We believe that Islamic society has been held back by an
unwillingness to subject its beliefs, laws and practices to
critical examination, by a lack of respect for the rights of
the individual, and by an unwillingness to tolerate
alternative viewpoints or to engage in constructive dialogue.
The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
(ISIS) has been formed to promote the ideas of rationalism,
secularism, democracy and human rights within Islamic society.
ISIS promotes freedom of expression, freedom of thought and
belief, freedom of intellectual and scientific inquiry,
freedom of conscience and religion – including the freedom
to change one’s religion or belief - and freedom from
religion: the freedom not to believe in any deity.
We share the ideals of a democratic society, and a
secular state that does not endorse any religion,
religious institution, or any religious dogma. The basis
for its authority is in man-made law, not in religious
doctrine or in divine revelation. In a theocracy of the
type that Islamic fundamentalists wish to establish,
sovereignty belongs to god, but in a democracy sovereignty
belongs to the people. We therefore favor the firm
separation of religion and state: without such a
separation there can be no freedom from tyranny, and such
a separation is the sine qua non for a secular state.
We believe in the primacy of the rule of law: a common
civil code under which all men and women have equal
protection of their rights and freedoms.
We endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
the International Covenants on Human Rights without
qualification. We are particularly concerned to promote
and protect the rights of women and those with minority
beliefs: all should be equal before the law.
We are dedicated to combating fanaticism, intolerance,
violent fundamentalism, and terrorism by showing the
intellectual inadequacy of the fanatics’ programmes, the
historical inaccuracy of their claims, the philosophical
poverty of their arguments, and the totalitarian nature of
their thought.
We defend the right of free inquiry, and the free
expression of ideas. We therefore reserve the right to
examine the historical foundations of Islam, and to
explain the rise and fall of Islam by the normal
mechanisms of human history.
To create a network of secularists and freethinkers in
Islamic countries.
To establish a women’s network to provide mutual
support and to highlight the plight and the achievements
of women in Islamic societies.
To report on recent research findings on the origins of
Islam and the Koran.
To provide an alternative source of information and
comment for the media on Islamic issues.
To publicise acts of terror and oppression.
To honor the memory and promote the work and thought of
those martyred in the cause of freedom of expression.
To attract writers, academics, politicians and activists
as members of the Institute and as contributors to the
To establish a database of books, articles and news
reports, an annotated bibliography of texts of interest,
and a suggested reading list.
To seek funding for Institute activities, including the
translation of important texts.
To publish a web-based newsletter: "Secular
This page maintained by
ISIS: the Institute for the
Secularisation of Islamic Society
email: info@SecularIslam.org