Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "reviews".
355 matches:
- 3wordficreviews - 3wordficreviews
- 60wordfiction - ...
- 7thprojects - 7thprojects
- _bookish - bookish - a book critique community
- _diversions - much ado about nothing
- _journalreviews - Journal Reviews
- _sixbynine - SIX by NINE Mailing Project
- _these_words_ - The Writing Guild
- _theshining - The Shining
- _writers_anon - Writers Anonymous
- a_book_a_month - a_book_a_month
- aesthetic_twats - Circle of daft cunts
- airwavesback - we want the airwaves back
- album_reviews - Album Reviews
- alt_edinburgh - Alternative Edinburgh
- alt_portal - Alternative Music Portal
- amazon_reviews - Reviews, Best of
- analyzethese - Have Your Journal Reviewed
- anime_wreck - Find a fandom!
- animereviewers - Anime Reviewers
- anthropophobia - Literary Reviews/Commentaries
- anti_pop - Anti Pop
- antiwpr - AntiWPR Debate
- artists_haven - inspiration
- artmedia - artmedia
- atheneum - The Atheneum
- ats_endofdays - End of Days
- au_electro - .au electro
- audiogasms - audiogasms
- audiorocketry - audiorocketry
- avidreaders - The Avidreader Bookclub
- badgerchatter - badgerbadgerchatterchatter
- bagend - Bag End
- bb_storyville - Children's Books
- beauty101 - Your Questions.. Answered
- beauty_review - Beauty Review
- bestatwhatwedo - Best, Brightest and Most Bizarre
- beyondcompare - The World's Greatest in Everything
- bhamreview - Bellingham and western Whatcom county
- bibliophilic - we'll live forever in books, darling.
- bigbluedeal - bigbluedeal
- bizrants - BIZrants
- book_addicts - book_addicts
- book_clublj - The Live Journal Book Club
- book_reviews - Book_Reviews
- book_worm - Book Worm
- bookbin - The Bookbin Reviews
- bookbound - BookBound
- booknerds - Tanky & Jet's Nerdy Book Society
- bookreview - Book Review
- books - Readers
- bookster5000 - Styx
- bookworming - Addicted to Books
- boozefoodmke - Milwaukee Booze and Food
- box_set - box_set
- bprs4e - ♥; Rate That Book
- breathingwords - An active working poetry community...
- brytnees_zine - Wildflowers
- by_the_beat - By the Beat Indie Zine
- ccdfanfiction - ccdfanfiction
- ccfp - Critically Constructive Feedback Project
- celtic_lit - Celtic Literature
- chocolate_cake - Feminist Reviews
- claudsupport - claudsupport
- clawsoutreviews - Film critics suck. We, however, are teh greatest
- comicbook_icons - Comic Book Icons Community
- consumer_voice - rants, raves, reviews
- crackheads_anon - crackheads_anon
- craft_monsters - craft monsters
- criticscorner - Critics' Corner
- critique_corner - Critique Corner
- cs_applications - The Cynical Succubi
- culture_review - Culture Review
- cultureshark - Cultureshark
- cynicalsuccubi - The Cynical Succubi
- d20reviews - d20 Reviews
- dailydigest - Daily Digest
- dailylit - Daily Lit
- dark_writing - Dark Writing
- darklordscrypt - The Darklord's Crypt
- darkmagicknet -
- diner_review - What's your favorite Diner?
- dining_room - The Dining Out Community
- dirte - Dedicated to Bring You The Worst of Everything
- dolphinsex - SQUEE Reviews
- doom_magazine - DOOM Magazine Official Community
- dramione - Dramione
- driveafastercar - music to know
- drum_and_bass - drum and bass
- dvd_profiler - Show Us Your DVDS!
- east_coast_wha - east_coast_wha
- editorials - Writer
- entertainers - The Entertainers
- epinions - Epinions
- epinionsreaders - epinionsreaders
- fabulae - fabulae
- fanfic_help - Fanfiction Help and Review
- fanficrantesp - Fanfic Rant en Castellano
- fanficwriters - Fanfiction Writers
- fangirls - Fangirl rantings
- fcol - Slash Avengers
- feministfilm - feminist film
- fic_flames - Fic Flames
- fic_it_forward - Fic It Forward
- fics_r_us - Harry Potter Fan Fiction!
