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July 06, 2004The Heirs of Stalinby Gary Farber of Amygdala at July 6, 2004 02:54 AM
Gary Farber's home blog is Amygdala. They've taken different directions, ostensibly -- and truly, in some ways, to be sure -- away from their heritage, but how far have they truly yet gone? Perhaps far, and perhaps not far enough. In capitalistic neo-communist China:Fight The Paper Tiger! Raise High The Banner of... MTV? Communist Party nostalgia meets Chinese teenagers. When fathers of the Chinese Communist Party mapped out the road to socialist perfection, they didn't give much thought to green hair. But amid growing concern that it is losing touch with an increasingly rebellious youth, the government recently announced a series of steps to bolster social, ethical and moral standards among underage Chinese.Because who doesn't love a good Youth Palace? And communism! It's so k00! [...]Between a Maoist Youth Palace, and the faux Egyptian mummy with hip-hop, the latter wins almost every time. "I come here a few times a week for the music and the atmosphere," Chao Xu, a 22-year-old student, said at a table crowded with whisky bottles, soft drinks and cigarette butts. "There's concern about morality these days, but it's not a problem with any of my friends."Not after enough whisky, anyway. That hasn't stopped the government from trying to create a "purified" living environment for teenagers and young adults in concerts and dance halls across the country. The Culture Ministry early last month approved Britney Spears' first China tour, provided she doesn't reveal too much.Whaddya rebelling against, kid? Little Red Books! I mean, whaddaya got? Read The Rest Scale: 2 out of 5. Yet, the attempted repression continues: Because You Just Can't Be Too Totalitarian Ah, the wings of freedom continue to spread in China. China is expanding its censorship controls to cover text messages sent using mobile phones.The authorities are quite correct, of course, that these technologies are highly dangerous to them. But how long and well will they be able to bottle up computer communication? Read The Rest Scale: 1 out of 5. In post-communist Russia: The Bolshevik Czar Putin's new symbolism. The Kremlin has reintroduced one of tsarist Russia's most elaborate and elitist traditions - the imperial races.As root-and-trunk former KGB man Putin continues to centralize power in Russia in himself, increase his control over information, further his personality cult, eliminate all other loci of power, from industrialists to regional governors, and marginalize democrats into non-existence, he increasingly uses the symbols of the past. What does this one tell us about the new Caesar (Tsar)? (The man whose heart President Bush has "looked into" and found to be "good.") Read The Rest Scale: 1 out of 5. And to close, an anecdote of the post-cold-war Russia, from Technical Sgt. "John Stryker," posted originally to Amygdala: Big Rooshin Plane, Not American Poosy A first for Amygdala: a guest post. Taken from a personal e-mail, utterly casually knocked off, and with permission, from newly promoted (congratulations!) Technical Sergeant "John Stryker":Whoops, gotta read the rest here. :-)That reminds me of a Russian flight crew that I bumped into during Restore Hope. They hadn't been paid since the Soviet Union fell apart, so they'd been freelancing and living on their plane for about six months.
Here are some quick tips for adding simple Textile formatting to your comments, though you can also use proper HTML tags: Putin may be for Russia what Pinochet was to Chile. Pinochet did a dirty job in a most undemocratic way but in the end strengthening the democratic tradition by leaving when his stated goals were met. America has done very well with the "authoritarian moving to democracy" model. Perhaps Bush is saying that Putin is in that mode. An authoritarian democrat. The order of events seems pretty strict. Centralize authority - there is only one legitimate source of violence. Expand the economy. Technical and economic information must flow freely. Political info may be more restricted. Contracts must be enforced and corruption must not be excessive. Maintain a loose (economic)/ tight (political) system for 30 or 40 years until an economic comfort level is achieved. Then loosen the political controls. voila: Taiwan, South Korea. It is an ugly model. It requires trust in some very nasty characters. It works. Mostly. The short version? Bring order I know. We have screw ups like Mubarak who although a "nice" authoritarian has no clue about economics. I figured Pinochet was worthy of trust when he brought in the Chicago Boys. And to morph this almost completely into another thread. Netanyahu as Treasury Secratary is Israels #1 secret weapon. Let us hope Mubarak gets the hint. Oh. And let us hope I'm right about Putin. "Bring order That's also the Chinese communist model, you know. Frankly, if I were a totalitarian dictator wanting to keep a death grip on absolute power, a decadent youth culture would be a godsend (no pun intended) This is off-topic, but given the internationalist bent of this site, someone should be blogging on the current Indonesian election. After all, Indonesia IS the MOST populous Muslim country. I would say that the project of democratization in the Muslim world is, by fits and starts, going forward. Look at Indonesia and Turkey. Also, neither of these has to do with "bringing democracy through the barrel of a gun". M. Simon: I suggest you read this before concluding Putin might be a good guy. "...someone should be blogging on the current Indonesian election." Without doubt. Fortunately, others are. I highly recommend that, fine as Winds of Change is, you don't read it as your sole blog. Probably you don't. Taking your words as the doubtlessly helpful suggestion you intended, and speaking, of course, only for myself, I thank you. Alas that all of us, even collectively, have only limited time, knowledge, and world enough. When I have something fresh and intelligent to say about the Indonesian election, I shall be sure to post it. Meanwhile I shall wait breathlessly for Year Of Living Dangerously II. Ha! Nice! Like the sense of humor, even if it is at my expense! Gary, Nice try. Have the communists made it work yet? Can they be trusted? Our record speaks for itself. Failures and successes. The Chi comms have any successes in this regards yet? We know about Tibet. We know the reversals of Hong Kong. We know about China's Taiwan diplomacy. All this may lead to a good result but it appears that old bad habits die hard if they die at all. Of course the votes haven't been counted on the Russian efforts either. The efforts of Latvia, Estonia, and Poland among others will have some influence in Russian affairs. ===========================================As to Putin. It is hard to tell what is in the heart of a man without watching what he does unfold. Pinochet didn't look so good until after he left. So I can't say much about Putin until he leaves the stage. I am however looking forward to the reports of my #2 son who is studying Russian at the University of Chicago and planning a trip there next year. If I hear anything interesting I'll report. ============================================All I can say about American policy is that it seems to work. And when we get stuck with a bad actor like "Pinneaple Face" we do the military thing and remove him. If possible. It is not a pretty policy. It fails. But each success is one less problem and possibly one more ally in the world. Keep up the pressure for 100 years and you get a different world. So far we are only sixty years into what promises to be a two century effort. So far, so good. "Nice try. Have the communists made it work yet? Can they be trusted?" Doubtlessly because I'm very slow, I'm entirely unclear what you are trying to say. I don't know if you're calling me a communist -- which would be pleasantly nostalgic -- or if you have somehow misread what I wrote as some sort of defense of the Chinese evolution of communism -- I can't imagine how, but why you are asking me the above questions, along with adding "nice try" is a mystery to me -- or what. I apologize for my inadequate comprehension abilities. I am only an egg. I shall take under advisement your suggestion that "after he left" Pinochet "looks good." I was under the impression that your mention of Chinese policy to be similar to the American either to be: 1. The Chinese are doing the right thing (not apparent yet) 2. America is doing the wrong thing. (our policy seems to be working if only in fits and starts) Perhaps I am the thick one: what exactly did you mean by that remark? =====================================Pinochet did three things necessary for the emergence of democracy. 1. He eliminated violent competition for political control of Chile (the Shining Path). You can't do business without security - and reasonably honest government. 2. He got the government's economic policy on sound footing (He privatized Social Security. That private money now helps provide capital to the economy instead of perks to politicians - America should be so lucky) 3. The most important thing he did for the future of democracy was to leave when he had accomplished his goals. Unusual for a despot. In other words he was a democratic authoritarian. America looks for that sort when it is auditioning leaders. Of course like any job interview the person selected may not be suitable for the job. M. Simon writes: "I was under the impression that your mention of Chinese policy to be similar to the American...." What remark are you referring to? I thought I was quite clearly condemning aspects of both Russia and China for not having moved at all as far away from communism as many people assume they have. That was the entire point of my post. I don't know any other way to read my post. But I congratulate you for having found one. "In other words he was a democratic authoritarian. America looks for that sort when it is auditioning leaders. Of course like any job interview the person selected may not be suitable for the job." Although it is difficult to read this otherwise, I'd like to confirm: are you asserting that it was America that put Pinochet in charge?
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