony numbers coming out fool you into thinking this economy and jobs are going up…

Tenant will leave office in Mid July. HIGHER PIES. It ain't Rumy, but it's a step in the right direction.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 10:36 AM

Well, at least someone had the sense to listen when Al Gore said they should resign.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:38 AM

Suggestion for a Kerry ad:


Exhibit A: "Kenny Boy" Lay Exhibit B: Don King Exhibit C: Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Notice that the above list contains two convicted felons and a third who very soon should be. With these three at the forefront of support for W's re-election, what does it say about his character?

Nothing new really, but here's what's on

Jun 3, 10:39 AM EDT

Bush: CIA Director George Tenet Resigns

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush said Thursday that CIA director George Tenet has resigned "for personal reasons" and that his deputy will temporarly lead America's premier spy agency until a successor is found.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:44 AM

Talking about ads:

Get down to business, Sen. Kerry!

What was that old ad? Show us the beef!

Now, the question is, does Tenet have time to come out with a tell-all book before the election? :)

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:45 AM

See top of page - Breaking News - George Tenant resigning !!!!!…

And yet, Bush is on CNN telling us what a "superb job" Tenet has done.

Kinda like how Rummy has done a "superb job" too … NOT.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:46 AM

sorry - didn't look first.

Is this good news or bad?

He is taking the Fall for the REAL Criminals.



Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 10:49 AM

Here's the full George Tenet story, just posted:…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:50 AM

What about "It's a slam dunk?" I agree, Tenet's not the only one that should go, he's probably the least culpable. But I think Al was right.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:50 AM

Let us hope Tenet's is the first in a long, long line of Bush Administration resignations.

Personally, I won't be happy until I see some of these folks do that monkey-walk in front of the cameras!

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:51 AM

I hear you Lisa. Resignation is too easy for most of them. Perp walk!

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:52 AM

Out of character here…

What if someone worse gets in?

(oh no, last nights trip to the freepers has altered me)

I know Jacqueline. I don't know much about his deputy.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:55 AM

I know we were talking about the Enron traders laughing about ripping of California …. On the way to the gym NPR played some of those tapes. It's shocking enough to read it in the paper, but to hear it with your own ears …. to hear someone order a power plant shutdown after being told, "well, actually, there's not much demand right now so things are moving pretty fast," to hear them joking about stupid "granema Millie who couldn't figure out the f***ing butterfly ballot…" I mean, it just made me sick to my stomach.

How could these people live with themselves? How, when they saw how the state was crippled by rolling blackouts, people stuck in elevators, you name it, could some power plant engineer not come forward and say OK, it was all fake, it was manufactured for the sole purpose of Greed.

This is a much more heinous and disgusting show of moral decline and lack of character on the part of our citizens than, say, the latest Britney Spears video.

I'm going to see if NPR has a link where you can hear the tapes yourself.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:55 AM

Terry - Add Chalabi to that friends list.

Tenet resigns? Does this mean the buck has stopped? I don't think so.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 10:55 AM

Jacqui, you didn't …. gasp …. go over to the dark side last night did you???

Did you take antibiotics before you left?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:56 AM

What is happening to those Enron traders? They should do time.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:56 AM

Mando —

The buck hasn't stopped as long as Bush keeps telling us what "a superb job" Tenet has done.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:56 AM

No, Mando. Tenet just caught the buck. Buck Fush.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:57 AM

Posted by Jacqueline Malinak @ 6/3/04, 10:53 AM


Wouldn't this person have to be confirmed by the Congress? I don't know for sure, but I thought Cabinet levels like this had to be voted on. In an election year, it might be hard to get someone worse voted in when all eyes are on the prize. Also a question about your 10:45 am post. Were you asking Kerry to get tougher? I wasn't sure, and didn't want to comment if I was wrong.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 10:58 AM

from Wonkette:

"On his way into Marine One, Bush thought of something he forgot to mention at the press conference with the Australian PM: CIA director George Tenet has resigned for "personal reasons."

No biggie. Not like it has to do with anything. Nope. Bush then turned back around and shouted over his shoulder, "Oh, and I totally knew about 9/11! Later."


Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 10:59 AM

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 10:55 AM

joking about stupid "granema Millie who couldn't figure out the f***ing butterfly ballot…" I mean, it just made me sick to my stomach.


Which part made you sick? The fact that they were Pigs, or the Fact that the butterfly ballot fiasco was in Florida, and NOT in California? Stupid people do stupid things.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 11:00 AM


I don't do pills (I have to be in terrible pain to take tylenol), but I prayed real hard.


Yeah, but congress is controlled by Republicans. And they always cut deals anyway. How will they know who is better or worse? Good golly, look what having w appointed as president has done to our country.

Yes, get tougher Kerry!!! I want higher standards for OUR candidate!

from yahoo's tenet piece.

On Capitol Hill, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., called Tenet "an honorable and decent man who has served his country well in difficult times, and no one should make him a fall guy for anything."

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:02 AM

Jen - LOL!!

Here's a USA article quoting Bush's comment about Tenet:

""I send my blessings to George and his family and look forward to working with him until he leaves the agency," Bush said"

What the heck kind of blessings does Bush have to offer? He has a desperate mental illness, delusional and narcisstic. And he can't talk.

Now, does this mean Condi gets off the hook for her negligent-at-best performance regarding the dangerously false item about "African uranium" in the SOTU speech? How about Powell's responsibility for his UN speech justifying invading Iraq?

I get the feeling Tenet is suddenly very ill, literally. This may be all about true personal medical crisis, afterall.

Need more info.

And who is the deputy who will serve as Acting Director?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:03 AM

Terry —

The Don King article is on the AP Wire. I get my AP stuff off of —…

If you don't subscribe to Salon I'm sure you can Google it and find another news site that's carrying it.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 11:03 AM

BTW, I have friends who work with Tenet. They would do anything for the man and have total trust in him. FWIW. He inspires awe in his staff.

Wait for the lines to come about how he was a "Clinton" guy.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:04 AM

Burnsey —-

All of it made me sick! But the fact they were joking about the butterfly ballot sends up a huge red flag to me. Makes me think this was a Republican-instigated scenario, the two scandals are just too close.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 11:05 AM

Here it is" FOX Spews: "Tenet appointed by Clinton and Clinton is a strong supporter of him today."

Phew. Glad the suspense is over.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:06 AM

Wait for the lines to come about how he was a "Clinton" guy.

Oh, I have no doubt that's what they are going to say! Odd, considering he's served over three years for Bush.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 11:06 AM

John Mc Laughlin will be acting Director. Who the heck is he? Google dive time.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:07 AM


Damn, get a new line!

Of course, now Bush will go to Italy and say, "SEE? I got rid of the bad guy who caused all of our disagreements! in the name of our Lord!"

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:08 AM

Terry, Here's the article.

Colorado bishop issues edict on Communion

He denies rite to voters who ignore faith issues

Friday, May 14, 2004

By Kevin Eckstrom

Religion News Service

Catholics who vote for politicians who support abortion rights or gay marriage may not receive Communion until they have "recanted their positions" and confessed their sin, a Colorado bishop warned.

In addition, Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs said Catholics who vote for politicians supporting abortion, "illicit stem-cell research" or euthanasia "jeopardize their salvation," no less than the politicians themselves. Sheridan's May 1 directive is believed to be the first in the nation that seeks to instruct thousands of Catholic voters in the same way that some bishops have urged relatively fewer abortion-rights Catholic politicians to forgo Communion.

It is also one of the most drastic, equating a particular vote with sinful activity. Sheridan's order applies only to his diocese of 785,000 Catholics. (see link for complete article)

Here's the actual letter from Bishop Sheridan

PastoralLetter bishops office

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:09 AM

Butterfly ballots=creative layout in FL.

More voter awareness programs, uniform ballots, nationwide standards set (HAVA sucks)…on & on I could go…

Mando, Tenet has had heart problems in the past but says that it is not medical reasons why he is leaving.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:11 AM

Tenet's no dummy: he knows the tip of an iceberg and sinking ship when he's on one:

Closing in on Tenet By TIMOTHY J. BURGER and DOUGLAS WALLER The Senate Intelligence Committee is getting closer to delivering a scathing report on the CIA's prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Sources tell Time that the assessment, which is nearing completion, is so tough that it is sowing doubt even among longtime fans of CIA Director George Tenet. One panel member dodged a question from Time about whether the member still had full confidence in the director, saying Tenet "has done incredible things" for the CIA but adding, "This is not going to be a happy report."…

Jen - Clearly that Church, perhaps the entire Catholic Church and its charities, must be stripped of its charitable organization tax-exempt status.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:13 AM

If Tenet was so bad because Clinton had him, then why did Bush kiss his ass and keep him so long? Gawd they're so stoopid!

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:13 AM

Mando, Clearly!!