- ficworkshop - Jossverse Fanfic Writer's Workshop
- filmfuckers - the Film F*#%ers project
- filmgeeks - Film Geeks
- filmstudiesleft - Leftist Film Studies
- find_new_music - *****Find New Music*****
- fivewordreviews - Five Word Reviews
- flaglercounty - Flagler County
- flamereport - flamereport
- flickforum - flickforum
- freakcentralcom -
- freezing_frames - Freezing Frames: Sound and Vision
- fuckinm_htx - fuckinm_htx
- game_cube - Nintendo Game Cube
- gay_film_review - gay_film_review
- getreviewed - getreviewed
- gifted_writers - Gifted Writers
- glamourgirlies - Glamourgirlies
- glitterlj - Glitter Directory LJ Community
- gnomic - gnomic reviews
- good_design - Good Design
- goyouhuskies - Go You Huskies!
- graphite_envy - Graphite Envy: The Creative Writing Community.
- gw_fanfiction - gw_fanfiction
- hammock_school - The Hammock School of Literary Criticism
- happydementor - Deatheater World Fiction
- haunted_promo - Haunted Attractions
- hellsingreviews - Hellsing's reviews
- horror_reviewer - STEEL's Horror Movie Reviews
- horrorharlot - Horror Harlot Haven News & Updates
- hp_fictalk - HP fic discussion
- hpfandom_review - hpfandom_review
- hprpg_review - Harry Potter RPG Reviews
- i_love_this - i_love_this
- i_rate - i_rate
- iapp - The Shareware and Freeware MacOS Software
- iem - IEM
- ihatejournals - I Hate Journals - Journal "Reviews"
- ilikemovies -
- imho - In My (un)Humble Opinion
- impartialreview - Impartial Reviews
- inklings_lj - The Inklings: An LJ Reading Group
- inkscrawls - inkscrawls
- inky_knight - Loyal Knights of the Inkwell
- instant_fanzine - Instant Fanzine
- ireview - I Review
- johnnydollar - +Gene's Reviews+
- journalcritics - The Journal Critics
- journalreviews - Journal Reviews
- journals_ltd - The live journal reviewers commitee
- junkart - junkart
- justmusic - No Politics
- kill_your_tunes - Your Music Sucks...You Suck!
- kitsunereview - Reviews of Various Stuff by the Fox
- konsole - konsole
- lipgloss_addicx - + Lipgloss Addicts +
- lit4adults - lit4adults
- litsanon - Literature Anonymous
- ljreview - Journals worth reading - Livejournal reviews
- ljreviewz - We Review Your LJ
- logiview - LogiView
- lost_iconia - Lost Iconia
- lotr_squee - Lord of the Rings Squeeage
- lunch_buffet - The LiveJournal Contingent
- lupin_snape - The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community
- lutheria - Lutheria
- madb_reviews - Mad Bastard Reviews
- madphat_reviews - Phat Mad Wind Ninja REVUES!!!1!
- makeup_fetish - ♥everything make-up♥
- mere_review_ - we review*
- mmreviews - mmreviews
- monster_tokyo - Silence Free Tokyo
- mordantroses - Mordant Roses
- mordaxia - Mordaxia
- movie_jerks - Soon to become
- movie_monkeys - Movie Monkeys
- moviebrain - Movie Brain
- moviebuffs - MOVIE BUFFS
- moviedebate - The movie debate journal
- moviendvdreview - moviendvdreview
- moviereviews - Movie Reviews for the people, by the people...
- mt_parnassus - Mount Parnassus
- music_fic - Music Fic
- music_toasties - music whore
- must_be_poets - must be poets
- mutant_allies - Mutant Allies: Reviews, Commentary, and Analysis
- muzikology - Muzikology
- netflix_queue - What's In Your Netflix Queue?
- netjunkies - Closed
- newmoviereview - __newmoviereview
- nice_reviews - nice_reviews
- nikon_d70 - The Nikon D70 Community
- nomore_lies - Honesty Reigns
- nopoetry - Write It Without Poetry
- noracharles_lit - Nora Charles
- oi_goffiks - Oi! Goffiks!
