Secretary of Education, Rod Paige, put the proverbial ol' ClueBoot™ in the Ass to the Race-Baiting Pimps at the NAACP. We'll give you a brief glimpse, but YOU MUST READ THE ENTIRE THING!
Naked Partisans By Rod PaigeI have a message for the NAACP's Julian Bond and Kweisi Mfume, who have accused black conservatives of being the "puppets" of white people, unable to think for ourselves: You do not own, and you are not the arbiters of, African-American authenticity.
I am a lifelong member of the NAACP. I have a great respect for the organization. Its historical leaders, all visionary thinkers, have been responsible for helping to advance the struggle of African Americans over the past century, making our nation a more equitable and race-blind society. Sadly, the current NAACP leadership has managed to take a proud, effective organization in a totally new direction: naked partisan politics, pure and simple.
'Tis verily a thing 'o beauty.
Go read it or suffer the consequences in the Imperial Dungeon™ Game Room™.
In the "News You Won't Be Seeing From The *spit* Unbiased Media™ *spit*" pile of stuff, comes this bit of Bad News For The Qerry/Deadwards ticket, written by Larry Kudlow over at National Review Online.
If it’s not bad enough that rapid economic recovery has neutered Sen. Kerry’s principal domestic criticism of President Bush, now comes even worse news for the Democratic campaign: The budget deficit is starting to substantially shrink.The latest budget numbers show a $19.1 billion surplus for June, $3 billion higher than the $16 billion Wall Street expectation. It seems that a flood of new tax collections, spurred by fatter employment payrolls and corporate profits, is rapidly reducing the federal budget gap. Tax receipts from businesses rose an astonishing 38 percent over the past twelve months and personal income-tax collections increased almost 9 percent. ...
So much for "The worst economy since the Great Depression™."
... What’s happening? Could it be that stronger economic growth from lower tax rates is producing more tax receipts? I believe it’s called supply-side economics.
QUAGMIRE!! BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!! *Sound of moving goalposts...*
Just as the 1.5 million new jobs created since last August has terminated talk of a jobless recovery, the chatter over widening budget deficits will end. The fiscal-year 2004 budget deficit now looks to come in around $435 billion, less than 4 percent of GDP. This would be almost $100 billion below early-year estimates from the Office of Management and Budget and about $50 billion less than Congressional Budget Office forecasts. The administration is also getting its arms around federal spending. Fiscal year to date, domestic discretionary program spending has slowed to 2.7 percent from 6.8 percent a year ago.As the tax-cut-led recovery continues, deficits will rapidly wane over the coming years.
See how that works? Tax less. Companies grow. Companies employ more workers. Companies pay more taxes, but at a lower rate. More workers pay more taxes, but at a lower rate. More money in government coffers. Spend less money on government handouts, deficit drops.
Pretty simple, isn't it?
Go read the rest. It's worth your time.
(Thanks to the Radio ClueBatter Extraordinaire™, Glenn Beck, for bringing this to our attention.
By now you most likely already have noticed, and a pox on us for not posting this message sooner, but we never quite had the time to do so.
The eminent Sir George kindly offered to help keeping this ship afloat with his always excellent commentary, and it was our pleasure and honor to gratefully accept.
Why we're so excited should be quite evident from the three posts below, not to mention the consistently great contents of his personal blog.
So three Huzzahs for Sir George and welcome aboard, we're lucky to have you!
Well, what's been going on in New Zealand?
NEW Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is not satisfied with Israel's informal apology over the actions of two suspected intelligence agents.
Well why should the government of Israel apologize, especially if they're just suspected intelligence agents, and wouldn't most countries in the English speaking world help out Israeli intelligence in such a small way? It's not like there are any concerns that they were spying on New Zealand, after all, and they are out there trying to run down Al-Qaeda members, such as the ones who blew up Australians in Bali. Maybe New Zealand has some sort of hang up regarding passports, preferring Jews to wear big yellow stars on their intelligence operations, but who knows? Yet there are many places where an Israeli passport just isn't a bright idea, so I could understand the need for those nifty New Zealand ones.
Ms Clark yesterday imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel after two Israelis were jailed for trying to illegally obtain a New Zealand passport.