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:14 AM

Why did justice dept hold out on those enron tapes for so long? why did enron official meet privately with Schwarzeneggar prior to his decision to destroy Davis? Why does Bush pretend that he barely knew Ken Lay even though they have a documented track record together for years and years? what other tapes and documents are being withheld?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:18 AM

Recall that Bush asked Treasury Secretary O'Neill to announce that he was resigning for personal reasons, but O'Neill had too much persoanl integrity and courage to have his spirit broken by an ignoble president.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:19 AM

Yeah cause we all know those Catholic guys are so moral. Never heard about them doing anything that God would disapprove of. Have you?

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 11:19 AM

Never Wendy!;0

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:20 AM

Mando, I agree on the Catholic Church thing in Colorado, but why not exempt all churches? I drive around, look at these behemoths they call churches, and I don't have to wonder where the money went. Why should the church business be exempt from paying taxes? I don't get it…

Posted by Rick C @ 6/3/04, 11:21 AM

I agree.

I try to attend most church board meetings & have a say as to where the money is spent.

Like fleas jumping a dog. How many does this make? Hughes, O'Neil, and now Tenet. Powell is not returning and repubs say it was always known Powell would serve only 1 term. And Rice is rumored to be leaving after this term. Am i forgetting anyone?

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 11:30 AM

Wendy G,

Yeah, w is leaving after this term as well.

Regarding the Enron California energy rip-off: As anyone who lives out here will tell you, at the very peak of the crime wave newly anointed "president" George W. Bush came out here to speak out against energy price caps and FERC intervention. He even went so far as to personally confront Gov Gray Davis about it.

Now why would a president want to personally intervene in a local power problem like that?

Posted by Ed Farley @ 6/3/04, 11:32 AM

Jacqueline I pray for that every night!

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 11:33 AM

Rick and Jacq - First Colorado, then Robertson's meglamaniacal money monsters called churches.

See any bias in this report?''…

Most of the quoted guys in here are republican right wingers, working for right wing "news" outlets. Take a scan about the tv network and cable talk and news shows. See any paucity of right wing blather? This is the type of article we must rail against. Writing to the source is useless. Send LTE in your locale.

Expose the slant rant.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:34 AM

The Politics of Hope (from tompaine)

Time To Take Back America

Robert Borosage

June 03, 2004

You know what problems hold our nation back, but what would America look like if progressive leaders grabbed the reigns of power? Here, veteran political activist Bob Borosage talks about what progressives are for. He outlines his vision for an America where the “blessings of prosperity and growth are widely shared."

Editor's Note: The following is a speech delivered at the Take Back America Conference on June 2, 2004, in Washington, D.C.

Robert Borosage is president of the Institute For America's Future and co-director of the Campaign For America's Future.

Go to the link above and read his excellent speech!

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:35 AM

Note that CNN online says when Tenet met with the 9/11 commission privately a few weeks ago, he declined to confirm that he said what Bush told Woodward that Tenet said , ie, that the Iraq WMD case was a "slam dunk". Sounds to me like Bush was confabulating again, at the expense of history and truth.

Guggaw - Here's the motive. Porter Goss just said "ALL, ALL" of us must reexamine our performance over the last decade." So this is how they slide in the fake "GOP scrutinizes itself for the good of the nation!" story.

Kabuki Krap.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 11:38 AM

Yeah, and Porter Goss has been touted as a possible successor to Tenet.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:42 AM

Anyone with even 1/4 of a brain that actually thought the Repugs scrutinized themselves would have to say, they ALL, ALL have got to GO, GO.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:44 AM

Rick, the no-taxes for churches is a hold over from the Middle Ages where the Church was a seperate political force. Church lands were under Church law, not secular law. They couldn't be taxed and priests/monks/friars/nuns had to be brought to the Church's courts for breaking the Church law, but were fairly immune to secular law, if that law did not coincide with canon law. It was practically its own nation with land dotted throughout Europe. Post-Reformation it lost a lot of the nation-state type of structure and influence, but churches were still part of the governments in Protestant nation-states, thus it'd be like taxing the EPA on their funds. When us Europeans came over here, we just brought that tradition with us.

Though, if we start taxing churches, they're going to start demanding representation some how. And I'd prefer to keep churcher (specifically, the right-wing ones) from the lobby floor as much as possible.

Of course, I'd also like Big Business out of there, too.

I heard the telephone Enron tapes the other night on CNN. It was truly sickening. Enron stoomped California because Bush was pissed that he put so many millions into garner the vote. When he failed it was payback time. And Davis became the fall guy to try to convert California for the 2004 vote.

Posted by Tina Hood @ 6/3/04, 11:47 AM

Posted by Matt Boersma @ 6/3/04, 11:45 AM

Some do have representation. I bet there are lobbyist for them as well.

Hey, there's an idea for FHF~ a lobbyist. haha

Is this Tenet thing just a beginning of Chalobbygate? Cheney and Wolfowitz come on down.

Posted by Tina Hood @ 6/3/04, 11:49 AM

Great article Jen and Marsh thanks for waking us all up. Copied all three articles you posted above. Great links today everyone. Got cut off last night, couldn't post. What happens after midnight every nite?

Posted by Tina Hood @ 6/3/04, 11:51 AM


It locks up at midnight until about 12:20.

Kerry call for 40,000 increase in US army

14 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry (news - web sites) will propose increasing the US army's ranks by 40,000 troops to confront new threats, his campaign said.

(See link for complete article.)

Shalikshvili underscored "I do not believe and Senator Kerry does not believe at this time that there is a need for a draft."

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:58 AM

Thanks Tina. Yeah, midnight lockup sucks.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 11:59 AM

Did you notice Kerry's ads on the posted pages? Hadn't noticed that before.

Posted by Tina Hood @ 6/3/04, 12:03 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. William, don't worry a Republican took over the comments section of my blog over the weekend. It's amazing how a little Clinton talk will stir people up. LOL.

our seperation-of-powers conscious, enlightened Founding Fathers blew it on one score: the minority party in the House OUGHT to have the ability to call for and conduct congressional investigations, subject perhaps to a 2/3 vote override.

can you imagine what fun we'd be having if congressional investigations were getting to the bottom of this week's revelations?

L.A. Times article about Edwards

Edwards Looking Out for No. 2?

The runner-up in the primaries has retained the enthusiasm and goodwill of the party. He's making the rounds, speaking in key states.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:07 PM

Speaking of our enlightened forefathers, I came across this quote from Thomas Jefferson on Christianity.

"My views of the Christian religion are the result of a life of inquiry and reflection, and very different from that anti-Christian system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinions. To the corruptions of Christianity I am, indeed, opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wanted anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines, in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; and believing he never claimed any other."

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:14 PM

Great cartoon Jen!

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 12:16 PM

glad you liked it Wendy:)

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:18 PM

And just so there is no confusion after my last quote from him, here is Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, 1802:

"Believing that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their Legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:20 PM

I tend to think that most American Catholic bishops would agree with the answer to that question.

Hi Terry.

At the risk of being put in the position of designated Catholic again, which believe me is an ecclesiastical pain in the ass, an objective look at your (accurate) intution might be helpful.

There are 419 Catholic Bishops in America, and seven non-Episcopal Cardinals. Last I heard four bishops had reached for the 15 minutes promised them by Venerable Andy Warhol (a devout Catholic) by bloviating on this “issue”. Opinion in the responsible Catholic press (Commonweal, National Catholic Reporter) is that these guys are young conservative religious Babbitts looking for political grease in the inevitable and imminent regime change in the World Church. Believe me, shakeup is more on the minds of thoughtful Catholics than whether or not JK goes to Communion.

IF there are continuing life and legs for this story, the animation is being supplied by reptilian GOP political operatives, marginal right wing Catholic groups formed or at least propped up financially by reptilian GOP political operatives, and cynical neocon media frontmen for reptilian GOP…

When was the last sighting of the inimitable Bishop of Colorado Springs? In terms of the modern geology of Faux news cycles, something like several epochs and a couple of ice ages ago. It seems pretty silly to think about a group as large as Catholic registered voters as some monolithic bloc, but if generalities help, JK recived 62% of Catholic votes on Super Tuesday this year. National polls show Noxious W running below his generally abysmal approval numbers with Catholic voters.

This Rovian “wedge issue has devolved into a red herring, and a mistaken application of campaign funds for the Republicans. If anything, the meddling, pandering and the arrogance of the RGOPPO’s attempted manipulation has probably pissed off a lot of voters who might otherwise been open to Shrub. (MORE)

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 12:21 PM

Open markets, open borders, open minds


The Bush administration, influenced by conservative political and religious groups, is invoking homeland security to pursue policies antithetical to America's future economic security.