- paintedlips - paintedlips
- palefires - Pale Fires Writing Circle
- pbguide - The Poor Bastard's Guide
- pdx_films - PDX film showings and film reviews
- perfectfilm - perfectfilm
- policegirl_love - Police Girl Love
- promotions_ltd - Promotions_ltd
- psychocommagrlz - psychocommagrrlz
- random_review - Reviews of Random Journals
- random_reviews - Random Reviews
- rant_and_rave - Ranting and Raving Community
- ratemypoetry - Rate My Poetry
- reality_review - Reviews... Un-edited
- reel_reviews - Reel_Reviews
- reelwild - Reel Wild Reviews
- rem_narrat - rem_narrat
- request_a_fic - Request A (Music) Fic
- review_emporium - review_emporium
- review_my_lj - review_my_lj
- review_o_rama - Review-O-Rama
- review_you - We'll Review your LJ
- reviewedbyajerk - Journal Reviews by JERKS
- reviewetopinion - Reviews and Opinions
- reviewit - post your review
- reviewme - Livejournal Reviews
- reviewrevue - reviewrevue
- reviewsforyou - reviews - for - you
- romantic_sffh - romantic_sffh
- rum_gone - rum&jewels.
- sacre_coeur - The Sacre Coeur Rating Community
- scribequill - Scribe and Quill
- seraph_reviews - Seraph
- seventhlayer - The Seventh Layer
- sf_book_reviews - The SF Book Review
- sfandf_writers - SFandF_Writers & Readers
- sietch_tabr - Dune Meta: discussion etc
- slash_alert - Slash Alert
- smearedsneercom - Smeared Sneer Comunity Journal
- so_obscene - .obSCENE.
- socialmysfitt - Divine Wrath
- somethingweekly - somethingweekly
- sp_archive - Snape and student relationships
- spadortch - SPADORTCH
- spoilers - What happened?
- sporky_reviews - The Sporky Reviewers -- we'll review your LJ!
- stealthisbook - read me
- stop_the_badfic - The Quest Against Badfic
- storyoftheweek - Story Teller
- stuck_jesus - Paname By Night
- suck_my_movie - Lowell and Karey: At The Movies
- suhfistuhfunk - suhfistuhfunk
- supportwhore - Help Screaming
- svroundtable - Smallville Round Table
- sweet_serenity - A Weakness For Words
- sweetjournal - Journal Reviews
- tarantulate - tarantulate
- tenwordreview - The Ten Word Review
- termiteproof - Woodworks :: Copy Editors
- the_algonquin - The Gonk
- the_corner_geek - A Geek in Need is a Geek Indeed
- the_showdown - Literary Love
- thecommonwealth - The Commonwealth of Letters
- themilitiagroup - The Militia Group
- thereeldeal - The Reel Deal
- theslushpile - theslushpile
- thingsshared - Music Stop
- tommaso - a community for the discussion of queer literature
- tonidaisyhopper - The Domain
- tradepunktapes - punk rock tape traders
- turn__right - Turn Right Reviews
- uberandom - We who are random (and love it)
- uberlayouts - Layout Queens
- uk_theatre - uk_theatre
- ultimate_rating - The Ultimate Rating Community
- undead_authors - Book Club:NOT YOUR AVERAGE ENGLISH COURSE
- under_coremusic - UNDER FUCKING CORE MOOSIC
- urban_bohemia - urban bohemia
- used_books - used_books
- vg_review - Video Game Review Collective
- vgreviews - video game reviews
- videetoclips - vide et ô clips
- w_ramblings - Writers Ramblings
- webexpressions - News at Expressions
- webreviews - Web-UI Support Category Review Requests
- wednesdaycomics - New Comic Wednesday
- wednightmovies - Wednesday Night Movies
- wes_craven - Wes Craven Community
- woodworks - Woodworks :: The Staff
- wotsallthisthen - wotsallthisthen
- wpr_bitches - WPR Bitches
- write_critic - Because everyone loves to criticize
- writefight - writefight
- writeitout - Write It Out
- writenoise - UK Music Writers
- writers_digest - Aspiring Writer
- writers_vote - Writers
- writersblok_net - The Writer's Blok LJ Community
- writestuffclub - Write Stuff Club
- writingcritique - Writing Critique
- xplay - X-Play LJ Community
- xrantxandxravex - Rant and Rave
- yaandmgwriters - Young Adult and Middle Grade Writers
- yamamoto_taro - yamamoto_taro
- you_review - you review!
- your_point_is - And Your Point Is...?
- zelda_rq - Random Zelda Questions
- zerofeettall_ - ::Zero::Feet::Tall::
- zine_scene - Zine Resource Community
- zinereviews - underground publication reviews
- zines_canada - Canadian Zines
- zinescene - zineophobia
- zinescene_uk - ukzines
- zinester - Zinester
Interested users
The following users are interested in reviews. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: