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Nations wax and nations wane Foreign Affairs editor James Hoge argues that Indian and Chinese economic growth will increase their relative power in the world, while that of the west will decline: "A Global Power Shift in the Making" Fundamental changes in the relative power of states "occur infrequently, and are rarely peaceful." Hoge sees the rise of China, base on its economic fundamentals, as the key fact, and discusses potential political responses. The U.S. has engaged in a traditional competitive balance of power response:
Suspicious Americans have interpreted larger Chinese military budgets as signs of Beijing's intention to roll back America's presence in East Asia. Washington is thus eager to use India, which appears set to grow in economic and military strength, as a counterbalance to China as well as a strong proponent of democracy in its own right..."
...The United States must also avoid creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of strategic rivalry with China. Such a rivalry may in fact come to pass, and the United States should be prepared for such a turn of events. But it is not inevitable; cooperation could still produce historic advancements. At the international level, Asia's rising powers must be given more representation in key institutions, starting with the UN Security Council...The same can be said of other key international bodies... ...Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin has embraced the idea of elevating to heads-of-state level the meetings of the G-20 group, which is composed of 10 industrialized countries and 10 emerging market economies. This could incorporate into global economic governance those countries with large populations and growing economies. The credibility and effectiveness of international bodies depends on such changes; only then will they be able to contribute significantly to peace among nations. Although hardly foolproof, restructuring institutions to reflect the distribution of power holds out more hope than letting them fade into irrelevance and returning to unrestrained and unpredictable balance-of-power politics and free-for-all economic competition." "Punching Above Our Weight" from Policy magazine. Kelly's starting point is the argument that "disparity in growth rates between Australia and industrialising East Asia meant that the gap in economic size, technological and industrial sophistication will narrow, and, as a result 'Australia will be able to rely less on its strategic and economic weight in the region to achieve its policy objectives' " [in the last phrase, Kelly quotes from a 1997 Australian gov't white paper- Ben]... "Hard power" is best defined by population and GDP, and other Asian countries are likely to outcompete Australia on both criteria in coming years. "The situation is compounded by a series of strategic realities." Australia lives in an increasingly rough neighborhood. "...Australia is in a region where dislocation and conflict are on the rise...Australia will have to assume a greater role within its own neighborhood not just as a security partner but to uphold civil society and check the drift towards failed states...The threat of Islamic terrorism will drive Australia into deeper collaboration with Indonesia, the Philippines and other regional partners..." Nevertheless, Australia has few opportunities to seek increased security through "political or regional economic union" with other states (aside from New Zealand). Finally, "Australia is highly exposed to the impact of globalization." Kelly focuses on the economic dimensions of Australia's strategic response. Australia has to enhance three strategic assets: GDP, population, and technological change. The response includes: (a) "becoming one of the most open and competitive economies in the world exposed to global markets and the disciplines they demand." (b) investment in education, (c) microeconomic reform to maintain a flexible economy, (d) encourage immigration, and (c) public policy to stabilize the fertility rate. I learned about Kelly's article from the Arts & Letters Daily. Revised 6-29-04 More effective PowerPoint presentations Ten tips for more effective presentations from Bill Howard: "Some Additional Tips for Effective Presentations" Some good ideas, although I'm not sure about #10: "Male presenters, learn to use a little makeup (called pressed powder) to take the sheen off your face. It's especially important if you have oily skin and you're at a conference where your image is projected on a screen." I learned about these from Newmark's Door. The price of a college education USA Today reports that tuition costs paid by students at public universities has dropped dramatically over the last five years, while the costs paid by students at private universities has risen by less than half the published tuition prices. Published prices have risen, but federal tax breaks and state and federal grants have grown enormously: "Tuition burden falls by a third"
1. The university raises its official tuition price. 2. The higher tuition qualifies many students for bigger federal and state grants, which are passed on to the school. 3. The university writes a "scholarship" to cover the rest of the tuition hike, so many students don't actually pay more. "It is a shell game, pure and simple," Alexander says. "A lot of schools set tuition prices to maximize grant money and then use institutional (financial) aid — which isn't real money — to set the real tuition.".." More education isn't always a good thing A lot depends on what its going to be used for. Over at Catallaxy, Jason Soon asks, "Can an economy have too many lawyers?" William Baumol writes about his 1993 book, Entrepreneurship, Management and the Structure of Payoffs:
Eight ways to abuse science in policy-making Chris Mooney lists eight ways to abuse science in the policy-making process: "Towards a Taxonomy of Science Abuses" Policy evaluation - paying attention to statistics Alan Krueger points out how important it is to pay attention to statistical issues in designing and interpreting policy evaluations. See the June 24 New York Times "Economic Scene" column: "Economic Scene: Private vs. Public at Airports" Can private firms provide airport security more cheaply and more effectively than government? We can't tell. We have several studies, but the small sample sizes are small, and they are subject to selection bias. I learned about this column from Atlanticblog 6/25/2004
Cowen on Shaviro on Medicare NYU Law professor and public finance expert Daniel Shaviro has a new book out on medicare: Who Should Pay for Medicare?. Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution recommends it, and has run a series of posts on it. "Is Medicare Progressive in its Impact?" Maybe not. Medicare poses an enormous fiscal challenge. "What Should we do with Medicare?" may not be "What will happen with Medicare?" 6/24/2004
More sugar The Financial Times reports on a proposal to revamp European Union (EU) sugar subsidy and protection programs:
Some foreign countries (76 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries - called the "ACP" countries) benefit from the EU program because the EU gives them preferential access to its domestic market (and the artificially high prices therein) as a sort of foreign aid program. Gallagher points to a nifty paper by Theodore Levantis, Frank Iotzo and Vivek Tulpule of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) on the impacts of the preferential access program on one small ACP country - Fiji: "Ending of EU Sugar Trade Preferences. Potential Consequences for Fiji". The authors use an computable general equilibrium model of Fiji's economy to look at the impacts of three scenarios: (a) eliminating the subsidy with no new foreign aid, (b) eliminating the subsidy and substituting equivalent foreign aid which is then used to reduce Fijian taxes and tariffs, (c) eliminating the subsidy and substituting equivalent foreign aid which is then used for investments in infrastructure. All three alternatives move Fiji onto a faster growth path, and (b) and (c) lead to increased GDP (under (a) the increase in growth is small compared to the immediate impact of the loss of the preference, and GDP is below baseline levels for at least 10 years).
Running interference for sugar producers Chris Mooney argues (in Mother Jones) that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is trying to get the World Health Organization (WHO) to modify a report tying sugar consumption to obesity and obesity related diseases such as Type II diabetes. The motive: to be responsive to sugar interests with administration ties. "Eating Away at Science"
The industry's leaders and representatives are certainly well positioned to make their views known in Washington, particularly to the president and his top advisers. The Bush campaign acknowledges, for instance, that its "Rangers"?fundraisers who bundle at least $200,000 in donations?include the sugar magnate Jose "Pepe" Fanjul Jr.; Richard F. Hohlt, a 2003 lobbyist for Altria, which owns Kraft Foods; and Robert Leebern Jr., a lobbyist who last year represented Coca-Cola. And in the campaign's class of "Pioneers"--bundlers of a minimum of $100,000; there's Robert A. Coker, a United States Sugar Corp. senior vice president; Barclay Resler, Coca-Cola's vice president of Government Relations; and Joe Weller, the chairman and CEO of Nestlé USA..." Recent posts on "big sugar" "Trade Protection Can Cost Jobs" "Cooperation, makes it happen..." "Big Sugar" "Candy makers fleeing the country" "Doha round maneuvers; European sugar" (I'm taking advantage of Blogger's new search function.) 6/23/2004
Harding Administration accomplishments David Bernstein at The Volokh Conspiracy posts on Harding Administration accomplishments ("Poor Warren Harding"), and finds that Harding compares favorably to the "execrable and incompetent Woodrow Wilson." He leaves one accomplishment out, he doesn't mention Harding's role in the implementation of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921. This Act made the President responsible for preparing and delivering the budget proposals to Congress, and established the Bureau of the Budget (eventually to become the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)) as an office in the Treasury Department. The Act placed the initiative in budget matters formally in the hands of the president, and created the institutional structure to complement this responsibility. For these reasons, it was an important element in the development of modern presidential power. Harding "called the Budget and Accounting Act the greatest reform in government practices since the beginning of the Republic..." He signed it into law in June 1921, and followed up by appointing a strong director for the new bureau, General Charles Dawes. Howard Shuman has a good discussion of the background to the Budget Act in pages 23-31 of his Politics and the Budget. The Struggle between the President and Congress. This note is based on Shuman. P.S.6-24-04: The Act also created The General Accounting Office (GAO) to audit the executive branch on behalf of Congress. 6/22/2004
Hal Varian on writing about economics Hal Varian explains how to write economics textbooks, business textbooks, and economics columns, here.
...there is no end of interesting economic material being written. Since essentially no one reads those papers-except for other economists-there is a vast reservoir of untapped material. What I try to do is to take some current event-Social Security, or drug prices, or technology-and find some relevant work in economics. Sometimes it is recent work, sometimes several years old. And then I try to explain how this economic thinking casts light on the issues being debated. ...Sometimes I come across an interesting working paper or recent publication and I use that as the basis for the column. Sometimes someone (usually a non-economist) will ask me about something and this will inspire me to write a column explaining the economists viewpoint..." Markets for pollination services Skip Sauer (Sports Economist) posts with a link to a paper on markets for pollination services:"The fable of the bees". Beekeeping has been used as an example of an activity that would be underprovided because it would be associated with positive externalities (pollination services). Steven N. S. Cheung actually looked at what happened, and documented contracting between farmers and beekeepers to provide pollination services. Sauer links to a paper on honeybee pollination markets. Douglas Whynott wrote a book on the lives and operations of migratory beekeepers: Following the Bloom: Across America With the Migratory Beekeepers Andrew David Chamberlain at the Idea Shop has a complementary post on this topic, with a link to an additional article. He doesn't have Sauer's story on the migratory beekeeper, the truck crash, and the loose bees, however. Clinton Economic Policy Failures Max Zawicky posts a list of six Clinton Administration economic policy failures (from the perspective of someone on the left): "BUBBA BUBBA, TOIL AND TRUBBA" Zawicky spends time getting his failure criteria right. Politicians have to make all sorts of compromises to stay in office, so its not realistic to ding them for every deviation from an ideal policy stance. A policy failure could be the result of compromise; a political failure could be the result of taking risks to do the right thing. But, when something is counterproductive from a partisan point of view, and counterproductive from a policy point of view, you have an unambiguous failure. 6/21/2004
The Economist on the underground economy This week's (June 19) Economist's "Economic Focus" column highlights two studies on the underground or gray economy:"Economics focus: In the shadows" Friedrich Schneider reports on "Size and Measurement of the Informal Economy in 110 Countries Around the World" According to Schneider's abstract,
Diana Farrell of the McKinsey Group points out that high tax rates and regulatory burdens can slow growth by encouraging firms to structure themselves for success in the underground economy in productivity-sapping ways ("The hidden dangers of the informal economy" free registration required for access to the article). As the Economist puts it:
Mead on Chernow on Hamilton Political scientist Walter Russell Mead likes Ron Chernow's new biography of Alexander Hamilton very much and says so in this review in the new Foreign Affairs. The Library of America series also has a volume on Hamilton. The volume includes:
Alaska Senator Stevens' successful investments Liz Ruskin reports on Alaska senior senator Ted Stevens' business venture with Anchorage developer Bob Penney in today's Anchorage Daily News: "Stevens-Penney venture pays well, at least on paper".
Penney said he and his business partners invited Stevens to join them in "appreciation for all he's done for Alaska and the country. We respect him very, very much... ...The Utah development "is one where we asked Ted to come in and join us because we'd like to have him for a partner out of due respect and our way of giving him a thank-you and consideration for what he's done for all of us and all our kids," Penney said. When you look for business partners, it makes sense to choose from people you like and admire rather than strangers, Penney said." Two earlier posts referenced in December - Last summer Liz Ruskin reported on Stevens' connections with Anchorage developer John Rubini: "Business and politics" Also last summer the Associated Press reported that "Alaska gets $1.91 back for every $1.00 in Federal taxes" 6/18/2004
Asian dollar purchases Why are the Chinese and Japanese central banks loading up on "U.S. dollar denominated securities?" Seven ideas from Tyler Cowen: "Why do Asian central banks buy so many dollars?" 6/17/2004