If there's a magic bullet that creates jobs, it's innovation — new ideas that open new business (and life) opportunities. Wherever brainpower is nurtured through investments in education and scientific research, new industries arrive as old ones disappear

But the Christian right is trying to close minds. Georgia, whose low educational rankings among the states worries Atlanta's high-tech companies, averted near-disaster recently when state officials reversed plans to restrict teaching of evolution and other key concepts in physical and biological sciences. According to Science magazine, a University of Minnesota biologist reports that perhaps 15 percent to 20 percent of the nation's high-school biology teachers teach creationism, and 24 states are dealing with this issue.…

see you kids later

A first grade teacher in the Midwest is explaining to her class that she is a Republican and how nice it is that a new Republican president has taken office. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Republicans and support George Bush. Everyone in class raises their hands except one little girl. "Mary," says the teacher with surprise, "why didn't you raise your hand?" Because I'm not a Republican," says Mary. "Well, what are you?" asks the teacher. "I'm a Democrat and proud of it," replies the little girl. The teacher cannot believe her ears. "My goodness, Mary, why are you a Democrat?" she asks. "Well, my momma and papa are Democrats, so I'm a Democrat, too." "Well," says the teacher in an annoyed tone, "that's no reason for you to be a Democrat. You don't always have to be like your parents. What if your momma was a criminal and your papa was a criminal, too, what would you be then?" Mary smiled. "Then we'd be Republicans."

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:22 PM

Matt, thanks for that info, I wasn't sure how that "traditon" came about. I'd only argue that churches already have plenty of representation, and weild considerable power from behind their tax-exempt status. How bout chippin in for this war we got goin, padres? I mean, I get furious when I see these Fort GOD, six flags over Jesus type of church compounds, with operating budgets that exceed most South American countries GNP. Private jets, limo's, etc. I went to a church once in Green Hill, and they had the most elaborate, state of the art sound and video system imaginable. It was quite a show. I thought they pyrotechnics were alittle over the top….anyway, I am awed by the poorer neighborhood churches, crammin folks into converted garages or what have you, truly doing what I thought churches were suppose to do, that is, educate, guide, and administer to those that society abandons. I still don't go, but I send a litle with my FIL when he attends or speaks. I guess I'll end my rant with I'm surprized they didn't name the 700 club the 699.99 club, after all, marketing is marketing…

Yes, get tougher Kerry!!! I want higher standards for OUR candidate!

Posted by Jacqueline Malinak @ 6/3/04, 11:01 AM

Can I respectfully disagree? I. like you, live in a "battleground" state (FLORIDA) and I see that the positive ads are working here. Bush has NO positive image ads running, and people have noticed that. Also, with not many voters knowing anything substantial about Kerry, I think it sets a good example of him to air positive messages. It shows the clear difference of an "attacker" (BUSH) and a "peacemaker" (Kerry). And with all the news being bad lately and the pResident being so negative, I think it sets a tone showing that we are the GOOD guys. Also, after the VP is announced, that person will be able to go after the Bushco team, and that would leave Kerry unsullied. Good PR people will tell you that in a case like this, you have to lead by example and show you are the good guy. There have been numerous stories about the negativity of Bush campaign, and I think it is strating to hurt him. There is plenty of time for it to get more aggressive, What with the election being exactly 5 months away. And Kerry has gotten more aggressive in his speeches, and I think that offsets the niceness of his ads.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:28 PM

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:14 PM

Jen if you like that quote, you will love this link. It is Words of our American Founding Fathers, and I have posted it before.…

Hope you enjoy it.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:31 PM

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 12:21 PM


Some of what Catholics think about the 2004 elecion, not what Kommissar Rove wants people to believe we think.

85 percent said their view of Democrat John Kerry was unchanged by bishops' recent criticism of the Catholic presidential candidate for his support for abortion rights

From CCN News and Media/Catholic Online.

Assume for the moment that John Kerry’s Catholic critics are correct. That a Catholic legislator, or would-be president, cannot embrace abortion rights (or embryonic stem cell research, or gay rights or you name it) and be a “good Catholic.”

It’s an interesting debate, one in which even some “good Catholics” — those who would pass these narrow litmus tests — might disagree. But that discussion has nothing — zero — to do with whether John Kerry should be president of the United States.

Kerry might be a “bad Catholic” (or a “good” one for that matter) and still be an exemplary president; or a failed one. Personal piety and religious observance are not prerequisites of national leadership.

Were Jefferson and Lincoln good Deists? Hoover and Nixon exemplary Quakers? Kennedy a committed Catholic? George H.W. Bush a first-rate Episcopalian? Clinton a quality Baptist? George W. Bush a pious Methodist? Who cares?

From National Catholic Reporter.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 12:32 PM

I agree with Burnsey. I think Kerry should stay positive atleast until the debates. Then i'm gonna sit back and laugh my ass off.

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 12:33 PM

"Which part made you sick? The fact that they were Pigs, or the Fact that the butterfly ballot fiasco was in Florida, and NOT in California? Stupid people do stupid things."

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 11:00 AM

I'm not so sure that the people on those audio tapes were in California. I don't see any reason to not think they were conducting business from right here in Houston. In fact, as I was listening to the snippets that were broadcast I was kind of wondering if I'd hear someone I recognized. I know several people who worked there, or who still work there.

Also with Kerry's ad being positive the repubs will a harder time showing Kerry as just a hate filled anti-Bush.

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 12:36 PM

and Raygun will be in the top 10 of Presidents - sure

"When you think of statesmen, you think of people who seized historic opportunities to change the world for the better, people like Roosevelt, people like Churchill, and people like Truman, who understood the challenges of communism. And this president has been an agent of change for the better — historic change for the better."

Posted by Ron @ 6/3/04, 12:38 PM

But the fact they were joking about the butterfly ballot sends up a huge red flag to me. Makes me think this was a Republican-instigated scenario, the two scandals are just too close.


That is positively primo conspiracy mongering.

I think they were just morons doing that Kennyboy macho manque macarena to impress their cubicle cronies.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 12:40 PM

re post from 9:30 regarding bush committed to low road; kerry has options.

Bush and Kerry's dueling visions By Thomas Oliphant | June 3, 2004

WASHINGTON - George Bush and John Kerry might as well be speaking to different countries…

The commercials also underscore another largely ignored fact of campaign life, namely that its landscape is anything but formed at this point. Beyond Bush versus Kerry, it is still not clear how much security issues as opposed to pocketbook concerns will dominate. Moreover, it is anything but clear that Kerry can be made the key issue as opposed to the president's record and the condition of the country broadly defined.

What does seem clear is that Bush's bet that mobilization is everything has sent him down a road of all-out attack from which it is very difficult to veer once you start. Kerry, on the other hand, has retained considerable flexibility in introducing both himself and his ideas.

The Bush assumption is that Kerry is not merely a dangerous left-wing nut but also a dangerous opponent. The Kerry assumption is that he can gradually start a dialogue with a persuadable chunk of the country that is larger than the adherents of the polarization theory of politics realize.

The Bush gamble is that Kerry can be crushed. The Kerry gamble is that he can dare to be boring.…

Burnsey, it's getting way too weird how often we agre…Yes yes yes, stay out of the muck! an example: I consider myself to be a fairly seasoned political observer, having been interested in politics since the vietnam war era. But I am becoming increasingly less interested, because of the ridiculous attack/smear tactics adopted by BOTH parties. I even see it in here, "Bush is Satan", "Laura killed her boyfriend" etc., and it does NOTHING to create an atmosphere of compromise, which is, any way you cut it, the only way to get things done that actually help people. Forget Rove, his time is coming, and I am hopeful we will evolve into a society that values the truth, instead of valuing the appearance of being right. Don't get me wrong, I think Shrub and his admin are very dangerous people, and some of them should face justice as soon as possible, but it pains me when our side sounds shrill.

Posted by Lance Collins @ 6/3/04, 12:34 PM

Another transcript showed Tim Belden, a top manager in Enron's Portland, Ore., office, stating the firm's trading practices "just (expletive deleted) California … to the tune of a million bucks or two a day."

The tapes were of Enron Day Traders from various markets. The refrence to Grandma Millie is in regards to CALIFORNIA. My point was that these jackasses were making Political refrence to the butterfly ballot scandal, which did not even take place in California, but took place in Florida. I was remarking on their lack of information about where the event took place. It is simply a comparrison of how most people don't know squat about what, and where, it happens in the USA. You are correct that the conversations did not take place in California. I wouldn't expect that these idiots would be so stupid as to be happy about screwing themselves on electrical costs, which is what they would be doing if they had been living in California.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:44 PM

I think they were just morons doing that Kennyboy macho manque macarena to impress their cubicle cronies.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 12:40 PM

Yup. Swaggering posers. So far out of the loop they probably thought the voter fraud occured in Calif. It's damning evidence, to be sure, but those clowns are barely worth the trouble….

On Fox news they are reporting that alJazera is reporting that Tenet was forced out by the conservative's in the Bush admin. And that it was Cheney whom forced Tenet to resign. Its hard to believe either network, but i find it intresting that Fox would report that.

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 12:49 PM

Posted by Rick C @ 6/3/04, 12:42 PM

It scares me too:)

Pam Bergan will testify that I have said in the past that we are due for a good NON-CHARISMATIC president. Those with the most Charisma do the most damage. I do believe that we need to raise the bar on how WE act as democrats. It's all fine and well for us to bitch and moan in here with each other, but As I have been saying for months and months, we have to stand up and say what we are FOR, not what we are AGAINST. Voters want to vote FOR something, not just AGAINST someone. The high road allows us that opportunity.


Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:52 PM

I'm listening to Limblah today just to listen to him squirm.

He just admitted that he's in a bad mood today. Gee, I wonder why?