In case you're wondering, imposing diplomatic sanctions for trying to snag a passport isn't normally done, even when it's done by our enemies. The Russian's were always nabbing passports, as have drug dealers and everyone else. It's about like going to war over a kid having a fake driver's license. Mossad could certainly forge a fake New Zealand passport, as can just about any government intelligence agency in the Western world. Just go to the Espionage Store an order one up.
She said today the actions taken by New Zealand might not have been as serious had there been a full apology and explanation from Israel.
Oh, so she's only wrecked relations because Israel didn't treat it like the end of the fucking world. Gads they must be awfully bored in New Zealand. Perhaps she was hoping, no praying, that Israel was trying to steal the design of the Kiwi's latest keel, or perhaps trying to steal the America's Cup itself. Other than that there's certainly nothing worth spying on in New Zealand, much less anything of international import, which must be rather depressing for the Prime Minister. Having reached the height of personal power she doesn't know what to do except over tax and over regulate, which just isn't satisfying enough. Perhaps New Zealand should wake up and vote her out of a job.
Give us more, O Caesar! »
Daniel Pipes reports that Cynthia McKinney, the notorious conspiracy theorist and outrageously racist moonbat, is taking contributions from all sorts of Islamic groups. That's right, the stupid Mother of All Stupid Bitches, the "Cutest Commie in Congress", The Saudi Whore of Georgia, Cynthia McKinney, is BACK! The Georgia primary she faces is on July 20th, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping she gets utterly humiliated at the voting booth. I'm amazed that even Zogby gave her $1000, so we can guess which way he leans on the moonbat scale.
If you're curious, here's her list of contributors, which reads Abbassi, Ahmad, Amr Amin, Abdelziz, Ahmed, Ahmed, Ahmed, Akhras, Akhtar, Akkad, Ahmad, Alabbood, Alawad, Albareedi, Alexander (How'd he get in there? Must be from Georgia), Ali, Ali, Ali, Al-Azem, Al Jayeh, Al Khudari…. Just scroll through it and behold.
I'm not making light of her contributors so much as pointing out that almost none are from her district in Georgia, and Georgia voters might want to bear in mind which people she's really going to be representing if they put her back in office. Of course in her previous terms in the House she was out stumping for space aliens, sasquatch, and just about every anti-American cause that came waddling past her office, so maybe supporting jihadists isn't any big deal for her.
In case you've blissfully forgotten her antics, here's one of her old speeches. I especiallly like this part.
Much of what America produces in the manufacturing world is increasingly being done in the worst authoritarian and dictatorial regimes in the world. Just imagine that America is a little pac man eating up all the yellow balls: some of them are gold, others diamonds, the red balls with the biggest points represent oil. And the pac man playing field is the planet. This little pac man called America won't be satisfied until every one of those little balls is eaten up. Now, it really doesn't matter who's at the control of this game, because the prime directive is to acquire possessions and consume.
For God sakes return her to whatever video arcade she came from, because she shouldn't be within two miles of the government. Frankly, she should be shackled in a rubber room and forced to listen to lectures by Newt Gingrich, which might be a delight to most folks, but would feel like an exorcism to her. "Out vile demons of idiocy!"
Thanks again to the lovely Imperial Correspondent Oki, who made sure I didn't let this one slip past.
Well, Kerry and Edwards have scooped up the highly coveted endorsement of Godless Americans.
Ellen Johnson, Executive Director of the Godless Americans Political Action Committee, said that the Kerry-Edwards slate was “the clear choice over President Bush, who has spent the last four years eroding the separation of church and state, ‘packing the courts’ with judges who ignore the First Amendment, and imposing a de-facto Religion Tax through the federal faith-based initiative.”
Kerry and Edwards are the clear choice if you like living under sharia, as all Kerry's Islamic fundamentalist and jihadist supporters will attest, but we must've missed those violations of the separation of church and state, unless you think a NIH grant or Medicare payment to any hospital named after a saint is egregious abuse. And as for Bush 'packing the courts', tell that to Daschle and the other Democrats who keep blocking all the minority judges from coming up for confirmation. Merely being Godless shouldn't equate to being this stupid, and so far she's proving that the only thing worse than organized religion is organized anti-religion. Of course, you can't be really bright to name your organization 'Godless Americans' a phrase which resonates so well with 'Godless communists', 'Godless heathens', and 'Godless devil-worshippers', and now of course 'Godless Kerry supporters'. What's even sweeter is John Edwards own statement on Bush's faith based initiative.