What is variety worth? Freeing international trade lowers consumer prices. It also gives consumers more products to choose from. Economist's have measured the first benefit, but not the second. Virginia Postrel highlights an National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) study addressing the second benefit in her column in today's New York Times:"The Economic Value of Variety". In a recent working paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Professor Weinstein and Christian Broda, an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, estimate how much international trade has benefited consumers simply by increasing variety. (The paper is available at The results are striking. Consumers, they estimate, would be willing to pay $280 billion a year, or about 3 percent of gross domestic product, to have access to the variety of goods that were available in 2001, rather than what they could have bought in 1972... African contribution to Allied victory in WWII Abiola Lapite notes that about a quarter million Africans died fighting the Axis powers in WWII: "World War II - The Forgotten African Contribution" 6/15/2004
Bainbridge on interstate shipment of wine Professor Bainbridge comments on the interstate wine shipment case before the U.S. Supreme Court:"TCS Column on Wine" John Christian Barber On April 20 I posted excerpts from the diary of John Christian (Jack) Barber ("When Good Vacations Go Bad"), a young Englishman. In March and April 1914, Barber was traveling in Mexico. He spent March visiting his uncle, Paul Gleadell, and Gleadell's family, in Merida in the Yucatan. In April he traveled with them to their home in Jalapa, Vera Cruz. Barber was caught in the city of Vera Cruz when the U.S. Navy landed and seized the port on April 21. Shortly after, he left Vera Cruz on a refugee ship for Galveston. The diary probably has no importance for the history of the time, but does vividly portray the general confusion, the street fighting in Vera Cruz, and a refugee's discomfort. Barber himself was young - I'd guess around 20 - and comes across as an likeable character. World War I began in August 1914. Jack Barber apparently joined the 8th or "Scottish" battalion of the The King's Liverpool Regiment. On June 16, 1915 (almost 90 years ago tomorrow), he was killed in action at Hooge in Flanders. The "Liverpool Scottish" have a museum and a web site: The Liverpool Scottish Museum Trust. The web site tells something about the battle:
The Battalion moved off into the attack uphill towards Bellewaarde Farm... at a strength of 23 Officers and 519 Other Ranks. At the end of the day, there were 2 Officers and 140 ORs unscathed. There were 4 Officers and 75 ORs killed, 6 Officers and 108 ORs missing (of whom almost all were later reported killed) and 11 Officers and 201 ORs wounded. An indication of the scale of the casualties is that the account of the action in the war diary is signed by Lieutenant L.G. Wall as Commanding Officer of The Liverpool Scottish..." The Liverpool Scottish web page has a picture of Jack, here. I only know about Jack because my grandmother knew him. Paul Gleadell was my grandmother's step-father, so that was the connection. Many years later, as an adult, and probably as an old woman, she got a copy of Barber's diary and transcribed the parts dealing with the visit to Merida and Vera Cruz. She had an interest in the Mexican Revolution, and undoubtedly remembered Barber. 6/14/2004
Interstate wine shipments 2 Last Wednesday's USA Today carried a story by Donna Leinwand on the upcoming Supreme Court case on state ability to control imports of alcohol:"Ordering liquor online sets off legal challenges" Leinwand surveys the pros and cons - the laws restrain trade but may make it easier for a state to collect tax revenues or control sales to minors. Leinwand also provides a survey of state controls on interstate shipments. Industry support for the current arrangements is coming from liquor wholesalers, whose central position in the distribution system gets legislative support under current arrangements. The main opposition is coming from small wineries, looking for new ways to move their products.
The restrictions are part of a distribution system that requires wineries, breweries and distilleries to sell their products to state-licensed wholesalers, which then sell them to liquor stores. The laws make it easy for states to tax alcohol. And as an obstacle to underage drinking, the laws also require customers to purchase alcohol in face-to-face transactions in which IDs can be checked. Critics say the laws have been made obsolete by the Internet and by the boom in U.S. vineyards, which have changed the landscape for alcohol sales... The Institute for Justice, the law firm representing the wineries, has a web site on the issue, here: Media Center. The "See Related Press Information" link at the bottom of the page connects to background material on a New York case (Swedenburg v. Kelly), one of the two cases behind the Supreme Court case. Jim Tozzi and the Data Quality Act Liberal science and policy journalist and blogger Chris Mooney writes about Jim Tozzi of the conservative regulatory think-tank, the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, and about Tozzi's brainchild, the Data Quality Act, in the May Washington Monthly:"Paralysis by Analysis" Mooney's title summarizes his argument, which is that Tozzi has promoted the Data Quality Act as a way of "gumming up" the regulatory works, and providing a tool for use in slowing down regulatory activity.
