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Below is information about the "Petitioning for More than Two Gender Options on LJ" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:gender_petition (1107331) gender_petition
A Petition to expand the current list of gender options
Name:Petitioning for More than Two Gender Options on LJ
About:This community has been created as a petition to the maintainers of to request listing more than male and female as gender options in the information / profile listings, or delete the gender field altogether. This community is for people of all sexes, genders and gender expressions. currently has over 1,000 users, who list transgender as a personal interest, (and this list is growing daily!) There are also well over 200 communities that address gender variance and relevant identities. As of July 4, 2003, over 129378 users choose not to specify their gender as part of their profile for a variety of reasons. Some of these people have chosen to do so for lack of appropriate options, others are choosing to do so as a form of protesting the binaried options currently offered. Even if you identify as strictly male or female, or have never had reason to question your gender identity/ assignment, not all people feel that male or female fit their personal gender identity and expressions. Also, some people feel that checking a gendered box helps to enforce stereotypes that limit a person’s ability to express their gender fully in today’s society. Your membership in this community shows support for all people of all gender identities being able to express their gender identity freely.

By joining this community, you are effectively signing this petition to show support for listing more than two gender options in livejournal profiles / info.

As there are many different opinions on how changes to the gender field should look; once there is a significant number of members to the community an official "members only" vote will be held. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you add this community to your friends list so that you can be aware of and participate in this vote. Based on the results of the vote, a formal petition will be drafted and forwarded to the maintainers of In the meantime, there are unofficial votes going on here and here.

Part of Gender_Petition's activist mission is to disseminate information about gender diverse identities and as such, we welcome well-intentioned and open-minded questions and conversations about gender diversity. However, due to the nature of this community and in an attempt to prevent trans-hate and flaming; only community members are allowed to post. Any person who trolls or flames in this community will be banned by the moderator(s) at their discretion. As there is no way to block hateful comments by non-members, we ask that all negative remarks being ignored or addressed in that user's personal livejournal.

We welcome informational activist and gender diverse related posts in this community. We hope that as we go forth to advertise in other communities that there will be a similar level of tolerance and understanding.

We want to make it very clear that this community is not meant to be as an attack on LJ or the services provided, rather it is intended as a friendly, user supported pro-active movement for change.

To see more [info]gender_petition banners, click here.
Please consider posting one of these images on your own profile to help advertise this community!

FAQ's and comments:
Has this been tried before / suggested?
Yes. A suggestion was posted in the [info]suggestions community in 2001. This post was completely unrelated to this community and can be found here.

What are the gender options being used for anyways?
In part, this information is being tracked to find out if males or females are more likely to maintain their journals. This information is also being used in places where there are pronouns used to refer to a user by the LJ system.

If you don't want to choose male or female, why not just check "unspecified"?
While we do recognize and appreciate that is more advanced in this arena than most other places by offering the option of "unspecified", we would like to see the list expanded to be more inclusive of gender diverse identities or eliminated all together. We feel that there are more significant social issues at work here and that is a stepping stone to making greater change.

Why not just do away with the gender option all together?
This is one of the options that we are considering, and this will be an option in the official vote.

Why bother?
We understand that LJ is a very small fragment of the internet and the world as a whole. However, this is also a place where we as users come to be ourselves and would like to be able to represent ourselves as such (or see other users be able to represent themselves). Even if the end result of the petition is not what we had originally hoped for, there have been many valuable educational and activist conversations in the process. This alone is worth our effort. In short, what may not seem important to one can be monumental to others. The ultimate effects of activist efforts are not often known, but that does not make them any less worthwhile.

Why not just add “transgender” to your interest list?
Many of users do list gender variant identities in their interest lists, but it also much more than an interest - for many, it is an integral part of who we are as people and we desire to be recognized as such. Also, not all of the people who are members of this petition identify as transgender or genderqueer. Many members have joined to help fight the stereotypes that surround gender.

What about language / translation issues? How are these changes going to be technically possible?
We recognize that creating changes to the system will be no easy task due to technical and language complications and we are engaging conversations aimed at problem solving through these difficulties. We are also looking for people with an in-depth knowledge of the system or code to help us develop means to create the changes.

Why did information about this community get posted in (----) community?
Often what limits activist movements is a lack of information about a given movement. While it may seem on the surface that there is no immediate link between communities, we are all activists working to improve our society. We are looking to share our mission, in the hopes of reaching new people who are interested in learning more about this topic and supporting our cause.

Thank you, and please – forward / post the information about this community's existence!

This community was created and is maintained by GenderWarriorGenderWarrior (Formerly known as Lilith7879)..
Interests:150: activism, activist, agendered, all genders, ally, androgeny, androgyne, androgynous, anti-gender, asexual, bear, bearded lady, berdache, bigender, bigendered, bisexual, boi, boidyke, boidykes, boigirls, boigrrls, bois, bothgendered, boydyke, boygirls, boygrrls, boys, butch, coming out, crossdress, crossdressers, crossdressing, crossgender, diversity, drag, drag kings, drag queens, dyke, equality, f2m, femme, freedom of expression, ftm, ftpeculiar, gay, gender, gender diverse, gender diversity, gender equality, gender messy, gender neutral, gender outlaw, gender studies, gender theory, gender variance, gender variant, gender warrior, genderbenders, genderblenders, genderfuckers, genderfucking, genderless, genderneutral, genderqueer, genderstraight, genderswitch, genderwarrior, girlbois, girlboys, girlfags, girls, glbt rights, glbtq, grrlbois, grrlboys, grrlfags, grrls, hermaphrodite, heterosexual, hir, homosexual, intersex, intersexed, lesbian, lobbying, m2f, men, metagendered, mtf, multi-gendered, multigendered, no labels, non-gendered, non-op, nongendered, pangendered, pansexual, poly, poly-gendered, polygender, polygendered, post-op, pre-op, pride, queer, queer rights, queer theory, queersexuality, s/he, se, sex, shemale, sie, straight, surgery, teaching, third gender, trannies, tranny, trannybois, trannyboy, trannyboys, trannyfags, trannygirls, trannygrrl, trannygrrls, trans, trans activism, trans activist, trans issues, transfag, transgender, transgendered, transgenderism, transition, transitioning, transmen, transsexual, transvestite, transvestitism, transwomen, triffic tranny, two-spirit, ungendered, wimmin, women, womyn, ze, zie, zir. [Modify yours]
Members:1291: View Members .
Account type:Free Account

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