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July 07, 2004Genocide, schmenocide.Ezra over at Pandagon clearly does not understand why I spent so many hours watching Sex and the City. Jesse, on the other hand (scroll down to the part referencing Hillary Clinton)... The Dynamic Duo!Brought to you by Jim D, the GIMP 2.0, and about a half-dozen margaritas. Whoooooooooooo... (Perhaps the legislature will take up anti-drunken-Photoshopping legislation during the next session?) I'm listening to a Bruce Springsteen album right now, and the Boss says steal this picture if you want. This jpeg inspired by the following DailyKos commenter. I think I'm gonna pass out now. July 06, 2004Texas Tuesdays: Mark Strama(bumped up, Interview Link added) It's Texas Tuesdays! And though it will be swallowed up by Kerry's VP announcment, please do take the time to read about today's Candidate: Mark Strama who is running for State Representative in North Austin/Pflugerville in District 50. The official posts are as follows: The first is about the Race. The second is mine about the Campaign Academy (which I'm in). The third is an interview with Mark Strama. So read, visit his website, and then donate to one of the hottest Texas House Races in the state. (add .01 for the Internet. Give us something to report back to you!) It's Missing - HahaRemember the "exclusive" New York Post story citing Dick Gephardt as Kerry's choice? Well, follow that link now and guess what? It redirects to this address: http://www.nypost.com/missing/missing.htm Haha. Stupid Rupert Murdoch. Go Kerry / Edwards! A Very Tight ShipThe fact that nobody, most amusingly the New York Post, knew who the VP was shows that the Kerry camp is running one of the tightest ships in political history. Literally no one knew who the nominee would be and according to Kerry himself there were several others that almost made it that were never even mentioned by the media. Democrats have a problem with keeping things secret- witness the perpetual leakiness of the Clinton Administration- and so this is promising. I think that this ticket is doing all of the right things. Furthermore, can you name one big bad thing that they've done? Can anyone think of any single monumental blunder or strategic misstep? The fact that he has gone 4 months without fucking up is pretty significant. Gore 86ed Clinton, Clinton had the sex stuff, Mondale picked a crappy running mate, etc. So far Kerry hasn't screwed up anything and he's had a lot of time to do it. He's doing a hell of a job and slow and steady is likely to do the trick. This Kerry Edwards Ought to be HappyIt might not be much fun to be named Carey Edwards right now. But this Kerry Edwards is one lucky guy. His name is Kerry Edwards, and since 2002 has owned the domain name of his name - KerryEdwards.com. And, it's up for sale. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get six figures from either the Kerry campaign, a Democratic 527, or from some wealthy Bush group. It's OfficialThis Guy's Life is Ruined! And he's my favorite Houston-area afternoon radio personality. OK, second favorite. After Outlaw Dave on KLOL. Kerry / Edwards '04!!It's official, and I'm pleased. If you haven't yet, watch our next Vice President at the Texas Democratic Party convention last month, here. Check out Edward's homepage as well. If you aren't one of the million plus people on the John Kerry email list, here's what John Kerry had to say this morning: Dear Friend, In just a few minutes, I will announce that Senator John Edwards will join me as my running-mate on the Democratic ticket as a candidate for vice president of the United States. Teresa and I could not be more excited that John and Elizabeth Edwards will be our partners in our journey to make America stronger at home and respected in the world. I want you to know why I'm excited about running for president with John Edwards by my side. John understands and defends the values of America. He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism, and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and speaks to the heart of America -- hope and optimism. Throughout his own campaign for President, John spoke about the great divide in this country -- the "Two Americas" -- that exist between those who are doing well today and those that are struggling to make it from day to day. And I am so proud that we're going to build one America together. In the next 120 days and in the administration that follows, John Edwards and I will be fighting for the America we love. We'll be fighting to give the middle class a voice by providing good paying jobs and affordable health care. We'll be fighting to make America energy independent. We'll be fighting to build a strong military and lead strong alliances, so young Americans are never put in harm's way because we insisted on going it alone. I can't tell you how proud I am to have John Edwards on my team, or how eager I am for the day this fall when he stands up for our vision and goes toe-to-toe with Dick Cheney. This is the most important election of our lifetime, and a defining moment in our history. With you by our side every day of this campaign, John and I will lead the most spirited presidential campaign America has ever seen and fight to lead our nation in a new and better direction. Thank you, John Kerry Merry VeepWoke up to find the "Kerry-Edwards" e-mail in my inbox this morning. Veep Day - just like Christmas, without the screaming kids and having to pick up 7 tons of wrapping paper! It's Gepwards!Well, one source says he's seen Kerry/Edwards decals painted on the Kerry plane. I have no idea how creditable this is... And this source.... well the New York Post has apparently learned it somehow... but again, the New York Post is hardly a creditable news source either. Cafe InsinuendoCommenters on several blogs are noting a lot of rumors (example 1; example 2) among flight enthusiasts in the Pittsburgh area that the Kerry campaign jet is getting "Kerry/Edwards" decals put on it tonight in PIT hanger 4. If you're in da Burgh, you know, go get yerself a picture before dawn. (Damn I wish I still lived in Pittsburgh, even if the school kids used to make fun of my Tennessee accent. I was cast as the farmer boy in the first grade play.) Also, readers, subscribe to the Kerry mailing list if you haven't and stay up with your caffeine fix. Scuttlebutt is that the official Kerry Veep Announcement e-mail should be coming down the pipe in the next few hours. And We HelpedEarlier in the week I had a post up about the Sandlin campaign job posting. Well, now it's down thanks to this last e-mail...