Outsourcing and state and local budgets State and local governments can save taxpayers a bundle with foreign outsourcing. But they are also vulnerable to political pressure to "do the work at home." Daniel Drezner posts on the conflict: "More cost savings from protectionism". 6/12/2004
Light pollution Urban lighting makes it harder to see the stars. This makes it a concern to star gazers and amateur and professional astronomers. The International Dark-Sky Association tries to publicize the problem and promote solutions. The Italian Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute has another useful set of resource pages. Click here for the Institute's "World Atlas of the Artificial Night Sky Brightness." But ecologists are also becoming concerned. Ben Harder points to some of the research in the story "Degraded Darkness" in the most recent issue of Conservation in Practice (a publication of the Society for Conservation Biology). Lots of species behave different in the light and the dark, or change their behavior when lights are on after dark.
It's tempting to assume that artificial light distresses only a few exquisitely sensitive species. But mounting evidence suggests that the disappearance of darkness can affect plants and animals in a variety of ecosystems. Snake populations are declining in the vicinity of developing parts of California, for example. And intriguingly, it seems that not all the blame lies with familiar culprits like new roads and neighborhoods. Nocturnal snake species are thinning out more rapidly than diurnal snake species, even in areas where development isn?t cutting directly into snake habitat. "There are certain areas in southern California," says biologist Robert Fisher of the U.S. Geological Survey, "that have what seems like suitable habitat for these nocturnal snakes. But they?re not there, even though their diurnal counterparts are." ... Moore [a Wellesley College scientist - Ben] suspects that artificial illumination alters aquatic ecosystems from the smallest organisms on up. The implications are far reaching and could ultimately link light pollution to water quality. Minute zooplankton lurk well below the surface during the day to avoid predators, then rise to graze on algae at night. But artificial light discourages them from venturing toward the surface. "If their grazing is inhibited . . . effects will cascade up the food chain," Moore says. Algae populations could explode in response to reduced predation, and those blooms would deplete dissolved oxygen critical to fish, crowd out other photosyn-thesizers, and cast unwanted daytime shade on submerged aquatic vegetation that provides habitat for juvenile fish..." Ecology's systemic impacts and associated unanticipated consequences bring to mind the interactions between markets we study in economics. The Scientific American recently had a neat article on the impacts of reintroducing wolves into the Yellowstone National Park: "Lessons from the Wolf" Evidently, the reintroduction of wolves reduced elk populations, fewer elk browsed on willow trees, willow populations in stream bottoms rebounded, stream banks were stabilized, beaver populations grew by exploiting the willow for food and construction material, and trout habitat improved. Wolves outcompeted coyote populations, reducing coyote numbers and increasing the population sizes of coyote prey (voles, mice, etc.). 6/4/2004
Interstate wine shipments The American Thinker posts on the importance of the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case on direct interstate alcohol shipping for small wineries: "A necessary intrusion by the Supreme Court" I learned about this from Professor Bainbridge: "Lifson on Interstate Wine Shipments" How are exchange rates determined? And why do they matter? Hal Varian explains in his New York Times column:The New York Times > Business > Economic Scene: Exchange Rates the Economy 6/3/2004
Who benefits from elimination of tariffs and subsidies? Peter Gallagher points out that, "'s been demonstrated many times that the biggest winners from the elimination of absurd levels of protection for products such as sugar, oilseeds, cheese, meat, rice and grains are the world's richest and most protectionist countries." But, "Even poor countries that do not export agricultural products will benefit from the opening of access to markets such as the EU, Japan, Norway, Canada and the USA. Why? Because the effect of astronomically high tariffs in these countries is to depress world market prices and, evenutally, the prices received by farmers in every less protected market.":"Market access matters " New IMF Head Rodrigo Rato The Economist evaluates the likelihood that new IMF head Rodrigo Rato will enjoy a quiet life in "A new boss for the IMF"
Mr Rato’s honeymoon may not even last the month, however. The market expects Alan Greenspan, the chairman of America’s Federal Reserve, to raise interest rates at its June 30th meeting and to double them by the end of the year. Latin America’s stock, bond, and currency markets are looking towards this event with a mixture of fear and loathing. As J.P. Morgan, an investment bank, recollects in a recent report, the last time Mr Greenspan tightened monetary policy, in 1999-2000, Brazil’s real took a dive. The time before that, in 1994-5, Mexico was hit by its “tequila crisis”. And in 1986-1989, when Mr Greenspan made his debut, a rash of debt defaults followed..." Health insurance Arnold Kling argues that people should be required to obtain mandatory catastropic health insurance in this Tech Central Station column: "Health Insurance Do-Nots" Brad DeLong argues for a Kerry campaign proposal for the government to "reinsure private insurers and HMOs: construct a 'premium rebate' pool to pay annual health-care bills over $50,000...": "More Thoughts About Kerry Health Care Proposals" Chewing gum in Singapore The Guardian reports on how they deal with externalities in Singapore:"Singaporeans enter the gum-chewing 21st century - but only if they register"
The arch-symbol of the American way of life was outlawed by Singapore's senior minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1992. He took the unique measure... in outrage at the splats of used gum dotting the country's otherwise pristine streets..." 5/30/2004
Applied cost-benefit analysis Steve Landsburg does a cost-benefit analysis of executing computer hackers, "Feed the Worms Who Write Worms to the Worms - The economic logic of executing computer hackers." By Steven E. Landsburg (Slate, May 26), and finds that executing hackers is a better investment than executing murderers. The article has a provocative use of the idea of the value of a statistical life, and a useful discussion of what economists mean by the term. The article, and associated comments - scroll to the bottom of the page for the links to these - would provoke a great discussion in the cost-benefit portion of an economics of public policy class. I posted on the valuation of risks to life on April 13: "Value of statistical life". I'm instinctively opposed to Landsburg's proposal to execute hackers (although I'm open on murderers), but I also think that cost-benefit analysis and the idea of the value of a statistical life are useful for policy guidance, so evidently I haven't thought enough about this yet. When am I going to apply my cost-benefit analysis, and when not? For another applied exercise with the value of the statistical life see the work by Robert Hahn, Paul Tetlock, and Jason Burnett on the costs and benefits of regulating cell phone use in cars. I posted on it in September 2002: "Should it be illegal for people to use cell phones while driving?" The post has links to the original articles. Importing drugs from Canada It takes a lot of time and money to invent a new prescription drug, but once it's been created its secrets can be reverse engineered and a copycat version can be brought to market for almost nothing. To make it worth while for drug companies to invest in new products, we give them exclusive rights to make and sell their discoveries for 20 years - we give them patents. But having given them a patent, we've given them market power, and the power to charge considerably more for their product than it costs them to make it. Carrie Conaway shows the patent-monopoly nexus as she tells the story of the cholesterol drug Mevacor in "Too Much of a Good Thing. The Pros and Cons of Pharmaceutical Patents" (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Regional Review, Quarter 1, 2003). These companies may charge less in markets outside the U.S. because market conditions mean that their profits will be higher if they do. They may charge less because the foreign government requires them to. The contrast between the high prices in the U.S. and lower prices across the border in Canada led many U.S. citizens to buy prescription drugs in Canada and (illegally) bring them back to the U.S. Today's New York Times Magazine has a wonderful story by Elizabeth Weil on the way senior activists are using Canadian suppliers to reduce drug costs, make a political statement, and have a good time ("Grumpy Old Drug smugglers"):
Around 4 p.m., the group arrives in Winnipeg, checks into the Ramada Marlborough and splits into two groups. One unpacks and has an early dinner. The other group heads to the office of Dr. Craig Hildahl. A physician licensed in both Minnesota and Manitoba, Hildahl spends 15 minutes with each person, taking vitals and reviewing medical history, and looks over their American prescriptions. If nothing alarms him, he rewrites and faxes prescriptions to a nearby pharmacy. The two groups switch, and in the morning they all pick up their drugs. Loot in hand and savings calculated, they make the obligatory stop at the duty-free shop at the border, where the proprietor hands out free tins of cookies. After what is usually a pro forma pass through Customs (which, like the Food and Drug Administration, seems not particularly eager to go after senior citizens), homeward they go... However, lots of people want to let the bar down, legalize imports from Canada, and drive down U.S. prices. But what works for a few seniors, sneaking back and forth across the Canadian border in raucous party buses, may not work for the nation as a whole. For one thing, our population dwarfs Canada's. The result of liberal importation rules may be high Canadian prices rather than low U.S. prices. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is skeptical that we would reduce prescription drug spending this way. Colin Baker of the CBO prepared an issue brief based on research by him, Anna Cook and Margaret Nowak: "Would Prescription Drug Importation Reduce U.S. Drug Spending?" The CBO "has concluded that the reduction in drug spending from importation would be small." Although prescription drug prices tend to be 35% to 55% lower in other countries than in the United States, savings associated with import liberalization would be much smaller. Why?