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Community Information

Below is information about the "LiveJournal Text Messaging Support" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:lj_textmessage (93732) Paid User lj_textmessage
LiveJournal Text Messaging Center
Development and Maintenance Support
Name:LiveJournal Text Messaging Support
Website:CVS information

Known Issues
Text Messaging is currently down for most providers. We are aware of the problem and are currently working to correct this as soon as we can. Please watch the community for updates.

Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience.

Revised 3/31/2004


This community is devoted to the development and enhancement of the paid account feature however membership is open to all LiveJournal users and everyone is welcome to join! Paid account holders are certainly more encouraged to join or at least add LJ::TextMessage as a friend in order to stay aware of feature updates and any issues that may occur. Typically this is the only place where text message related news will be found on the's a good idea to keep an eye out!

How does the text messaging feature work?

Generally speaking LiveJournal is able to send text messages using a mobile email address or via a carrier's messaging webpage. Keep in mind though that LiveJournal cannot support any web messaging sites where a login is required to send. For more information on how the feature works, please visit the FAQ here.

Support Areas

The following links will help find the answers to many common questions you may have.

Community updates are posted as necessary to let everyone know whats going on with updates, issues, etc. As it stands, there is no general timeframe used in the development of new versions to the LJ::TextMessage service. Perhaps one day we'll get more timely with release dates. You may also access previous community updates here.

What if something is wrong?

Tell us about it! We won't know there's a problem unless its posted and unless its posted it won't be fixed. When making any entries or replies please make sure:
- to name the service provider in the subject line, if any
- not to give your personal info such as full mobile numbers, passwords, etc. If necessary, email such info to following your post.
- always keep in mind who you're commenting to and what it is you may be saying. Often many comments are found asking for support but they were replied to other users in the thread and then usually never answered. We really aren't blowing anyone off, we just don’t know of comments made to others, especially if its an older post.

Suggestions and feedback are always welcomed as well.