"In a manner consistent with the First Amendment, faith-based charities should be able to participate in delivering services. But they should also meet the same anti-discrimination standards as other charities receiving government support."
John Edwards --Statement to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January 7, 2004
So I'm scratching my head as to why the "Godless Americans" would be backing a Catholic and a United Methodist, who used to be Baptist, over a United Methodist (Bush) in this race, except maybe for their socialist leanings. I mean what else would get them out marching?
Give us more, O Caesar! »
...since I can't quite find the gumption these days to write anything interesting.
LC BloodSpite takes a massive ClueBat to the noggin of a twit with a less than charitable view of our soldiers, and much hilarity ensues.
We heard this peep coming out of the oral cavity of an effeminate, unwashed EUnuch, and we felt that we just had to reply in some way, don't ask us why:
José Manuel Barroso, the outgoing Portuguese prime minister who has been nominated as president of the European Commission, on Tuesday criticised the US for its occasional "arrogance" and sought to distance himself from some of his recent domestic policies by underlining his social and environmental credentials.Nothing like "social and environmental credentials" to make up for being a complete waste of skin, at least if you happen to inhabit EUnuchistan... Or Seattle.
Questioned on Portugal's involvement in the US-led war coalition in Iraq, on the first day of hearings before the European parliament, Mr Barroso said that, while he was a long-standing admirer of the US, he also hated what he described as American "arrogance" and "unilateralism".Gee thanks.
You DO remember, don't you, that you were largely responsible for bringing your country into this "unilateral" effort? Not to pick nits with a nit, but that would seem to make the whole affair "bilateral", at the very least.
Of course, now that you have this cushy unelected bureaucrap-for-life gig lined up, you have to do a Fuckface Kerry and start babbling about how you voted FOR the war, BEFORE you voted AGAINST it, and we completely understand that. It's not like you can make a half-decent living in EUnuchistan without having your shnoz dipped in the public trough in one way or another.
Just don't expect anybody who can spell "principle" to take the word of an obvious opportunistic turncoat seriously, m'kay?
He added: "I think there are magnificent things that exist in the US as well as some fairly horrific things."We're working on that, but the San Andreas Fault Line has so far refused to spit California into the Pacific no matter how much we've been prodding it.
While he would not be drawn, for example, into taking sides on the contentious issue of providing European passenger name records to Washington,Sounds more like he won't be drawn into taking sides on any issue at all to us, unless he can take all three of them at once.
...he said he would fight for reciprocity in this kind of agreement and ensure the EU was not considered "second-class" in international negotiations.What on G-d's Green Earth would make us think of you in that way? It's not like you've got something to offer that we could possibly hope to gain through flattery.
Mr Barroso said he would run the Commission as a politician rather than a technocrat, but also as a "reformist of the centre" able to bridge the gap between Europe's different political families and between Brussels and often apathetic or sceptical voters across the continent.In other words: He's made it his mission to damn well convince the bloody peasants that their lords in Brussels are acting in their best interests, no matter WHAT the "apathetic or sceptical" peons might personally believe.
In particular, Mr Barroso offered an olive branch to Socialist members of the parliament by insisting that "in my scale of values, social policy comes way above economics".Spoken like a true head of the Soviet Union, and look where they ended up.
"The Hell with economics, social policy is what counts!"
He added: "It will not be acceptable, as we push for more competitiveness, to change the social spirit of Europe."Another bureaucrapper forgets entirely what it is that actually PAYS for the "social spirit".
He also sought to appease concerns among MEPs that, having emerged last month as a last-minute consensus candidate for the Commission presidency, he might be more willing to accommodate the views of powerful member states than the concerns of MEPs. He said: "We need a strong, credible and independent Commission. The only way to say sometimes No to member states is to have the strong backing of the European parliament."That explains why you sound like a Portuguese carbon copy of Fuckface, except you need to work on your hair... And your french.