His big response to the Tenet thing is that Gorelich should be gone too. Uh, excuse me Rush, but she no longer holds public office. I guess he thinks she should resign from the 9/11 commission for the "wall" that she supposedly built years ago (and one that Tenet reinforced) between the CIA and the FBI.

Yes yes yes, stay out of the muck! Posted by Rick C @ 6/3/04, 12:42 PM

When you get in the muck with the other guy, all you get is mucky. Sort of like laying down with dogs you get fleas (unless you have Advantix).

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:55 PM

Jen: Fabulous joke! I'm passing it on to several folks.

Rick C: I think a better name would be the 666 CLUB. Everybody who joins up gets a lovely tattoo with the number on their forehead. (To those among us who might take their Bible literally: I'm just kiddin' folks!).

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 12:55 PM

One more thing before I take a break, this ad has been playing a lot in my area of Ohio. Thought you guys might want to see it if it isn't showing in your neck o'the woods.

american priorities afl cio

fortunately aflcio,, mediafund are doing a lot of the dirty work for kerry so he can stay positive.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 12:57 PM

Burnsey, the company that makes Front Line Plus for people is going to make a freakin killing. I am so tired of flea bites and yanking ticks off of the kids and me, I would happily put a drop or two between my shoulder blades…hey, anybody know a chemist?…Or are they all making crank now?

Jen, I appreciate you posting the link to the "priorities" ad. Swing states like Ohio need to be inundated with this stuff. Here in Texas, of course, we'll never see them on the air because the state (to its everlasting shame) is solid red. MoveOn, the AFL-CIO etc. are absolutely right to spend this advertising money where in CAN make a difference. Every time I see something like this coming out of the swing states I just want to sing:

Give me love, give me love, give me peace on earth…

Give me hope, help me cope, lift my heavy load… (George Harrison).

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 01:07 PM


I think the birth of the foals has made you a little more mellow. It's a shame that we have to agree so much. I liked the animosity, and the sharing of divergent views. But I guess it just goes to show you, that at the heart of it all, most democrats share the same core values. Thanks for all your input over the past few months. Even the nasty stuff has helped me form more viable opinions.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 01:07 PM

Rick, have you tried eating garlic? Fleas don't seem to care for it, and it's good for your cholesterol and blood pressure too. Another thing I've learned from experience about fleas is that they seem to like the taste of fair-complexioned people. I'm very fair (rosy-ivory)and I get bit all to h*ll; my husband is olive-complexioned and they don't bother him at all.

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 01:10 PM

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 12:28 PM

You certainly may.

I'm thinking from my hardcore Democratic mind that I want higher standards. I want the logistics of how he is going to make this a better country. Details, I want some details. (I know they will come)

The commercials are nice & they are effective though. The mindset of the average voter must be taken into consideration. sigh…I forget sometimes that is what we are dealing with (and I deal with them daily).

I try to read factcheck regularly to see what both sides are up to. There is nothing wrong with holding the fire to your representatives feet.

Dears, I'm away. Got to get some work done.

Posted by Susan G @ 6/3/04, 01:11 PM

One thing I wonder about the Tenat story breaking today, is, what story are they trying to downplay by doing this now? Could it be: Powell: Iraq Will Have No Veto on U.S.-Led Force;…

or could it be: Bush Ready to Cooperate in CIA Leak Case;…

or could it be:

Cleric Endorses New Iraqi Government;…

or possibly: D-Day Trip May Help Bush in Polls, But Poses Risks…

Just wondering which story they want to bury. The last one is a good choice, as it would show exactly how bad US sentiment is in other countries, and that is a major problem right now. You can't build international support when the rest of the world hates YOU, and the horse you rode in on.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 01:16 PM

Hey wait, why is Tenet so quick to resign?

Aren't the right-wingers telling us all the time that we could still find the WMD anyday now? And didn't they tell us a few weeks ago when that old, malfunctioning Sarin shell was found, that "we've found the WMD!"

Aren't those WMD going to pop up in Syria anyday now? And of course 9/11 was Clinton's fault so you can't blame Tenet for that one.

Posted by Jacqueline Malinak @ 6/3/04, 01:11 PM

I too, want details. But for now, I want higher approval ratings. You are such an inspiration, and sometimes I just feel compelled to tell you that. YOU, Jaqueline, INSPRE ME. Keep up the fight, and keep bringing up the great topics.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 01:19 PM

MJ, re your 12:40 post, my sister who lives in California and is not terribly political offered this:

"yes, it's shocking — and the bush connection to enron more so. and the fact that the energy crisis was the reason why californians ousted grey davis. because its my belief that gray davis presented a legitmate threat as a democratic presedential candidate, he had to be dispensed with."

I think she may have a good point here. Hope the truth comes out … some day.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 01:19 PM

Susan, I'm about as far away from fair complexioned (sp?) as one can get. I used to never be bothered by fleas, I'm only guessing thats what causing these painful bites. Garlic? I wear a garlic necklace for obvious reasons, you mean you can EAT it?

Burnsey, yes I am enjoying my time with the foals, it's really cool watching the foals interact with my kids, and I am truly blessed with the time to spend with all of little souls around here. But, I have never been one to bash Bush at every opportunity. It seems a waste of time. Sometimes I literally scream at my monitor, 'ALLRIGHT, I GET IT, HE'S A FAKE, A DANGEROUS SHELL OF A MAN WHO HAS NO BUSINESS IN THE OVAL OFFICE." I guess now, I just want to know who WE are, and how we are going to proclaim it. So far, I like what I see with the Kerry campaign, it's a tad cautious, to be sure, but we are still a ways out from the election. But mellow? Not on your life buddy, just resting, watching, and plotting. Stay tuned…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 01:17 PM

I sent that to all my friends!

Good golly girl, I'm rolling on the floor in my office.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 01:19 PM

ah shucks, I'm just a simple gal from SE OH. ;)

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 01:17 PM

LOL But you know it'll be all over Fox as what ALL democrats are like. And what we ALL think like. Funny though. Its funny to me how humor is lost on a lot of repubs.

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 01:28 PM

lost on a lot of people repub or not.

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 01:30 PM

storming here bbl

Posted by Wendy G. @ 6/3/04, 01:33 PM

Bush and Chalabi,

Sitting in a tree,

(finish please)

Generalissimo Franco is still dead and Pretzeldent Noxious W Buttfushizzle is still not on the Illinois presidential ballot.

The Greedy Oil Pimps ignored Illinois law when scheduling their national nominating convention in September in New York City in a cynical effort to remind voters of what happened in New York City three Septembers ago.

This will get resolved, unfortunately, but all American voters should be reminded Early and Often (to quote Mayor Dailey) that Republicans whining about this "technicality" are in many cases the same stiff-necked bastards that puffed and preened and snorted about "rule of law" and went nuts over situational ethics when Bill Clinton lied under oath about his sex life.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 02:08 PM

who's wearing the flip flops now:

"I think it's a little bit too easy to call everybody a terrorist," Lakhdar Brahimi, the envoy who helped put together the new interim government, said at a news conference, referring to insurgents. "I think if you find out that there are people who are not terrorists — who are respectable, genuine Iraqi patriots — you must find a way of talking to them."

At a news conference in April, President Bush called the insurgents "extreme and ruthless elements" who are "doing everything they can to resist the advance of freedom" in Iraq. But in an interview with Paris Match magazine that hits French newsstands today, Bush said he understood that some fighters in Iraq are not terrorists.

"The suicide bombers are, but other fighters aren't. They can't stand being occupied," he said, according to an Associated Press translation of the article. "That's why we are giving them back their sovereignty."…

Somebody with a a small bp bully pulpit in whatever there is of the liberal press ought to be working overtime to draw comparisons between Tenet's resignation and those of Archibald Cox and Elliot Richardson.

Yeah I realize that it's a forced, tenuous and probably wholy spurious connection and Mr. CIA doesn't have an ethical bone in his body, but what's Tenet, having put his revenge engine in motion and departed Dodge, going to do? Deny it? I f**ing doubt it.

The comparison would be particularly succulent now that W is consulting a lawyer that seems to emerge like a Cicada for Gormless Old Pud Crises: Watergate, Irangat, and l'affaire Plame.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 02:18 PM

I know you all have already talked about the Enron tapes, but this is the best part and what Gray Davis was talking about, complaining about, and asking for, and begging this Administration help on (he knew this was happening) - but no one was listening … because this White House was beholding to the very pirates that was causing the problems:

And the tapes appear to link top Enron officials Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling to schemes that fueled the crisis.

"Government Affairs has to prove how valuable it is to Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling," says one trader.


"Do you know when you started over-scheduling load and making buckets of money on that?

Before the 2000 election, Enron employees pondered the possibilities of a Bush win.

"It'd be great. I'd love to see Ken Lay Secretary of Energy," says one Enron worker.

That didn't happen, but they were sure President Bush would fight any limits on sky-high energy prices.

"When this election comes Bush will f———g whack this s—t, man. He won't play this price-cap b———t."

Crude, but true.

"We will not take any action that makes California's problems worse and that's why I oppose price caps," said Mr. Bush on May 29, 2001.

