March 26, 2004
Sunday Liquor Sales Update
So the Kansas Supreme court has ruled. In a unanimous decision, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled that the Kansas Liquor Control Act is non-uniform, and localities therefore have the right to exempt themselves from it and allow sales on Sundays. The State Legislature can make the act uniform and take that right away from localities, but they have not done so yet. I now have two entries on my Kansas political enemies list. In addition to my personal state senator, Nick Jordan, Senator John Vratil of Leawood now makes the list. His idiotic quote: Some lawmakers, including Vratil, think that if Sunday sales are allowed, retailers ought to pay more in liquor taxes to the state. Those taxes haven't been increased since 1977. Sincere apologies, my leige... I had no idea we'd troubled you so. Just give us your command and we peasants will do your bidding. Apparently Vratil has now been in politics long enough that he believes his constituents are here to do his bidding, rather than the other way around. I suggest that the residents of Leawood disabuse him of that notion this November. Never mind the fact that Kansas tax receipts will increase, as people buying liquor on Sunday will no longer have to leave the state to do so. Vratil, you're an idiot. So the legislature's session is coming to a close. Once it is finished, if they haven't acted to make the statute uniform, Sunday sales will go on the ballot for Shawnee in November. I'll be hitting the bars on election day and taking the drunks to the voting booth, by force if necessary. God willing, I will buy beer on Sunday in my home town on Super Bowl Sunday next year. Posted by Ryan Olson at March 26, 2004 03:17 PMComments
Godspeed, my man... Godspeed. I too know the pain of idiotic liquor laws -- Connecticut has the worst that I've ever experienced. They shut liquor stores down at 8pm every night, except Fridays and Saturdays, when they can stay open a whopping ONE HOUR LATER. And, of course, no sales on Sunday. The only solution is to keep a case or so in reserve, which results in situations like this: Wednesday night, studying. "Man, I need a break. Want to go get a coffee?" "Dude, I could really use a beer, ha ha." "How convenient! I have some right here!" The next thing you know, you're stinking drunk, busting lame jokes at Telemundo and planning to skip tomorrow's classes due to hangover. And, needless to say, your emergency stash is gone. It actually increases alcoholism. That's what you get for living in a state founded by Puritans, I guess... these laws have probably been on the books since 1684. Damn you, Puritans!!! Posted by: severian on March 28, 2004 10:49 AMPost a comment