Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "pets".
464 matches:
- 10bestthings - Ten Best Things
- 4da1witdaizzle - a chrizzle and madizzle production
- 4ever_friends - Meggie, Dawn and Nina
- 80sclaims - 80sclaims
- __frogdogs - I Love Boston Terriers
- __love__me - ___FIND NEW LJ FRIENDS. ♥
- __tornletters - __tornletters
- _inmemoryof_ - In Memory Of:
- _labradors - Labrador Retriever lovers
- _lass_ - The Low Down Dirty Bunch
- _pet_me_ - Owner and Pet rating..
- _thankyou_ - It's the little things
- addmeback - Add Me Back - A Friends Community
- adopt_a_pet - CritterLover
- advice4teens - Advice 4 Teens Community
- advice_for_free - Everyone Loves Advice!
- ai_no_kusabi_ - Ai no Kusabi
- aliquis_omnis - aliquis_omnis
- allergies - Allergy Sufferers
- allrodentia - allrodentia
- aloha_dough - conspicuous consumers united
- altparent - The Alternative Parenting Community
- altparenting - altparenting
- amateur_photo - amateur_photo
- anal_mart - Anal*Mart Or Wal Mart 800
- animal_care - Animal Care
- animal_facts - animal_facts
- animal_friendly - support animals!
- animal_planet - Animal Planet
- animal_rescue - Animal Lovers
- animal_talk - In celebration of animals
- animalhaven - animal haven
- animalicons - animalicons
- animalrightshs - Animal Rights High School
- animals - Animal LJ-ers, Unite!
- anime_critters - Claim Your Favorite Anime Critter!
- anti_cruelty - Animal Activists
- anti_meat - anti_meat
- apartment_woahs - Apartment Woes
- apetlovertheory - loves pets
- ask_buffy - ask_buffy
- ask_danielle - Danielle
- aunt_mer - Aunt Mer Mer
- aupair - The Au Pair Connection
- b00gerized - Collectibles
- babiesrus2001 - MamaBear
- babyanimals - babyanimals
- badroomies - badroomies
- bassethounds - Basset hound lovers
- beagleboutique - Barkin Beagle Boutique...On-line doggie apparel
- beanie_babies - Beanie Land
- before_i_die - Things to do before I die
- bestfrndsfans - Fans & Friends of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
- bettas - Betta Lovers!
- bird_stories - Stories & Pictures of Beloved Pet Birds
- birdtales - Bird Tales
- bisexual_girls - bi support and more
- bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
- boston_buddies - Boston Terrier Lovers
- bratty_subs - Bratty Subs
- breedists_no - breedists? -- no
- brokenbliss - What If
- bubastis - bubastis
- buddys_place - Where We Can Remember Our Beloved Pets
- bunnydirect - Bunny Direct!
- bunnyowners - Bunny Owners
- by_invite_only - The Community, by Invitation Only!
- cairnterriers - Cairn Terrier Owners
- canadian_dogs - canadian_dogs
- canine_epilepsy - canine_epilepsy
- cat_adoration - kitty cats
- cat_astrophes - Cat-astrophes!
- cat_lovers - We love cats!!1
- cathealth - cat health
- catpeople - Catwo
- catphotos - catphotos
- cats_and_kin - Feline Kin And Fanciers
- catsgalore - Cat Lovers
- catsnotkids - Cats, Not Kids
- cavies - Cavies
- chelonia - Turtle and Tortoise Community
- chihuahuas - Chihuahua Owners
- childhoodthings - childhoodstuff
- chinchilla_love - chinchillas
- chinchillasuk - chinchillasuk
- chis_rok_my_sox - chis_rok_my_sox
- circlejerk - Circle Jerk
- cita2004 - cita2004
- claim_a_pet - Claim a Pet
- closerstill - ~*~...Closer Still...~*~
- columbusdoglvrs - columbusdoglvrs
- commonfriends - commonfriends
- communitysearch - Find The Community That Is Right For You
- corgilove - Corgi lover
- corgipix - Corgi Pix Community
- cosmopoltian - cosmopoltian
- crazycritters - Crazy Animals
- creative_side - The Creative Side Community
- creature - creature
- cs_discuss - Community Search Discussion Forum
- cultofscooter - Lord Scooter
- cupajoe - Cup A Joe Kids
- cyberpets - Cyberpets Online
- dartfrog - Dart Frog
- david_bowie12 - Talk about everything, you crazy mofos!!!
- deaf_pets - deaf pets rock our world
- dear_nik_n_ash - Nikki ~n~ Ashley
- dearly_departed - Mourning For Loved Ones Lost
- deathguise - sarevok
- deceased_pets - The Place For Remembering Non-Humans
- diabeticpets - Pets with Diabetes
- digitalblue - Blue Online Support Group
- disney_critterz - disney_critterz
- dlcc - Dog Legislation Council of Canada
- doeshetakesugar - Does He Take Sugar?
- dog_lovers - The Dog Lovers
- dog_pics - D O G S
- dogloversgalore - dogloversgalore
- dogrelated - :: .Dog Related. ::
- domestic_bliss - domestic_bliss
- domesticbliss - Domestic Goddesses of the World UNITE!
- dorm_decor - more than just white walls
- drama_life - drama_life
- ds_petshop - ds_petshop
- earth_children - Nature's Child
- ebt_love - English Bull Terriers
- elitistxcore - Cunty McCuntScab
- emo_pets - Pets that are EMO
- emotiveanimalia - Emotive Animalia
- faekats - Faekats and Friends
- faerie_garden - faerie_garden
- fairylandonline - fairylandonline
- familiars - Familiars
- fan_domestics - fan_domestics
- fattiemcfat -
- felines - Felines
- femalespirit - A Feminine Journal for many aspects of our lives
- feralcreatures - Feral Animal Discussion
- feroe_naturoe - Feroe Naturoe
- fetishicons - Fetish Icons
- find_a_roomate - find_a_roomate
- finnishlapphund - finnishlapphund
- fish_porn - fish porn
- fishbitch - Fish Bitch LJ Community
- fishcare - Small Aquarium Enthusiasts
- florida_aw - Florida Animal Welfare
- fluffy_worship - fluffy_worship
- fof - Friends of Felines
- forsaleinboston - For Sale in Boston
- forumzers - @Forumzers
- fostercritters - foster critters
- free_to_rant - free_to_rant
- freedum_mafia - We Claim whatever we want
- frogfrenzy - Leap Frog
- frost_and_scud - The Slash of Deacon Frost and Scud
- funpretty_icons - Fun and Pretty ICONS
- fuzzrocket - fuzzrocket
- gag_me_gently - Gag Me Gently
- gainesvilledogs - gainesvilledogs
- gerbilowners - Fans and owners of the pet gerbil!
- germanshepherds - German Shepherds
- great_customers - great_customers
- greatdane - GreatDane
- groovystyle4me - groovystyle4me
- guinea_pigs - The Guinea Pig Community
- h_o_c - Dancers LJ
- hammies - hamster pictures!
- hamming_it_up - Hamster Friends!
- hampton_roads - Hampton_Roads
- hamsters - The Hamsters LiveJournal Community
- happyhousewives - The Happy Housewives
- hawaii_fitness - The Hawaii Fitness Connection
- hedgehogs - hedgehog
- help_you_out - help_you_out
- hermitcrabs - Hermit Crabs
- herpers - herp lovers
- hip_domestics - Hip Domestics
- holisticpets - Holistic Pet Care
- homeproject - HOME PROJECT
- homeward_bound - homebounders
- humane_friends - Humane Friends Rescuing Animals, Inc.
- icon_elite - Animal Voices
- icons_actually - Icons Actually
- iggies - +-- Italian Greyhounds --+
- iguana_pics - iguana_iguana
- in_sims - Roleplaying SIMS
- invertebrates - Friends of Invertebrates
- islandrockers - Staten Island Rockers, Punks, and anyone else
- japanese_spitz - The Japanese Spitz LJ Community
- jinwickedcomics - LJ Community
- jupiter3000 - jupiter3000
- karaokediva - Karaoke Diva
- kemeticparents - Netjer and Nurture
- kidn0t0ri0us - The Kid Stays in the Picture
- kidsstuffrocks - I know you are but what am I?!?
- kill_hypocrites - Thinking in depth
- kindredspirits_ - Kindred Spirits
- kittycorner - Kitty Corner
- kittylovers - Cat Lovers
- kittypix - Kitty Pictures
- kittyquery - Kitty Query
- kittytales - Kitty Tales
- korner - The Korner
- kurvi_chix - -Because real women have curves
- lalabah - AQUI NADIE ERES TU!
- latinousa - latinousa
- let_me_listen - The Listening Ear
- life_helper - + For people that help out the world and others. +
- little_twitches - Narcissistic Rodents
- ljcats - ljcats
- lordsunladymoon - Light on Love
- loserlykid - LoserlyLuv
- loserlyluv - Loserly kid
- lost_loved_ones - To help deal with the pain of being left behind
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- madness_in_mich - Madness In Michigan
- master_griper - master_griper
- mature_marrieds - Mature Marrieds Community
- meeperites - The Meeperites
- meijerstore - Meijer Team Members
- melrose_place - Holland House
- mercity - Meridian City
- meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
- mich_oddities - Munk Tae
- minpins - minpins
- mirror_me - Mirror Me
- mmmdomestic - Tasty Domestics
- mndogrescue - Minnesota Dog Rescue
- monchat - The Lovers
- mooncafe - mooncafe
- my_little_space - Your world, as you've made it
- my_wish - Star light, star bright...
- myfirsttime - my.first.time.
- myphotography - Kate's Photography
- naturephotos - A place to post nature photos
- naughty_doggies - Naughty Doggies
- neopets_18up - neoanimegoddess
- neoteens - Neopian Teens Guild
- neurotypical - ------We're normal and proud of it----
- new_subs_n_doms - :: The Newly Collared ::
- newbies_ratties - Newbies_RattieLovers
- newyorksign - newyorksign
- nin_nillies - A lickle fwiendly corner about fuzzy chinchillas
- non_ugly_pets - Gorgeous Pets!
- nonugly_couples - Beautiful Couples
- northoc_moms - northoc_moms
- note_to_ferret - Dear Ferret,
- notforgotten - LJ Memorials
- novel_hovel - Novel Hovel
- nuam - non ugly animal lovers!
- nutrinopets - Nutrino Pets
- ohiocats - Cat Lovers of Ohio
- ohmystars_ - ohmystars_!
- old_shep - Border Collies and other working dogs
- orangetabbies - Orange Tabbies Unite!
- oregonparents - oregonparents
- otaku_cafe - #Otaku Cafe
- our_pets - Our Pet's
- over40 - Users Over 40
- patfest - Catpatters and Dogsnoggers
- paw_print - Animal Photography
- pawfect - Pawfect: The Community
- pdxpets - PDX Pets
- people_for_sale - People For Sale
- perfect_pets - Picture_Perfect_Pets
- pet_connection - Cats, Dogs and everything else
- pet_faq - pet_faq
- pet_pix - pet pictures!!
- pet_rescue - Pet Rescue
- pet_utopia - Pets R Us
- petcare - Urbancatz
- petco_employees - petco_employees
- petcommunities - -::- Pet Communities -::-
- petcrazies - Crazy pet owners
- petjournals - Pets with Journals
- petloss - Petloss
- petme_inc - The Pet Me Adoption Foundation
- petphotos - Pet Photography
- petpictures - petpictures
- petquestions - petquestions
- pets - Pets
- pets_elite - My pet is cute... Right?
- phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
- photo_echoes - Photo Echoes
- pics_with_pets - Pictures With Pets
- pigs_are_cute - We Love Pigs!
- pointlesscomm - Pointlessness
- ppc_at_lj - Practical Pet Care @ LJ
- prgmtists4anmls - Pragmatists For Animals
- pug_pics - pug_pics
- pugs - Cute Lil' Pugs
- punkpets - punks and their pets
- puppy_dogs - Puppies
- puppypix - Puppy Pictures
- purge_now - complain here!
- pyrenees - great pyrenees ♥
- queerasfuk - queerasfuk
- queertas - Queer Tasmanians
- rabbitowners - Rabbit Owners
- ragnarok_phils - pRO Unofficial Community
- random___ - random___
- random_grounds - Random Grounds- Just brew it!
