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Subject: swimming with sharks...

[29 Sep 2004|01:31am]
well here I am. I have been trying to get FFXI to load off and on for 12 hours... wasting my entire day.... Apparently Playonline and Optimum Online are not recognizing one another, or so playonline claims. They said that this was happening to a lot of FFXI users connecting with Opt. Online in my area but my friend Scott (who has the same essential setup as me) got on no problem today. I have been checking cable's and reconnecting and restarting in vain. Anyhow, I decided I needed a breather so I went to get soda, and grabbed jerky while there (impulse buy). I'm ringing out and the asshole guy (I'm guessing a PETA fan) starts telling me I'm eating roadkill so as to dissuade me from my savory dried meatsnacks. Honestly, his attempts only enticed me further. *nibbles violently on raccoon and skunk meats* School is boring, work is starting to depress me. Musically I'm feeling unsatisfied. Brian's working his ass off for Fed-Ex, Xian's dying to practice, Eric's living up the college life, and Dave is off in outer-space somewhere doing gawd-knows-what. We have a really nice show setup for the 29th in Montclair with Accelerated Android. I'm really looking forward to it. :) Mimi seems to like FFXI a lot. I'm really glad she's getting into it b/c I think it was putting a damper on our relationship for a while since I was always off gaming late at night. Hopefully she and I can rock it together soon (if I can ever connect). Oh umm, I bought a new amp off my boss. It's a really sexy Trace-Elliot full stack with a rackmount head w/ all these peripherals thrown in. It's a really beautiful amp and I'm glad to have a professional touring rig. Now all I need is a professional touring band! HEH. Let's close this whiny negative rant with a positive note.

Happy Anniversary Mimi. I love you lots. <3
1 pokey |challenge me

Subject: Put some pants on!!!!! >:F

[26 Aug 2004|09:59am]
mood | contemplative
music | Pavement - Shady Lane (in my head b/c Mimi doesn't have it)

Salutations. Day Three of my Florida excursion. On Tuesday we got Tamagotchi's (the new ones that link and mate and stuff) and I got Viewtiful Joe for Gamecube. We spent 26 hours downloading the update to Final Fantasy XI so I could show Mimi what I've been obsessed with these past few weeks but unfortunately, her graphics card isn't compatible. Another low blow is that she's been pushed back on receiving her DSL until August 31st, the day after I leave. Oh well... ;( I'm gonna get her FFXI for PS2 for her birthday and then we can rock! There are uber-nerdy in-game marriages (non-legally binding of course) and I really wanna do that with her hehe, just to ice the cake of geekiness that is my life. I start school in less than a week. I'm a little nervous about that. Wednesday I believe I have Theory IV, Piano IV, and Bio I. Blegh... Bio. -_- I've been writing a lot of music this month. I've written about 2-3 new songs. I want to get a drum machine so I can program freeform breakbeats and set music to it later hehe. I forget if I mentioned earlier but I'm finally getting a new amp soon and it's a doozy. I'm making payments to my manager for a Trace-Elliot full stack. The amp is sick it's got like, 1200 watts of ass-spanking power. Amnion needs shows badly. Practices would amend this. Heheh. I'm kinda sad in knowing that I'm coming home to a changed Randolph. No longer will my precious Eric be a stone's throw away (okay maybe he never was, but perhaps with a catapault...) Dave will be back at Ursinus, my mom will be settled upstairs in her new room (my sister's former room) and Brooke will be gone (Okay, I can't get too sad about this bwahhaahahahahaha!).... Umm, yes. Anyhow it's going to be different, and I hope it is for the better. I have to get my car running smooth again so I can putt off to CCM once more. *sigh* It's exciting to know this is my last semester but I'm nervous about the future. I only hope Mimi and I can figure out where we want to be this time next year. :)

2 pokeys |challenge me

Subject: *Does the Taru Dance*

[18 Aug 2004|04:03am]
mood | sleepy
music | Amnion - Obsequious (in my brizz-ain)

I'm so relieved that Mimi has been able to create so much lately. I love her work. She's so talented it intimidates me, but also inspires me to do my own thing. I too have been feeling a creative surge within myself. I've written about 4 new songs in the past 2 weeks. They're all works I'm pretty into. I only wish I could vent lyrically. My lyrical spouts are so random and it's so difficult for me to provoke lyrical expression from myself. *sigh* My most recent song is going to be called "Obsequious", I know that much. I'm thinking about making it a song about the crushes one gets in highschool for the opposite sex and the inability to stray from the habit of doing EVERYTHING in your power to please this oblivious person when you know you're not going to get anything but heartache out of doing so. The selfless admiration of people who won't give you the time of day. It'd be cute I guess. I'll definitely have to vague it up though b/c I hate having LITERAL concrete meanings to songs hehe. Well... I'm exhausted and should be sleeping now but Marc and I had to defeat the black dragon together so we could make rank 3. Oh the nerdiness of FFXI hold no bounds. (r)amen.

I love you Mimi! <3

1 pokey |challenge me

[02 Aug 2004|01:30am]
mood | lonely
music | Silverchair

Without You

Miles Away
There's hopeless smiles brighter than mine
And I need for you to come and go
Without the truth falling out.

Old incisions refusing to stay
Like sun through the trees on a cloudy day

Socially scared and impaired
If the trees will bloom the wind can blow
Without the fruit falling out

Feels like the wind blows
Holding you with us
She takes no other
False light and ashes
Blooming like winter
Dry eyes and cracked lips
Under the stone wall
Withdrawn and wishless

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat
But it melts in the sun like a life without love
But I've waited for you so I'll keep crying out
Without You

© D. Johns 98

3 pokeys |challenge me

[04 Jul 2004|12:55am]
mood | annoyed
music | Dead Kennedys - Riot


Anywho.. My time has been preoccupied with the enslavement of pokemon. I love catching them. Damn you Nintendo.

So umm, we lost the battle of the bands. Oh well. We had fun and made a few contacts as well as fans so all in all, it was well worth the attempt. I've been working a lot and playing videogames but that's about the extent of my activities. Hmm... I have the 4th of July off. I get to sleep in. YAY. Then I have to work another three days. Boy the summer sure is fun and exciting. I gotta go down to Florida soon. I miss Mimi and this waiting around here crap is the pits.

This one makes me think of Mimi. <3

hehe, oh gawd... The jiggling amuses my belly.
2 pokeys |challenge me


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