Mr Barroso yesterday also rejected calls for sharp cuts in the proposed European Union budget, as advocated by the six biggest net contributors. Following the EU's enlargement to 25 member states, he said cuts would send the wrong signal to the 10 newcomers.You mean to say that cutting the subsidies that you've been waving under the new members' noses to get the to join would be a wrong signal?
Of course it would. You need to be sure that they're completely mired and locked into the immense parasitical bureaucrapcy of Brussels with no hope of escape before you do so. That's the way you've always done it in the past.
Then, once you've got your tentacles in every aspect of their lives, they'll get to enjoy being part of a "community" where "social spirit" is more important than the economic reality that is supposed to pay for it.
You have no idea how much fun it is to watch you idiots circling the drain.
And if there's one thing we cannot abide, it's thieves.
Remember Chief Wiggles' "Operation Give", the collection of money and toys for Iraqi children? We're sure you do. We most certainly remember it, not to mention the heartwarming outpouring of donations from people all over the US, eager to bring a little joy into the hearts of the kids over there.
Well, there's no such thing as a fairy tale without a wolf, and this one is no exception.
Some scumbag shipping company in the US, Atlas Line, decided to play the part of the UN and dip their beaks into the till and start sucking, to the tune of $30,000. No good deed goes unpunished.
It's time that Atlas Line discovers that no instance of theft goes unpunished either, and that the fucknozzle thieves will rue the day they made the incredibly daft decision to stick their tentacles into the wallets of the wrong people.
Stealing from children... Nice, Atlas Line, very nice.
...about their "findings" on the Israeli Security Fence?
Well, look no further.
The palis are howling with frustration, demanding that Israel tear down the fence or else... Well, They'll think of something, dammit. Any day now.
UNITED NATIONS -- The Palestinians challenged Israel on Monday to accept the world court's ruling and destroy the barrier it is building to seal off the West Bank, warning that failure to do so will lead to "practical measures" against its construction.Oh goody. Flocks of splodeydopes exploding themselves against the wall, creating wondrous patterns of graffiti with their innards.
We can't hardly wait.
Nasser Al-Kidwa, the Palestinian U.N. observer, said he wouldn't specify the measures the Palestinians will seek against the barrier....he hasn't consulted with his favorite goat yet, but he promises that it'll involve a lot of seething. A lot! And possibly taunting the Israelis a second time.
Following Friday's opinion by the International Court of Justice, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Sunday ordered construction of the barrier to continue and vowed "to fight using all diplomatic and legal means" against the court's decision.All it really takes, Arik, is a set of ear plugs.
Al-Kidwa expressed hope that Israel will recognize that the ruling offers a chance to end the current "quagmire" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict......said "quagmire" being characterized by a drop in terror attacks by 90%.
We can certainly understand why that would upset the splodeydopes, and that's exactly why we're so enthusiastic about the fence. Heck, add automated gun turrets and a minefield here and there for dramatic effect.
...and move toward a negotiated comprehensive peace based on the rule of law and a two-state solution along pre-1967 borders.Isn't it positively darling how you can't hardly beat the paleswinians away from the negotiating table when they can see they're getting a beating and then, the moment you commit the monumental folly of actually taking them seriously, you have buses and kindergartens exploding all over the place.
Here's a free tip, you murdering pigmolesters: You don't make demands when you've got absolutely zero to back them up. You could've had it all in Oslo, but oh no, you didn't want that, did you?
Tough titty, then. You're toast now.
"Frankly, we remain hopeful in spite of the hysteric initial reactions by some Israeli quarters, and frankly my advice to some of them ... is to be careful," Al-Kidwa told a news conference.Issuing threats from a position of complete impotence?
How positively - Islamist.
"The bottom line is this. If Israel does not comply with its obligations as determined in the advisory opinion, it will become officially, judicially, an outlaw," he warned.Unfortunately, that won't happen. You see, we're the US, we're Israel's allies, and we ARE the law.
Let your idiotic three-ring circus "court of justice" try to enforce their ruling. It should be highly - amusing to watch.
In his quest to "restore truth to politics", Fuckface lets fly with a barrage of big, fat, whoppers of lies. Again.
And no, this isn't a leadup to the Imperial Secretary of War's excellent series, but rather a pointer to an equally excellent essay by the Imperial Educational Advisor.
Everything I have to say about the left and socialism, and put much better than I could hope to do.