Veep PlansThe New York Times seems to have the scoop:
And it's either Edwards, Vilsack or Gephardt:
I guess I'll be getting up early in the morning.... July 05, 2004Who would you pick for your team?Dick Cheney threw the first pitch at a minor league baseball game in Altoona, PA yesterday. Shortly after throwing the first pitch, he had a bit of trouble. The Altoona Mirror reports:
Oops. Meanwhile, John Kerry went one-for-three while pitching over at the "Field of Dreams" in Iowa. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports:
Easy choice. I pick Kerry. Photos via the AP Terrorist Teachers for KerryNo surprise here, but the National Education Association has endorsed John Kerry with a 86.5% vote:
Of course, this comes as no surprise considering that the Bush administration holds our teachers in the same regard that they have for terrorists:
Edwards?CNN seems to hint as much:
Charles just doesn't want to say anything more until things are official. I really can't blame him. Regardless, I'll be getting up early tomorrow to check if there's any announcement. Update: The AP has this story out in the past hour also hinting at Edwards. Fahrenheit 9/11 Passes the $50 Million MarkF 9/11 made it past the $50 Million mark on Saturday night. It's managed to have a good weekend (the numbers for the long weekend ought to be out tomorrow) despite all of the Spiderman mania. F 9/11 has also maintained a distant, yet solid second rating all weekend. Speaking of Fahrenheit 9/11... one of the projects I was working on this week was voter registration outside showings of the movie. We registered 30-40 voters and handed out many more voter registration cards to people outside the Dallas County Young Democrats and Dallas for Kerry. Update: Greg finally saw the film, and as he expected, didn't like it. Most of Greg's objections to the film are understandable. I don't think that anyone will deny that the film is basically made as anti-Bush propaganda. But, I'd also argue with anyone who suggests that F 9/11 is bad for Kerry. Both Greg and Richard Cohen suggest that the movie is more likely to turn off potential swing voters than it is to get people to question their vote for George W. Bush, because the film is so overwhelmingly biased against Bush. I disagree. Most Democrats who see the movie come out of it even more motivated to help elect John Kerry. Did I buy into every charge and attack that Moore made in the film? No, of course not. But overall, it's entertaining in a way that softens the hard-hitting rants that might turn some people away. John Kerry is not mentioned once in the film. In fact, the film attacks Senate Democrats for not allowing debate on the certification of the 2000 election. It attacks Tom Dashle and Dick Gephardt (the potential Vice Presidential nominee) for their support of the war in Iraq. As long as Kerry distances himself from F 9/11, he ought to be fine. His only problem is if he embraces Michael Moore (a la Wes Clark). Gephardt?The Veepstakes Rumors are all over the place. Gephardt's not my first choice, but Kos has some good insight for anyone who might be a little depressed with a Gephardt pick:
July 04, 2004Conservatives Report on Dem Confab.This report from Gary Polland of the Texas Conservative Review... some interesting thoughts...
And his predictions of the Republican Statewide's Dance... Governor Rick Perry (I) Kay Bailey Hutchison Carole Keeton Strayhorn Secretary Don Evans And his background... Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who recently completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events - The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his ninth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last three years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant and can be reached at (713) 621-6335. July 03, 2004Fahrenheit 9/11, And a ParableWell, the good folks over at the Galveston Premier Cinema decided to pick up Fahrenheit 9/11 this weekend, which spared me the headache of driving all the way to Houston to see this year's winner of the Palme d'Or (why else do you think I'd go see two-hours of Bush-bashing? wink nod.) I'll just go ahead and join the throngs of reviewers who felt (a) moved by Mrs. Libscomb, (b) concerned about the "My Pet Goat" footage, (c) somewhat confused about the Saudi stuff and (d) highly disturbed by our singing Attorney General (the guy that lost an election to a dead man). But at anyrate, if by-gummit this is supposed to been a scathing indictment of the tragedy of the last four years, it seems to me to have lost itself, drowning in the sea of mendacity that is the Bush White House. Is it not simple enough to remind people that, nearly three years after 9/11, we don't have bin Laden in custody? George W. Bush has always had a slight problem in producing results. Getting bin Laden was, is, and always be the bottom line here in the cosmic balance-book. |