Both the Justice Department and Enron tried to prevent the release of these tapes. Enron's lawyers argued they merely prove "that people at Enron sometimes talked like Barnacle Bill the Sailor."…

Posted by M Proffitt @ 6/3/04, 02:28 PM

I guess Reese got it right back in February of 2001:

The Extortion Of California - Wrath Of Bush And The Texas Power Cabal By Larry Chin… 4-15-1

February 11. 2001-California teeters on the brink of darkness. The state is threatened with daily power blackouts. Natural gas may be cut off in the coming weeks. With a predicted hot and dry summer approaching, state politicians are scrambling for eleventh hour remedies. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the consortium of Texas power companies could not be more pleased.…

Posted by M Proffitt @ 6/3/04, 02:40 PM

Great link, MP. Loved this last quote:

"Enron's lawyers argued [the tapes] merely prove "that people at Enron sometimes talked like Barnacle Bill the Sailor."

Gee, wonder why they didn't want the world to hear this information?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 02:48 PM

CNN sues for access to Fla. voter rolls

By David Royse

June 3, 2004  |  TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – — CNN sued Florida's elections office Wednesday to get access to a state list with names of possible felons who may need to be deleted from voter rolls. The state uses the list to provide names of possible felons to county elections officials, who must review them to determine if individuals should be removed from the rolls. The list is of interest to journalists because of the potential for mistakes.

After the 2000 election, in which George W. Bush was declared the winner in Florida by 537 votes following five weeks of recounts and challenges, there were widespread claims around the state by people who said they were prevented from voting even though they weren't felons.

CNN said "there is enormous public interest in scrutinizing the potential disenfranchisement of such a large pool of citizens in what portends to be a closely contested presidential race."

The lawsuit was filed after the Atlanta-based news organization was told May 24 that a representative would have to travel to Tallahassee to view the list in person and may not make a copy.

The list is a public record. But state law allows only certain people and groups — such as political parties or candidates — to make copies. Others may view it, but may not make copies.

The lawsuit in state circuit court claims the requirement is unconstitutional and irrational and says some people on the list have no way of knowing it unless someone contacts them.

Jenny Nash, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of State, said allowing anyone to make copies of the list could "potentially violate the privacy of innocent voters." She said that's because the list only includes potential — not certain — matches of voters and felons.

State and county officials acknowledge the list likely contains many people who legally should continue to be allowed to vote.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 02:55 PM

Bush and Chalabi,

Sitting in a tree,


Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 02:57 PM

I have an event in Phoenix AZ with the band Authority Zero. They are on the Rock Against Bush compilation. We're doing a live instore performance at a Zia Records store there as a way of launching their new record, called "Andiamo." I just got off the phone with their mngr, and we'd love to get Move.On out there to do some informational kind of stuff. We're looking at a turnout of about 600 kids. The Rock Against Bush folks will be out as well to register people to vote. Anybody got an AZ contact for Move.On?

Oh, and if anyone wants to go, let me know. It will be a big old blast, and I'd love to have you there.

Posted by Ed Farley @ 6/3/04, 02:59 PM

New York Times calls Tenet announcement "almost bizarre." Sounds like Bush might not have been prepared?…

"Mr. Bush announced the resignation of the 51-year-old Mr. Tenet in a way that was almost bizarre. He had just addressed reporters and photographers in a fairly innocuous Rose Garden session with Australian Prime Minister John Howard. Then the session was adjourned, as Mr. Bush apparently prepared to depart for nearby Andrews Air Force Base and his flight to Europe, where he is to take part in ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the Normandy invasion and meet European leaders — some of whom have been sharply critical of the campaign in Iraq.

But minutes later, Mr. Bush reappeared on the sun-drenched White House lawn, stunning listeners with the news of Mr. Tenet's resignation, which the president said would be effective in mid-July. After that, Mr. Bush said, the C.I.A.'s deputy director, John McLaughlin, will be acting director."

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 03:01 PM

How bizarre is it that CNN is interviewing the General in charge of troops in Kufa while Juice Newton's "Queen of Hearts" plays in the background?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 03:04 PM

Ed Farley, when is it, and where exactly (I used to live there)?

Other blogs are posting this bit of insanity from the Traditional Values Coalition:…

Parents Beware: 'Shrek 2' Features Transgenderism And Crossdressing Themes

Summary: The DreamWorks' animated film, "Shrek 2," is billed as harmless entertainment but contains subtle sexual messages.

Parents who are thinking about taking their children to see "Shrek 2," may wish to consider the following: The movie features a male-to-female transgender (in transition) as an evil bartender. The character has five o'clock shadow, wears a dress and has female breasts. It is clear that he is a she-male. His voice is that of talk show host Larry King.

During a dance scene at the end of the movie, this transgendered man expresses sexual desire for Prince Charming, jumps on him, and both tumble to the floor.

In another scene in the movie, Shrek and Donkey need to be rescued from a dungeon where they are chained against the wall. The rescue is conducted by Pinocchio who is asked to lie so his nose will grow long enough for one of the smaller cartoon characters to use it as a bridge to reach Shrek and Donkey. Donkey encourages him to lie about something and suggests he lie about wearing women's underwear. When he denies wearing women's underwear, his nose begins to grow.

An earlier scene in the movie features a wolf dressed in grandma's clothing and reading a book when Prince Charming encounters him. Later, one of the characters refers to the wolf's gender confusion.

TVC's report, "A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream," explains the transgender agenda and the effort to deconstruct the biological reality of male and female. DreamWorks is helping in this effort by promoting cross dressing and transgenderism in this animated film.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 03:09 PM

and now we turn to Adrianna Huffington for today's lecture: the Bard and the Bush.

The parallels between Shakespeare's wartime king Henry V and our current president, George II, are many and delicious – from the pair's hard-partying younger days (Prince Hal was a 15th-century feckless frat boy-prankster) to the challenge of following in a powerful father's footsteps right up to the critical matter of whether their wartime adventures made them courageous commanders or failed leaders.

The central question, then as now, was whether the invasion of another country was a war of choice or a war of necessity. If the answer is a war of choice – and it is for both Henry and W – then the inevitable conclusion is that they were both immoral wars. For there can be no moral war of choice.…

Lance: Zia is opening a new store in Chandler on 7/1. This event will take place 6/28 at 11pm. We got the whole store.

Posted by Ed Farley @ 6/3/04, 03:33 PM

Just in the off chance that your blood is not yet boiling, here's the advance trailer of Fahrenheit 911 from Michel Moore. It has me in chills and rage already:…

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:37 PM

Matt - The g-dsquads already have representation; it's just behind the wizardly curtain of oz.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:40 PM

Last November, Bush delivered a highly-touted speech3 about the need to spread democracy in the Mideast. But when it came time to act, the New York Times reported Bush "set aside his plan4 to issue a sweeping call for economic, political and cultural reform in the Middle East" after it was denounced by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. In dropping his plans, Bush followed the demands of two dictators who are regularly criticized by his own State Department5 for their undemocratic practices and human rights abuses.…

Burnsey - Your post regarding a non-charismatic president. I remember that conversation. I also remember that when that test was on the blog, as to which Primary candidate everyone matched the most - Kucinich was almost everyone's #1 choice, yet he was dismissed by the nation.

Rick: Your post of 1:00. Sorry the Chemists are all busy making competitive Viagra drugs - more money in that.

I am hoping that Tenet is not resigning because he received MY letter ! Gee, I would feel awful! :)

Rick - I especially like the female televangelists crying out for people give more and more and more, while standing there in 2 pounds of Dior makeup and $3000 St. John's suits with $400 Bruno Magli shoes. Got to be comfy while getting right with G-d! I exaggerate not.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:47 PM

Here's another link to the Enron tapes, along with a video presentation.…

michal j = actually it was more likely than not part of the great right wing conspiracy. See David Brock's book, The Republican Noise Machine.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:50 PM

Republicans want college students to pay more.…

mando- thanks for the trailer. june 25 is my mom's birthday. maybe she'll want to go to the movies!

Burnsey = You have to dip into the muck to understand what lies beneath your muckster adversary. ;)

Rick = Just as the CEO sets the tone for all the underlings in his company, so Bush sets the tone for his military commanders/officer/non-coms/enlisted/military intelligenc/CIA types who trickle the atmosphere down to their daily jobs, like prisoner "management"; just as the CEO of Enron sets the tone of which political machine he believes serves him best and how vicious is vicious enough to beat all competitors and/or customers for profit; that all flows from CEO/management/boards/superviosrs/traders. Really. It's all about the gestalt except for those humans who have the knowledge and personal fortitude to see the flawed judgments and miserable morality, then step aside or even blow the whistle.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:57 PM

Rick - Try "Backwoods Off - DEET". Of course I wouldn't put in on little kids.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 03:59 PM

This didn't take long….

Chalabi: Tenet "behind charges" of leaks

June 3, 2004  |  Najaf, Iraq — Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi accused CIA director George Tenet on Thursday of being responsible for allegations that the former exile leader passed intelligence information to Iran.

Chalabi, a former member of the Iraqi Governing Council, made the accusation after President Bush announced that Tenet was stepping down as CIA director for personal reasons.

Tenet's announcement came amid new storms over intelligence issues, including an alleged Pentagon leak of highly classified intelligence to Chalabi.

Chalabi told reporters that Tenet "was behind the charges against me that claimed that I gave intelligence information to Iran. I denied these charges and I will deny them again."

In Washington, a U.S. law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the FBI is examining whether Pentagon officials who had frequent contacts with Chalabi may have leaked sensitive information that U.S. intelligence had broken Iran's secret communications codes.

Chalabi, a longtime favorite of the Pentagon, is at the center of a controversy over whether he then shared with Iranian officials the closely guarded information about methods used by the United States to spy on the Iranian regime.

The New York Times reported in its Thursday editions that federal investigators have started giving polygraph tests to civilian Pentagon employees in attempt to determine who may have disclosed the highly classified intelligence.

Although Chalabi was close to the Pentagon for years, the CIA favored another Iraqi exile figure, Iyad Allawi, who was named prime minister of the interim government due to take power in Iraq on June 30. Allawi headed an organization made up of former Iraqi army officers who tried unsuccessfully to oust Saddam.…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:01 PM

On the eve of Book Expo America, which officially begins with Bill Clinton's keynote address tonight at 6:30, HarperCollins announced that it had acquired world rights to "Chain of Command," a new book about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal by Seymour Hersh, the journalist credited with exposing that scandal.…

Backwood Off DEET is good but it gave me a horrible rash that took 4 days to get rid of. FWIW …

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:02 PM

Mando, so dipping the little one's in diesel fuel is something I should rethink?

I'm trying to figure out what you were telling me about "Bush" setting the tone", I already understand what a despicable leader he is, and I will even offer that he is a despicable person, I guess I'm trying to say that we all know this, but we don't sound much different than those idiot freepers when we make shrill accusations or observations. I could care less if the Bush twins were crack whores, I would NEVER use that tidbit to achieve a political goal, what an empty victory that would be. I guess, once I get ready, going back door to door for Kerry will make me feel better about being a democrat, right now, I feel like I'm in limbo, sort of. I will volunteer to work the polls if Lisa Z finds a spot for me, but I have decided to not get involved with local dem politicians…

But I'm ready to fight in OHIO! Go Jerry, Go Jerry!

Pam - That is really amazing, considering that HarperCollins is owned by Murdoch and runs an extremely conservative stable of right wing whacko pseudo-writers. Note that the announcement came from another Murdoch outlet, the New York Post, that veritable slate of garbage.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:12 PM

Greatest sustained job loss since the Great Depression Since the recession began 37 months ago in March 2001, 1.6 million jobs have disappeared, representing a 1.2% contraction. The Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting monthly jobs data in 1939 (at the end of the Great Depression). In every previous episode of recession and job decline since 1939, the number of jobs had fully recovered to above the pre-recession peak within 31 months of the start of the recession. Today's labor market would have 5.2 million more jobs if employment had grown by the 2.7% rate that occurred in the last three recession cycles. The picture is worse for private-sector jobs, which have dropped by 2.2 million since March 2001, representing a 2.0% contraction. (See state data and organizations for more information on individual states.)

(Note, they say the recession started in March 2001 - not In Clinton's era as the Republicans would like you to believe)

The Graphs on this site on job loss are striking, too.…

Hey! It's Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Now show us some skin, baby! haha

Rick - I'm just saying we should keep our eyes and minds open. The right wing is deep and ugly. The corruption-prone leaders beget corruption-prone followers down to the lowest levels of participation. Did Bush or Lay actually lead the lower-end workers to do their bidding? No, but the atmosphere and trending toward ruthless opportunism and dishonesty as a new "moral" code originates with them.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:14 PM

Rick C.

I probably seem a little too optimistic saying this but I actually have faith in Lincoln's observation about the American people. I do think they're catching on about the Bush Administration ideology.

Posted by Dave Adams @ 6/3/04, 04:17 PM


I will volunteer to work the polls if Lisa Z finds a spot for me, but I have decided to not get involved with local dem politicians…

We don't live in the same county so I can't help you out there, but this link will tell you who your county Democratic Party chairperson is. Contact this person, tell them you want to be a poll worker and have them send you an application.…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:19 PM


I love saying bad things about Bush and the Twins.

It irks the hell out of trolls, (and it makes me smile)

But that's just me……..:)

Pam, me too. Plus, it's not like the Repugs don't try to fling mud at us.

More to the point: Bush is running on a moralist's platform. Wish I had a nickel for every time some Christian told me they are voting for Bush because he's such a good, honest, moral, Christian. And that's the base he's trying to energize, even sending voting guides to fundie churches.

That moral thing is a load of horseshit. He's a huge phony and I'd like to prove it. The candidates can't do that, it dirties them to even try. We can. If the Bush twins are banging the football team, then hell yeah I'm gonna tell people about it. And if some Republican Congressman's staff assistant is prostituting herself to Bush Administration officials, then you better believe I'm gonna talk about it.

Good grief, man, have you forgotten Monica Lewinsky?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:27 PM

Anyone looking for good news for Democrats should check this out, from the DCCC:…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:28 PM

Murdoch's first allegiance is to his wallet. Everyone knows that. We have nothing to fear from him. When the tide turns, he'll launch Air America TV, just you wait.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:30 PM

No, but the atmosphere and trending toward ruthless opportunism and dishonesty as a new "moral" code originates with them.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:14 PM

No argument with that, Mando, and I guess I'm thinking that addressing that will take years, and must start with the young ones, and they will notice the slightest bit of hypocrisy…and we have some ruthless opportunists in our ranks as well.

Lisa Z, I though I read that you were organizing this here, I have no interest in working in my county polling places, I thought they needed help in Madison, or somewhere.

Pam, I know sweetie, but I love ya anyway…No really, a well reasoned argument or pointed observation regarding the shrub I have no problem with, but "Bush is Satan" isn't much better than the drunk guy at the end of the bar screaming "Bush Sucks!". He's right, of course, but it's kinda low class, no?

Ed, I'm in, with enough notice. I will try to attend, bring John with me if possible…Notify me if you need MoveOn Contact numbers…

Rick C —

I am working on organizing poll workers in Davidson County. I don't think you can be a poll worker in a county you don't reside in. You don't have to work your own precinct but I do believe you must work in your own county.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:31 PM

Rick - The comments today and other days exposing the Bush wrongdoings are a far cry from someone posting an obvious joke about Satan, don't you think?

Anyway, how is Blithe Sun King doing?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:36 PM

Good grief, man, have you forgotten Monica Lewinsky?

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:27 PM

Yes, I do, and I remember feeling so sorry for her and her family, and I will never forgive the Wing Nuts for doing that. Do you think I would participate in such a cruel attack? No way, no matter what. You can't get a little bit pregnant.., I think the saying is.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:27 PM

So you find the argument of "well, look how they treated us?" That's a true shame. There has to be something that makes our Party the real VALUE Party. And to be quite honest, I don't think stooping to someone elses nasty vile tactics is worth what it does to US. You can't really fight "fire with fire" The only thing that that does is leave everyhting and everybody burned. My soul is not worth that price. And I don't think any of us will forget Monica Lewinsky, and I think that should prove my point. Do WE really want to be looked at like them? JUST MHO.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 04:37 PM

Lisa Z - Murdoch is a multi-billionaire. I believe he's driven by hatred and ideology, plain and simple. Money is a means to his end goals.

I wonder how much attention and budget will be given to Sy Hersh's book. And of course the release date will be after the election.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:39 PM

Mando, you can never be too rich or too thin!

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:39 PM

Mando! I forgot to tell you. We decided to use the Sun King name, at least on his registration, though we still have to acknowledge his "doc olena" blood as well. He is great, perfect form, curious, intelligent. His brother may surprize some folks…(Not me, I was rooting for him from the jump)

I haven't seen any Lewinskyesque junk flowing from our side yet. Have you, Burnsey? I have seen the right wing try to paint a young woman as having an affair with Kerry, however. It really does nothing to sway swing voters, IMHO, so why would we do that to soemone on Bush's side? As for the Bush twins, I think they are off limits except to the extent they publically participate in Bush's campaign or are charged with a crime.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:42 PM

Burnsey —

Unmasking the fraud is more what I'm after. Read the rest of my post. The core Christian base needs to see this man for who he truly is, nothing else will get their attention.

I have no problem with it whatsoever. MHO.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:43 PM

Rick - What, no Blithe? What is the doc olena business about?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:44 PM

Lisa - I have a middle aged friend who is right wing, staunchly Christian, wealthy, died-in -the-wool republican, and he has been hodling his nose over Bush for 2'12 years now. He doubts seriously that Bush is a devout anything, let alone a sincere Christian. He sees it all as a cynical veneer invented in Texas along with his accent to earn the evangelical votes. Wise friend.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:46 PM

Mando, you can never be too rich or too thin!

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:39 PM

Damn, no wonder I got other blessings.