[info]idigital - [info]iicarrii
LJ::TextMessage Development Team
Memories:26 entries
Interests:13: cell phones, cellular, emailsms, livejournal, messaging, mobile, mobile phones, short mail, sms, support, text mail, text messaging, websms. [Modify yours]
Members:369: 13x, 22dip, __neuralgia, _antiqua, _christopher, agenesis, agentrayevyn, agetupkid, aislinnwolf, alana_post, aldurmyste, alexandraknight, aml, amlu, amypluscharlie, anatomyofaliar, andyli, andymariachi, angel_hayles, angelbeth, ann, annaxbeth, anonymous_me, antonme, arcanis, archon, atanvarneroquen, austincs, ayey23, baby_jo, babyspike, backwardsclock, badbob69, belfastchild, benaresq, bhall, bigrock, blacksoxrox, bluefuton, bochup, brainstewed, brandonw, brangwy, brenleigh_11, brokenlilhearts, bubbletea, bubbleteagirl, bucketlord, buckeyeheather, call911idareyou, canewindsurfing, carpy, cars_drive, catholic_priest, cedarlibrarian, ceeuk, celie, chasman, chrit, ciannait, ciphergoth, cmorrigu, commodorevic, computerwiz69, connism, coren, corneliousjd, countrclockwise, courtly, crayolaab, crayolagrrl, crazeeparrot, crazysoph, creepigurl, critterhart, crushed42, crys383, cybele_san, cygnus7, cyka, dahalfbreed, dalona, darkrose16, dasubergeek, delphy, dementiaacerbus, destr0yme, diamondmav, dianna_wills, diez, digitalwizard, dilauded, dimm0k, dixiesweets02, dk379, down8, drinknmidori, drusilla_filth, dublos, eatsdirt, eckentricvision, eclipses, ee970, eefster, eideteker, electriclime, enigmatics, equally_diverse, erinbish, erinn, eternallynumb, evanescedreams, ex_akmartyr258, exedore, fdupcat, feedle, feinstein, fingerpaints, firefish, fithos, fletch, forrestino, foxracer2421, freematt, fruit_boy, fruitiessences4, fullofsilence, fyremoon, g3k, gabrielascrib, gamble26, gemstarmew, gen_1999, giveitaway, gloriamundi, goldenhair, goneawaygone, gothique_halo, grass, greygirl, grizwald428, gunshotbeauty, gushing_swine, halcy0n, hidaka_kenken, howief, i29breakdown, iamnotbroken, ibrad, icebox, idigital, iicarrii, ikarygdkitsune, incipient, ingenuemuse, ironmaus, ishkhara, isis691, ivyvine420, jakiah, jameth, jbsegal, jerseywood, josiejo, jovial_kitten, jproulx, jpwhite, justchooseme, justkristy, kaiwei, kamara, karina, kat99999, kathleens, kevan, kevm, kiyev, klose, kobalt, kryten, l2g, lady_riddel, ladyvox, laurelo, lawnmower, leany75, lesbian_ninja, lilsexy, lincoln3, lionmage, lipglossgecko, ljsurfer, lucid_whisper, ludicrous, lumen, lyfesgood, maeglin73, maelkann, maggie_malfoy, magicroundabout, mandalony, marchelo, markyclizark, marshall, marz_bar, maxtorque, mcmoon, mendel, mercury1975, messed_up, messtress, michalsriah, miopportunity, miruku, miss_wol, missariel, missinnersense, moosical, moraxian, morganmalfoy, mrcrash, mrobenee_kelley, mrsnwire, mudgurl647, muerte, myownmisery, myparu, n1, n3wt, nachtsternusa, nadra, namey, narcissine, nikita_80, nilesta, november_lux, ohwhen, omnipotent, oncee, orangebellyache, out_cold, p00kie, paladin3, paprikas, pastles, peagles, peiyu, pheret1, phil, pholower, piphil, prettyinpity, princessk8ie, profesor, psycho_smurf, pthalogreen, quality617, quintessa, r_win, rachel2205, ragazzina, rated_g, ratonil, ravewhq, redgilda, resistingfury, rory, roxy641, roy, safehex, seafood, seattlesparks, selahdejah, shakespearechic, sheandaru, shimmeringtears, shoppingqueen, sicbikky, silentphayze, silja, sirdan, sja, skidmarksteve, snoopdawg, snwflakespoerty, somnambulist, soultied, spacemonkey, sparklingwriter, spicy_mustard, spikenheimer, spoiledchic269, spookynitemare, squaresnow, squeaky19, ssecca01, starblazer1, starblazr, starosta, stesla, stronghold, stuhilpert, sugared_chaos, sun_technik, sunray, sunstrider, surreylass, sweetdaiquiri, t0ny99, tabulara_sa, tarzxf, tashee, teedz, teemus, teherika, teppanyaki, tessa2787, the_obsession, the_questess, thebillies, thebubba, thegit, themaskedman, theredrocker, thevoicewithin, thisisclosure_, thorfinn, thylician, titanic_days, toastywithbeer, tomodachineko, topher, tshirtgirl, tsutton, turkey_sandwich, tweakt, twelveeyes, tydel, tyhall, typical, ugly_boy, ukr, ultatryon, vanesa, vanishing_point, vertigowhirl, vetinari, vix00, vonlooney, vyxn, waxapple, wc, wesmills, weswilson, whattheschick, wired_li, xelha, xrandomxslutx, xsyntrik, xxxbloodrosexxx, xxxbrittanyxxx, yozh, yv, zach, zebulingod, zeeaap, zhade, zloba, zzyzx
Watched by:202: 0lookitzlisa, __joel__, agentrayevyn, agetupkid, aislinnwolf, aldurmyste, andyli, angel_hayles, angelspit, ann, annaxbeth, arcanis, archon, arlecchina, atanvarneroquen, ayey23, baby_jo, babyspike, badbob69, badfritz, bhall, bigrock, bloodysockets, bochup, boobbala, bradfitz, brandonw, brangwy, bubbletea, canewindsurfing, cars_drive, catholic_priest, cdogbert, ceeuk, ceramufary, chasman, chimaera27, chrit, chubbycore, cmorrigu, computerwiz69, coren, countrclockwise, courtly, cygnus7, darkrose16, delcj, demona_pink, deovolenti, dianna_wills, digitalwizard, dixiesweets02, dk379, dopeysgirl814, down8, drinknmidori, drusilla_filth, dublos, eatsdirt, electriclime, evanescedreams, ex_akmartyr258, exedore, fdupcat, fithos, fletch, flyskippy1, foxracer2421, fruit_boy, g3k, gen_1999, gleepy, grizwald428, halcy0n, howief, hypnoassassin, i29breakdown, iamnotbroken, idigital, iicarrii, insanegypsy, ivyvine420, josiejo, jovial_kitten, jproulx, justchooseme, kaiwei, kamara, karina, kathleens, kiyev, klose, kryten, laurelo, leany75, lilsexy, lincoln3, lionmage, ljsurfer, ludicrous, madame_macabre, maeglin73, maelkann, marshall, matthewp, maxtorque, mendel, mercury1975, mightymu, milesba, miopportunity, miruku, missinnersense, moosical, moraxian, muerte, myownmisery, n3wt, nachtsternusa, nadra, namey, narcissine, necroflux, oconel, ohwhen, osi, p00kie, paladin3, paprikas, peagles, peiyu, pheret1, phil, philipstorry, piphil, pisces6, prettyinpity, profesor, purpledragon104, r_win, raventhon, ravewhq, recipefordeath, rory, roxy641, roy, seafood, sergtpeppa, sheandaru, shoppingqueen, ...
Account type:Permanent Account

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