shall above all things be glad and young. For if you're young, whatever life you wear / it will become you; and if you are glad whatever's living will yourself become (e.e cummings, selected poems 1923 - 1958) Isilya <-------------- |
6:13 pm | Monday | 10th of November Lock Down Hi there- this journal friends-only. This is my once a month update of my public journal post. If you want to add me to your friends list, please do, there's no need to ask. I always friend back, unless you're a journal I want no association with. I write in the popslash, Harry Potter, Narnia, Smallville, actorslash, Bibleslash and litslash fandoms. I leave some stories unlocked, but as a general rule, everything here is friends-only. If you reached this lj via a link to a locked post/pic, please leave a comment here telling me which, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Current Mood: amused Current Music: Burn-Alex Lloyd-Watching Angels Mend $38 000 | make a bid | | * 11:39 pm | Saturday | 27th of December And a Happy New Year First of all, it's like whoever wrote my SeSa story, Leap of Faith crawled into my brain and took notes on just what would make me happiest at Christmas time. It's smart, it's funny, it's quirky, it's beautifully written, and it deals with religious and secular issues all wrapped up in a really enjoyable love story. I want to steal Justin-the-theology-student and take him home to meet my parents. He's all curls and earnestness, with that slight prissiness that has always killed me. Plus, ChrisandJustin! Which is so my OTP it's not even funny. I love the story. I love the person who wrote it for me! Some other recs, if unlike me you have some time off over Christmas to sit back with a cup of laced hot chocolate. ( About 20 SeSa, Yuletide, rare HP and other rare fandom stories for good measure ) make a bid | | * 10:58 pm | Monday | 22nd of December ( Nurture/Nature ) $1 000 | make a bid | | * 12:29 am | Monday | 10th of November Sonnetry I've been writing Harry Potter porn sonnets. *smacks self on forehead* ( Distraction and Curriculum, both R, both Hermione/Ginny ) $24 000 | make a bid | | * 1:49 am | Saturday | 8th of November Brief-ish Recap of The Matrix: Revolutions Because there are answers, of a sort, but they aren't worth paying $13.70 for. ( Spoilers for The Matrix: Revolutions ) $13 000 | make a bid | | * 11:39 pm | Friday | 7th of November The Wachowski Brothers are Nerds $7 000 | make a bid | | * 12:00 am | Friday | 7th of November The State of Maine $15 000 | make a bid | | * 5:09 pm | Sunday | 26th of October All Things Beta Time on your hands? Ever considered being part of the Veela Inc beta list? We're restructuring the list and calling for new volunteers, so if you've ever had a yen to beta for Harry Potter writers then this is the application form for you. If you could spread the word, that'd be cool like Sunday morning. $3 000 | make a bid | | * 11:58 pm | Thursday | 23rd of October Hovercraft $33 000 | make a bid | | * 11:59 pm | Saturday | 18th of October The state of our health care system So my grandmother is in hospital for chest pains tonight, and that's not fun, but my dad assures me that nothing is seriously wrong, except the state of our health care system, where by it's often easier to catch an ambulance than get into a clinic. ( Recovery: Chris/Justin ) $18 000 | make a bid | | * 4:54 pm | Friday | 12th of September eyes big love-crumbs phineasjones challenged for stories based on an e.e cummings poem. ( eyes big love-crumbs: NC-17, Hermione/Hermione ) $104 000 | make a bid | | * 2:52 pm | Monday | 8th of September Apple Blossom $10 000 | make a bid | | * 8:44 pm | Friday | 22nd of August Justin Icons $19 000 | make a bid | | * 1:40 am | Thursday | 3rd of April Pocket Watches on Street Corners Bwee! I feel accomplished. Here is my entry to slodwick's A Picture Is Worth a Thousand words challenge, a day late for extra spice. ( Pocket Watches on Street Corners: NC-17, 10 x 100 Drabbles, also for the W100, Lex/Lucas ) Current Mood: amused $8 000 | make a bid | | * 2:01 am | Wednesday | 2nd of April Porny porn Bwee! LJ fairying is fun. Being a gullible April Fool is *not*. Anyhow. I promised myself, no more PWP's. No more short stories. But, um, spots, leopards, hard to change. This is just porn. Feel free to ignore. ( Greed: NC-17, Tom Welling/Clark Kent ) Current Mood: amused $22 000 | make a bid | | * 3:32 am | Saturday | 15th of March Whee! I find it incredibly amusing that posting my WiPs suddenly makes me want to write Narnia. Since all y'all are interested! Whee! Not. Dedicated to bonibaru, for her new archive. ( Part One: No Longer A Friend: PG-13, Susan/Lucy ) Current Mood: amused $6 000 | make a bid | | * 12:26 am | Saturday | 1st of March Stitch: NC-17, Lance/Justin Lamby porn. Porny porn porn porn. For gjstruthseeker, who pretends not to adore Justin. ( Stitch:NC-17, Lance/Justin ) Current Mood: amused $30 000 | make a bid | | * 11:29 pm | Wednesday | 26th of February Whee. Re-read my TW/MR's tonight, and got all inspired. Which is rare, since re-reading most often makes me want to crawl under the bed. Dug up all the porny TW/MR WiP's on my hard drive and had a good look at them, and there are a few, I think, that I should be able to finish within the next couple of days. I find Tom and Mike *easier* to write than Lex/Clark, but not necessarily hotter. Anyhow: For icebun, who wanted Lance is a slut fic. ( Candy, R, Bassez ) Current Mood: amused Current Music: Track 02 $25 000 | make a bid | | * 6:30 am | Sunday | 9th of February Hell, hell, hell Okay. embitca wrote a while ago lamenting the sad lack of Lynn Harless/Justin Timberlake fiction around. Then I read the Rolling Stone January 2003 interview with Justin. And then I sat up until dawn. If you are a mother, this may be a little disturbing. Reader beware. ( Coeur de la mere: R, Lynn Harless/Justin Timberlake/Other ) Current Mood: accomplished $42 000 | make a bid | | * 4:36 am | Thursday | 6th of February Popslash! *rubs tired eyes* So, I've been working on some popslash, and this is not it. This is Lambs which derailed me. ( Marco Polo: PG, Lance/Justin ) Current Mood: amused $31 000 | make a bid | | * | ||||||||||||