- rate_my_pet - rate_my_pet
- rateyourmouse - We <3 mice and rats!
- rateyourpiggy - Rate your piggy!
- rateyourratty - Rate your ratty!
- ratingmypet - ratingmypet
- rattielovers - Rattie Lovers
- ratties - Rat Fanciers
- rawdogs - Raw Dogs & Cats
- real_altparents - The Real AltParent Community
- real_women - Real_Women
- retarded_nation - Retarded Nation
- review_o_rama - Review-O-Rama
- reviewetopinion - Reviews and Opinions
- rhymeswithshake - Rhymes With Shake
- rodentz - Rodentz Community
- roomiewanted - roomiewanted
- rottweilers - rottweilers
- rspca - RSPCA
- rugbycorgi - The Adorable Corgi Community
- scarf_whores - scarf_whore
- schipperke - Schipperke
- scottish_folds - Scottish Folds
- scrapsalot - Scrapbook Ideas
- sealonline - Seal Online Community!!!
- seattledorkgirl - seattledorkgirls
- secret_lj_crush - I've got a crush on you!
- sfl_classifieds - sfl_classifieds
- shelter_ee - Приют для животных
- shelter_stories - shelter_stories
- shiba_inus - shiba_inus
- show_your_life - photos of your everyday life
- show_your_pets - show_your_pets
- shutter_sluts - shutter_sluts
- siamesecomics - Meezers Comics
- sighthounds - They've Got Their Eyes On You
- sirenicsouls - Sirenic Souls
- skinandseed - skinandseed
- slices_of_eden - Your slice of Eden
- smallfurries - Small Furry Creatures
- spillyria - Spillyria = Spike + Illyria
- storynight - Story Night
- stupidpetowners - Some people shouldn't own pets
- style_guru - style_guru
- subculture_pets - Scooter's Subculture Pets
- succulent_women - Succulent Wild Women
- sugarglider - sugarglider
- swhs - Southwestern Herpetologists Society
- tabooflnetwork - The Taboo Fanlistings Network Community
- tank_talk - tank_talk
- tarantula_lair - DHR
- teens_for_teens - teens_for_teens
- thatwassorandom - that*was*so*random
- the_cat_people - the_cat_people
- the_cathouse - Pussy-catgirls
- the_gemini - Gemini
- the_hangout - The Hangout
- the_hermit_crab - the_hermit_crab
- the_hutch - The Rabbit Hutch
- the_il_girls - choley, anna, hannah, lolly and becca
- the_ladies_room - The Ladies Room
- the_osbournes - The Osbournes
- the_pet_palace - the_pet_palace
- the_photos - ♥
- thedogcommunity - The Dog Community
- thedogpark - Dog Lovers
- thefurperson - thefurperson
- thelazyclub - The Lazy Club
- thenewsroom - Self Publishing
- torontopets - torontopets
- tortielove - Tortie Love
- tortieshellcats - A community for Tortoiseshell Cats or their owners
- tortsnmore - Furry Purry Babies
- toy_box - GlowWorm
- trades_for_pets - trades_for_pets
- tributes - Tributes
- true_dreamers - __dream
- tuftedtails - The Gerbils LiveJournal Community
- tuxedocats - The tuxedo cat community
- typers - Personality Typers
- ucf_classifieds - Orlando/UCF - For Sale - Wants Ads - Housing - Etc
- un_complete - un_complete
- urban_mode - Urban Lifestyle
- urbanpagan - Urban Pagan Community
- veganlover - Vegan Lover
- veganpeople - .....................VEGANISM.....................
- veslepuz - Linda
- vet_nurses - Veterinary Nurses
- vet_tech - Veterinary Technicians
- vets2be - Veterinarians in the Making!
- vettechs - vettechs
- volunteers - Volunteers
- we_be_kewte - we_be_kewte
- weekly_journal - Journal Prompts
- welove - <3
- weloveanimals - We Love Animals
- wild_canines - Lovers Of Wild Canines
- wildkingdom - WildKingdom
- wildlife_art - Capturing the beauty of wildlife in art.
- wonderfulthings - Absolutely_Wonderful_Things
- worrywarts - Worriers Anonymous
- youngwivestales - Young Wives' Tales
Interested users
The following users are interested in pets. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: