Thursday, April 22nd |
7:13P - |
So, I get to take this fabulous two-week And yet... I actually regret saying I would stay two weeks, instead of the original one week. Not because of the work... Because I'm going to miss my girl so much. I really wish I could afford to take her with me ($4000 plane ticket), and that she could afford to miss that amount of class. I won't be able to call her, nor will I have int0rweb access. Though I may ask her if I can borrow her laptop. Speaking of the girl, she's still unreasonably fabulous. In fact, I need to go have dindin with her right now. And bring her coffee. |
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Saturday, April 3rd |
12:13P - |
Yeah, my girlfriend is the best. Wouldn't trade her for anything. Not the pope-mobile, nor a lifetime supply of garlic bread. I bought a truck! A '99 Cherokee Sport. It's green and comfy. It has four wheel drive which means I have already driven over a few curbs that were in my way. I care not for the sanctity of curbs. However, I do care for breakfast, so perhaps I'll go make some. |
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Thursday, April 1st |
4:33P - |
Someone may have posted this before, but I'm at work so I have no way to check: Google's april fool |
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Sunday, March 21st |
10:36P - |
Tonight, I lost a bet to Katie on what clothes I own. Yep, that's right. Lost. The. Bet. And did I mention she's alllll the way in Utah visiting her brother? And I was actually doing my laundry when the wagering was taking place? Smooth. |
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Friday, March 19th |
7:05P - |
Katie's in Utah; I'm beside myself with boredom. I don't know what to do with myself. Clean? Fool with electronics? Think about work? Read a book? It's terrible. Things to note of the last few weeks: My car was broken into for the third time, I got a raise, I may get to go to Australia on business, and my combined recreational use of computers and television has dropped to under half an hour per day in the last month. |
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Thursday, February 26th |
3:45P - |
Must ... not ... poke ... own ... eyes ... out ... !!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, February 19th |
6:40P - |
All done with business in Baltimore! Tomorrow A.M. I pick up Katie at the airport, and we drive down to D.C. We both have redeyes out Sunday morning (6am for me, 7am for her) which means we have to get up earlyearly on Sunday to get back here in time for our flights, but that's the penance to be paid for a weekend in the capitol. If I hadn't changed my ticket I would have been on a 4pm flight, which means she would have been back to Seattle before I even left BWI! I'm so excited to see Katie. SO. EXCITED. She's the only thing I've been homesick for. Heck with my own bed (after all I've had a pool and hot tub to play in all week), heck with my car (the rental's almost as jankity), heck with my roommates (well, ok, not really, but I haven't been seeing much of them this year anyway)... I need my Katie time! I was apprehensive at one point about this trip. I'm no homebody... but flying out to a strange city *alone* gave me the willies, not to mention all the first time experiences like renting a car and being in a city that has NO GROCERY STORES... but I just realized that time flies and everything has to be over eventually. The hours will probably pass a lot faster what with Katie getting here and all, but at least the lonely part of the trip is coming to a close. |
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Monday, February 16th |
1:02P - Frips in Baltimore |
I went down to the cafeteria to get some lunch, ordered a chicken sandwich, and saw on the the sign that it came with "frips." Being a naive westcoasterling, I figured someone had mis-typed "fries." But, alas, they're really fried chips. As in, deep-fried potato chips. The horror! |
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Saturday, February 14th |
6:44P - |
I think someone may have broken into my car again. The only thing that seems to be missing is the remote control for the parking garage gate. Which sucks, because I can't get my car out. (Luckily KT loaned me her pickup so I could get my errand done.) I'm pretty darn sure it's not in the car; I looked around with a flashlight, under the seats, etc. with no luck. Aggrivating!
