Chris Silvey's Becoming An Economist has temporarily moved to


Phd Community

Online Lecture Notes.
  Selective listing of course notes available for free, in all areas of graduate economics.
Graduate Textbooks.
  What first-year PhD students read, some comments.
Theory Journals.
  Which journal publishes in which area? Currently limited to game theory and information.
  What's coming up where: calls for papers. Covers meetings of the Econometric Society, Game Theory Society, and American Economic Association.
  General and for subfields, based on publications in 40 journals in the last ten years.


Graduate Admissions

Starting Point.
  If you're just beginning to think about applying to graduate school in economics, read this introduction by Robi Ragan (U Georgia). Also visit Chris Silvey's popular site with "answers from current PhD students" to admission questions, and considerably more, here. And Stanford professor Susan Athey gives this advice to applicants.
Admission Guide.
  My own, more lengthy guide oriented to those who are looking for detailed advice on how to put together a competitive application. (December 2003 version includes new sections on non-U.S. programs and business schools.)
Decision Tables. NEW
  Thanks to Adam Castor (Johns Hopkins) and Chris Silvey (Cornell), we have detailed applicant profiles and outcomes from 2003 and 2004. These, plus the 2002 data I collected, are downloadable in spreadsheet format.
  Tiered international listings.
Research Concentrations.
  This spreadsheet lists major areas of recent activity by department (from the worldwide rankings database). A "rough" and a "fine" version are available, respectively for loose and narrow definitions of fields.
Discussion Boards.
  Meet other applicants and exchange the most current information at Princeton Review and US News. If you apply to business schools, the action is at Business Week. You can register here.




Resources for Graduate Studies
in Economics

by Christian Roessler*
e-mail personal site
site statistics


e c o n p h d . n e t


05/04: Becoming An Economist has temporarily moved to, while Chris Silvey is settling in at Cornell. Some new lecture notes in most areas, and the textbook page updated.
04/04: The decision tables are updated. Some solutions to MWG problems. New lecture notes listed for macro.
03/04: Listings added to the online lecture notes.
02/04: Subfield rankings complete. New research concentrations.
01/04: Subfield rankings complete for game theory, general equilibrium, macroeconomics, and business economics.
12/03: The "programs" page (now called "departments") and the guide were revised. Extensive new publication rankings; subfield rankings complete for econometrics.
11/03: The conference and ranking pages were added.
10/03: The decision tables for 2003 are now online.

* U Melbourne.

E-mail policy:
I value advice on improving the content of the site, in particular any corrections, objections, and pointers to keep the listings current. The ideal place for application-related questions is a discussion board.