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User:autographedcat (198482) Paid User autographedcat
Website:Home of the Autographed Cat
Location:Alpharetta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status autographedcat (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 621665 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status autographedcat (Add User, Send Message)
Memories:195 entries
Interests:138: #filkhaven, 80's music, acoustic music, ad&d;, alt.polyamory, amplectere potestem "et", aquariums, art, atkins diet, autumn, backrubs, baseball, books, british humour, broadway, broadway musicals, buffy the vampire slayer, cats, charles de lint, chocolate, chosen family, comedy, comic books, comic strips, comics, computers, cons, conversation, cooking, cover songs, creativity, cuddling, doctor who, editing, erotica, fairy tales, fan fiction, fandom, fantasy, filk, filk conventions, filk music, filkers, filkhaven, filking, firefly, flirting, folk, folk music, folk tales, folklore, food, free speech, friends, gafilk, games, gaming, guitar, hedonism, history, honesty, hot tubs, hugging, humor, intelligence, interfilk, internet culture, jedimud, kissing, kitanzi, language, learning, legends, linux, listening, literature, live theater, lois mcmaster bujold, love, massage, muds, music, musicals, myth, mythology, nature, neil gaiman, npr, online comics, online communities, ovff, people, poetry, poly, polyamory, puns, rasff, reading, robert heinlein, role playing, role playing games, rpgs, sandman, sapiosexuality, satire, science, science fiction, science fiction conventions, science fiction fandom, sensualism, sensuality, sex, sexuality, shakespeare, singing, smooches, snuggling, songwriting, spider robinson, spring, swimming, theatre, thinking, three weird sisters, tolkien, touching, travel, unix, used bookstores, web comics, wisdom, wit, women, word puzzles, words, writing, zen tourism, zoos. [Modify yours]
Friends:304: aaardvark, acrobatty, adamselzer, aeire, aeire_dot_com, aeiredotcom, agrumer, aiela, aiglet, ailsaek, allisona, almeda, alymid, andpuff, andreweigel, angilong, aolscalzi, apod, arienys, arimathea, artbeco, asynakaone, atlanta, atrios, aunty_marion, autifon, autographedcat, avedon, bad_crossovers, barbarakitten_t, bard_bloom, bardiclug, bardling, batyatoon, bedlamhouse, bercilakslady, betnybean, bikergeek, bill_maher, billroper, boxofdelights, braider, brittanyaliera, bronzearchives, browngirl, cadhla, callylevy, cassini_saturn, catalana, catsittingstill, cellio, cflute, chatworthy, cheshyre, contented_aunts, cosmictrifle, coupling, dailysoulsearch, dandelionreport, darksideofebay, dave_barry_feed, davehogg, decadentdave, deidrecorwyn, delennara, delirium1313, demoneyes, dglenn, diepunyhumans2, dietingfilkers, djbp, doctorpepper, dot_cattiness, dot_poly_snark, drishnak, drsnark, duality, earthmystic, ekaterin, eleanor, electrolyte2, elfen, ellozz, eloren, elynne, elynne_smut, epi_lj, fairestcat, fanaticalapathy, figmo, filceolaire, filker0, filkerbaby, filkerdave, filkergem, filkertom, filkhaven, filknews, fireskin, fleetfootmike, folkmew, futabachan, fwaf, gender_petition, grey_lady, gridlore, guyelfkin, hawkida, heathrow, highstone, hilfy, hitchhiker, hjalfi, hp_britglish, hrrunka, indiecrit, induriel, irregular_comic, it_aint_easy, jadasc, janmagic, jerusha, jhayman, jhitchin, jimhenleyrss, jingoro, jinny_e, jodimuse, joecoustic, katyhh, kayshapero, keristor, khaosworks, khavrinen, kightp, kitanzi, kith_and_kin, kk1raven, kobold, kyttn, ladyat, ladymondegreen, ladysprite, laffwv, laurel, lilbluekittans, little_cinnamon, lj_nifty, ljatlanta, ljwin32_sema, logjam, lothie, lysana, m_i_n_k_s, maedbh7, magic2, magid, magpiefeed, makinglight, mannoftalent, markiv1111, marykaykare, maya_a, mcnewman, mdlbear, meritmaat, metaquotes, mihrimah, mistersleepless, mnemex, modrnwrld_blog, modrnwrld_comic, mokatiki, mollyivins, mollyringwraith, moominmuppet, moonbeamjedi, mrlogic, mrpsyklops, museinred, musicmutt, muskrat_john, natatattat, nelladarren, neonnurse, news, nidalesath, niquildrvr, noghri, nolly, nrivkis, nycajun, occams_pyramid, odanu, odiesdee, officialgaiman, ohi, ohiblather, okoshun, olna_jenn, opportunitygrrl, oreouk, otherdeb, our_meg, outofambit, owlrigh, pafuts, pameladean, papersky, paprica, patoadam, pbristow, perchta, persistalismum, peteralway, peterdavidblog, plaid_dragon, pnh, pola_bear, poltr1, polyamory, polyandproud, polysoutheast, porpentine, preachermanfeed, profitne, puggie, qnvhrtz, qow, quadrivium, rain_luong, randomrants, rdmaughan, redaxe, riba_rambles, rinioth, rivyn, rmjwell, rms_butterfly, roger_ebert, roja, rpgquotes, sarekfeed, sarekofvulcan, sarudy, saucydwellings, savagelove, scalzifeed, sdavido, sdelmonte, sdorn, sexybass, shaddyr, shannachie, shaynemadhu, shetterly, sibylle, siliconchef, singlemaltsilk, smallship1, smoooom, snickerty, snopesrecentadd, snowy, someposifeed, spiritdance, spiritrover, sraun, stealthgoth, storyseeds, surrdave, sxxxy_feed, sythyry, talkngptsmemo, tarkrai, teddywolf, telynor, teri945, thatcrazycajun, the_magician, themouseshouse, theo_knight, thespian, thestraightdope, tigerbright, tnatj, tnh, toles_feed, trektone, trystel, turtle_35206, tuto, tvpicks, umbran, unclechristo, usfdorn, vaurien, w00t_comic, warhound, weirdsister, windtear, xiphias, xuth, zencuppa
Friend of:193: adamselzer, additive, aiela, aiglet, akatsukami, allisona, almeda, alymid, anach, andpuff, andreweigel, angilong, arimathea, artbeco, aunty_marion, autographedcat, barbarakitten_t, bardiclug, bardling, bedlamhouse, betnybean, bikergeek, billroper, boxofdelights, braider, brittanyaliera, browngirl, butterfluff, cadhla, callylevy, catalana, catsittingstill, cellio, cflute, chatworthy, dandelionreport, davehogg, decadentdave, delennara, delirium1313, demoneyes, dglenn, djbp, doctorpepper, drishnak, drsnark, duality, ekaterin, eleanor, elfen, eloren, elynne, elynne_smut, epi_lj, fairestcat, figmo, filceolaire, filker0, filkerbaby, filkerdave, filkergem, filkertom, fireskin, fleetfootmike, folkmew, futabachan, grey_lady, gridlore, heathrow, highstone, hilfy, hitchhiker, hrrunka, induriel, it_aint_easy, jerusha, jhayman, joecoustic, katyhh, kayshapero, keristor, khaosworks, khavrinen, kightp, kitanzi, kk1raven, kyburg, kyttn, ladyat, ladymondegreen, ladysprite, laffwv, little_cinnamon, lothie, lysana, maedbh7, magic2, magid, mannoftalent, markiv1111, maya_a, meritmaat, mihrimah, mnemex, mokatiki, moominmuppet, moonbeamjedi, mrlogic, mrpsyklops, museinred, musicmutt, natatattat, nelladarren, neonnurse, nidalesath, niquildrvr, noghri, nolly, nrivkis, nycajun, odanu, odiesdee, ohiblather, oilygrrl, okoshun, opportunitygrrl, oreouk, otherdeb, owlrigh, p_o_u_n_c_e_r, pafuts, paprica, patoadam, perchta, persistalismum, peteralway, plaid_dragon, pola_bear, poltr1, porpentine, profitne, puggie, qnvhrtz, quadrivium, randomrants, rdmaughan, redaxe, rivyn, rms_butterfly, roja, ...
Member of:23: atlanta, bad_crossovers, coupling, darksideofebay, dietingfilkers, dot_poly_snark, filkhaven, filknews, fireflyfans, gender_petition, godyouarestupid, grammarpolice, hp_britglish, kith_and_kin, kittypix, lj_nifty, ljatlanta, m_i_n_k_s, paidmembers, polyamory, polysoutheast, storyseeds, whedons_firefly
Account type:Paid Account

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