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- I converted to Christianity - Mohhamad Al Lu Zabnad 10:25:02 8/06/2004
- U.S.: 300 Militants Killed in Two Days..Al Sadar is going down - Oh how sad.... Bla hahhaahhahahahahahahah...BAGHDAD, Iraq -- U.S. and Iraqi forces have killed about 300 Iraq militants in two days of fighting in Najaf with militiamen loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the U.S. military said Friday. Battles in other Shiite areas of the country has killed dozens more, according to Iraqi authorities. 08:47:41 8/06/2004
- Not just the president but others ...Who are in the Military - Frank.....Sorry Senator, but when I compare your record to those who have fought and died for this nation, and are currentlyfighting and dying, the answer is not just no, but Hell No! ......Sincerely, Michael Connelly February 14, 2004 Dallas, Texas............O.....THE ......SHAME!!!!! 08:20:16 8/06/2004
- Freaky's favorite Hate Kerry attack fails. Commander retracts his statements against Kerry's Silver star! - Lord of Flies 08:07:26 8/06/2004
- Last lynchpin of bush lie about Iraq - Al Quaeda collapses. - Lord of Flies 08:00:39 8/06/2004
- Repub ADs are not source of critisem of Kerry's military record - Frank...This mostly came about because everyone on the web has been raising serious questions about how he could possibly get three Purple Hearts for minor wounds in just a few months. I calculated the odd's of getting three Purple Hearts without once spending a week in the Hospital as just 1.06%. In any event, his commanding officer recently commented that he questioned the first Purple Heart because the wound looked like a fingernail scratch. 07:59:18 8/06/2004
- McCain Criticizes Ad Attacking Kerry on Vietnam War Record - ST. LOUIS, Aug. 5 -- Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) rushed to John F. Kerry's defense Thursday, condemning a new ad claiming the Democratic presidential nominee lied about his military record and betrayed his Vietnam comrades by protesting the war. 07:32:01 8/06/2004
- Saudi Forces Arrest a Top Terror Suspect who worked for the Kerry Campain - Frank 07:06:05 8/06/2004
- Repigs pass out classified information, but do not resign like Berger (who did NOT violate disclosure). Where's the outrage? - Lord of Flies 06:51:40 8/06/2004
- KERRY STILL SMOKING POT!!!!!! - Lurch Kerry...OMG!!!!!!!!!...Was watching the ABC Morning news and caught a segment on Kerry, his lighter moments taken by personal camcorders. 06:36:30 8/06/2004
- Losing bin Laden - Frank......One of the most pressing questions inside the minds of millions of Americans over the last two years has likely been this: Could the terrorist attacks of 9/11 have been prevented?If you're of the Sheryl Crow/George Clooney variety, you might believe that terrorism can be thwarted if the United States would simply quit being so gosh-darned mean to all its neighbors. But fair-minded Americans, who understand that defense and intelligence agencies are on constant alert for those who would do us harm as we sleep, want real answers to perhaps the most important question of our timeAlthough Osama bin Laden was unknown to many Americans prior to September 11, 2001, explains Miniter, [he] was tracked by the CIA as early as December 1992. So why weren't we prepared for 9/11? What are the real reasons for bin Laden's hatred of America? And what does the future hold for us when it comes to further terrorist attacks?In Losing bin Laden you'll find answers to all these questions, and learn much more, including:How Bill Clinton's refusal to pursue bin Laden after the terrorist's first attempted attack on American soldiers overseas (Aden, Yemen 1992) only emboldened bin LadenWhy the Clinton Administration insisted on treating terrorism as a law enforcement matter when it should have been in the hands of the Department of Defense, and how this prevented the FBI and CIA from sharing critical information---------O--------THE-----------SHAME!!!!!! 06:14:16 8/06/2004
- ``Our enemies are innovative and resourceful - DUBYA 05:26:43 8/06/2004
- Michael Moore - Frank.....that the people he pokes fun at are the people that give him the freedom to do that. Go to China and do the same thing, he would be dead before he shot the first roll of film.Michael Moore was quoted as saying 04:16:28 8/06/2004
- Re: Michael Moore - Lurch----Michael Moore was quoted as saying Americans are the stupidest people on earth. God knows he is certainly the poster child for that sentiment If that worthless piece of crap would simply go to Iraq, get kidnapped and decapitated, America's collective IQ would rise significantly 04:17:48 8/06/2004
- Re: Michael Moore - George W.........Concerned Canadian, We've had evidence of wmd being used by Saddam and his regime for years. Don't believe me? Ask any former Kurdish person who has successfully sought asylum in Canada. We've also discovered wmd's in recent weeks, in the way of chemical weapons. The now-tired it's all about the oil mantra is a farce: the arguments goes that the war is all bout making money for Haliburton. Um... hello? Currently the U.S. has the strongest military (despite efforts to the contrary by Boy Clinton), so if this really WERE about oil for the rich, then we would simply have siezed the oil fields through military strength. But not's NOT what we're about. I believe the biggest threat to the world is an uninformed liberal movement being led by the noses at the hands of people like Michael Moore. Liberals in the U.S. never had anything to say when Clinton had a real opportunity to get Bin Laden who, as I'm sure you will remember- was linked to the bombing of the U.N. building in New York. But now that a REPUBLICAN is in office, suddenly it's time for all the good little liberals to flock to Michael Moore's anti-American propaganda film so they can learn how to take orders from the elitist hard left regarding fighting back against those evil, awful conservatives who believe in safety and freedom. And before you fly off the handle and have a tizzy, Canadian, remember that it was Billy Clinton who made 9-11 possible. 04:24:12 8/06/2004
- BUSH IS A DIVIDER NOT A UNITER - DUBYA 22:28:27 8/05/2004
- KERRY'S PLATFORM - DUBYA 17:22:13 8/05/2004
- Why all the cursing from the hate-filled dems on this board? - Lurch 15:41:41 8/05/2004
- Katherine Harris Lies for the Bush Admin Again. ---Harris Apologizes for Alarming Midwest City - WASHINGTON — Republican Rep. Katherine Harris (search) said Wednesday she regrets concerns caused by her claim that a plot existed to blow up the power grid in Carmel, Ind (search). City officials disputed the claims of a plot. (AKA-- HARRIS LIED AGAIN) 15:28:52 8/05/2004
- Bush Misspeaks Again - WASHINGTON — President Bush (search) offered up a new entry for his catalog of Bushisms on Thursday, declaring that his administration will never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people. FINALLY, BUSH SPEAKS WHAT IS ON HIS MIND AND TELLS THE TRUTH! 15:24:28 8/05/2004
- Re: Bush Misspeaks Again - Bush misspoke as he delivered a speech at the signing ceremony for a $417 billion defense spending bill (search). 15:25:09 8/05/2004
- SEEK ANGER MANAGEMENT THERAPY - Smedley :: Bush rulz, you drool 14:39:17 8/05/2004
- McCain Condemns - Kerry's Anti Bush Ads - Frank------------- O-------------THE----------------SHAME!!!!! 13:05:48 8/05/2004
- Animals owned by Kerry Blamed for Injuries on the Road - Frank...Deer, cows and even squirrels all owned by Sen., John F Kerry are to blame for more than 26,000 deaths along the nation's roads each year, the government said Thursday. WOW THAT IS 26 TIMS THE NUMBER OF SOLDIERS KILLED IN IRAQ... Way to be KERRY!!! 12:56:23 8/05/2004
- Sandy Burger Scandel shifts into high gear. - Frank---------He is going to a Federal Prison for 800 years...OH THE SHAME!!! 11:09:58 8/05/2004
- Rebel Cleric Declares 'Revolution' in Iraq - Moqtada Sadr's Militia Attacks U.S.-Led Forces, Shoots Down Marine Corps Helicopter---- GREAT! BUSH STARTED A CIVIL WAR IN IRAQ! GREAT LEADER INDEED. STUPID F-ING MORONIC FRAT BOY! 10:56:47 8/05/2004
- I'll Have The Sandy Berger And A Side Of Lies - OH THE SHAME 10:50:24 8/05/2004
- UNFIT FOR COMMAND :: It takes John Kerry to raze a village - John FRAUD Kerry. Did you guys hear? I'm going to run a more sensitive war on terror. Encounter group at noon followed by group hugs 10:45:53 8/05/2004
- John FRAUD Kery is Toast - Swiftboat Veterans for Truth : If you haven't heard our MESSAGE yet, you should 10:16:24 8/05/2004
- Kerry Cook Book - Frank-----CANNIBALISM AT IT'S BEST 09:31:46 8/05/2004
- Re: WAR DEAD WOODROW WILSON, FDR, TRUMAN, JFK, AND LBJ MUST = WAR CRINIMALS TOO? - Frank......Look moron there are over 1,200,000 Iraqis looking for loved ones in Iraqi mass graves. 227 graves found so far with over 500,000 dead Iraqis.Saddam supported international terrorism and had ties with Osama and Al QuedaSaddam did not abide by the terms of the first Gulf war, publicly gave money to Palistian children to kill themselves and others, had foreigners from Saudi Arabia, and Afghanastan train in his country. Just more Holocost Denial from a leftist looser. 09:28:07 8/05/2004
- KERRY TORTURE MANUAL BIG HIT IN N. KOREA - Frank 08:36:11 8/05/2004
- F-ing moron Franky. WHo are you posting these propaganda articles for? - For yourself? Are you tring to convince yourself that the Bush admin is doing a good job through Lies? Seems like it... Just keep telling yourself-- Bush is doing a good job, the Iraq war was right, we are saving people by killing them, bombs are good for peace, WAR IS PEACE, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, TRUTH IS EVIL.. ... YOU WOULD MAKE ORWELL PROUD ! YOU ARE THE PRIME EXAMPLE OF STUPID PEOPLE BEING HARNASSED BY LIES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR USE AS A TOOL. 08:41:16 8/05/2004
- SPRINGSTEEN-- A REAL AMERICAN HERO - - Through my work, I've always tried to ask hard questions. Why is it that the wealthiest nation in the world finds it so hard to keep its promise and faith with its weakest citizens? Why do we continue to find it so difficult to see beyond the veil of race? How do we conduct ourselves during difficult times without killing the things we hold dear? Why does the fulfillment of our promise as a people always seem to be just within grasp yet forever out of reach? 08:33:13 8/05/2004
- Bruce, shut up and sing - you're a great performer but otherwise an ignorant schill 09:36:34 8/05/2004
- He is singing his heart out now. - And it sounds like th e heart of America. Bush is a One-termer, and the BOSS knows it and is helping Bush exit quickly and quietly. 10:58:27 8/05/2004
- Re: I was asked very long and hard questions too - Bill Clinton-------I was asked very long hot and hard questions about Monica, Then I asked why is the most whealthy nation on earth letting bin Laden kill so many people on my watch? Why do I get so much sexual pleasure from an inturn that was 19 years old? Why was I so popular to barly get elected in 1996? Why did Chelsy ask me about having sex with a 19 year old woman? Why is Chelsy 19 years old? I ask you why..........(violin playing in background) 08:43:28 8/05/2004
- Damn, he makes you proud to be an American-- unlike Bush, who just humiliates America. - It is through the truthful exercising of the best of human qualities - respect for others, honesty about ourselves, faith in our ideals - that we come to life in God's eyes. It is how our soul, as a nation and as individuals, is revealed. Our American government has strayed too far from American values. It is time to move forward. The country we carry in our hearts is waiting. 08:36:31 8/05/2004
- FBI busts two muslim terrorists in Albany - Smedley : Democrats decry 'timing' of arrest 07:46:41 8/05/2004
- Re: Well Smed you have to remember it is an election year - Frank----So when Osama is captured that will be a bad thing if it takes place on Bushes watch, Remember anything positive in the war on terrorism will make Liberal communist leftist look stupid. I did stub my toe the other day and my Leftist pig frend who loves Kerry said it was George W. Bushes falt.What do you think? 07:59:30 8/05/2004
- swiftvets.com - ALGORE 06:04:36 8/05/2004
- 3 Palestinians Killed by Bomb That Explodes Prematurely - Frank.... Oh how sad. Now that Saddam can not fund them they will not receive compensation for the murderous acts 16:47:39 8/04/2004
- http://www.angrypatrioticbastard.com/ - Kerry Flip Flops Like Lof Flip Burgers 15:54:30 8/04/2004
- Vietnam vets come out against Kerry - Teresa Heinz Kerry- Shove this! 15:45:49 8/04/2004
- Moore and Kerry are da balls - Drew 14:49:42 8/04/2004
- kerryoniraq.com - ALGORE 12:45:58 8/04/2004
- Fat Linda Ronstadt Mistaken For Michael Moore, Ejected From All-You-Can-Eat Buffet - - Pepto Bismal 12:25:53 8/04/2004
- Farragoheit 9/11. - Frank 11:59:57 8/04/2004
- John FRAUD Kerry's commanding officer (Tom Wright ) TOLD Kerry to GO HOME after he got the 3rd PH. - BREAKING NEWS -- Kerry's CO and fellow boat officers WANTED HIM OUT!! Kerry was dangerous and a shameful disgrace 11:59:52 8/04/2004
- BREAKING NEWS : Kerry reveals anti-terrorism plan - Operation Infinite appeasement 11:46:13 8/04/2004
- Once again, facts prove Bush a liar! - Lord of Flies 10:50:22 8/04/2004
- Cos. Avoid Building Refineries in U.S. due to democratic legslation - Frank 09:44:24 8/04/2004
- Oil prices have nothing to do with who is president. - Frank-----Of course not being a business major you would not know that Moron!!! 09:13:45 8/04/2004
- Oil hits record, then eases --Crude prices fall after touching all-time marks as inventory data soothe supply crunch fears. - BUSH TO BLAME BUT CHENEY SPINS RECORD HIGH OIL PRICES AS DEMS FAULT- LYING VP DOES MORE HARM THAN GOOD---NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Oil prices set record highs again Wednesday, with analysts worried that prices could slow global economic growth, but then retreated after a U.S. government report showed a larger-than-expected gasoline inventory. 08:47:24 8/04/2004
- Kerry's fellow vets say that John FRAUD Kerry is "UNFIT FOR COMMAND" - John FRAUD Kerry's fellow vets reveal SHOCKING TRUTHS about John FRAUD Kerry 07:21:48 8/04/2004
- Kerry filed a false report about the tragic death of a Vietnamese father and child to make himself appear "heroic" - John FRAUD Kerry's fellow vets reveal SHOCKING TRUTHS about John FRAUD Kerry 07:20:49 8/04/2004
- Two of John Kerry's three Purple Heart decorations resulted from self-inflicted wounds - John FRAUD Kerry's fellow vets reveal SHOCKING TRUTHS about John FRAUD Kerry 07:18:29 8/04/2004
- Kerry torched the homes of Vietnamese civilians and slaughtered their domestic animals. No lobster Neuberg for them - John FRAUD Kerry's fellow vets reveal SHOCKING TRUTHS about John FRAUD Kerry 07:17:50 8/04/2004
- Do you have proof GWB was AWOL?....... No?....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! - Frank.......Ever notice how leftist keep repeating the clame, yet back it up with nothing? 06:43:38 8/04/2004
- Kerry's Backward Bounce - Frank-------50 million dollars for Security for the DNC - Frank----------25 million for DNC parties, 8 Million to feed the DNC delegates, 4 million in Balloons.....................................................No Bounce in the polls for Kerry after the convention?------------PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:16:41 8/04/2004
- BUSH'S COCAINE USE - DUBYa 05:41:44 8/04/2004
- BUSH LIES - DUBYA 05:37:41 8/04/2004
- 50 million dollars for Security for the DNC - Frank----------25 million for DNC parties, 8 Million to feed the DNC delegates, 4 million in Balloons.....................................................No Bounce in the polls for Kerry after the convention?------------PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04:16:01 8/04/2004
- ANTI-KERRY VETS GATHER FOR ASSAULT; BOOK CLAIMS KERRY WAR 'FABRICATIONS' - Smedley :: Oh the SHAME!!!! Kerry's band of brothers EXPOSE KERRY'S wartime fabrications 19:59:39 8/03/2004
- Did I mention lately that I was in Vietman? - Lurch Kerry 19:36:51 8/03/2004
- PIPA Poll finds Fox viewers misinformed: - PIPA Poll is funded by: Rockefeller Foundation, Ben Jerry's Foundation, Tides Foundation, (Hello teresa hinds-kerry) THESE ARE 3 OF THE MOST LEFT WING ORGINIZATIONS ON THE PLANET, AND SO IT COMES AS A HUGE SURPRISE THAT THERE POLL HAS SOMETHING NEGATIVE TO SAY ABOUT FOX. 19:23:57 8/03/2004
- Funny as hell.. - ... the men in control of the Republican party are such total scumbags. 09:17:12 8/04/2004
- Fox Watchers are STUPID STUPID STUPID PEOPLE... - Fox News is for all practical purposes a G.O.P. propaganda agency. A now-famous poll showed that Fox viewers were more likely than those who get their news elsewhere to believe that evidence of Saddam-Qaeda links has been found, that W.M.D. had been located and that most of the world supported the Iraq war. 15:35:01 8/03/2004
- Fox Watchers are STUPID STUPID STUPID PEOPLE... - Fox News is for all practical purposes a G.O.P. propaganda agency. A now-famous poll showed that Fox viewers were more likely than those who get their news elsewhere to believe that evidence of Saddam-Qaeda links has been found, that W.M.D. had been located and that most of the world supported the Iraq war. 15:34:57 8/03/2004
- Halliburton to Pay $7.5M to Settle Probe - Halliburton Co. today agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges that it failed to disclose a change in accounting practices that allowed the Houston oil services company to report higher earnings over six quarters in 1998 and 1999. DICKHEAD CHENEY CORRUPT MOFO WAS IN CHARGE THEN!!!!! 14:09:32 8/03/2004
- Reports Highlight Economic Concerns - --American consumer spending dropped 0.7 percent in June, the steepest monthly fall since September 2001, the government reported today. Hmmmmm... maybe it is because Americans are afraid of leaving their homes because of Bush's all-too-frequent terror alerts 14:06:36 8/03/2004
- Is that you Howierd? - sounds like something Howeird Dean would say, there's no possibilty of terror, it's just Bush politics....like Howeird even has a clue sitting up in New Hampster or where ever He's from. 14:11:56 8/03/2004
- First I voted for Porn Stories then I voted agains them - John Kerry 12:41:05 8/03/2004
- Is it just me or do you hear Howeard Dean saying YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! - Frank----I find it kind a frightening 12:38:09 8/03/2004
- I like rape stories... Do you have any Viet Namise hunting and cannibaslism stories - John Kerry....... I like the cannibalism stories because when I was in Viet Nam .. BTW did you know I was in Viet Nam? Any way I like the Viet Nam cannibalism stories because it reminds me of the good old Viet Nam days BTW did I ever mention to you I was a Viet Nam vet? 08:55:30 8/03/2004
- Kerry says he has a deal?---- OH THE SHAME AND SHAM!!!!!! - Frank-------Says if he is president foreign countries would respect America moore like when Blow Job Clinton was in office.... Wow America will gain moore respect like Clinton? Whats next porn movies played at the United Nations? 08:25:12 8/03/2004
- Bla ahhahhhahahahahaha - Frank.....Three Militants Killed in Gaza Explosion....August 3, 2004, 9:48 AM EDTGAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- Militants attacking an Israeli armored bulldozer inadvertently killed three hundred other Palestinians and themselves Tuesday during an Israeli operation to destroy weapons-smuggling tunnels from Egypt. 08:02:22 8/03/2004
- Wow free rape stories? Let me tell Kerry ....... He likes rape...... - Bill Clinton 07:37:59 8/03/2004
- Re: Backward Bounce - Lurch Kerry----- For very good reason, the rule of thumb is that a presidential candidate gains ground following his party’s convention: It almost always happens.It happened four years ago, despite Al Gore’s nearly incoherent rant. It happened in 1984, after Walter Mondale reaffirmed his pledge to raise taxes. It even happened for Jimmy Carter in 1980 after a brutal civil war with Ted Kennedy.But it didn’t happen for John Kerry. 06:26:06 8/03/2004
- Kerry acceptence speech makes people get drunk - Frank----meanwhile one giant fat-ass charges democrats $8 per ticket to see a movie that says Bush cheated. That's what is most hillarious about this fat-ass, he is getting rich telling you what you want to hear, even though you know it isn't true. Even the far-left NY Times said Bush won, yet you believe Moore instead. 04:19:50 8/03/2004
- BUSH LIED WHILE GOOD MEN DIED - DUBYA 20:18:09 8/02/2004
- BUSH ON ANTIDEPRESSANTS. - DUBYA 18:49:23 8/02/2004
- Did I mention lately that I was in Vietman? - Lurch Kerry 18:03:33 8/02/2004
- There's nothing wrong with an ambulance chaser as VP. - John Fraud Kerry 16:08:24 8/02/2004
- CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey: among likely voters Bush leads 50-47, among registered Kerry 50-47 - John 'where's my DNC bounce' Kerry 15:17:49 8/02/2004
- Filmmaker Moore vows to scrutinize Florida elections - Fahrenheit 9/11 filmmaker Michael Moore promised Wednesday to train his cameras on Florida come Election Day to prevent a repeat of what some Democrats call the stolen election of 2000.----- Holy crap Jeb says! I can't cheat now! 15:16:39 8/02/2004
- Kerry Leads Bush in Post-Convention Poll -Washington Post-ABC News Poll Shows Voters Favor Kerry 50-44 - Let's see Bushy wil get a bounce too... 15:08:15 8/02/2004
- 6 points? Ouch! - SOON TO BE LOSING AT A VOTING POLL NEAR YOU! Bush and Co! 15:08:55 8/02/2004
- PS- Did you hear Moore will be down in FLA for the voting day? - he is down there to assure that Jeb doesn't cheat again, that if he does he will capture it on tape, and to make sure every votes counts (unlike the Bushies, who don't want blacks to vote). Racist fu*ks? You betcha! But they wouldn't be Republican if they weren't arrogant, selfish, racist bastards! 15:14:05 8/02/2004
- I got 3 purple hearts, a silver star and a bronze star in Vietnam - Lurch Kerry 15:08:08 8/02/2004
- Did I mention that I was in Vietman? - Lurch Kerry 15:06:26 8/02/2004
- TURKISH HOSTAGE MURDER VIDEO Released - Doc 14:38:30 8/02/2004
- Funny comparison.... - Danny Dem Killer 14:27:17 8/02/2004
- When do I get to be president dammit? First Willy won't resign, then Jeb screws me - Al Goar 13:54:06 8/02/2004
- Oh look a news story about Hollywood comedian and fat boy Michael Moore - Frank-----ewwwwwwwww 12:45:53 8/02/2004
- Poor John Fraud Kerry is going down the tubes. - Boo Hoo 12:17:13 8/02/2004
- Kerry clames God talks to him about guns - Frank-------This is getting to be a shame. 11:30:35 8/02/2004
- CONFIRMED! COWARDICE the root of Bush appeal! - Lord of Flies 10:34:07 8/02/2004
- Kuwait bans Fahrenheit 9/11 - Frank---------- Kerry's Acceptence speech---- Frank---- About as inspiring as listening to Ross Parot take a dump at an Alabama Mobil station --- God this just does not look good for Democrats. Edwards and his homely wife look like Jimmy Carter, and feebly flip flopper Kerry and his elderly Witch of a hag make Cruella DeVevill look like a fetching teen Red Riding Hood--You tree hugging, Hillery Loving lesbian Gomer Pile of !@#$ Chappidiqiodic Lurching Kerry Kennedy Viet Nam thank you rase taxes that will solve everything boooooooooob!!!!!! 06:28:10 8/02/2004
- Bostonians View of the DNC - ALGORE 06:20:30 8/02/2004
- Re: Bostonians View of the DNC - Frank---------If you thought that sucked wait till they try to steal the election like they tried to in 2000--- If you think Boston was screwed wait till Kerry gets elected and see what the moron does to America. 06:40:25 8/02/2004
- HERE'S A NICE TIMELINE FOR YOU - DUBYA 21:27:58 8/01/2004
- All 19 did not support Kerry – only two did - (www.swiftvets.com) 20:13:40 7/30/2004
- Kerry has decided to run as Howard Dean - Michael Moore terms 20:11:34 7/30/2004
- ELECTION PREDICTION - Sam 16:55:47 7/30/2004
- BUSH DEFEICIT SPENDS $445 BILLION!!!! - Ross Perot 16:49:26 7/30/2004
- Behold, the HUMAN SUPPOSITORY - Teresa 14:23:13 7/30/2004
- What happened to that Lord of the Flies guy? He rocked. - fly on the wall 14:10:35 7/30/2004
- Al-Qaeda Backs Democratic Candidate John Kerry; Plans Big Voter Turnout Effort - Frank-----OH THE SHAME ----- Kerry is a inspiring as listening to Ross Parot take a dump in a Mobil gas station. Edwards and his homely wive look like Jimmy Carter, Also Kerrys old hag righ witch of a wife makes Cruella DiVill look like Little Red Riding Rood you Moore chunks of barf loving tree hugging, Mao se Tong, Hanoy Jane pot smoking fat ass Kennedy!!!!!!!! BTW can you say Chappidiquidic? Eh? 13:51:04 7/30/2004
- U.S. Deficit Said to Reach Record $445 Billion - Fiscal conservative my ass! Your children will pay for Bush's reckless spending. And you claim to be the party for lower taxes! Ha! Basic math will prove your party wrong. 13:40:08 7/30/2004
- Re: U.S. Deficit Said to Reach Record $445 Billion - Frank ---- Greenspan says if the economy does well AS IT HAS that figure will go down, aLSO AS OUR GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMY GET BIGGER EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE LINCOLIN HAS PRESIDED OER A RTECORD DEFICIT. Then you have the sticky issue that the president of the USA can not and has not spent a dim of you tax dollers. Via the Constitution only Congress and the Sennate (a body of 600 democrats, republicans and independents) can spend money you boooooooooooooooooob 13:45:03 7/30/2004
- John Kerry Asks for French Help in Surrendering to Al-Qaeda - Frank 13:35:58 7/30/2004
- Where is the Berger story now? Just another Republican attack machine attempt... - .. to undermine democrats using unsubstantiated rumors. An investigation into Bush's RUSH TO WAR-- now that should be a national priority! 13:18:49 7/30/2004
- Yankee Go Home - Valiant Thor 12:57:49 7/30/2004
- Was DUBYA the moron who said terrorist attack only took place on Bushe's watch? - Frank----Historically that is just bullshit. Please chew and choke on the following moron. You did attend High School Right? 08:36:48 7/30/2004
- Kerry's DNC acceptence speech taken from old Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C. episode - Frank----This is just a oh what do you calll ------ SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What hext? If he is elected will he make the Gomer Pyle theme song the national anthem? Probably!!! Oh this just does not look good for Democrats, terrorists and commys. 08:09:48 7/30/2004
- KERRY AWOL???? ON THE SHAME AND SHAM!!!!! - Frank-------Of course what do you expect. I hope the news does not get a hold of this story ---- DEMOCRATS DO NOT READ THIS OR YOU WILL BE VOTING FOR NADER!!!!!! What is he trying to hide?????? 07:30:44 7/30/2004
- PROVING THE REPUBS DELUSIONAL AGAIN! : GDP growth slows - Annual rate increase of 3% in second quarter much lower than forecasts; 1Q reading revised up. The pace of U.S. economic growth slowed in the second quarter, according to the latest reading on the nation's gross domestic product unveiled Friday, as the broad measure of the nation's economic activity trailed Wall Street expectations. 06:55:57 7/30/2004
- Only 3%!!!!!!! Wow!!! Sure beats the recession clinton left us - Smedley : and sure beats the economies of France, Germany and the Eurotrash as a whole 07:00:46 7/30/2004
- Point is that GROWTH SLOWED, NOT SPED UP. - And the economy will do much better under a Dem President. Clinton recession? Holy Rhetoric! That stupid, stupid assertion never held water anyway. Clinton helped the economy boom. It was overvalued, but much stronger than anything a repub has been able to produce! 09:01:22 7/30/2004
- Compared to the recession clinton left us, it sped up - Smedley : you remember the clinton recession. It officially started in 2000 09:07:13 7/30/2004
- As any economist will tell you, Presidents don't cause recessions ... - ... and in fact have little control over the national economy. I don't believe the current recession is Bush's fault, nor Clinton's. People who don't know economics will claim that to be true, but it isn't so simple. And besides, if that were true.... Reagan's policies caused Bush Sr's recession, Ford caused Jimmy Carter's, AND Carter's policies caused Reagan's growth. Now---- do you believe any of that? I don't... 09:29:27 7/30/2004
- This from the person who said "the economy will do much better under a Dem President" - Smedley : Best rethink that one, Gumby 10:27:38 7/30/2004
- Bush Sr. - Shitty Economy----- Clinton= GREAT ECONOMY------Bush Jr. = Shitty Economy - Coincidence? You repubs will spin it so. But the reality is that Dems focus on winning through domestic issues, Repubs focus on winning through international domination. Look at their records. Bushes = 3 wars, bad economy, increase in poverty and crime. Clinton = not so strong international presence, but great economy, and great domestic situation. 11:33:56 7/30/2004
- Clinton inherits a great economy; clinton leaves it in the toilet (recession) COINCIDENCE - Smedley : Hey, either a president can or can't substantially affect the economy. Pick one and argue consistently 11:48:18 7/30/2004
- I never said he caused the Boom. I said that the economy was great when he was in office. - ... and that the economy was shitty when the Bushies were in office. I did say Cl;inton focused on domestic issues, while Frick and Frack didn't. 12:08:09 7/30/2004
- So what's your point? Clinton was in the same room when the Clinton recession started? - Smedley : If you state that the president cannot affect the economy, then why are you making the argument? again, best rethink your rhetoric 12:48:17 7/30/2004
- The tern Clinton Recesson = Mindless republican rhetoric - Mr. Thick Skull, I said Clinton focused on Domestic issues (ie Clinton focused on balancing the budget, education, healthcare, etc) -- By improving the lives of Americans, THEY (THE AMERICANS) can concentrate on generating wealth and improving the economy. Mr. Thick Skull. Improve people's lives so they don't have to worry about basic survival, then they will add back to the economy. Selfish selfish selfish.... 13:15:18 7/30/2004
- Well, it was a recession that Started during the Clinton administration, and ended only after Bush took Office - Smedley : Dishonest would be like one claiming Bush is responsible for the economy, then stating that presidents cannot influence the economy 13:39:57 7/30/2004
- SMED = LIAR... well, actually, youre just wrong, but it is more fun to call you a liar when you are wrong. - Economists say recession began in March (from)- Nov. 26, 2001... Economists call it recession -November 26, 2001: 1:58 p.m. ET- Panel says downturn began in March, ending record 10-year span of growth.--NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The world's largest economy sank into a recession in March, ending 10 years of growth that was the longest expansion on record in the United States, a group of economists that dates U.S. business cycles said Monday. 13:45:47 7/30/2004
- SMED = LIAR... well, actually, youre just wrong, but it is more fun to call you a liar when you are wrong. - Economists say recession began in March (from)- Nov. 26, 2001... Economists call it recession -November 26, 2001: 1:58 p.m. ET- Panel says downturn began in March, ending record 10-year span of growth.--NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The world's largest economy sank into a recession in March, ending 10 years of growth that was the longest expansion on record in the United States, a group of economists that dates U.S. business cycles said Monday. 13:45:43 7/30/2004
- Wait, wait... this is the part I like.... that Clinton was in charge during the last ten years and the recession.... - end(ed) 10 years of growth that was the longest expansion on record in the United States.. SURE. you are delusional and under the influence of republican propaganda smed.... youre smarter than that.... 13:48:22 7/30/2004
- repubs simply don't want to give Clinton credit for anything, even having a stable balanced budget economy. - I say Reagan helped hasten the fall of the USSR. WHy can't they admit Clinton did a good job with the economy. ANSWER? = denial denial denial denial denial..... 13:51:02 7/30/2004
- Here are some economic facts. - Smedley : Clinton inherited an economy growing at about 4%. Bush inherited an economy that was literally shrinking. The shrinking economy that bush inherited ended only after Bush's first economic plan was enacted. The economic growth THIS yeas has been greater than any year under Clinton 14:04:19 7/30/2004
- 3% growth is not the best america has seen. Your facts are wrong. - the economy is in the dumps, there are no jobs, and real value of dollar is declining. 07:23:55 8/02/2004
- Re: 3First, NO ONE EVER SAID 3% WAS THE BEST GROWTH AMERICA EVER SAW - THE CLINTON RECESSION : But unless your a lobotomy patient or John Kerry, you'd never make the claim to begin with. Second, the 3% figure is but a single quarter. Third, the second half of Bill Clinton's last year saw negative growth. Fourth, the EU would love to see 3% growth, much less the overall growth we've had this last year. THESE ARE FACTS, you, on the other hand, deal in lies. 09:12:36 8/02/2004
- So what great acceptence speech and message did Kerry give last night? Shazam Goooly "I an reporting for duity." DAAAAAAAA - Frank---- About as inspiting as listening to Ross Parow take a dump at an Alabama Mobil station --- God this just does not look good for Democrats. Edwards and his homly wife look like Jimmy Karter, and feebly flip flopper Kerry and his elderly Witch of a hag make Cruella Devil look like a fetching teen Red Riding Hood 06:47:00 7/30/2004
- Kerry is a phoney - Hollywood John : It's not every presidential candidate that REENACTED Vietnam battle scenes and had Hollywood later embellish them 06:56:55 7/30/2004
- No terrorism in NY since 9-11 - New Yorker : I wonder if DUBYA would blame Kerry for terrorism in Asia? 06:58:55 7/30/2004
- Re: Funny that you call it Bushe's war on Terrorism - Frank---Suiside bombings have been going on before Bush even took office.. i.e. Isreal, Ejypt, Jordan, Lebanon where the hell have you been for the past 20 years ---- Oh I forgot your 12.. Look here maggot the war on terrorism is , Isral's war, is Egypts war is Europs war, is America's war, is Turky,s war and Sapin , France, Iraq, Packastan and Afghanastan and about 100 other countries war MORON!!!!!! What is the Matter? Is it that a Republican American Administration is finally doing something about terrorism rather than a weeK(Hay Monica wheres my Blow Job) Administration?????? You tree hugging, Commy, Hillery lesban loving, Linda Michael Rondstate Moore fat drunk and stupid Ted Kennedy terrorist loving Lurgh Gomer Pile Shazam I an reporting for duty Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 06:38:00 7/30/2004