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Thursday, February 12th |
12:27P - D.C. |
Going to Washington D.C. next weekend! I'll be in the area for a business trip, so I decided to take a two-day sidetrip and see the sights. Airfare is cheap so I bought Katie a ticket too; I'm going to pick her up in Baltimore and go to D.C. from there. Our hotel is right by the Smithsonian, and hopefully we'll squeeze in a few other sights while we're there. It's beautiful outside today. I walked around without my coat on, even. I hope it keeps up! |
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Monday, February 9th |
8:02P - Various strangeness |
Today was a rather odd day, possibly because I didn't sleep overmuch last night. At my doctor's appointment this afternoon, I swear the nurse was hitting on me. She commented how nice my eyes were, complimented me on my low blood pressure and good heartbeat, remarked on scoring a perfect 98.6 degrees, and told me that guys as good looking as me usually get the clap and not syphillis. The drive to work was also rather strange. First, a double-long tanker truck blew a tire a few car lengths and a lane over from me, so that was exciting in a very junior-high kind of way. Then, a guy in a pervy sweater and a Trans Am tried to race me in rush hour traffic. I eventually pretended to talk on my cellphone and he left me alone. Tonight: Early to sleep! Got to work extra early tomorrow. |
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Thursday, February 5th |
12:56P - |
Instead of waking up at 5:30 this morning so I could be to my 7:00am meeting (wtf!) on time, I woke up instead at 6:35. I suppose it would help if I actually set my alarm clock for the right time... Somehow I made it to the meeting only 5 minutes late, which isn't bad considering it took place in ghetto ghetto Renton. Oddly enough, I ran into my physics lab partner from Sophomore year at the meeting. Small world! He works only one building away. Lunch. |
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Saturday, January 31st |
10:09P - |
Back from Gig Harbor. Katie invited me to the coming home/going away party for her friend Joan, and it was a lot of fun. They're a fun bunch, seem to have a lot of history. I crashed on her parents couch for the night (instead of crashing my car trying to drive home so tired), slept ten hours, and hung out with her family for the afternoon. (I hope I didn't impose). Her folks are too funny, remind me of my own a lot in fact.
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Monday, January 26th |
9:54P - |
French-dip sandwich! You are not allowed to rebel in my stomach. I will crush your demands for Technicolor expression with my every will. It is hopeless, you cannot escape the oppression of my guts! Mood: woozy / tyrannical |
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6:11P - |
Despite having a completely crappy day at work, I've been in a terribly good mood, and it's infectious. I have been completely cracked out all day. Drank soda all morning due to leaving my coffee cup at "my" other desk, which just about put me to sleep; compensated with tea, which has not woken me up but has instead made me feel like I could sleepwalk a marathon. Headed home. |
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Sunday, January 25th |
1:10P - |
They say cartoons are good for the soul, but that's nothing compared to the kind of contentment I felt when I woke up this morning.
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Wednesday, January 21st |
10:16P - |
Did it. Shaved the goatee off. Big. Mistake. Never have I wanted facial hair to grow back so quickly. |
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Monday, January 19th |
8:55P - |
Me: Did you just call me a curious lad? Jag: No. But if I was going to call you any type of lad, it would be fancy. I'll get him for this! Mood: amused |
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Sunday, January 18th |
7:01P - |
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1:23A - |
Today was eventful. Breakfast/lunch with jeffr, where much conversation was had; Work, where much work was had; thaser and miv's, where pizza and a movie were had; eurijk's, where a tour of his apartment and donuts were had. All in all, a pleasant day. I need to go by the landlord's office tomorrow and "discuss" the parking garage gate with them. It sounds like it's made of solid rust, and wakes me up at night when people use it. Since we have a new landlord, I will also "discuss" the possibility of a parking space as well. |
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Friday, January 16th |
11:07P - Chowdah |
I was in the neighborhood, so I dropped by Katie's work. No offense to Ivar's, but Katie wasn't kidding when she said their hot chocolate is far inferior to Westernco's. At one point a man was standing by the counter pointing at his children and saying chowder... chowder... I had difficulty not laughing out loud, which is probably why I failed to get a decent picture of the incident. (That's him on the left, with the backpack) CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER CHOWDER Mood: chowder |
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Tuesday, January 13th |
7:43P - An equation to remember |
Tea + spicy teriyaki = atomic heartburn. Anybody else have an algorithm of note? |
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Tuesday, January 6th |
11:27P - |
