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User:billthepony (451985) billthepony
Bill's Tales
Name:Bill the Pony
Website:Bill's Paddock
Bio:I'm just a little pony who got abandoned outside of Moria and now I write slash for a hobby.
Interests:28: angst, blasphemy, eating grass, fps, frodo, frodo baggins, frodo/sam, frodo/sam slash, gaffer gamgee, gimli, gimli/legolas, hobbits, jolly cotton, legolas, legolas/gimli, lord of the rings, lotr slash, pervy hobbit fancying, pony play, pre-quest, romance, sam gamgee, sam/frodo, sam/frodo slash, samwise, samwise gamgee, slash, tolkien. [Modify yours]
People212:adahy, adina_atl, aerdrako, aina_baggins, allgeroth, anancingpony, andromedatook, anemptymargin, angharad001, anneheart, annwyn55, aratlithiel, archerlass, avariel_wings, baisleac, baisleac_2, beachkid, begiled, benevola, berian, betterthanany, billdapony, biteyourtongue, bodygardener, brancher, browngirl, buffett, capra_maritimus, cara_chapel, carolina30363, cassieingaben, cassiopeia3019, catw, cedara, changeling7, childeproof, cinzia, cmshaw, colimbina, concordiaadieu, conniemarie, corky812, crantz, creogaudium, crescent_light, darthneko, digigoth, dizzyhobbit, doroa, dreamiflame, duskdancer, dutch_eowyn, eastduke, el_wing, elanorgardner, elentaril, elke_tanzer, ellinestel, elycia, erewyn, esmereldahobbit, estethegentle, euro_fics, europanya, evildrem, eyebrowofdoom, eykar, fearlessdiva, fennelseed, fleurrochard, frodosamtango, frodosweetstuff, gayalithiel, gblvr, gertiedog, ghyste, gilraenthefair, grapeofdeath, grimalkin, gritkitty, gullygilly, h0bbity, haleth, hamfastgamgee, hanncoll, hatexinxrazors, hobbitdogs, hobbitwhore, horseofrohan, i_o_r_h_a_e_l, iarwainbenadar, iaurcalien, icara, icarusancalion, idioteque0, ilsewin, ink_blots_101, ink_gypsy, inkpirate, jennaria, jewelsong, julesaello, kaleidoskope, kangaruth, karri, kassrachel, kayrey, keelywolfe, kelbebop, kete, kingofquiet, kurashi, ladycolleen, ladyelwing, ladymoonray, laurelgardner, legolasgreenlef, lemonlye, lido_kitty, lilagrubb, lreissner102, luckykitty, lullenny, lush_rimbaud, mabiana, madmogs, maeglian, mailea, mamadeb, manofrohan, marrianna, matildafilch, merripestin, mirabile_dictu, monkey5s, monkeydom, moondroplette, msilverstar, mydarkstar, mz_calligraphy, nickeyb, notabluemaia, onebitchficrecs, orome, oropher, ourdramaqueen, oxer12, paceus, paladin_took, pathvain_aelien, peregrin_took, phineasjones, piccalo, plaidpjs, plasticgandalf, poornapoleon, poppyh, pqlaertes, primulabaggins, princessofg, queenberuthiel, rabidsamfan, randwise_gamgee, rayphile, reginagiraffe, renoir_girl, resqdog51, ringwraith_ii, rubynye, samantharichter, samena, sayhello, sbjudy, scriggle, semyaza, serai1, servwithasmile, shadowfax8, siriusashke, sistermagpie, slipperieslope, slutbucket, snoopydance4me, songs_of_winter, sorrowful_eagle, spinningtop, spiralled, splonders, squeeful, starbuckle, stillcaenis, suiren_chan, tammylee, tanglefire, taurof_gondolin, teasel, tenebraeli, timberwolfoz, tinewen, tiriel_35, tis_true, tori_m, tpod, trilliah, undone27, versaphile, viggorlijah, vivianedesblanc, westmoon, wordsworthy, xylohypha, zozma
Communities6:athelingas, bagend, gimlikins, paidmembers, rugbytackle, sons_of_gondor
Friend of:212: adahy, adina_atl, aerdrako, aina_baggins, allgeroth, anancingpony, anemptymargin, angharad001, anna_burrows, anneheart, annwyn55, aratlithiel, archerlass, avariel_wings, b_briarwood, baisleac, baisleac_2, beachkid, begiled, benevola, berian, betterthanany, billdapony, biteyourtongue, bodygardener, brancher, buffett, capra_maritimus, carolina30363, cassieingaben, cassiopeia3019, catw, cedara, changeling7, childeproof, cinzia, cmshaw, colimbina, concordiaadieu, conniemarie, crantz, creogaudium, crescent_light, darthneko, digigoth, dizzyhobbit, doroa, dreamiflame, duskdancer, dutch_eowyn, eastduke, el_wing, elanorgardner, elanorina, elentaril, elke_tanzer, ellinestel, elycia, empressaurelius, erewyn, esmereldahobbit, estethegentle, euro_fics, evildrem, eyebrowofdoom, fandom_tourist, fearlessdiva, fennelseed, fleurrochard, frodosamtango, frodosweetstuff, gblvr, gertiedog, ghyste, gilraenthefair, grapeofdeath, grimalkin, gritkitty, gullygilly, h0bbity, haleth, hamfastgamgee, hanncoll, hatexinxrazors, hobbitdogs, hobbitwhore, holbytla4, horseofrohan, i_o_r_h_a_e_l, iarwainbenadar, iaurcalien, icara, icarusancalion, idioteque0, ilsewin, ink_blots_101, ink_gypsy, inkpirate, jennaria, jewelsong, julesaello, kaleidoskope, kangaruth, karri, kayrey, keelywolfe, kelbebop, ladycolleen, ladyelwing, ladymoonray, laurelgardner, legolasgreenlef, lido_kitty, lilagrubb, lreissner102, luckykitty, lullenny, lush_rimbaud, mabiana, madmogs, maeglian, mailea, mamadeb, manofrohan, matildafilch, melanieathene, merripestin, mirabile_dictu, monkey5s, monkeydom, moondroplette, msilverstar, mydarkstar, mz_calligraphy, narsil_reforged, nickeyb, notabluemaia, onebitchficrecs, orome, oropher, ourdramaqueen, oxer12, paceus, paladin_took, pathvain_aelien, peregrin_took, phineasjones, piccalo, pipsqueaktook, plaidpjs, ...
Member of:7: athelingas, bagend, gimlikins, hobbit_smut, paidmembers, rugbytackle, sons_of_gondor
Account type:Free Account

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