- there weren't daily Suicide bombers before Bush's failed war on TURR. - BUSH DOUBLED TERRORIST ATTACKS IN 2003. ARAB ANGER AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH. Incompetence in the highest office. 06:12:05 7/30/2004
- Kerry's DNC big message 'I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty' - Frank------- HOW SHAMEFULL AND SHAMFULL 04:08:27 7/30/2004
- Kerry NASA Photos Spur FEDERAL Investigation - Doc 20:35:59 7/29/2004
- Kerry Says He Believes Life Starts at Conception, yet supports partial birth abortion - Hows that for being on both sides of the issue? Looks like the F stands for FLIP-FLOP 17:48:55 7/29/2004
- I VOTED TO RAISE TAXES BEFORE I VOTED TO RAISE TAXES AGAIN...LURCH KERRY - 1989-90: Votes against considering a capitol gains tax cut...1993-94: Votes against spending reductions – an amendment to reduce budget spending by $94 billion. Votes for the largest tax increase in American history....1995-96: Votes against balancing the budget – a bipartisan plan to balance the books in seven years....1997-98: Votes against approving a GOP budget to cut spending and taxes. Votes against a balanced-budget constitutional amendment. ...1999-2000: Votes against reducing federal taxes by $792 billion over 10 years....2001: Votes against the Bush tax cut – a $1.35 trillion tax cut package to reduce income-tax rates, alleviate the “marriage penalty” and gradually repeal the estate tax. Votes to reduce Bush’s proposed tax cut ceiling by $448 billion over 10 years 13:33:15 7/29/2004
- Allah says the Iraq war was justified - Frank------More bad news for the Democrats.... Now that God, Allah, Jesus and the Bible and the Koran say the Iraq war was justified... How sad for democrats how sad... OH THE SHAME ; } 11:04:38 7/29/2004
- I'm a girly man. - John Fraud Kerry 11:01:29 7/29/2004
- Jesus Christ says the Iraq war was justified. - Frank----- Oh my god!!!!!!! more bad nows for Kerry and other Commy Terrorists--- Now this just does not look good for the election what with God, the Bible and now Jesus Christ saying the war was justified. OH THE SHAME !!!!! I wonder what Allah would say? This looks bad for Kerry now ..............!%$#^()))))) 10:40:58 7/29/2004
- EXPOSING THE REPUB SPIN-- They always fail to mention the making the rich pay for the war part! - He voted to authorize Mr. Bush to go to war. He voted against $87 billion to pay for extra costs - after offering an amendment to raise the money by increasing taxes on the wealthy. That produced the infamous explanation, I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.'' 10:33:08 7/29/2004
- God said Iraq war Justified--- Reading not for the religous - Frank ---- Oh my God this just does not look good for Democrats and other Commy terrorist organizations --- I mean you can't say god was wrong--- Except for LOF, Pants and Baggy Fudge Pants--- I mean GOD really made a mistake on those losers--I can't believe Kerry Teddy, Gomer, Lurch Fatt ass Moore, Springer, Rondstate oink oionk, The Dicksy strap on ChicksRon Animal Planit fame Reagen could go against god...... I mean if God said gather every leftist scum bag and make an arc Michael Moore would not be allowed on the boat as there are no femail Donkeys that would have baybes with him and his fatt ass species would evaporate along with the smell from the face of the planit 10:16:52 7/29/2004
- Thou shalt NOT KILL-- GOD. - Sorry Franky. God doesn't support the IRAQ, no matter what that Stupid Baptist Convention says. WWJK- Who Would Jesus Kill... ANSWER= No One 10:21:26 7/29/2004
- Allah - Allah 09:13:16 7/29/2004
- Allah is a funny guy - Frank 07:59:39 7/29/2004
- The Democratic party has been consumed by the American Socialist/Communist party! - Lord of Flies SUCKS. Most all other Communists also SUCK! 06:52:58 7/29/2004
- No wonder why you JACKASS Republicans SUCK at foreign policy! - You still think we are fighting the communists! Well, Bush and Co. are STUCK IN A 1960S FRAME OF MIND ABOUT WORLD POWER, Thinking that the communists are going to invade and that Nukes, Star Wars, and other STUPID ANACHRONISTIC IDEAS are still valid. Terrorism is not a nation-state problem. They don't belong to any nation-state-- and f-ing MORONS STILL THINK WE ARE FIGHTING THE REDS (as evidenced by Franky's backwards looking comments). 09:07:13 7/29/2004
- Americans' incomes fell for two years -- Thanks to our Incompetent President Bush - Report: IRS data shows first-ever consecutive-year drop; loss of jobs blamed. 06:32:11 7/29/2004
- Sandy Berger Denies Stuffing Documents Down Pants - “I Was Just Happy To See You” - Sandy Burger 06:26:18 7/29/2004
- Yet more flip flops from Kerry --- America needs a decisive President that will stick to the job. - Frank----Not some waffle bending, mind changing person who is by all counts richer than the current president. OH THE SHAME AND THE SHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:00:41 7/29/2004
- VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN FRAUD KERRY - www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.com 04:04:30 7/29/2004
- Re: Kerry' Teacher Cancels Algebra Test - Frank 12:33:45 7/28/2004
- Oh look I found info on what Kerry has been saying about Iraq over the past few years. - Frank-------Oh this does not look good for Kerry now. ----- I wonder if Kerry will talk about it during the debates---If you are a democrat do not read this, or it will convert you to Bush or Nader. 11:09:27 7/28/2004
- Once again, 12 answers LOF has refused to accept. - Frank----MORE HOLOCOST DENYAL FROM LORD OF FLYS --- We all know what flys stick to. eh Gomer? 09:34:12 7/28/2004
- 68 Dead in Blast Near Iraqi Market, Police Station - Daily Bombings weren't a fact of life under Saddam, but now are, under Bush's liberated Iraq. They sure are liberated. Liberated and gone to heaven. 08:49:28 7/28/2004
- Kerry Sucks and he betrayed America - Vietnam Veterans Agree that Kerry is evil even if leftist scum defend him 06:58:12 7/28/2004
- Kerry Sucks and he betrayed America - Vietnam Veterans Agree 06:54:14 7/28/2004
- Any moron that thinks FOX is the only correct news station.... - and that the WSJ, the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and all the others are wrong--- get your f-ing head out of the sand. You have been exposed to too much right-wing propaganda you fool. You are too stupid to see that you have been manipulated for political purposes. FOX is a Republican Political project. The Executive board of FOX reads as a Who's who of Republican donors. And stupid fucks that watch it shouldn't comment on anything (because you are SO PAINFULLY MISINFORMED!!!!!) The Germans didn't realize they were being influenced by propaganda either! 06:31:01 7/28/2004
- Looks like Florida 'keyed' up to repeat vote theft! - Lord of Flies 05:10:10 7/28/2004
- Kerry said he wanted “to almost eliminate CIA - Communism for $100 04:15:23 7/28/2004
- KERRY AWARDED THREE PURPLE HEARTS, THEN HEADS FOR THE HILLS - During the Vietnam War, Purple Hearts were often granted for minor wounds. There were an awful lot of Purple Hearts--from shrapnel, some of those might have been M-40 grenades, said George Elliott, who served as a commanding officer to Kerry during another point in his five-month combat tour in Vietnam. (Kerry earlier served a noncombat tour.) The Purple Hearts were coming down in boxes. Under Navy regulations, an enlistee or officer wounded three times was permitted to leave Vietnam early, as Kerry did. He received all three purple hearts for relatively minor injuries -- two did not cost him a day of service and one took him out for a day or two. 03:48:11 7/28/2004
- KERRY LIED WHILE GOOD MEN DIED SAY VIETNAM VETRANS FOR TRUTH - More than any other person, John Kerry is responsible for the false image of Vietnam veterans as dysfunctional misfits, Bailey said in a statement. Kerry betrayed all of us when he returned from Vietnam 03:40:24 7/28/2004
- VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST JOHN FRAUD KERRY - www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnkerry.com 03:31:55 7/28/2004
- Teresa Heinz? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 00:15:26 7/28/2004
- REV. ALSTON'S SPEECH - DUBYA 21:00:35 7/27/2004
- Bill Clinton = Socialism - ALGORE 20:43:24 7/27/2004
- SWIFT BOAT LIES EXPOSED - DUBYA 20:36:17 7/27/2004
- Gee, I guess 90% of Kerry's former commanders and associates in Vietnam are wrong - Smedley 06:11:19 7/28/2004
- Re: Gee, I guess 90% of Kerry's former commanders and associates in Vietnam are wrong - J Alan 12:49:17 7/30/2004
- 90% Smed? Come one! You are smarter than that... - ... to actually believe that crap. he was commmended by most of his fellow officers and soldiers. 06:26:44 7/28/2004
- So the actual number can range from 75-90% - Smedley : You're right, may be more than 90%. Of John Kerry's 23 fellow Swift boat commanders 2 are dead and 2 won't comment, but only 2 support his candidacy today. 06:50:44 7/28/2004
- Again Smed, you complain when we don't offer proof for common sense assertions... - ... but then you make the most audacious, factless claims heard from FOX and you think its alright. Hypocritical? You betcha! But then you wouldn't be a Repub if you weren't a walking contradiction! 07:47:46 7/28/2004
- I offer the record of Kerry's 23 fellow commanders and EVERY COMMANDING OFFICER Kerry had - Smedley : That and another 250 swiftboat vets who've publicly stated Kerry is unfit 11:34:30 7/28/2004
- I am against aborting embryos and Stem-cell research, but - .......... I am for invitro fertilization, war that kills thousands of innocents, and the death penalty. And then I say that I value life, and that Democrats don't. SIGNED Typical hypocrital repubzealot. F-kers are their own walking contradiction. 08:52:53 7/28/2004
- Yes, I am for saving the lives of innocent children, but putting murdering thugs to death - Smedley : As opposed to LIBERALS, who think its perfectly fine to murder 30million plus babies, but demand that murderes be treated better than they treated their victims. 11:38:16 7/28/2004
- EMBYROS ARE NOT CHILDREN, GOD DOESN'T CAUSE THUNDER AND LIGHTNING (OHHH!) - AND FIRE ISN'T MAGIC STUFF-- Get out of the dark ages caveman. Ohh. Ohhh.. Grunt... Grunt... stupid superstitious morons.... 12:28:12 7/28/2004
- Embryos aren't children? Sez who? - Smedley : And if embryos aren't children, why did YOU draw an analogy between embryos and people facing the death penalty? 07:12:26 7/29/2004
- Superstition, no - Smedley : Opinion, maybe, just as it is your opinion thaty life begins ... when ... birth ... three months ... pick something 11:56:51 7/29/2004
- I believe that your opinion does NOT trump my opinion. - Keep your opinions to yourself, keep abortion rights as is, and DONT GET AN ABORTION IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ABORTIONS. Simple solution! The religious right wants to force their backwards beliefs on everyone in the entire nation. 12:22:52 7/29/2004
- Lies, lies, and more lies. - Typical crybaby loser democrap 00:14:31 7/28/2004
- The Religion of Bush Crossdressing as a Patriotic Man of God - Vinnie Vin 18:27:20 7/27/2004
- Once again, 12 questions Bush has refused to answer. - Lord of Flies 16:12:24 7/27/2004
- Bill Oreilly's interview with Lard-Ass to air tonight on FNC 8:00 EDT - that's right Flies, Michael Moore will be on Fox, what channel will lefties watch tonight, Fox to see a glimse of there poster-boy for the far-left, or CNN to watch Teresa Hinds?? 14:31:57 7/27/2004
- Send In Bulldozers To Destroy Al-Aqsa - Civil Bagdasarian 14:11:46 7/27/2004
- Twinkies are great by the truckload. - Michael Pigface Moore 14:05:58 7/27/2004
- ODD - OGG 13:18:20 7/27/2004
- I need one of you little people to wax my Rolls Royce. - John Fraud Kerry 10:51:20 7/27/2004
- Oh lookey a story about Kerry from ABC news - Frank-----Let me guess Baggy they are a Right Wing Conspiracy group too ----- Notice when I post a factual story from CNN, ABC, NBC, NECN or MSN baggy clames the storys were written by Right Wing Journalists? Probably he still gets his news from Cuba, China, Iran, and N. Korea well trusted fair and balanced non governmental news organizations--- Hay Baggy!!!!! I know where you can get a good deal on used tin foil hats HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH 10:13:45 7/27/2004
- Those ABC news rightwingnuts - John F. Kerry :: I had a hard choice. It was either SCREW OVER the troops that I helped send in harm's way or risk offending the Democrat base. 10:21:57 7/27/2004
- Examples of Kerry's changing storys---Don't read it Baggy - Frank-------This does not look good for democrats because Kerry is being identified as not haveing a solid opinion about much of anything. 09:47:12 7/27/2004
- From the Harvard Crimson (That's Harvard's Independent School newspaper Franky) on Bush's racism and arrogance. - Christine: A Bush watcher writes: Was George W.Bush really denied adission to the University of Texas law school? When? Why? Was this before or after his MBA from Harvard? 09:25:13 7/27/2004
- Say What? Kerry Backs Pre-Emption Now? - Frank---- Notice how if you let a couple of hours go by, Kerry keeps changing his story-----OH THIS DOES NOT LOOK GOOD FOR KERRY, TEDDY, CLINTON, HILIRY, MONICA, MICHAEL PIG BARF MOORE OR LINDA RONDSTATE. 08:55:56 7/27/2004
- Fox is #1 -- CNN and MSNBC are in the toilet..... - with the rest of the libbies 10:50:14 7/27/2004
- This is the kind of thing that makes critics question whether Fox has a Republican agenda. - How would Fox fans know, since they weren't able to hear Gore (the man who won the popular vote last time) or former president Carter? What happened to 08:47:11 7/27/2004
- More bad news for Kerry - Frank--------this is a shame, shame, shimmy, sack of s@#$, scandal 07:20:08 7/27/2004
- Youre a stupid person Franky. - You don't even read the news. YOu only read right-wing propaganda sites. No wonder why you are so PAINFULLY MISINFORMED. 07:49:14 7/27/2004
- Keep talking Teresa - You're helping us greatly -- RNC 07:13:25 7/27/2004
- Jeb Bush is the WORST BUSH of them all. - That creep is setting up the election for a ANOTHER CHEATING EPISODE via no-paper-trail electronic voting machines. THE STUPIDEST F-ING IDEA I HAVE EVER HEARD OF! Especially considering FLA's history. Corruption in the Bush Clique so pervasive they have no idea that they are VERY CORRUPT. They tolerate their own corruption because they claim it is for the good of the country. Sad... 06:57:42 7/27/2004
- John Kerry on Iraq: Then and Now - Frank------ OH THIS DOES NOT LOOK GOOD ---- I HOPE NO ONE BRINGS IT UP AT THE CONVENTION---OH THE SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:35:10 7/27/2004
- I wonder if this will be brought up at the DNC -- And Kerry would be a good Commander and Chief? - Frank------- OH THE SHAME AND SHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:18:44 7/27/2004
- Same old lies - Same old crying 07:10:33 7/27/2004
- Re: Do you have any proof???? - Frank------While Kerry was in Nam for a whopping 2 months, got a schrtch and more medals to throw over a fence and discrace our country forever--- It is typical for leftist to make a clame with no proof, but when presented with various records from the Guard, the Pentagon, the White House, Mr. Lloyd, a dentist who did a check up on Bush they clame no evidence was presented ---- Kerry also has not released all of his military records------WHAT IS HE TRYING TO HIDE!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 06:32:34 7/27/2004
- More Distortions From Michael Moore - Frank ------ This has got to be the most shamefull and sham full thing I have ever read. There all a bunch of anti American linda Rondstat American Flag Burning tree hugging leftist John Hanoy Kerry Chappidiquidic, Lurch Gomer piles of !@#$ Terisa Shove it Jane Fonda peace, love flowers Saddam Osama loving Morons ----- Oh did I say Michael Chunky vomit Moore? eh? 04:04:32 7/27/2004
- Will this be brought up at this weeks DNC parties pallozzzza!!!! - Frank 03:58:14 7/27/2004
- Vote Kerry and make me secretary of drunk driving - Fat Teddy 19:20:05 7/26/2004
- Paging Mr. Avalon ----- Paging Me. Avalon - Frank 16:02:52 7/26/2004
- The Kerry scandels keep growing and growing and growing - Frank 15:50:23 7/26/2004
- CONFIRMED! Franky is schizophrenic! He posts one message.... - ... then responds to his own post as if he were another person! You are one crazy f-k! (no wonder why you support Bush! You are crazy as hell!) 15:24:56 7/26/2004
- Re: Confirm this!!!! - Frank----- Do you think this will be brought up at the DNC this weel eh? 15:53:15 7/26/2004
- Terry kerry knows a fraud when she sees one! - Lord of Flies 14:26:56 7/26/2004
- Race an issue for Democrats - Frank 11:03:16 7/26/2004
- Kerry makes me look like a genius. - Al Gore Jr 10:49:47 7/26/2004
- Unborn babies sent me messages. - John Fraud Edwards 10:48:27 7/26/2004
- You can have her, I don't want her, she's too fat for me. - Jerry Brown 10:46:32 7/26/2004
- I can inhale a Big Mac without chewing. - Michael Pigface Moore 10:45:56 7/26/2004
- 9/11 Kerry's Falt - Frank ------- This is just shamefull and yet another reason democrats will lose in November 0 OH THIS LOOKS BAD 10:21:05 7/26/2004
- Suicide Bombing Kills 3 Near U.S. Base in Northern Iraq - Iraq, July 26 — A car loaded with explosives blew up near the main gate of an airfield in the northern city of Mosul today, killing three people including the driver and injuring five people, three of them American soldiers, the American military said in a statement. THINGS STILL SHITTY IN IRAQ. 09:09:42 7/26/2004
- Re: Things were better when Saddam was in power? - Frank ---- Ya right things today are much worse. It was better when Saddam was firing at colition air craft, smuggling wepons to terrorists, letting al Queda plan and train in Iraq, Saddam's murder of over 500,000 Iraqis stuffed into 227 mass graves, no freedom of speech, religion, the press and thr brutal rape, murder, torture was a much better way to go. Also the gassing of the Kurds was totaly OK along with saddam's support for international terrorism 09:24:13 7/26/2004
- Heinz Kerry Tells Reporter to 'Shove It' - Frank------ I have never heard a potental ultra rich first lady say such a shamefull and bad thing to say. OH THE SHAME yet another reason to vote for Bush. At least his wife does not use foul obseen gutter talk. But what do you expect she is from the deep south were the N word is used all the time. 08:10:04 7/26/2004
- Shove IT (up your &*$!) Franky- - Meanwhile, 90% of Frank's postings are blatant lies and radical Right-wing extremist propaganda. OH THE SHAME YOU ARE TO THIS COUNTRY FRANKY! 08:51:04 7/26/2004
- The Sandy Burger Kerry scandle is unfolding - Frank------- OH THE SHAME!!!!!!! YET ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC SCANDEL 06:46:50 7/26/2004
- So we accepted $44,000. in illegal campaign funds. Big Deal. - John Fraud Kerry John Fraud Edwards. 05:55:10 7/26/2004
- Let's play name association - Frank ------- May 64 quadriplegic Sadam Hussein offspring Keep It Real with sloppy joes after abducting your boss's bum. 04:16:21 7/26/2004
- I am against the death penalty to convicted murderers - Lurch Kerry 03:46:49 7/26/2004
- CHENEY THE FLIP-FLOPPER - DUBYA 20:58:01 7/25/2004
- Sandy Burglar - I need to get bigger pants and socks. 20:49:46 7/25/2004
- It was a great 8 year vacation I had. - William the Impeached 20:25:38 7/25/2004
- BUSH SCREWS VETERANS - DUBYA 20:11:38 7/25/2004
- CONFIRMED: The NY Times is a brochure for the Micheal L. Moore FAR Left - Klinton 19:33:57 7/25/2004
- Sandy Burger Scandel CONFIRMEDDDDDDDDD!!!!! - Frank 17:53:23 7/25/2004
- Dear Smed-- Did you read that the 9/11 Commision report asserts--- - --that there is ZERO EVIDENCE that Clinton used the attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan to distract the US from the Lewinsky Scandal. As if that weren't the stupidest assertion anyway, the Bipartisan commision now concludes that REPUBLICAN PUNDITS LIKE OREILLY AND RUCH ARE STILL FULL OF SHIT AND ARE PROPAGANDISTS. 15:52:30 7/25/2004
- Code RED ALERT - Teresa Lynn Des Marais 15:50:45 7/25/2004
- BUSH USES AMERICAN FEAR OF TERRORISM TO HIS ADVANTAGE. DISTRACTS US FROM REAL WAR ON TERROR. - If the Bush crowd hadn't been besotted with the idea of smoking Sad7/25/2004
- BUSH USES AMERICAN FEAR OF TERRORISM TO HIS ADVANTAGE. DISTRACTS US FROM REAL WAR ON TERROR. - If the Bush crowd hadn't been besotted with the idea of smoking Saddam, they could have stomped Osama in Tora Bora. Now it's too late. Al Qaeda has become a state of mind. Spinning Our Safety BY MAUREEN DOWD. 14:02:14 7/25/2004
- Make sure to bring your tin-foil hat - Smedley 17:17:39 7/25/2004
- And any fucking moron that thinks FOX is the only correct channel... - ... and that the WSJ, the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and all the others are wrong--- get your f-ing head out of the sand. You have been exposed to too much right-wing propaganda you fool. You are too stupid to see that you have been manipulated for political purposes. FOX is a Republican Political project. The Executive board of FOX reads as a Who's who of Republican donors. And stupid fucks that watch it shouldn't comment on anything (because you are SO PAINFULLY MISINFORMED!!!!!) Hitler used propaganda too! 15:47:39 7/25/2004
- Re: And any moron that thinks NY Times is the only correct news source - Nothing wrong with WSJ or Fox, most others lean a bit left but not Micheal L. Moore far left, only the NY Times is that far left. YOU KNOW THIS BETTER THAN ANYONE FLIES, IT'S WHERE YOU GET ALMOST ALL YOUR PROPAGANDA: THE FAR LEFT NY TIMES AND FAKENHIET 911 17:59:52 7/25/2004
- He never said that, did he - Smedley : But we do know that most leftist rags get caught lying daily 17:30:22 7/25/2004
- Really? Everyday? The difference is FOX and Co don't admit it when they make a mistake. - NYT and others do admit mistakes, whereas FOX, like Bush has an infalibility complex. FOX is the MOST BIASED NAME IN NEWS-- and they bash it into your simple minds that they are Fair-and-Balanced, and that on FOX YOU DECIDE. Well, they tell the audience that, but the FOX board of directors is really just telling the audience what to think. YOU DECIDE! 08:59:46 7/26/2004
- Actually, the WP and NYT only admitted their LIES after they were exposed elsewhere - Smedley 06:15:18 7/28/2004
- WRONG AGAIN FLIES: - The Fox News network's Bill O'Reilly told viewers he was now sceptical about the US president's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. I was wrong, said Mr O'Reilly, adding all Americans should be concerned that no such weapons had been found. OF COARSE HILLARY, LURCH, FAT TEDDY AND DOZENS OF DEMS ALSO SAID SADDAM HAD WMD...STILL WAITING FOR THIER RETRACTION 18:18:05 7/26/2004
- Since you don't know his plan... - ... he intends to go back to the UNB to get their support, to solve at least attampt to solve the Palestinian-Israelli conflict (that is the cause of all of this, you know) to go back to France, Germany, and Russia (who are some of our strongest and most important allies), and to combat terrorism as a World fighting terrorism, and not simply as America fighting terrorism. Bush's unilateral arrogant foreign policy has only created more terrorists. 15:44:08 7/25/2004
- Re: Since you don't know his plan... - Really, he's going to get the support of the UN, France, Germany and Russsia? They all were on the Saddam payroll, just how is Kerry going to win them over?? AND WHAT IF HE CAN'T WIN THEM OVER, THEN WHAT?? And solve the Palestinian-Israelli conflict? How?? They have been hating each other since the begining of time, but Kerrys going to make it all better, right?? 17:39:27 7/25/2004
- Would anyone like a cigar? This one was in someone's pants, but not Sandy Burglar's - Bill Klinton 12:31:31 7/25/2004
- Sandy Berger story already forgotten. Typical Republican attempt to create scandal hwre there isn't one. - Nice try Pigs. Try creating a vision for the country, instead of distracting us from the issues. Bush is a FAILURE and the zealots will pay for their blind support of a corrupt regime in November. Hey, where are those WMDs? And Osama? Distract us from Bush's failures and we will see right through it. 10:13:19 7/25/2004
- Democrats for free speech? Not at thier DNC. Protesters will be caged up blocks away. - Klinton 08:56:14 7/25/2004
- Nothing Sucks LIke A 21st Century Communist / Skinnerite Pissant! - Lord Of Flies Sucks And Lies And Hacks 08:09:48 7/25/2004
- There is nothing wrong with stealing classified material. - John Fraud Kerry 07:59:47 7/25/2004
- I'm glad I dumped that fat bitch - Jerry Brown 07:56:02 7/25/2004
- 3 fingernail scratches = 3 purple hearts - John Fraud Kerry 07:55:21 7/25/2004
- I'll take 23 super value meals to go. - Michael Pigface Moore (D) 07:54:43 7/25/2004
- Another beautiful dem spokesperson. - Whoopi Goldberg - fell outta the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down 07:53:54 7/25/2004
- Have I mentioned that I invented the internet - Al Gore - Another loser democrap 07:52:57 7/25/2004
- Would I lie? - Hillary the Pig Clinton 07:52:13 7/25/2004
- Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink, Oink - Linda Lardass Ronstadt (D) 07:51:35 7/25/2004
- We love lying, crooked trial lawyers like Edwards. - DNC 07:50:40 7/25/2004
- Those documents just fell into my pants and socks. - Sandy Burglar (D) 07:49:11 7/25/2004
- Don't all little people have Rolls Royces?? - John Fraud Kerry 07:48:23 7/25/2004
- BBBUUUUURRRPPPPPPP - Michael Fatass Moore 07:46:39 7/25/2004
- RICE LIES EXPOSED BY 9/11 COMMISSION - DUBYA 07:07:10 7/25/2004
- ET Phone Home! - Gordon 18:45:16 7/24/2004
- Turn the seismographs off, I have to walk off stage - Linda Ronstadt 11:49:28 7/24/2004
- Turn the seismographs off, I have to take a dump. - Michael Moore 11:48:52 7/24/2004
- DNC - All we have is hate and lies. 11:43:21 7/24/2004
- Damn, I stink! - Michael Lardass Moore 11:40:55 7/24/2004
- Any of you dumb broads wanna be my intern?? - William the Impeached 11:39:48 7/24/2004
- Please pass me a truckload of Twinkies. - Linda Ronstadt -- BURP 11:38:59 7/24/2004
- Linda Rondstadt incident another example of why we should fear Bush's re-election - Vinnie Vin 11:27:23 7/24/2004
- The dog put those documents in my pants. - Sandy Burglar 09:31:08 7/24/2004
- Quit blocking my Rolls Royce, you little people that "I'm for". - John Fraud Kerry 09:00:21 7/24/2004
- Bankers: U.S. economy looking good - Frank----- More bad news for Democrats --- Oh how shameful of the Democrats to ignore economic reality -- Yet that is how they play the political soap it is an election year game. Say this and that ----- Yada yada yada 08:04:29 7/24/2004
- Is CNN on ebay yet?? - Just wondering....what losers! 07:57:42 7/24/2004
- Those classified documents "fell" into my pants and socks. - Sandy Burglar (D) 07:56:46 7/24/2004
- Yes I did, no I didn't, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes , no, yes, no, etc - John Fraud Kerry 07:51:16 7/24/2004
- Mommy, please tell me I'm adopted. - Chelsea 07:50:10 7/24/2004
- So she drowned, big f'ing deal - Big Fat Ugly Drunk Ted Kennedy (D) 07:48:57 7/24/2004
- Here's my friend, mentor, idol and spokesman........ - John Fraud Kerry 07:48:17 7/24/2004
- Kofi Anus is a great man. - John Fraud Kerry 07:47:24 7/24/2004
- The UN should run our military and make our decisions. - John Fraud Kerry 07:46:50 7/24/2004
- I will negotiate with terrorists, not kill them. - John Fraud Kerry 07:46:19 7/24/2004
- It was a great 8 year vacation - William the Impeached 07:45:38 7/24/2004
- Mrs Edwards is fatter than me...cool - Tipper the cow 07:44:52 7/24/2004
- I have to go cash my welfare check. - Typical Liberal 07:44:07 7/24/2004
- Our platform is hate and lies. - DNC 07:43:01 7/24/2004
- Teresa, can I borrow your credit card to fill the SUV I don't have? - John Fraud Kerry 07:42:27 7/24/2004
- My hog legs are ready to explode - Hillary the pig 07:41:01 7/24/2004
- Hi, I'm pround of my record........................ - John Fraud Kerry 07:40:28 7/24/2004
- There is nothing - wrong with............... 07:39:22 7/24/2004
- It was a painful fingernail scratch. - John Fraud Kerry 07:37:55 7/24/2004
- This padded cell is nice - Al Gore -- Moron 07:37:12 7/24/2004
- Daddy, this N Korean money doesn't work at Burger King - Chelsea 07:36:36 7/24/2004
- Important - message: 07:35:16 7/24/2004
- Let the little people pay the taxes. - Hillary the pig 07:34:47 7/24/2004
- New world record - is set........................... 07:33:58 7/24/2004
- Bath soap? What's that used for?? - Michael Slob Moore 07:32:38 7/24/2004
- Anybody want to go for a ride over a bridge with me? - Big Fat Ugly Drunk Ted Kennedy 07:31:55 7/24/2004
- Buy my book...."My Lies" - William the Impeached 07:31:12 7/24/2004
- Come to my concerts, throw Ring Dings on stage for me. - Oinker Ronstadt 07:30:30 7/24/2004
- Kerry doesn't stand a chance. - FUNNY 07:29:47 7/24/2004
- Keep talking Teresa, you're helping us greatly. - RNC 07:29:17 7/24/2004
- I'm traveling down the Al Gore Highway - Gomer Kerry 07:28:35 7/24/2004
- Could I borrow a case of Twinkies? - Linda Pig Ronstadt 07:27:57 7/24/2004
- YOU SUCK BITCH - Maggie 22:53:26 7/23/2004
- Liar Liar for$100 World Communism for $200 John Kerry Socialist for$500 - Fat Boy Moore 21:31:21 7/23/2004
- Did anyone else try this for some quick cash? - Mathew T. 21:22:38 7/23/2004
- True Conservatism - Avalon-John 19:05:46 7/23/2004
- FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! - Avalon-John 19:04:54 7/23/2004
- Ode to Maddy - Avalon-John 19:02:32 7/23/2004
- VISIT THIS SITE - DUBYA 17:53:21 7/23/2004
- I'm so friggin fat. oink oink oink oink oink - Linda Ronstadt 15:09:32 7/23/2004
- Pentagon Releases Bush's Guard Records - Frank--- Oh well another dead issue for Democrats 14:05:19 7/23/2004
- Friends Romans Countrymen, I Cum To Bury Kerry Not To Praise Bush! - Brutis 12:10:38 7/23/2004
- Re: Friends Romans Countrymen, I Cum To Bury Kerry Not To Praise Bush! - Frank------- The economy is in good shape, America does not have a 2 trillion dollar deficit, try 354 billion, The US takes in 1.7 trillion dollars annualy in taxes, so I have no idea where your getting your balogna.The president via the US Constutition can not and has not spent a dime of our tax dollers only Congress and 600 lawmakers can Thou ruttish dizzy-eyed jack-a-nape! 12:27:44 7/23/2004
- Osama gives up - Frank 10:47:31 7/23/2004
- Kerry running sex slave business - Frank ----- Wow - What with Kerry's torture manual, support for a draft and support for terrorism this just does not look good for the Democrats. Then you have the Kerry - Burger scandel ---- How will the democrats win if these shamefull scandels continue? Oh how shamefull and shamfull of Democrats. Thank God for George W. Bush who is not involved in hiding Clinton secret government documents, Sex slave businesses all over the USA, kissing Edwards in Public --- this is just a shame shame shame!!!!!! OH THE SHAME!!!!!! 06:22:46 7/23/2004
- Saddam II brutality general knowlege. - Lord of Flies 04:59:02 7/23/2004
- Lord Of Flies Still Sucks And Lies! - Friday Update: 04:24:37 7/23/2004
- AP: 3 strikes on Clinton's watch - Mocisem 23:22:42 7/22/2004
- Can someone please loan me $20 ? The payroll is going to be late again... - Al Franken 19:39:02 7/22/2004
- Sander Berger Story : Docs In Socks - Doc 19:08:35 7/22/2004
- 9-11 Commission RIPS APART more leftist lies - Smedley : Bush told the truth, Democrats lied through their asses 17:58:38 7/22/2004
- MICHAEL MOORE'S JIHAD AGAINST AMERICA - Make no mistake about it, Michael Moore is our enemy. If you need proof, go see the film. The distortions are downright silly, almost juvenile. Michael Moore is a terrorist’s best friend. They don’t need Al-Jazeera to broadcast anti-American hatred. They’ve got the man who’s winning awards and accolades for this movie. Fahrenheit 9/11 can be shown at every terrorist training camp in the world 16:59:09 7/22/2004
- Third time's the charm Whitewash over War Crimes against POW's. - Lord of Flies 14:49:11 7/22/2004
- Linda Rondstat To Sing At Aladdin Again Sep 1st - Bob 14:35:34 7/22/2004
- Let's take a look at how the left relies on lyes - Frank----to prop up there stupid views --- Don't forget to review the sources 12:40:48 7/22/2004
- Bush approved Saddam II revealed for a brutal murderer! - Lord of Flies 12:21:54 7/22/2004
- Hay take a look at some of the lies in F 9/11 - Frank ------- Looks like most of the long leftist political ad is just a bogus bag of fanticy and stupidity 12:09:49 7/22/2004
- Michael Moores movie is a dud - Frank 11:25:29 7/22/2004
- Berger "theft" of documents to prep Kerry? - Lord of Flies 11:15:00 7/22/2004
- Democrats denounce allegations against Berger and say he just needed some tolit paper - Frank ----- This is just SHAMEFUL! 10:41:18 7/22/2004
- More WMD found in Iraq - Frank ------ Oh well I guess Baggy was how do you say WRONG!!!!!! 09:33:53 7/22/2004
- Army probing 94 claims of prisoner abuse- More than a few BAD Apples i see... - I wonder if they had orders to abuse.... I wonder if they cam from the top considering the widespread abuse.....hmmmmm..... fire Rumsfeld. It happened under his watch. 09:18:21 7/22/2004
- Re: New link - Frank 08:12:47 7/22/2004
- Kerry Has Strong Advantage Among Latino Voters 2-to-1... - Majority of Hispanics Surveyed Disapprove of Bush's Handling of Economy and Iraq War --- Too bad Bush didn't earnestly try to support Hispanics over the last 4 years! 08:07:50 7/22/2004
- John Kerry To Dump John Edwards - Matt Myford 07:58:28 7/22/2004
- More WMD found in Iraq - Frank ---------- Oh this does not look good in an election year for DEMOCRATS 07:50:36 7/22/2004
- NO WMD found in Iraq - Lord of Flies Yes, it does indeed look like a SWEEP year for Democrats! 12:19:10 7/22/2004
- Kerry defends Berger for 'honest crinimal mistake' - Lurch 06:38:31 7/22/2004
- KERRY'S SUDDENLY DISAPPEARING WEB DOCUMENTS - Frank -------- Oh the shame --- More bad news for Kerry and communists --- What is Kerry trying to hide? Oh hoe scandelous and criminal 06:32:49 7/22/2004
- Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan is defending the tax cuts that President Bush pushed through Congress. - More bad news for DemocRATS - He told the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday those cuts prevented the economy from falling into an even deeper recession. 06:21:03 7/22/2004
- Daily Rasmussen Poll: Bush 47%, Kerry 46%. Bush approval to 53% - More Bad News for DemocRATS 06:17:35 7/22/2004
- Marines Kill 250 Iraqis in Ramadi Clashes - Frank ------ haahhahahahhahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahhhhahahahahaahaahha 05:15:28 7/22/2004
- Michael Moore Died For You.... - Roger and Me 01:34:35 7/22/2004
- 59 LIES BY MICHEAL MOORE - Klinton 18:53:23 7/21/2004
- How did I get so friggin FAT?????? - Linda Porky Ronstadt 17:36:41 7/21/2004
- I accidently stuffed the top secret crap in my pants and sock. - Sandy Burglar 17:34:09 7/21/2004
- Why Democrats Suck - Frank 14:02:58 7/21/2004
- The Ides Of August - Grace Harwar 13:16:00 7/21/2004
- Why are people from every state voting for George and dumpping Kerry? - Frank 12:58:33 7/21/2004
- For the last five national polls-- Bush has had a net loss. - 42% loser-- THE FACTS show that people are moving to the Kerry camp in droves, and to Nader as well from the Bush camp. Repubs-- becareful of what you wish for (Nader in the race) because you might get it! 13:00:56 7/21/2004
- Bush's rating was 52% in the last poll, but don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant - Smedley : and expect Bush's ratings to improve further with the favorable 911 report and the Democrat lies exposed 05:54:21 7/22/2004
- Re: And just look at the good economy too - Frank ------- Baggy wants the economy to look bad, but it isn't ---- Baggy want the war on terrorism not to be successful ---- Strengthening the Economy The economy is strong and getting stronger. The President’s pro-growth policies have helped drive the economy and move the recovery forward, putting more money in the pockets of America’s families and laying a foundation for robust growth and job creation now and for years to come. Baggy Baggy Baggy Fudge Pants 13:04:25 7/21/2004
- Why I am voting for Bush - Norman Van Dulminer 12:53:46 7/21/2004
- I am voting for GWB and I am a democrat - Molly Big Mellons 12:49:58 7/21/2004
- Franky, it is you , me (baggy), SMed, and LOF here. - Stop pretending like you are multiple people. We know you are an idiot. I am accepting of handicapped people and republicans (and handicapped republicans like you) so no need to pretend. 12:52:16 7/21/2004
- Militant group takes 6 civilians hostage in Iraq - OH Wait... to Smed, Franky and crew, Indians, Kenyans, and Egyptians don't count as real people, and therefore these aren't terrorist attacks. Thanks you Bush for your war which increased Terrorism! 12:46:42 7/21/2004
- Need me to drive you there? - Ted Kennedy 11:57:22 7/21/2004
- Bush will lose because the last 4 years absolutley sucked for everyone. - Bush can't hide from that. Uniter my ass! 10:26:47 7/21/2004
- List of issues that will make the Democrats lose in November - Frank 09:07:05 7/21/2004
- There is one reason why Bush will lose in November: - BECAUSE THEY LIE TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC TO GAIN SUPPORT AND TO NOT LET THEM KNOW HOW HORRIBLE TH LAST 4 YEARS HAVE BEEN. The last 4 years have absolutley sucked-- bad economy, war, the nation is divided (directly b/c of Bush), and they CONTSANTLY LIE to the American people. It is part of the Bush campaigns' strategy-- lie, repeat thelie, lie again, until it becomes true to the half-wit zealots like you. 09:50:20 7/21/2004
- Re: There is one reason why Bush will win in November: - Frank ---- Economy doing great, 2 wars faught and over with fewer casulties in American History and Western values, laws and freedoms for over 56 million Muslims, Saddam in the Slammer, Internationally 168 countries fighting terrorism with over 6,000 to 10,000 terrorists, dead, in jale or on trial, tax cuts that helped and unemployment same as it was in 1997 10:06:27 7/21/2004
- Here's a WMD report out of Iraq that I pray isn't true - Smedley : Because if there's three found, there's probably more 08:28:19 7/21/2004
- Clinton Got a Blow Job while Bush did a good Job - Frank ------- Let's take a stroll down the Clinton memory lane and revisit what Clinton did not do in the White House and handed a mess to our great President and Terrorist preventor George W. Bush 08:21:26 7/21/2004
- Hay every one I just found a site about unemployment in America - Frank ---- That blows Flys Republican vs Jobs argument out of the water 07:34:32 7/21/2004
- Head of slain American hostage found in Saudi raid OH THE SHAME!!!!! - Frank --- At least the ass holes kept it fresh ------ John Avalone for president!!!! 06:50:40 7/21/2004
- MORE TERRORIST ATTACKS ON AMERICANS!!! OHHHHH THE SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Yeah f-ing rigt AMURRKans are safer Heir Bush! What a f-ing liar that Bastard is! 07:09:48 7/21/2004
- Re: Remember folks the 43 terrorist attacks that took place during the Clinton Admin., Never happened - Frank -------- Why? ---- well it is an election year stupid and if you are a leftist commy, claim no terrorist attacks took place for over 10 years under the Clinton Administration. Just look the other way and unzip your pants that yoou very much OH THE SHAME AND SHAM 07:19:11 7/21/2004
- Ummm... Franky. There have been HUNDREDS of terrorist attcks SINCE BUSH TOOK OFFICE. - Bush DOUBLED TERRORIST ATTACKS last year. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM THE FACTS BUDDY! 08:01:26 7/21/2004
- Yes, but how many on American soil since 9-11? - Smedley : Oh, yes, by your logic America was less safe in 1944 than in 1940 since the number of Axis attacks in 1944 were obviously more numerous 08:15:24 7/21/2004
- And by your logic: the more attacks were receive, the better we are doing in the war against terror. - And if we are constantly attacked Daily, according to Smed, weve won the War on terror! Brilliant! Let's do all we can to ensure that we are attacked everyday! Then we will have won! Har!!!!!! 09:35:17 7/21/2004
- No, by MY LOGIC, I admit that the road to national security will often have a storm before the calm - Smedley : Just say NO to appeasement 09:48:18 7/21/2004
- Appeasement?! Appeasement?! Meanwhile OSAMA IS RUNNING AROUND FREE. - And you claim to be against Appeasement. Letting Osama go to re-focus on a war that had nothing to do with 9/11 ----- that, my friend, is appeasement of the most treacherous kind !!! Appeasement didn't work in WWI AND WWII. Why is Bush letting Osama go?? Priorities please! 09:54:58 7/21/2004
- Appeasement? Hardly. Given OBL is in hiding for his life, i'd say Bush's treatment is anything but "appeasement" - Smedley : However, doing eight years of nothing as clinton did-- that's appeasement 10:05:28 7/21/2004
- Osama is FREE. Id' say that is surely appeasment. - Bush creates more terrorists than has killed. Arab anger at a historic high. 10:08:57 7/21/2004
- Another moronic argument by the left. - Smedley : BTW, we never captured Hitler, but that doesn't mean that Roosevelt was busy appeasing Hitler 11:06:06 7/21/2004
- Proving once again you lack historical knowledge. - We appeased Hitler from 1933 to 1939, and we were reluctant to join the war even after he invaded Poland. Osama is free. we are not attacking him. Bush and Co gave up to go concentrate on a war that has proven to do more harm than good. 12:27:32 7/21/2004
- Proving once again YOUR lack historical knowledge. - Smedley : We appeased Osama from 1993 to 2000, and we were reluctant to go to war even after repeated attacks on Americans. Now, however, OBL is in hiding, we cannot attack a person whose whereabouts are unknown. however, TENS OF THOUSANDS of troops are still hunting his sorry butt. 12:38:34 7/21/2004
- Cheney agreed that appeasement of the Terrorists started under your GOD R Reagan. - Who didn't respond to the mutiple attacks (240+ dead Marines in Beiruit ring a bell??) starting the early 1980s. Reagan started the doctrine of appeasing terrorists, NOT CLINTON. And don't forget, unlike Dubya, Clinton tried to kill OBL, whereas BUSH after 9/11 has simply given up. Your Political Position would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. 12:50:28 7/21/2004
- Returning to COMBAT your FALSE ASSERTION.... - Appeasement of terrorists began under Reagan, not under Clinton as you claim. Clinton attacked OBL and failed. Bush attacked OBL, failed, and then gave up. Now we are in Iraq, when Iran and Saudi Arabia had more to do with 9/11 than Iraq. Sorry, the facts don't support your position again! 09:22:00 7/22/2004
- The best thing about you Is that you're so patently intellectually impoverished as EVERYONE can see - Smedley : You keep losing argument after argument, changing the subject, saying Dem Party line crapola and rarely provide URLs to support your crap 05:58:39 7/22/2004
- I just don't have the tme to research every tidbit of info for you Smed. - It would be a waste of my time to try to convince you anyway. YOu blindly suppor your party, look the other way when they blatantly commit falsehoods, crimes, etc. and you are simply not worth my time. I have better things to do than try to convince a Republican fundamentalist that his party has turned into an incredibly corrupt organization bent of political domination, and not their original ideals. 08:05:50 7/22/2004
- American Soil is a fiction. We are world citizens. An attack on a Philipino, an Afghani, a Spanaird, or an Australian abroad... - ... is no different than attack on an American here in the US. The WORLD is American Soil. Anywhere an American is attacked (or anyone for that matter) is an attack against humanity.. What is this artifical division you have created?--- Attacks against Americans abroad aren't Terrorist attacks??? They aren't equally atrocious as domestic attacks??? Come on now Smed! PS-- YOur example shows how anachronistic your world view is. These aren't nation-states fighting each today. Not at all. 08:39:12 7/21/2004
- No, I am NOT a Spaniard or Filipino. I am NOT a citizen of the UN. I am an American. - Smedley : FYI, the original statement pertained to AMERICANS being safer, not world citizens 09:50:59 7/21/2004
- So you are saying f-ck world citizens, just as long as Americans within American borders are safe? - What a total racist asshole you are! A hierarchy of national importance-- NEWSFLASH: American lives aren't worth more than those of other Citizens from other countries you racist, nationalist prig! 09:58:53 7/21/2004
- No, I am saying that Americans ARE safer. - Smedley : I am also saying that World Citizens ARE better off fighting terrorism than caving to it. Short term pain for long-term security. 10:07:51 7/21/2004
- Here is analogy to help you understand. Florida starts a war and throws up its borders. - Florida citizens can't travel to other parts of the US because they will be kid napped, they will be in train bombings they will be in night club bombings, they will be decapitated. They can't travel throughout the rest of the US, even thouygh they are US citizens. Meanwhile, people in the other states are dying and the Floridians don't give a shit, because within their gated community THEY FEEL SAFE. They are not safe though, because so many people are trtying to kill. They have to stay in FLA. They can't leave. And the entire country is seriously pissed off at them. Moral of the story: Just because the gated community calkled america appears to be safer, more people around the world want to do harm to america and they are planning new attacks daily. Americans are not safer. Americans are in the greatest danger since WWII. And the Bush zealots put so much spin on the issue that they convince themslevs that they are safer. TERRORISM DOUBLED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS????????? Apparantly not... 10:16:31 7/21/2004
- Paul Johnson, Nick Berg, Paul Jacobs, just to name a few. - they are safer? No, they are decapitated. Americans abroad are a greater danger now than before Bush's Iraq war. Period. 10:11:09 7/21/2004
- Re: HALLIBURTON IS A MULTI BILLION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION - Frank ------- That is owned by over 5,000 investors and a total of 500,000 employees. Cheny this Cheny that --- You moron he can not have control over every 2,000 international subsidiaries, 500,000 employees 06:37:23 7/21/2004
- Cheney was CEO and 30 Million dollar paid leader of the company. - Stupid people think that it had no effect on the Bush admin's decision to give them 2 BILLLION in contracts. Just keep looking the other way away from the Bush Admin's blatant corruption. Keep your head in the sand. Pretty soon, your children will be drafted, our debt will be deeper than ever, and the world will hate us. And you'll probably believe the Republican marketers who telll you its the democrats fault. Painful! 07:00:29 7/21/2004
- Re: Cheney was CEO before the Bush Administration - Frank ---- He sold all ownership before becoming VP Moron ---- Please explain how being a non owner of a company will make you rich ------- You made the same amount off of Hallburton as Cheny has over the past 4 Years ----- Nothing you Hillery Loving Clintonian give me a BJ let Osama run away leftist hug a tree liberal Teddy Chappidiquidic Kennedy Kerry Hanoy Jane ----- Did I mention Viet Name Kennedy!!!!!!!!! 07:07:38 7/21/2004
- Sure... and the buddies that are making millions off of the war. Cheney disowned them as friends when he became VP. - And if you believe Cheney isn't doing favors for his old buddies at Halliburton.. you might be an ignorant Republican! 07:47:19 7/21/2004
- Hey, if Cheney were doing favors, there'd be proof. So SHOW US THE PROOF OR SHUT UP - Smedley : your conspiracy theories about Haliburton, war for oil and American imperialism are the products of the left's mental illness 08:18:09 7/21/2004
- Corruption today is slick and subtle. - Cheney calls his old friend, current CEO of Halliburton. They have dinner. they discuss their families and hobbies. They mention in passing that hey a Contract Bid is coming up. Cheney winks, thanks his buddy for dinner, and they NEVER talk about it. It is just known that Cheney will do everything he can to get the contract for Defense Industry Alma Mater. That is today's corruption-- subtle, slick, untrace-able. The proof is in the actions of the govt. No bid -contract? You think there will be a paper trail? Please..... Cheney is smarter than that. 08:43:15 7/21/2004
- Re: Hey, if Cheney were doing favors, there'd be proof. So SHOW US THE PROOF OR SHUT UP - Frank ------ Notice how he goes from Cheney making money ---- Then switches to Cheney helping frends---- Last I looked there is no Federal or State or local law regarding that!!! 08:33:05 7/21/2004
- Oh look the American Economy stronger than ever - Frank ------- Let's get back to the real issues. 04:03:54 7/21/2004
- Michael Moore = American Goebbels - Communism or John Kerry For $200 19:13:23 7/20/2004
- Antichrist will require an oath of allegiance - John Kerry 18:59:28 7/20/2004
- why - alan 17:06:53 7/20/2004
- Linda Rondstat Incident At The Aladin Casino Las Vegas - Bob 15:23:48 7/20/2004
- Meanwhile, back on the real issue of Bush's war crimes. - Lord of Flies 14:36:50 7/20/2004
- - Relationship? What relationship? - Lord of Flies 14:13:08 7/20/2004
- Reality Porn - Real Porn 13:51:53 7/20/2004
- Book: 'Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man' - Molly Big Mellons 13:28:30 7/20/2004
- Bush's kind of 'recovery' - Lord of Flies 13:28:26 7/20/2004
- How the left ignores reality - Frank ---- Wow with the economy doing this well all President Bush needs is for Osama Bin Hiding to be captured ---- You John Hanoy Jane, Linda Ronsdate ---Fat Pig Michael Moore Gomer pile of !@#$ Hillery loving tree hugging Teddy Eddy Munster Chappidiquidic cover uping Kennedy Jane fonda loving peace, love drugs --- Rock and Role Communist pig zits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13:14:53 7/20/2004
- None as bad since hoover! - Lord of Flies - 1.5 Million LESS jobs than when Bush took over. That's your idea of 'great'? 14:27:22 7/20/2004
- How the fascists of the right deal with dissent. - Lord of Flies 12:52:16 7/20/2004
- Clinton Aide Investigated on Terror Memos - Molly Big Mellons 10:54:29 7/20/2004
- We put this story on page A-16 (usa today had it page 1) - The Far-Left NY Times 13:27:11 7/20/2004
- Just when you thought there was an end to Clinton scandals - Smedley : another clintonite is busy with another felony in order to cover up the FACTS. 11:18:31 7/20/2004
- Bush and crew have never covered anything up. Riiiiight..... - I am not approving of Berger's actions. reprehensible really, but the righties are so desperate to discredit Dems for poltical gains (and so relatively rare compared to Republican blunders and scandals) that they leech onto anything that involves a Democrat and scandal. I bet you guys can't wait till Kerry is elected! Scandlicious! YOu will cultivate scandals at every single opportunity. Not that the Dems are any better. The Dems have had to fight dirty against the Republicans because the republicans fight dirty as well. Stil, DEMS ARE THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS! 12:16:41 7/20/2004
- Re: Bush and crew have never covered anything up. Riiiiight..... - Frank --- Oh my that was also SHAME FULL OH the SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!! --- When will Democrats learn that crime, murder, decapitation, fudgy secret documents, bribs, sex in thw eorkplace and gum chewing is just not allowed. OH THE SHAME!!!!!!!! 12:27:36 7/20/2004
- What we ACTUALLY know is that this story came out in time to suck the oxygen out of the 9-11 report of Bush incompetence. - Lord of Flies - OH THE SHAME that Smegma is ...AGAIN... declaring guilt without evidence of wrongdoing. 12:51:51 7/20/2004
- Only a moron would claim secreting classified documents from a major national investigation as ... - Smedley : . . . without evidence of wrongdoing. 13:54:42 7/20/2004
- Only fool Smegma could sink this low! - Lord of Flies - Only a Moron like Smegma would be declaring guilt WITHOUT evidence! 14:09:32 7/20/2004
- Oh, yeeeesssss! How DARE I accuse Berger of theft and endangering national security - Smedley : Berger was CAUGHT with government documents, including classified documents, in his house. Berger has CONFESSED to removing documents on FIVE separate occasions -- in his coat, in his socks and in his pants. These are factual issues that aren't even in dispute. 14:20:11 7/20/2004
- Baggy pulls a Republican: NO, those ARE CONSERVATIVE MEDIA PUNDITS TELLING YOU THAT. - That is not grounded in facts. Prove it. It hasn't been proven in a court of law, so it is not true. The Conservative Media is slandering him. the Conservative Media is attacking him unjustly. Its the Conservative Media's fault. See: sucks when you have a point and someone falls back on rhetoric to dispute claims (as in your claims against Berger). Its the Conservative Media that is at fault, not Berger. they are twisting the situation! (sucks doesn't it?) 14:37:54 7/20/2004
- Yes, let's see your evidence. Oh, that's right, you don't need any. - Lord of Flies - Noticed that you changed the subject, you hypocrite! 14:35:31 7/20/2004
- And what evidence do you need? It's on every television and radio station as well as every news URL - Smedley : Hardley, because the subject in this thread is SANDY BERGER 15:07:34 7/20/2004
- No charges have been brought against Berger by the Justice Dept. - Leaked for political purposes. We'll see if they bring charges (and damnit those Republican attack dogs are going to try1). If they don't, that literally means they had no evidence of wrongdoing. Ashcroft and his Cronies will do all in their power to bring carges against him. Let's just wait and see if they can before making accusations of endangering national security. And besides--- speaking of endangering national security---- don't you zealots think that the misdirected War in Iraq is just a little bit worse than a few missing documents? If you don't, you priorities are all f-cked up. Whoops! Our Bad! No WMDs! No AQ- 9/11 link! No real reason to Rush to War. Typical Repubzealot distraction...... 06:55:05 7/21/2004
- The investigation ain't over, and Berger's lawyer is screaming for a deal - Smedley : and whether or not the story was leaked for political purposes (prove it!) has nothing to do with Berger's actions 07:20:38 7/21/2004
- Its already a second page story. Nice try republicans! - You wanted this to be a scandal, but it stagnated already, and it just pisses the Rank and file Repubs off. And Cheney Classifying absolutely everything, memos on tirture, memos on energy policy, memos on war planning, etc. is somehow NOT WORSE than Berger's actions? Who is the REAL enemy? = WAR PROFITEERS AND THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! EISENHOWER WAS RIGHT! 07:57:16 7/21/2004
- The righties repeatedly protect Bush and Co when they hide documents when they mark them as Classified. - But God forbid if someone on the other side tries to cover up-- everything is bad when dems do it, good when repubs do it. Hypocrisy? You betcha! But they would not Republicans if they weren't hypocrital SOBs. 14:12:19 7/20/2004
- Changing the subject again, I see, Pantloads - What does the Wilson scandal have to do with Berger scandal? Oh, they're both Democrat lying scumbags 13:50:40 7/20/2004
- Must feel good. Republicans aren't the only lying scumbags in politics. - Read My Lips: NO NEW TAXES. Iraq has the capability to launcha nuclear strike within 6 months, there WMDs, and Saddam and AQ have relationship that caused 9/11. APPARENTLY LYING RUNS IN THE FAMILY: LIKE FATHER LIKE SON. 14:06:16 7/20/2004
- GHWB did break his promise on taxes, which arguably cost him the presidency - Smedley : your 9-11 comment is fiction and I'd like to see a URL about the 6-month claim 14:10:23 7/20/2004
- Again, we return to my assertion that to ..... - ....IMPLY SOMETHING THAT SOMETHING THAT IS NOT TRUE IS TRUE--- I call that (as well as the dictionary)) a LIE. Smed likes to think of that as a bending of the truth. To imply that your wife is cheating on you (when she is not) is a lie, a prevarication, an untruth. I ahve repeatedly posted W's 12 assertions that imply (for example) that the battle of Iraq started on 9/11. (GWB quote) This implication, suggestion, lie is that because we were attacked on 9/11, the battle of Iraq began, and perhaps even that Iraq had a role in the 9/11 attacks. Bush's intentions are clear (to me and other smart people at least) to make a connection between 9/11 and Iraq, which is hardly a justification for war (considering how many other countries had GREATER CONNECTIONS TO AQ). Let me get back to you on the other's.... 14:34:38 7/20/2004
- Re: Just when you thought there was an end to Clinton scandals - Frank ----- this has to be the most shamefull thing I have ever read. It is so shamefull and shamfilled that I may not post again to this board for at least 20 minutes. 11:51:00 7/20/2004
- But Kerry sucks even worse! - Damn but youn SUCK. Lord of Flies!!!! 10:46:55 7/20/2004
- Nixon EPA chief criticizes Bush - The head of the Environmental Protection Agency for two Republican presidents criticized President Bush's record on Monday, calling it a polluter protection policy. 10:31:41 7/20/2004
- Nixon EPA chief criticizes Bush - The head of the Environmental Protection Agency for two Republican presidents criticized President Bush's record on Monday, calling it a polluter protection policy. 10:31:23 7/20/2004
- comparing rightards to people who can actually read. - Lord of Flies 09:49:52 7/20/2004
- Re: Iraq al Queda links confirmed - Frank ------ Don't forget to check out the foot notes for the sources and the proof my little misguided Clintonian tator tot 10:03:17 7/20/2004
- Michael Moore wins contest - Frank 08:12:53 7/20/2004
- The Saddam-9/11 Link Confirmed ----- again? - Frank ---- I am so glad George W. Bush did something to stop Saddam, and make the world a safer place to live. 07:37:28 7/20/2004
- SAFER??? HAR! Terrorism DOUBLED last year dipshit. Not exactly safer..... - From My earlier post--YOU PROVE THIS TO BE TRUE FRANKY!! As if you inane BS weren’t enough, your blind support for the Bushzealots is absolutley nauseating. Without question, you support the Bushies because they are Republican, and because the mouth what you want to hear. Last night I heard Bush repeat “AMURkans are safer” (thats Bush speak for American) 12 f-ing times. Despite offering no proof (and yes, the facts are anti-Bush: TERRORISM DOUBLED IN 2003) he repeated it over and over again. Then, zealots like you say, “well, the president says were safer, so we must be safer!” That is called repetitive propaganda. They repeat the lie until it becomes true to half-wits like you. 08:38:05 7/20/2004
- Spin Zones, Flag Waving and Shouting to Catch a Fox - Exposing the Right Wing Project called Fox and its disgrace to REAL JOURNALISM. Endless propaganda from the conservacowards..... Can't get your point across with lying? Maybe its because your position SUCKS! 07:06:02 7/20/2004
- U.S.-Led Troops Kill Taliban Militants - Frank ------ HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA 07:04:49 7/20/2004
- FAIR AND BALANCED - FOX NEWS 04:19:26 7/20/2004
- Klinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is the focus of a criminal investigation, Berger Probed for Taking 9/11 Memos - This story probably not in the NY Times 18:55:08 7/19/2004
- Re: Klinton's national security adviser, Sandy Butt Berger, - Frank ----- This is the most shamefull thing I have ever read ----- Shame on those 8,978 corrupt bribe taking democrats ---- When will they ever learn that crime, lying, murder, decapitations, robbery, rape and BJs will never work ----- SHAME SHAME SHAME ------ Where is Avalon when you need him? 06:26:09 7/20/2004
- Ronstadt Praises 'Fahrenheit,' Gets Booed, escorted off property - Ronstadt's comments drew loud boos and some of the 4,500 people in attendance stormed out of the theater. People also tore down concert posters and tossed cocktails into the air. 18:49:12 7/19/2004
- "Desperado" to "Fahrenheit 9/11" filmmaker Michael Moore. - bizarre performance 15:29:52 7/19/2004
- Teresa Heinz Kerry's favorite charity - Snoop Dowg 15:10:48 7/19/2004
- Copmmunist Kerry For$1 - Joke LOF 15:06:17 7/19/2004
- Bush Says U.S. Will Look Into Possible Iranian Ties to 9/11 - get ready to play with our toys n the sand! we have bombs to use! like big fireworks! use them or admit they are pointless! --------Oh Boy! Here we go again! Another war... when will the conservatives learn? Well, maybe if they sent their own children to war they wouldn't vote for war so quickly. 15:00:21 7/19/2004
- vote for Bush for more war. - More war means more money, more American jobs, and a better economy. F-ing war profiteers are EVIL BASTARDS. 15:11:50 7/19/2004
- Hillary Klinton the LIAR!!!!!!!!!!! - In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security. -- Hillary Klinton, October 10, 2002 14:40:59 7/19/2004
- lie2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l) 1) A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. - - 2) Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression------ THAT INCLUDES INNUENDO, IMPLICATIONS AND LITERAL LIES. I don't understand why you think that if Hillary Goar and Edwards implies that something is true (that isn't) it isn't a lie. That is a LIE. A LIE. A LIE. For example, if I implied in a conversation or in a speech that you cheated on your wife (and you didn't) then that makes me a liar. Hillary, Goar and Edwards did the same thing, BUT YOU LOOK THE OTHER WAY. Why???????? WHY???????(Hip-0-krit) 14:49:02 7/19/2004
- Al Goar the LIAR!!!!! - Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power. -- Al Gore, 2002 14:37:46 7/19/2004
- John Edwards the LIAR!!!!!!!!! - Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal. -- John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002 14:34:24 7/19/2004
- JUST THE FAX MAMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 - George W. Bush ----- Bush wants ‘facts’ 14:05:37 7/19/2004
- Whoopi to be named to ALGORES cabinet - ALGORE 12:41:08 7/19/2004
- lie2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l) 1) A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. . - 2) Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression------ THAT INCLUDES INNUENDO, IMPLICATIONS AND LITERAL LIES. I don't understand why you think that if Bush implies that something is true (that isn't) it isn't a lie. That is a LIE. A LIE. A LIE. For example, if I implied in a conversation or in a speech that you cheated on your wife (and you didn't) then that makes me a liar. Bush did the same thing, BUT YOU LOOK THE OTHER WAY. Why???????? WHY??????? 10:45:55 7/19/2004
- Tipper and I invented the internet - Al Goar 14:24:20 7/19/2004
- I cannot tell a lie - Michael Moore 14:21:21 7/19/2004
- Re: Pinhead - Frank ----- Noun ---- Someone who trys to define a name that reflects ther person defining the word. Examples: 1) You are a pin head because you are a democrat. 2) Most Pinheads are democrats 12:55:27 7/19/2004
- Viola, you PROVE MY POINT - Smedley : You cannot point to any lie, but must rely on what you perceive as innuendo or implication 10:52:06 7/19/2004
- Re: Viola, you PROVE MY POINT--- that simple twisting of my conclusion around doesn't make you right. - YOU STILL DONT GET IT DO YOU? If I implied in a conversation or in a speech that you cheated on your wife (and you didn't) then that makes me a liar. Bush is a liar because he IMPLIED THINGS THAT WERE SIMPLY NOT TRUE. This is called lying. This is not debatable. If you imply that something is true that actually isn't (or vice-versa). 12:26:17 7/19/2004
- FYI, I think that you do NOT understand what it means to "imply" - Smedley : You seem to mistake imply for suggest : To imply requires logical necessity 13:59:13 7/19/2004
- FYI: imply and suggest are synonyms. - Your syntactical evaluation doesn't hold water-- I and you both know that imply means to suggest, and vice-versa. Here are other synonyms of Imply: suggest, hint, insinuate, intimate.... 14:43:17 7/19/2004
- the lie that America is Safer is perfect example of a Bush lie. - terrorism doubled. powell said it. despite strong evidence that the world's tension has increased and humans are now MORE LIKELY to be attacked by terrorists, Bush repeats the FALSEHOOD that Americans are safer. This is simply not True. Meanwhile, we go up and down on the terrorist threat scale, AQ is planning large scale attacks, and they are beheading any American they can get ahold of (and non-americans too). 14:39:13 7/19/2004
- FYI, I think that you do NOT understand what it means to - Smedley 13:44:04 7/19/2004
- FYI, I think that you do NOT understand what it means to - Smedley 13:44:02 7/19/2004
- "simple conclusion" : It doesn't take a big leap to figure that when you say "implied" you mean "implied" - Smedley : And your whole premise relies on avoiding plain language and literal truth 13:41:30 7/19/2004
- ???????? Sorry, what is your point here? - You are protecting a president you like. You don't want to admit that he lies (at least bends the truth to the point of breaking). You want to see Bush (or more specifically, the Republican party) to stay in power. No matter who the Republican president were, you would support him in the same fashion that you are protecting Bush. yes, there can be bad people in the republican party. Yes, it would be better for a democrat to run the country than a corrupt Republican (and the opposite is true). 14:48:14 7/19/2004
- Obviously, ush never lied about Iraq - Smedley : My point is that, if you have to rely on your particular interpretation of a Bush statement to say Bush lied, then you've lost 15:01:32 7/19/2004
- What about the AMERICANS ARE SAFER QUOTE? - Terrorism doubled. DOUBLED. Is that really safer? Or is Bush saying that America is safer for political gains? Smed, you are intelligent. Can you step and at least imagine that Bush MIGHT BE bending the truth. Are you capable of WHAT IF IT WERE TRUE SITUATIONS...??? I beleive Bush says what his base wants to hear, because he thinks that a lie is alright because it is for the good of the country (really, just white, wealthy Christian america). When Bush talks about MURR-ka, he is talking about white wealthy Christian americans. That is who he thinks America is. Don't you think so? 15:09:33 7/19/2004
- Car Bomb Blast Kills a Hezbollah Official - Frank -------------- hahahahahhaahhahaahaaahahaaha 10:35:18 7/19/2004
- CONFIRMED! - Frank === totaly under the direct controll of GWB ---- If a gard does something wrong, GWB falt, Rodny King yup you gessed it GWB falt, George is pulling all the strings of our 1,200,000 volinter military --- Remember it is an election year --- claim GWB is responsible for everything ----Democratic soap to peddel for 2004:-Democratic soap to peddel for 2004If you voted to weaken our defence, raise taxes and start a military draft for over 30 years, shhhhhhhhhh!!!! Don't mention it. : 09:30:15 7/19/2004
- Face the facts Smed! Bush = truth perverter. A perversion of the truth is a LIE fool. - BUsh said that Iraq could build a nuclear weapon within six months. LIE-- THIS IS NOT TRUE. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THIS. Did they try to buy un-enriched uranium? Probably. Could they conceivably have built a weapon within 6 months. NO FUCKING WAY THIS IS ANOTHER BUSH PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH THAT YOU IGNORE. Building upon collateral assertions that, with sufficient fissile material from abroad, [Baghdad] could make a nuclear weapon within several months to a year, and references to mushroom clouds, Bush portrayed the threat of nuclear attack as imminent on March 6, 2003, stating, I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons. BUSH LIED AGAIN. THIS IS A SERIOUS PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH. FACE THE FACTS LOSER SMED. BUSH LIES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BECAUSE HE ARROGANTLY ASSUMES THAT HE AND HIS NEOCONMEN BUDDIES KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR AMERICA. PERIOD! 09:19:52 7/19/2004
- EAT YELLOWCAKE, LIAR. Here are the FACTS. None of you little pissant leftists have yet tp point to a "Bush lie" - Smedley : Meanwhile, as the FACTS trickle out, Bush's detractors are CONTINUALLY exposed as liars : Wilson, Kerry, Moore 09:32:24 7/19/2004
- Re: That was a shamefull thing to say to Smedley - Frank 10:40:07 7/19/2004
- I like how your childish defense is to call everyone a liar. - real sharp intellect there genius! How about posting facts from legit sites? 10:08:47 7/19/2004
- It isn't childish to call confirmed liars what they are - Smedley : I can point to specific statements by Kerry, Wilson and Moore that are flat-out lies. I don't need to read b/t the lines. I don't need to conjure some b.s. about what they really meant 10:19:59 7/19/2004
- yoU ARE CALLING ME A CONFIRMED LIAR. pROVE IT. - I don't have to lie. The truth is on my side. History will prove that true. 10:21:00 7/19/2004
- First of all, my last post called Kerry, Moore and Wilson liars - Smedley : Second, as you are too much a chicken-shit to don a moniker, I cannot exactly trace individual statements easily to you. 10:26:03 7/19/2004
- Ok, I'll show you where you called me a liar! - Liar, liar pants on fire. I am so sick of republican shit. 10:30:39 7/19/2004
- And Bush said that Iraq can produce a Nuclear weapon in a few months, which is a LITERAL LIE. - You say that it isn't supported factually, but Bush's ownb state department has repeatedly said that they had NO NUCLEAR PROGRAMS. WTF???? Look, Bush lies over and over. If you choose not accept them as lies, then that is your prerogative. But, that doesn't change the fact that he lies repeatedly. That fact doesn't change. LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF LIE PLEASE. You don't know what a lie is: a perversion of the truth (WHICH DOES INCLUDE BUSH'S IMPLICATION AND INNUENDO AND CONTEXTUAL CONNECTIONS!!!!!) 10:41:42 7/19/2004
- Actually, I called you a scumbag, not a liar - Smedley : First, i said your URL doesnt support your statement, which is LITERALLY TRUE. Second, your conclusion about imminent threats isn't supported factually, which is also LITERALLY TRUE 10:34:24 7/19/2004
- We are not lying. We just made a mistake! Hey, everyone makes mistakes! - What's the big deal? Signed GWB. 10:10:07 7/19/2004
- YOu are completely full of SHIT SMED. Really, up to the eyeballs. I have posted too many Bush lies to count. - Bush said that Iraq could build a nuclear weapon within six months. LIE-- THIS IS NOT TRUE. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THIS. Did they try to buy un-enriched uranium? Probably. Could they conceivably have built a weapon within 6 months. NO FUCKING WAY THIS IS ANOTHER BUSH PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH THAT YOU IGNORE. THERE! I just wrote ANOTHER dipshit. Iraq didn't even have a nuclear weapons program!!! And Bush sadi they can launch an attack in 6 months. Bush lied you fucking moron. Stupid people like you shouldn't post your inane repubzealot shite here. Go to Rush.com for propaganda posting. You lack brain power Smed. YOu can't even tell the difference between shit lies and the truth. KEEP TOWIN' Hitler Boy!!! Heir Bush Zeig Hail! 10:07:37 7/19/2004
- No, you keep posting statements with NO lies - Smedley : I keep pointing out the literal truth in those statements, and you keep whining about what you think Bush implied 10:22:02 7/19/2004
- Do I really need to post the definition again? - lie2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l) 1) A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. 2) Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression. Bush deceived and gave the wrong impression over and over and over again (not counting his blatant lies). That is the way he operates. Take this example: I heard Bush repeat “AMURkans are safer” (thats Bush speak for American) 12 f-ing times. Despite offering no proof (and yes, the facts are anti-Bush: TERRORISM DOUBLED IN 2003) he repeated it over and over again. Then, zealots like you say, “well, the president says were safer, so we must be safer!” That is called repetitive propaganda. They repeat the lie until it becomes true. That is the way they operate. 10:36:27 7/19/2004
- No, but you need to point to a Bush lie at least once - Smedly 10:59:08 7/19/2004
- PS- YOu left the other parts of the definition out MR TRUTH PERVERTER. - You excluded the other half of the definition of a lie (dictionary.com): Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression. To present false information with the intention of deceiving. AND To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie. JUST LIKE THE BUSH ADMIN, YOU LEAVE OUT HALF OF THE STORY TO PRESENT YOUR SIDE. 12:36:25 7/19/2004
- Americans ARE NOT SAFER. Bush lied in his speech last week (12 times). - FACT: TERRORISM DOUBLED IN 2003. And Bush says Americans are safer???? And you agree with him???? That is simply NOT TRUE, and is therefore a LIE. THIS IS LITERALLY UNTRUE. YOU CANNOT SAY THIS IS TRUE. THE STATE DEPT SAYS SO, IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION TO BUSH'S OWN SPEECHES. WTF???? 12:32:43 7/19/2004
- Smed, here is another literal lie. - Just like the literal lie that Iraq could produce Nuclear weapons in just a few months. I keep posting his lies, you stay in denial. At this point with you guys, I really do think you are in complete denial. Almost a form of mass dellusion. 12:39:50 7/19/2004
- Ok Smed. Since you are TOO STUPID to see the lie here. - Let me stick your pig nose in it. Bush said, with sufficient fissile material from abroad, [Baghdad] could make a nuclear weapon within several months to a year.. THIS IS NOT TRUE. THIS IS A LIE. DO YOU DISPUTE THIS? IF YOU DO, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN BUSH'S COMMENTS? Listen Smed, the truth is you are a second-rate lawyer from som B-grade law school who thinks too highly of himself and his own intellectual ability. You lack the ability to empathize, and you are caught up in your narrow little view of HOW THE REPUBLICANS PRESENT THE WORLD AS THEY SEE IT. You have never thought outside the conservative box before in your life. You are poorly educated and you should really spend some time abroad to get a more global( read: not so fucking-ugly-American) perspective on things. Leave the country, interact with people from other countries, and learn that the Right wing in America twists reality for those who fall under the spell of conservazealots like Rush, Horowitz, Coulter, and Hannity. TRY THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX FOR ONCE. JESUS CHRIST!!!!! PAINFUL DEALING WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! 10:19:45 7/19/2004
- Her you go, Buttmunch - Smedley 10:30:46 7/19/2004
- No implication, no conjuncture, no interpretation to debate. - Bush lied, but you will dismiss this. That is the you zealots operate. Lie, repeat the lie, repeat it again, until it becomes true for 45% of the country. Then the republicans are highly organized (read: business-like) and they market the hell out of their narrow backwards ideology. Great marketers supported by frothing-at-the-mouth zealots who blindly support the Republican party. They say, I vote Republican, because my family has always voted Republican. Or, I vote Republican, because I trust GWB. Nice way to simply accept what is given to you without question! Pretty soon, those same Republicans will have killed children, innocents, and will have tortured and murdered for the sake of the Party. 1984 all over again. YOu should really read Orwell. the parallels are absolutely frightening. Double-plus good Bush is! 10:28:02 7/19/2004
- CONFIRMED! Torture NOT the work of 'bad apples'. POLICY came from the top! - Lord of Flies 09:04:14 7/19/2004
- ‘girlie men’ - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger 08:24:06 7/19/2004
- Remember it is an election year, - Frank ------ forget what you have been saying about Saddam for the past 10 years, forget what you said about John Edwards for the past year, don't bring up the Uranium thing or any thing about Saddam supporting terrorist, filling mass graves and smuggling stuff to Jordan. 06:23:54 7/19/2004
- Once again, FACTS prove Bush attacked WRONG COUNTRY! - Lord of Flies 18:39:22 7/18/2004
- 2003 Volkswagen Bug with a “War is not the Answer” - Commie Traitors like Kerry for $500 14:33:17 7/18/2004
- sublimate your nascent urges and to "please Mummy", LOF - Socialism for $200 12:13:35 7/18/2004
- Paul Johnson BEHEADING VIDEO Finally Surfaces - Doc 10:38:11 7/18/2004
- World Communism for $100 - I Communist 06:40:14 7/18/2004
- RESUME OF JOHN F. KERRY - I Communist 06:30:01 7/18/2004
- create an equation of masculinity with unattainability - Lord of Flies Fans 20:52:37 7/17/2004
- How Union Bosses Shake Down Their Members and Corrupt American Politics. - Betrayal By Jamie Glazov 04:47:21 7/17/2004
- thank God Bush is president - antagonizing left wingers and killing terrorists 04:45:21 7/17/2004
- Big Fat Communist Movie makers for $300 - Scan 04:36:44 7/17/2004
- Kerry was boasting about foreign leaders - Communist wars for $100 04:32:21 7/17/2004
- World Socialism & John Kerry For $400 - Communist among us 04:27:24 7/17/2004
- Bob Herbert is great. - When the Community Service Society looked at the proportion of the working-age population with jobs in New York City it found that nearly half of all black men between the ages of 16 and 64 were not working last year. That's a Depression-era statistic. BUSH = HOOVER 13:37:50 7/16/2004
- Would I lie?? - Hillary the pig 13:15:05 7/16/2004
- Daddy, this N Korean money won't work at Burger King. - Chelsea 13:14:33 7/16/2004
- Where's little Tommy Dasshole been hiding lately? - Mom Dashole 13:08:39 7/16/2004
- C'mon guys, at least let the pig introduce me, it'll shut her up. - William the Impeached 13:07:49 7/16/2004
- They let me speak cos I'm so beautiful and smart. - Whoopi 13:07:03 7/16/2004
- I'll take 9 super value meals, for here. - Michael Moore 13:06:26 7/16/2004
- And now a word from our spokesman........ - DNC 13:05:00 7/16/2004
- Please buy my book......"My Lies" - William the Impeached 12:27:43 7/16/2004
- Looks like I might have to take matters into my own hands. - William the Impeached 12:27:06 7/16/2004
- Have I mentioned that I was in Vietnam? - John Fraud Kerry 12:26:26 7/16/2004
- My hog legs are ready to explode. - Hillary the pig 11:23:34 7/16/2004
- No more Whoopi.................. - Oink 11:23:04 7/16/2004
- Keep talking Teresa, you're really helping us out. - RNC 09:31:56 7/16/2004
- She was Repiglican until last year. - I guess she wisened up and woke up from the 9/11 induced stupor.! 09:33:36 7/16/2004
- Re: She was Repiglican until last year. - Frank ------ You are a rich republican woman who is 65 years old and you marry a 75 year old Democratic Senator who whs not showen up for work in over 3 years --- Now that he is running for president do you continue to be republican? How about French 10:12:19 7/16/2004
- So, how's Air America doing? - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 09:12:37 7/16/2004
- Terrorism war working - Frank --------- THANK YOU GEORGE W. BUSH for doing something. Not like those lazy sack of crap democrats who sit around getting BJs and drinking. 09:05:44 7/16/2004
- Herro, i be's da dems' knewest spokespeople. hic hic hic - Ozzy 08:48:23 7/16/2004
- Head of Jacques Chirac's Party Resigns - Frank 08:19:39 7/16/2004
- If you wash with Sudzy Wudzy - you'll wash away the Mudzy Wudzy 05:57:28 7/16/2004
- Kerry talks to the Darkys - Frank 04:23:28 7/16/2004
- For Sale: '68 Oldsmobile, some water damage, runs good, trunk will hold lots of bodies - Fat Teddy 13:21:46 7/15/2004
- 6 liberal myths - Frank 12:34:27 7/15/2004
- Grateful Iraqis thank America for sacrifice - Frank 11:25:10 7/15/2004
- pathetic - Bill Dunphy 10:57:52 7/15/2004
- Iraqis love America - Frank 10:25:32 7/15/2004
- Insurgents in Iraq now fighting Iraq government not Americans - Frank 08:38:20 7/15/2004
- Is that somehow better??? - Your focus is off. The bad part is: THEY ARE COORDINATING ATTACKS WITHIN IRAQ AND HUMAN BEINGS ARE DYING. 09:12:00 7/15/2004
- Chappidiquidic - Ted Kennedy 08:20:45 7/15/2004
- Looks like John & John might me taking advatage of the - gay marriage thing in Massachussetts. 07:40:55 7/15/2004
- Yes I did, no I didn't, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. - John Fraud Kerry 07:40:04 7/15/2004
- I'm the model democrat - Michael Lardass Moore 07:38:23 7/15/2004
- Buy my book....."My Lies" - William the Impeached 07:36:23 7/15/2004
- That Kerry feller makes me look intelligent. - Al Gore Jr 07:35:21 7/15/2004
- Ah can't stand a president that lies. - William the Impeached 07:34:34 7/15/2004
- Why won't they let me speak at the convention?? - Hillary the Pig 07:33:36 7/15/2004
- Thank you Teresa for speaking out - Great help for repub party. - Keep talking Horseface. 07:32:57 7/15/2004
- Does anybody take me seriously? - Whoopi Goldberg (D) 07:32:02 7/15/2004
- Vote for Hanoi John -- I will. - Hanoi Jane 07:31:24 7/15/2004
- BUUURRRRRPPPPPP!!!!! - Michael Pigface Moore 07:25:06 7/15/2004
- British Report Proves Bush told truth on Yellowcake; demoRAT lied - Smedley 03:37:18 7/15/2004
- Re: British Report Proves WILSON told truth on Yellowcake; REPIG lied - Lord of Flies 18:34:10 7/18/2004
- Re: Smedley this is an outradge, and a SHAME!!! - Frank ------------------------ OH THE SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08:08:59 7/15/2004
- Update on Scumbag Wilson/demoRAT scandal. demoRAT senators left speechless - Smedley 07:10:38 7/15/2004
- Re: WTF? THIS IS OUTRAGOUS AND A BIGGER SHAME - Frank ------ When will those liberal pin heads ever learn that LYING ABOUT OUR BRAVE AND PROUD PRESIDENT WILL NEVER DO!!! Those leftist, Hanoy Jane viet nam terrorist loving John John Kerry hinse 57 katsup lurch looking Gober piles of Chappidiquidic Teddy Eddy Munsters Michale Moores momma is so fat that Yo mama's so greasy she uses bacon as a band aid 08:47:46 7/15/2004
- Article is written by Novak, who released the name of the CIA operative. - Hmmmm... I wonder if Novak has anything to gain from putting Spin on this issue? Surely it is not to regain credibility. 07:27:35 7/15/2004
- Maybe written to expose what the demoRATs wont - Smedley : Funny, Novaks asserted FACTS are in line with the earlier news item, and you don't seem to dispute the FACTS, merely attack the messenger 09:56:01 7/15/2004
- republicans think: Left wing media BAD-- Attack the messenger - Right wing Media GOOD-- Attack the people who point out that the messenger is being slanted. Hypocrisy? You betcha! I'm not disputing the facts, only the rationale behind presenting THOSE PARTICULAR FACTS. Despite all of the evidence of pressure on the intelligence community and the shaping of American perspectives, you steer clear of placing blame on Bush for bringing us into a war under false pretenses. Then, you single out one democrat's comments and hold it up as it were the bible. Meanwhile Bush and Cheney lead the right -wing propaganda machine and you look the other way. 13:44:48 7/15/2004
- Oh, please : stop your whining and address the issues - Smedley : Oh, I forgot -- you can't! That's why your not addressing the issues 03:59:03 7/16/2004
- I keep steering ou toward the issues (war responsibility, intelligence failures, Republican efforts to brainwash the public) - ... but you keep avoiding the big issues to focus on singles quotes pulled out of context and other minor trivialities. War, the Economy, and the Division of the nation--- all of which have become worse under Bush. 05:56:37 7/16/2004
- No you don't, you keep evading the central issue about Wilson's discredited b.s. by spewing unrelated garbage about - Smedley : PS: Only a leftist could think that stating truth (as GWB did about African Yellowcake) as brainwashing 07:50:35 7/16/2004
- YOu my friend are avoiding the central Issue: did Iraq BUY URANIUM AS BUSH implied? - DID BUSH USE FAULTY INTELLIGENCE TO ARGUE FOR WAR? yes yes yes! INSTEAD OF NOTING THAT BUSH ARGUED FOR WAR USING FAULTY INTELLIGENCE, YOURE ARE ATTACKING WILSON FOR INCONSISTENCIES IN STATEMENTS. ARGUING THAT President Bush's claim that Iraq had sought to buy uranium from an African country was not so groundless as to be dishonest. Wilson contradictions leave Building upon collateral assertions that, with sufficient fissile material from abroad, [Baghdad] could make a nuclear weapon within several months to a year, and references to mushroom clouds, Bush portrayed the threat of nuclear attack as imminent on March 6, 2003, stating, I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons. In truth, the Niger allegation was that Saddam Hussein had sought to purchase yellow cake, unenriched uranium, and even the Bush-cowed CIA admitted it would have taken Hussein until 2007 to 2009 to develop the technology to enrich uranium, owing to inexperience in building and operating centrifuge facilities and challenges in procuring the necessary equipment and expertise. 09:31:47 7/16/2004
- Face the facts Smed! Bush = truth perverter. A perversion of the truth is a LIE fool. - BUsh said that Iraq could build a nuclear weapon within six months. LIE-- THIS IS NOT TRUE. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTING THIS. Did they try to buy un-enriched uranium? Probably. Could they conceivably have built a weapon within 6 months. NO FUCKING WAY THIS IS ANOTHER BUSH PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH THAT YOU IGNORE. Building upon collateral assertions that, with sufficient fissile material from abroad, [Baghdad] could make a nuclear weapon within several months to a year, and references to mushroom clouds, Bush portrayed the threat of nuclear attack as imminent on March 6, 2003, stating, I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons. BUSH LIED AGAIN. THIS IS A SERIOUS PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH. FACE THE FACTS LOSER SMED. BUSH LIES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BECAUSE HE ARROGANTLY ASSUMES THAT HE AND HIS NEOCONMEN BUDDIES KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR AMERICA. PERIOD! 09:16:47 7/19/2004
- John Kerry, a real American war zero - Klinton 19:11:09 7/14/2004
- Baggy is his name - pants full of FUDGE is his game - Frank 15:45:38 7/14/2004
- Re: Baggy is his name - pants full of FUDGE is his game - Frank - YOU TREE HUGGING HILLERY LOVING -- Lurch walking Gomer pile of smelly swetty sack of 800lb Hinse Kerry Hanoy Jane Viet Nam medal throwing Teddy driving Chappidiquidic terrorist supporting leftist Kennedy wind bag festering puss ass zit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16:02:32 7/14/2004
- Dear Typical Repubzealot: - As if you inane BS weren’t enough, your blind support for the Bushzealots is absolutley nauseating. Without question, you support the Bushies because they are Republican, and because the mouth what you want to hear. Last night I heard Bush repeat “AMURkans are safer” (thats Bush speak for American) 12 f-ing times. Despite offering no proof (and yes, the facts are anti-Bush: TERRORISM DOUBLED IN 2003) he repeated it over and over again. Then, zealots like you say, “well, the president says were safer, so we must be safer!” That is called repetitive propaganda. They repeat the lie until it becomes true to half-wits like you. You are scared of the truth. The truth hurts sucka! 15:18:00 7/14/2004
- Muslims for Bush - Frank 12:35:25 7/14/2004
- Baggy ---- Very apparently, you don't speak any Arab Americans! - Frank ----- Ya no Arab supports Bush LOL 11:04:57 7/14/2004
- The Most Biased Name in News -FOX - Fox News Channel's extraordinary right-wing tilt--- FOX is ruining America. Stupid people get their news from Fox. 11:00:13 7/14/2004
- Proving that Republicans are simply better organized (like a business). - Republicans aren't more popular. they just have more and better marketers and war room strategists. 10:51:03 7/14/2004
- Why Kerry is going to lose. - Frank 10:48:09 7/14/2004
- To Muslims who do not like America!!!! TOUGH SHIT!!! - Frank ---- Just sit back on your Camels and watch a superpower change your world FOREVER!!!! 09:31:12 7/14/2004
- Hey Frank! Your brother is dead. Don't worry though. It is for the good of America. - Bush says America is safer now.... so it must be true! 08:46:25 7/14/2004
- Re: Hay!!!! - Frank ------- So your argument is that the world is not safer now that al Queda does not have Afghanastan, Iraq, Packastan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemmin, Europ to work freely in? Your argument is that the 6,000 to 10,000 terrorist so far killed, jailed, captured or put on trial did not help at all 09:16:55 7/14/2004
- Bush has created more terrorists than has killed them. - Arab anger at America at a historical high. That is fact you can't hide from.----In the wake of the attacks on New York many have struggled to understand what could have motivated those responsible. Despite almost universal condemnation of the attacks, many argue that a misguided US foreign policy in the Middle East is at least partly to blame. 10:34:40 7/14/2004
- Your wife and children are dead. Don't worry. It is for the good of the country. - Try to explain that to someone who just lost their entire family. THESE BOMBINGS AND ATTACKS WEREN'T HAPPENING ALMOST DAILY WHEN SADDAM WAS IN POWER. 08:49:20 7/14/2004
- Al-Jazeera Pledges Honest News Coverage?????? - Frank 07:42:40 7/14/2004
- Oldie but a goodie - ALGORE 06:32:36 7/14/2004
- Dems have great spokespeople....... - Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg. ha ha ha ha 19:41:50 7/13/2004
- BBBBUUUUUURRRRRPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! - Michael Moore 19:41:14 7/13/2004
- Bulgarian Beheaded By Al-Qaeda In Iraq - Doc 17:52:32 7/13/2004
- Michael Moore's film inacurate and not a documentery - Frank ----- Moore's film stupid, inacurate and not a documentery ----- NEWS FLASH Afghanastan Iraq wars over and won ------ This just in Both countries have new governments, a constitution and real elections planned -------- Just off the A/P NEWS FLASH Iraqi and Afghanastan wars over in less than one month total troops dead 1,005 -------- Here is a hot one folks FLASH Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK and LBJ all Democrats still responsible for the deaths of over 1,5 million American troops in wars during there administrations. 15:43:45 7/13/2004
- Bush Sr. with Bin Laden's brother the morning of 9/11 - Coincidence? Not at all... 15:34:58 7/13/2004
- For those of you who quickly dismiss F 9/11 because the conservpundits told you to do so... - Michael Moore's film is journalistically intact and he posts supporting links to nearly every sentence he says in his film on his website. There is a reason why Moore hasn't been sued for Libel: because he can't be sued. The facts are right there! 15:25:21 7/13/2004
- Let's attack Iraq because they supported Bin Laden! Bin Laden? Screw him, he's irrelevant. - FLAWED REPOUBLICAN LOGIC: I wonder if we'll finally get serious about the war we should be fighting against bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Maybe not. Based on the impenetrable logic of the president and his advisers, a new strike by Al Qaeda might lead us to start a war with, say, Iran, or Syria. 14:59:05 7/13/2004
- COLD WARRIORS IN A TERRORIST'S WORLD. 0-for-50 success record—indicates that smart bombs don't ensure smart attacks. - That is why old men shouldn't run this country. They still think they are fighting the Reds! Those morons are ordering stealth bombers and 2000 pound JDAMS. Meanwhile, the terrorists are hiding in safe houses, in caves, and in hidden basements. Time to wake up Smed. They are ineffective, and their strategies are anachronistic and are failing us. And then they wonder why they can't find Osama.... 14:22:21 7/13/2004
- Majority Still Believes Saddam Supported Al Queda - Frank ---- This does not look good for Kerry 12:40:20 7/13/2004
- Here's John & John.............. - Yup 10:19:45 7/13/2004
- Kerry, Edwards May Not Vote on Marriage - Frank 10:07:26 7/13/2004
- Kerry touts no Public service in 35 years - Frank 09:17:45 7/13/2004
- In Edwards home state of North Carolina, Kerry ticket plummets 15 points - Smedley : People who know Edwards reject Edwards 09:03:16 7/13/2004
- More proof that Bush Lies. Terrorism DOUBLED LAST YEAR. What a lying piece of SHITE. - Because America has acted and because America has led, the forces of terror and tyranny have suffered defeat after defeat and America and the world are safer said GWB. His strategy is slick: lie, repeat the lie, repeat it again, pretty soon, stupid people who believe anything they hear from the Pres simply nod and agree with him. No analysis. No questioning. No independent thinking. Tow the party line, and pretty soon you'll end up supporting a regime that burns 6 Million Arabs in death factories. Heir Bush Zeig Hail! 08:48:55 7/13/2004
- Re: More proof that Bush Lies. Terrorism DOUBLED LAST YEAR. What a lying piece of SHITE. - Jim 13:27:33 7/13/2004
- Hint : More Americans died AFTER the start of WWII than before WWII. - Smedley : That doesn't mean we should never have declared war against the Axis powers 08:53:08 7/13/2004
- So youre saying that more war and more terrorism is a good thing??? - Youre more fucked up than I thought! We should be aiming for less-not more- war. Iraq was unnecessary. FACE IT. It is now a fact. History will prove Bush an incompetent president who lead us into an unnecessary war. PERIOD FACT THE FACTS LOSER. 08:58:16 7/13/2004
- No, I'm saying that killing terrorists beats the hell out of appeasing them - Smedley : Because it's obvious that the Clinton -era of terrorist appeasement didn't work. (PS -- pull your head out of your ass) 09:05:11 7/13/2004
- The way GWB kills terrorists kills an almost equal number of civilians. - Cruise Missles to kill terrorists??? carpet bombing with Daisy Cutters??? You think those are good ways to fight terrorists??? Bush doesn't send in the special ops because he doesn't want the US death toll to go up. Meanwhile, dropping bombs on neighborhoods, the Arab population gets angrier and angrier daily due to the US's irreponsibility. Sorry Smed--- and this is probably a huge difference between conservatives and liberals-- but I care more deeply about NOT killing innocents than most Repubs. They like to ignore the dirty little secrets about war, ie death and destruction of human life. VOTE BUSH! KILL PEOPLE TO LIBERATE THEM! People who vote Bush vote for more terrorism. 09:11:45 7/13/2004
- By your theory Roosevelt must have killed millions of civilains - Smedley : and JFK/LBJ killed hundreds of thousands of civilians 09:26:46 7/13/2004
- No, just Bush. Dropping JDAMS in crowded neighborhoods... - ... is no differnt than the firebombings of Dresden or the atomic bombs on Japan. The difference? Roosevelt had no choice. We were brought to war by the Germans and the Japanese. JFK was wrong about Vietnam like Bush was wrong about Iraq. Yes, I said it... Bush and JFK made the same major mistake of bringing the country into an unnecessary, MISDIRECTED war. They will both go down in history as presidents who made the incorrect decision to go to war. 13:34:55 7/13/2004
- Crowded neighborhoods? Why would Bush order precision guided missiles to destroy civilians? - Smedley : Oh,he didn't and A-hole is caught lying again 13:50:42 7/13/2004
- Smart bombs as smart as the Bush admin claims they are. Opps! Our bad! - Over the course of the war, U.S. air forces mounted 50 so-called decapitation strikes. The bombs accidentally killed several dozen civilians who happened to be near the explosions, but they killed none of the Iraqi leaders they were intended to strike. 14:16:08 7/13/2004
- Re: Smart bombs as smart as the Bush admin claims they are. Opps! Our bad! - Smedley 14:43:57 7/13/2004
- Don't drop bombs where civilians are. Problem solved Mr. Uncompassionate conservative. - What if it were your wife and mother shithead? You certainly wouldn't say-- its a legit military target. Do you ever (or are you simply not smart enough) to see things from another's perspective? Just not smart enough to think that way i guess. Try it. I dare you. Envision a bomb dropping on your wife and kids. Just on accident. While you are sleeping. Can you envision that? Are you capable of that sort of thinking? I think that is the difference. YOu lack the ability to empathize. Incapable. Insensitive. Self-centered. 14:53:28 7/13/2004
- Riiight! - Smedley : Let's make sure that the enemy never keeps military targets near any civilians 12:45:10 7/14/2004
- Don't drop bombs where civilians might be. Period. problem solved. - Bush doesn't want to send in the Special ops because he knows it will play out politically unfavorably. And besides Smed, you're logic doesn't hold water. Under your arguement, the civilians that died in the WTC and Pentagon and Penn were in the way of legit targets, and therefore, it is alright for AQ to attack those targets and kill the innocents. They see themselves at war with the US, and therefore it is alright to kill innocent civilians. We call this terrorism. Conversely, we are at war with AQ and now Iraq. We will civilians daily. We use the excuse that we are at war, and this is for the greater good. The same logic the terrorists used to justify the attacks on the US and innocents, is the same logic that you use to justify the war in Iraq and against AQ. We are doing this for the greater good. People die in war, and this is alright in certain cases. But NOW, who are the terrorists? They did virtually the same thing--- kill 1000s of innocents for the greater good. 14:25:22 7/14/2004
- Hey Bush! Where's Osama? Dead or alive my ass! Lying loser! - But somehow, this terrorist whose capture did not matter all that much, whose apparatus would be shut down by Pentagon apparatchiks, has now caused much of Washington to break out in hives. The election may be interrupted. New York may be attacked. Still, we are safe. Check that: We are safer. In fact, we are both safe and not safe because, as the record makes clear, it is both important to get bin Laden and not important to get him -- depending, of course, on which mistake some nincompoop is trying to excuse. 08:08:25 7/13/2004
- Re: His capture did not matter to me either. - William J. Clinton ----- Oh Monica it is that time again 09:05:18 7/13/2004
- Osama is living in Michael Moore's guest room - Smedley : alQaeda is now on the run, hiding in caves -- so different than during Bubba Clinton's administration 08:29:47 7/13/2004
- At least Clinton tried to kill Osama! - Better than what Bush has done... let him go. If a dem were president now, we wouldn't be in Iraq, and we could concentrate on eliminating the real enemy- radical islam and the Osama Bin Laden types. Meanwhile, Bush is continuing to make the world more dangerous with his radical policies and his 1-dimensional foreign policy-- go at it alone, screw world opinion, fuck the Arabs and their concerns for the region. Bush and the people who support him are IN DENIAL AND ARE SIMPLY PATHETIC. 08:35:44 7/13/2004
- NEWS FLASH --- 2000 presidental election is over and Bush won. - Frank -------------- NEWS FLASH Afghanastan Iraq was over and won ------ This just in Both countries have new governments, a constution and real elections planned -------- Just off the A/P NEWS FLASH Iraqi and Afghanastan wars over in less than one month total troops dead 1,005 -------- Here is a hot one folks FLASH Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK and LBJ all Democrats still responsible for the deaths of over 1,5 million American troops in was during there administrations. FLASH 03:58:22 7/13/2004
- Anthony Robinson, 26, guilty of a 2002 rape and sodomy to a 12 year old girl - Liberal Circuit Judge John Bush gives Robinson 60 days 19:49:31 7/12/2004
- Kerry blasted Bush for being an illegitimately elected president - Al Gore's Soccer moms Club 18:31:21 7/12/2004
- John Kerry and French Communist for $400 - Windows Me 18:21:09 7/12/2004
- BushAdmin, Not CIA, Said Iraq Was An IMMINENT Threat - MORE LIES FROM THE BUSH ADMIN. 17:02:46 7/12/2004
- Poll finds apparent Kerry lead in close contest - Kerry 50% Bush 46%--- with Nader still in the Race! 15:27:34 7/12/2004
- 9/11 and Saddam link CONFIRMED again - Frank -------------------- Oh the Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:10:37 7/12/2004
- France still has eeg on its face re: Iraq - Frank 13:04:35 7/12/2004
- Lets compair the Presidental line up - Frank 10:26:32 7/12/2004
- Angry 15 Year Olds For Bush - Frank 10:04:54 7/12/2004
11:39:20 7/12/2004
- Re: Smed he still did not get it correct - Frank 10:00:08 7/12/2004
Is Analingus Safe? Attention Lord of Flies! - LoF Sucks 15:53:43 7/11/2004
Of interest if you are Lord of Flies - LoF Sucks 15:50:15 7/11/2004
Who beith Edwards? - Frank -------- A Disingenuous, Unaccomplished Liberal And Friend To Personal Injury Trial Lawyers ------- AND HE SMELLS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13:57:11 7/11/2004
Skip this if you believe Gore won. - LoF Sucks 12:53:19 7/11/2004
OP-ED alert. Skip if you believe in invisible sky ghosts! - Lord of Flies 11:28:04 7/11/2004
Extreme Liberal Judge Phyllis Hamilton: Ten Commandments are out, Allah is in - Klinton 11:25:00 7/11/2004
Lord of Flies sucks and lies! - LoF Sucks 10:21:45 7/11/2004
Repig spin machine now generating 30K g's. - Lord of Flies 10:01:09 7/11/2004
NOW they tell us! Jebby's Purge List tactic UNEQUAL TREATMENT of would-be-voters. - Lord of Flies 09:51:39 7/11/2004
Pentagon agrees with Burkett, Bush military records destroyed. - Lord of Flies 09:25:12 7/11/2004
WHo changed the NIE? No one seems to know. - Lord of Flies 08:54:43 7/11/2004
November: Bush will be flushing 2 Johns. - Yup 05:03:53 7/11/2004
Long gone are the days of JFK democrats - Klinton 20:27:40 7/10/2004
Maddy, Maddy, Maddy - Avalon-John 18:06:28 7/10/2004
Who Was In Viet Nam For A Few Weeks - I'm John Kerry, A Warm And Fuzzy Kind Of Guy 16:15:15 7/10/2004
I am so sick of the whitemale hegemony! - New Man 16:06:31 7/10/2004
Real history of Bush Terrorist Pardon. - Lord of Flies 13:09:28 7/10/2004
I have no mind of my own, Ted kennedy tells me what to think - Lord of Flies 09:42:58 7/10/2004
Holocaust Dinial -------------- Pay attention you maggot - Frank --------------------- Don't forget the sourses Pugsley 16:52:02 7/09/2004
Bush and Ken Lay were buddies. Bush lies about it to distance himself. - Ken Lay spoke at the 1992 Republican National Convention on behalf of Bush 41. READ GEORGE W'S LIES ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH KEN LAY. Aint that right Kenny Boy?! Bush lies! 15:07:41 7/09/2004
- I cannot tell a lie - Bill Klinton 18:40:50 7/09/2004
- Re: It is an election year for the left grab all the lame straws you can - Frank ----------------- Lay is indited under the same rules Bush signed into law --------- But maybe if he received a BJ from an intern and let Bin Landen get away that would have been OK you John Hanoy Herry Hinse 57 katsup Lurch gomer pile of !@#$ Teddy Eddy Munster Chappidiquidic let me DRIVE YOU tree Hugging Terrorist Living Clinton did nothing wrong letting bin laden get away freeking Kennedys let's not forget BRANDOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs 16:48:19 7/09/2004
- Hint : Bush did no favors for Ken LAY - Clinton, however, was easily bought for ENRON dollars 15:15:44 7/09/2004
- More Bush Lies! And some Cheney Lies too! - Just burns you to see how corrupt your party is, doesn't it! 15:12:07 7/09/2004
Death toll for U.S.-led coalition in Iraq tops 1,000 - Hey Bush! Where the civilian death toll? 13:15:10 7/09/2004
KERRY / EDWARDS Love Fest Sealed With A Kiss - Doc 09:27:54 7/09/2004
The problem with politics - Frank 04:23:15 7/09/2004
Lord Of Flies Intends To Control History. - The Hacker Is Lord of Flies 04:21:38 7/09/2004
Hacked Again - Mad Kane 21:45:11 7/08/2004
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