The Bush Record: Costs Up, Coverage Down, Companies Cash In
Health care in the Bush administration is sick, sick, sick. Costs are rising at four times the rate of inflation. Health insurance prices and out-of-pocket costs are rising -- and so is the number of Americans without health insurance. Bush pushed through a Medicare plan that is healthy only for the big pharmaceutical and health care companies that will reap windfalls from it. Seniors, on the other hand, will get hit with higher prescription drug and health care costs.
DNC Research
Get the full story about how President Bush's policies have devastated a health care system already in crisis with our DNC Research special reports.
- Health Care Costs Skyrocket Under Bush
- Another Bush Ripoff: Health Savings Accounts
- The Bush Record on Medicare
- The Bush Medicare Reform Scandals
- GOP Medicare Privatization
- The Real Bush Record on Americans with Disabilities
DNC News
Joint Task Force: "It is unbelievable that President Bush can speak on health care and the uninsured and not speak truthfully about his unwillingness to help minority communities who have and continue to suffer under his presidency. Since George Bush has taken office, health care costs have skyrocketed. American families are paying 49% more than they did four years ago."
May 10, 2004: Gephardt: "We have a health care crisis"
Mar 16, 2004: DNC Releases Medicare Report
Mar 15, 2004: Keeping Things Fair and Balanced
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