I have seen the right wing try to paint a young woman as having an affair with Kerry, however

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:42 PM

You should read her side of the story. The link was posted on yesterdays thread. She doesn't seem to think it was a right wing conspiracy. All her evidence points to it being more of a democratic push by someone running in the primaries against Kerry. You should also read the post I was replying to, so you would understand the context within which it was written. That moral thing is a load of horseshit. He's a huge phony and I'd like to prove it. The candidates can't do that, it dirties them to even try. We can. If the Bush twins are banging the football team, then hell yeah I'm gonna tell people about it. And if some Republican Congressman's staff assistant is prostituting herself to Bush Administration officials, then you better believe I'm gonna talk about it. I didn't say we have had or were. I just said I don't agree with this argument.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 04:49 PM

Lisa Z, NOTHING we say or do will get the hard core christian base to abandon him, it's like admiting Jesus isn't the Messiah for these people. I hear your argument, and frankly, it is one that is shared by most dems, just not me.

Mando, heck, there is quite a process to this lineage thing. His mom, the mare, is a grandaughter of Continental King, and the Dam was out of Doc Olena, both quite sought after in the cutting and reigning business. The names help prospective buyers determine an animal's worth, I suppose. These are expensive animals I'm caring for, not that I really care, but it makes me more nervous if they have problems…anyway, I loved the name Sun King, and the kids were ok with it, they just call him "Sunny".

next to fall?

Rice plays enigmatic role in Bush's foreign policy Star dimming for security adviser…

Some foreign policy experts contend that Rice — known fondly within the administration as "the Warrior Princess" — has been a weak national security adviser.…

Mando —

Your friend is very, very wise, and also not typical of the evangelical Christian community.

Working in Christian music I see all sorts of obnoxious e-mails and things coming from record labels, publicists, etc. And the Republican Party knows they can reach their base through Christian music. A few weeks ago I posted about the latest outrage — the publicist at Provident Music, one of the largest Christian record labels — sent out a press release for the Republican Party, had the RNC logo on it and everything. I thought it was terribly inappropriate and told her so.

The Christian music and book and movie industry are stumping hard for Bush/Cheney '04, it goes so far beyond what the mainstream entertainment industry would even dream of doing.

Imagine how quickly these people would abandon Bush if a tasty little sex scandal a la Monica Lewinsky wafted through the White House.

And hey, Monica has done really well for herself. I wouldn't wish that on anyone but if you're stupid enough to do what she did and blab about it to Linda Tripp …. well, 'nuff said.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:51 PM

Lisa Z, NOTHING we say or do will get the hard core christian base to abandon him, it's like admiting Jesus isn't the Messiah for these people.

You know, Rick, I'm really not so sure. There are plenty of really hard-core Christians who hate Bush because he's — gasp — too liberal. I know plenty of hard-core Republicans who aren't especially religious who will never give him up, ever.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:54 PM

Lisa - My friend is not an evangelical; but a far right republican Christian with quite rigid mores.

When exactly DID Bush know about the Plame stink? Seems someone is talking to the Grand Jury:…

I've never seen this source before. I'll be interested to see if any of this bears out.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:55 PM

I wonder how much attention and budget will be given to Sy Hersh's book. And of course the release date will be after the election. Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:39 PM

There is an term in the publishing world—"privishing"—which refers to a publisher's intentionally burying a book. Publishers really can make sure that no one sees a book by doing the following (and all three are pretty much necessary to pulling it off):

1. refusing to put any money into the promotion of the book—no review copies sent, no book tour, no promotion to bookstores or media outlets. This would be tough to pull off for an author with the stature of Hersh, but it could be done, especially if the topic or author are no longer in the news.

2. screwing up the distribution of the book—not printing enough, "losing" books in the warehouse, not getting books to libraries and stores in a timely manner. And most books have very short "seasons"—90 days at the most.

3. declaring the book "out of stock indefinitely." If a book goes out of print, the author generally gets his/her rights back and might be able to peddle a controversial suppressed book to other publishers. An out of stock indefinitely designation makes the book unavailable to both author and public. It's like if Disney refused to release Michael Moore's film and held up returning the rights to the Weinsteins. No one in the U.S. would have been able to see the film then.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 04:43 PM

Hey, I am all for unmasking the Fraud. I just think there are better ways to do it rather than drag His Family through the mud. I have always hated that tactic in Politics. If a politician can't win without spewing hate and muckraking, then I feel real sorry for the State of our Country. naive, possibly, but I would like to take a little more faith in my fellow man. Call me old fashioned, but I still think morals and a sence of civility is a good thing. And as my mom always told me, "Two wrong's don't make a right."

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 04:56 PM

Burnsey - No offense but I was actually responding above to Rick C. I did read your posts in full and enjoy them immensely. I also did read the Polier story. My reference to right wing stuff is the way they, usually starting with an operative and/or Drudge, mine every imaginable foible of a democrat and news blast it through their considerable opinion, gossip and new outlets in print and on the air. That is the essence of the right wing machine. Assuming the very worst of any action by a democrat.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 04:58 PM

Kerry: Time to Swim on Your Own, Son

This is just my personal opinion, but John Kerry is making a big mistake by giving Bill Clinton a starring role in the convention. Mr. "Depends on what you mean by the word 'is", I think, will push away the people Kerry needs, without bringing anyone else to his cause that he doesn't already have. Let's face it: the Clintons inspire a visceral, knee-jerk reaction in some ordinarily rational people. They are a ladder straight down into the heart of the culture wars, started in the Sixties, and to some, the embodiment of the opportunistic, self-absorbed, saxophone-playing sunglass-wearing generation which, to them, rejects self-sacrifice. Kerry did sacrifice, bravely and selflessly on the battlefield when he didn't have to, and natural Clinton-haters might give him a pass if only for that. Now here comes Bill strutting down the stage, and, forget it, Martha, I can't do it. I'm going for Bush. Clinton is a smart enough politician to understand these calculations, but it doesn't matter. As always, it's all about Bill.

Clinton might redeem himself by refusing extensive time under the bright lights and giving Kerry a nudge. This is your time, son. Let Hillary play a bigger role, as many Midwestern housewives can sympathize with that long-suffering woman. You can do it, Bill. Just this once.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 04:56 PM

Politics is the dirtiest of everything you could get into. No one really wins.

Warning Dems: Leave Nader Alone

Getting braver like hyenas when their numbers are reinforced, some Democrats have aired the "What's More Important Ralph? Your Ego?" ad. Warning: that's just going to piss us Greens off. I'm voting for your boy this year but that doesn't mean we like to see Ralph dissed. I, who proudly voted for Nader in 2000, wouldn't have voted for Gore if he was the last guy on earth, at the time. Remember what he did at Kyoto? He took a 15% reduction in Greenhouse gasses the world was ready for, and turned it into 5%, as a gift to your corporate centrists. That's what finally turned me to Green. An old man in my neighborhood once said to me, those Kennedy liberals want to help people, as long as it's always with your money, not theirs. I didn't know what he meant at the time. I was very young. Now I do.

If you want to get Nader voters show some cajones in taking on the Patriot Act, the permanent suspension of Habeas Corpus, and the shut-down of free debate in America, starting with Howard Stern (I know, he's a bit juvenile most of the time but when he talks politics he has become eloquent and forceful. He just might put Kerry in.)

Snarky attacks will get you nowhere. Stop caring about nothing but money money money, like the Republicans. Take a stand. Surprise us.

From Polis' National Emergency to Defeat George Bush…

Here's a super scary fundie-evangelical-Christian who thinks Bush might be the anti-Christ!

Warning, don't go through the rest of his website, it's even scarier than Bush!…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:01 PM

Burnsey —

I hear what you're saying but if Bush's family, his administration, or his own bad self are dumb enough to get themselves dirty when the world is watching I say GLOVES OFF.

You can't be a good, honest, moral, born-again Christian while your kids are out snorting coke and engaging in orgies. "By its fruits it shall be made known."

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:04 PM

Sorry- Mando I read the first line and thought that meant me.

I haven't seen any Lewinskyesque junk flowing from our side yet. Have you, Burnsey?

Some times when I'm not "talking" to people, I may mis-read, unless you mistyped?? Oh well no harm no foul in my book.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 05:04 PM

Lisa - Yeah, but I think any such scandal would be viewed as "the woman's" fault. I noticed that when the story broke about a young republican congressional aide blogging about her supposed sex-for-money activities with republican congressional figures, the spin from FOX SPEWS and MSNBC was that the world didn't need to hear about her sordid affairs, and why would she be so crass as to try to invade the privacy of her supposed "customers"? The whole shebang was about the young woman's moral failings. Recall how Lewinsky was initially shown by the right wing as "a girl" (same age as the above-mentioned sex blogger) who was "taken advantage of" by Clinton, who as a government official owed a a greater duty not only to the intern but to her parents in whose stead he stood. I mean, what would be covered now if the sex blogger worked for a democrat?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 05:04 PM

Mando, what do you expect the spin on Fox Spews to be? Of course they'll say that. But the rest of the world doesn't spin it like that.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:05 PM

Well, I'm known to flip flop a bit, and I may wake up tommorow fightin mad, and maybe the shrillness won't bother me so much. Today, it seems shallow, and a bit careless. That said, I see merit in eveyone's position on this…

And the sex blogger didn't work for a Democrat, and she wasn't "allegedly" being paid for sex by a Democratic administration official.

It wasn't where she worked (she worked for Liberman before the current guy anyway) it's who she was messing with.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:06 PM

Rick —

Spoken like a true politician!

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:07 PM

Hey y'all, Mando's Capitol Hill Blue link is pretty amazing.

So much for Richard Clarke's personal belief that Scooter Libby in Cheney's office was responsible for the leak.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:09 PM

Lisa - Is anyone investigating who she was "messing" with? Wait, don't say it. The freepers are already in a lather about the Bush-hires-a-mouthpiece story. heheh.

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 05:10 PM

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:01 PM

Thanks for this link. I always love to see how they try to blame all the ills of the world on "Those Homosexual Activists." If it isn't Clinton they blame, it's Me and Mine.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 05:16 PM

In re: the Capitol Hill Blue link I gave above, it all adds up that both Bush and his PR man quickly labelled the outing as "inadvertent" and "unintentional". That seemed then and more so now to be a preemption on the clear language of the statute covering the leaking of undercover agents' identities to the public. However, the inadvertency and untintentionality (?) would still not relieve the obligation to act with due care to protect the agent.

This is all actually making me a little sick. It is so like the Nixon downfall, all these little lawbreaks all over the place. Where's a good plumber when you need her?

Posted by Mando @ 6/3/04, 05:16 PM

LOL ….

I'm sure people are … she gave initials, said it was a top level person at a government agency, a secretary of someting … can't be too hard to figure out!

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:16 PM

Sorry that people think that way, Burnsey. Did you see the link about Shrek from the Traditional Values Coalition? That one was just plain hilarious.

I tend to look at things from a marketing & publicity standpoint, hence my views on the mud-slinging topic. But maybe as more people like TVC start spouting such inanities, and Bush and his holy anointed more closely align themselves with the Armageddon crowd, regular conservatives and moderates will be uncomfortable hanging with those folks.

The media always marginalizes liberals by showing footage of tie-dye clad Jerry Garcia-types or the most outrageous drag queens at the Greenwich Village Halloween parade. The difference here is that we don't have to do anything - the fundie TVC-folks are doing our work for us.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:22 PM

Wasn't the scandel with OH Sen. Mike DeWine's staffer?

A Canadian Press version of Tenet resignation.

Despite pains from Bush and others to paint his departure in mid-July as entirely voluntary, speculation was rampant that Tenet was pushed out.

Some legislators have called for his resignation amid Capitol Hill grillings about intelligence lapses.;…

Get this one. Chalibai who?

In another stunning rose garden performance, Bush amazingly tries to suggest that he hardly knew the man sitting in the box with the First Lady during the State of the Union Address. Here is the response from the "spontaneous" press conference…

So now Cheney is seeking counsel?

Posted by M Proffitt @ 6/3/04, 05:27 PM

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:22 PM

I don't remember anyone raising a flap when they show Bugs Bunny in a dress or kissing on old Elmer Fudd. Yea, they make the point. I just find it funny how therer is always ONE group they try to blame, first it was Native (READ:INDIGENOUS) Americans, then it was the Irish then It was the Chinese then it was the blacks and now it's the fags. Just wonder what happened to personal integrity? Why don't people see where the real hatred comes from? Sad.

Posted by Burnsey- @ 6/3/04, 05:28 PM


That Buzzflash link is awesome!!!!

Be sure to click on the link at the bottom of the article showing Chalabi with Bush and all sorts of other Administration folks. Next time they try to say that Chalabi was just a minor character in this unfolding drama ……

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:31 PM


I promise next time I am in the bar with you - I won't scream any bad things about Bush………

(Not if you're buying, that is)


Weekly Standard staff writer, Stephen Hayes has written a book claiming a connection between Saddam and Bin Laden, saying they were allied.

He also says there's no proof ??

Is it me or am I missing something?

Posted by M Proffitt @ 6/3/04, 05:38 PM

Hi Lyn,

Saved this for you. An account of an improbable meeting and odd friendship between a couple of literary giants I think you admire.

It would have been nice to be able to pull that Bob Woodward out of body experience trick at this tete a tete.

Posted by michaelj @ 6/3/04, 05:40 PM

Many people expect Osama Bin Laden to cast the 'deciding vote' in favor of Bush by his organizing another terror strike within the United States sometime in October or days before the election. Once more Xmas will arrive for the neocons. It is obvious Osama would like four more years of GWB since his being in office fans the flames of holy war and further splits the Muslem community from the rest of the world. I only hope Senator Kerry and the Democrats do not fold by doing their duty in supporting the current President in a time of crisis. I say go for the throat and blame the little b*st*ard for wasting it all in Iraq and leaving us vulnerable. It would a united Democrat party to pull it off. That in itself is no mean feat. Before all our monumental efforts, grass roots on up, go straight down the drain in one day leaving GWB reborn and puffed up with that old macho swagger, the Democrats better have a plan on this one.

Posted by Liberalforever @ 6/3/04, 05:41 PM

Apparently Dick Cheney sought legal advice over something of clear, national importance:…

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:44 PM

Burnsey, My husband and I have had our relationship with his father seriously strained almost to the point of breaking because of his father's views on homosexuals. Ever since he married this woman who is a conservative, he has been spouting ridiculous Old Testament crap from the Bible and talking about "those homosexual activists". We have made abundantly clear we vehemently disagree with his views, that we believe homosexuals deserve the same rights and privileges and respect as anyone else and that quoting stuff from the old Testament is an easy out to cover up for his personal prejudice. When I passionately explained how I felt that it was wrong, his wife said, well we just have a problem with the fact that they have all this money and influence politically or some such nonsense! I could not believe it. But his father apparently thought because we thought homosexuals are not "abominations" as he had the actual gall to say that we might actually be 'bad' people too and was determined to try and change our mind. So we were forced to send him a lengthy letter explaining in detail the reasons for our beliefs (because we could never get a word in edgewise in actual conversation), and since he baselessly tried to use the Bible to bolster his view, we showed much biblically to contradict him. We have come to the point where at least his father realizes that he is not going to change our minds, and its a good thing, because we almost had to stop having a relationship with him altogether. The weird part is he was always a Democrat and never said this stuff until his new wife got a hold of him.

Anyway, I don't know what my point is, except that I agree with you, and I wish that our party would take a stronger stand for gay rights. It makes me sick how many people wear the veneer of morality actually have so much hate.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 05:45 PM

Subject: Things you have to believe to be a republican today.

> > > > > 1. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a > conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for > your recovery. > > 2. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest > national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq. > > 3. Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but > crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness. > > 4. "Standing Tall for America'" means firing your workers and moving their > jobs to India. > > 5. A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but > multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without > regulation. > > 6. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary > Clinton. > > 7. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in > speeches while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay. > > 8. Group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for > governor of California as a Republican. > > 9. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex. > > 10. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then > demand their cooperation and money.


Posted by Gust @ 6/3/04, 05:47 PM

> 11. HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart. > > 12. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health > care to all Americans is socialism. > > 13. Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but > creationism should be taught in schools. > > 14. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy > made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy > when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion. > > 15. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable > offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands > die is solid defense policy. > > 16. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, > which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet. > > 17. The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George > Bush's driving record is none of our business. > > 18. You support states' rights, which mean Attorney General John Ashcroft > can tell states what local voter initiatives they have a right to adopt. > > 19. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but > what Bush did in the '80s is irrelevant. > > 20. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade > with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony. > > Feel free to pass these on. If you don't send them to at least ten other > people, we're likely to be stuck with Bush for 4 more years. > > Do you want that ?


Posted by Gust @ 6/3/04, 05:48 PM

Mr. Catania, I am sure I'm not the first to welcome you to the Democratic Party. But let me encourage you to find your political home among friends, not enemies.…

Burning down the Log Cabin

Assailing the "cabal of geniuses" who cooked up the gay marriage ban, one of the GOP's only openly gay leaders breaks with his party.

By Eric Boehlert

June 3, 2004  |  President Bush's decision to support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage continues to have unintended consequences inside the Republican Party. The latest fallout came last Thursday when the openly gay District of Columbia councilmember David Catania, who is credited with pumping new energy into the often dormant Republican Party in Washington, resigned his leadership position after the party chairman refused to certify Catania as a delegate to the Republican National Convention. Catania remains, for now, a registered Republican, but he says he will not vote for Bush.

Posted by Lisa Z @ 6/3/04, 05:51 PM

I just read the article in Capitol Hill Blue, an update of an earlier wire article, BTW. Now I know the reason for Bush's uncharacteristically awkward announcement of Tenet's departure. Karl Rove is "otherwise occupied."

Some people think that Bush's remarks being done almost as an afterthought right before he leaves the country were classic Rove maneuvering, because the top tier Washington reporters are already in Europe, leaving the second string to do the reporting.

Posted by Jen @ 6/3/04, 06:11 PM

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