I successfully drove the Chevy to work and back, though that's a trick I'm never trying again. 26-year old rear-wheel-drive sports car with wide tires, little tread and no chains? Bad. The boss told everyone to go home at noon, but alas I had too many #1 first top priorities, and left at about 5pm. I headed to Katie and Liz's to play some games, armed only with teriyaki and my feeble wit. Fun was had, though my brain was a bit melty from work so I was a bit tame. Too much tea. I'm wide awake. The internet isn't helping. Time for a book! |
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Monday, January 5th |
6:24P - Not So Good. |
Someone signed me up for "" (Not necessarily someone on my friends list... I don't know.) They're calling me every few hours on my cellphone with automated ads. It's from an "unavailable" number so it can't be blocked. It fills up my voicemail every few hours. Worse, calls from work to my cell are also from "unavailable" so I can't have Verizon block them. They don't have a contact phone number. Even better, their technical support number calls someone... in Georgia. Who speaks spanish and broken English. Grr. Update: Thank goodness for whois. Their technical contact seemed less than happy that I was calling, but he claims I'm off the list. |
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Sunday, January 4th |
10:06P - |
The feature I dislike the most about my phone is that there is a button on the side that changes it between normal, manners (vibrate), and silent. It gets pressed in my pocket all the time so I miss calls. Did someone try to call me today, perhaps from a Georgia cellphone, at about 4:10pm? |
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Saturday, January 3rd |
3:49P - |
I need to get off my butt and work on my car, but the snow continues to be a tease. If it would just stop, I'd roll out to Sammamish and hit up the parts counter; if it would just snow hard, I would call it off and leave it for tomorrow.
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1:12A - |
This sentence contains one error.
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Thursday, January 1st |
3:44A - |
Went to katebate's party. As it turns out, she lives right down the street from me, in the same house wickey29 lived in! It was a great party. I really need to hang out with her more! Now I sleep. I don't know how I'm still awake. More details tomorrow. |
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Wednesday, December 31st |
6:15P - |
Is anything going on tonight for new year's? I could go over to Brian's place with Jeff and Jag, but frankly I'd like to do something other than sit around and drink. I could do that any night.
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Tuesday, December 30th |
11:31P - |
Anybody want to go for a walk in the snow? (U-district)? It's pretty.
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10:03P - |
Obviously you people aren't familiar with Murphy and Finagle. STOP WISHING FOR SNOW, OR IT WON'T HAPPEN. Myself, I need to go to work tomorrow. I drive a Camaro that has the widest rear tires that fit in the wheel wells, and after five years of abuse those meats are pretty light on tread. Even a weenie little bit of snow, and I can't get there. (Yes, yes, I know it's a case of washing your car to make it rain... but Murphy loves inconvenience.) |
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8:01P - |
I need something to do tonight. SO BORED. |
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4:29A - |
kayeyem: on the bright side for me kayeyem: the brunette is usually teh smartest Mood: laughing my ass off |
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Monday, December 29th |
8:53P - I'm sick. |
I went to work today. I had fun. Despite the fact I have the week off. I'm going back tomorrow. I need help. Mood: accomplished |
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Saturday, December 27th |
8:19P - |
Why is it I never have anything to say? Or when I do, I never say it? Went to Return of the King with my brother and mom. Good movie, but I don't think I appreciated it. It kind of dragged out. Now what? Mood: restless Music: Muse - Dark Shines |
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Friday, December 26th |
6:56P - |
I need something to go on my walls. Artwork, photographs, what have you. Three large-ish pieces. I want to make at least one of them myself... One of the others I would like to be a picture, preferably by a local artist and even better if it was someone I know. Something to think about... I need a new computer and car first.
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5:59P - |
Yep, so Return of the King was all sold out. Instead of a movie, we went to lunch and to exchange my brother's coat. I ended up buying a new coat also. It's warm and stylish.
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1:45P - |
I'm off to see the Music: Muse - Bliss |
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12:29A - Nesting instinct? |
And while I'm at it, why do I only get insane urges to clean at night?
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12:03A - |
Generally, I can tell if someone is male or female just by the way they write. Every once in a while, though, I come across a journal where I read back 25, 50, 100 entries and still can't figure it out. I feel especially bad when not only do their userpics not give a clue, but they have a baby picture that leaves me even more puzzled.
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