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Sunken U-boat Found Janet Kornblum reports in today's USA Today about the discovery of a sunken u-boat on Georges Bank, off of New England: "'Sea Hunters' find deadly U-215 ". The havoc in the Atlantic sea lanes was only caused by a relatively small number of the u-boats commissioned, and the losses were enormous:
Fixing the ETI George Mundstock on the genesis and evolution of the new Corporate Tax Bill: "No Corporation Left Behind" (this is the one that does so well by GE). Mundstock also begins a series on corporate taxation of multinational enterprise, here: "US Taxation of Multinational Enterprise: Part I". Mundstock is guest blogging at Michael Froomkin's I learned about this from Brad DeLong. 7/20/2004
How to pay a restaurant bill Michael Stastny marshals the theoretical models and experimental evidence: "The Unscrupulous Diner's Dilemma". It's a public goods problem. Tom Lehrer There are a lot of web sites dealing with Tom ("I'd like to take you now, on wings of song as it were, and try and help you forget for a while your drab, wretched lives.") Lehrer- a political humorist, satirist, song writer and performer from the 1950s and 1960s. For anyone interested - there are biographies here and here. There are interviews here, here, and here. A list of songs, with lyrics, here. A lot of work has gone into this site. References that were current at the time, but might not be familiar to younger people, are carefully explained. I was glad to finally see a photo of Alma Mahler Gropius Werfel. A list of audio CDs available from Amazon is here. We've come a long way since the mid-sixties. The second world war was only 20 years past; the Cold War was at its worst. A song like the "MLF lullaby" was funny then in a way it isn't now, because it tapped into anxieties we've forgotten:
Sleep, baby, sleep, in peace may you slumber, No danger lurks, your sleep to encumber. We've got the missiles, peace to determine, And one of the fingers on the button will be German. Why shouldn't they have nuclear warheads? England says no, but they all are soreheads. I say a bygone should be a bygone, Let's make peace the way we did in Stanleyville and Saigon. Once all the Germans were warlike and mean, But that couldn't happen again. We taught them a lesson in 1918 And they've hardly bothered us since then. So, sleep well, my darling, the sandman can linger. We know our buddies won't give us the finger. Heil - hail - the Wehrmacht, I mean the Bundeswehr, Hail to our loyal ally! M L F Will scare Brezhnev. I hope he is half as scared as I!"
First we got the bomb and that was good, 'Cause we love peace and motherhood. Then Russia got the bomb, but that's O.K., 'Cause the balance of power's maintained that way! Who's next? France got the bomb, but don't you grieve, 'Cause they're on our side (I believe). China got the bomb, but have no fears; They can't wipe us out for at least five years!* Who's next? Then Indonesia claimed that they Were gonna get one any day. South Africa wants two, that's right: One for the black and one for the white! Who's next? Egypt's gonna get one, too, Just to use on you know who. So Israel's getting tense, Wants one in self defense. "The Lord's our shepherd," says the psalm, But just in case, we better get a bomb! Who's next? Luxembourg is next to go And, who knows, maybe Monaco. We'll try to stay serene and calm When Alabama gets the bomb! Who's next, who's next, who's next? Who's next?" GE sees and seizes an opportunity General Electric (GE) is on the verge of winning enormous tax advantages in upcoming corporate tax legislation. Jeffrey Birnbaum and Jonathan Weisman reported on GE's lobbying efforts a week ago in the Washington Post: "GE Lobbyists Mold Tax Bill" In 2002 the U.S. lost a case before the World Trade Organization (WTO), which ruled that elements of U.S. international tax laws violated international trading rules to which the U.S. had agreed. Foreign countries were authorized to begin imposing punitive tariffs on U.S. products. Congress undertook to rewrite the corporate tax laws to deal with the problem, and things spun out of control. Birnbaum and Weisman note that
Patrolling the Malacca Straits The Straits Times reports that Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia have begun a joint 17 naval vessel patrol of the pirate-ridden Malacca Straits. "50,000 ships ply the Straits of Malacca each year, carrying oil from the Middle East, and goods bound for Europe through the narrow passage between peninsular Malaysia and Singapore on one side and the Indonesian island of Sumatra on the other.": "3 countries start joint patrol of Malacca Straits"
The plan was rejected by both Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia, although Singapore embraced the proposal. Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta insisted foreign troops were not needed to help safeguard the waterway, and that any active US deployment would infringe on their sovereignty. However, the three countries then agreed to start their own coordinated patrols." Productivity comes unexpectedly Alex Tabarrok, at Marginal Revolution, describes how new communications tools are changing service procedures at some McDonalds restaurants. The economic meaning of space, and the need to co-locate economic activities in space, is changing radically: "Who would have guessed?" The economist Ronald Coase argued that business firms evolve because it's often cheaper to coordinate the work effort of different people administratively, rather than through markets and prices. Once it was less expensive for drive-thru order takers in fast food restaurants to yell the orders to the cooks; now it's apparently sometimes cheaper to transmit the orders hundreds of miles to a call-in center which then sends the orders to the cooks. The order takers and cooks don't even have to work for the same firm. 7/18/2004
No road to Juneau - yet You can't drive to or from Juneau - we're cut off from the rest of the world by rivers, arms of the sea, mountains, ice fields and glaciers. You have to fly in or come by boat. A road from Juneau north to Skagway, where it would connect with the rest of the North American road net, is under consideration, but very controversial. Sarah Kershaw laid out the issues in Thursday's (July 15) New York Times : "Alaska's Capital Weighs Loss of a Glorious Isolation" I learned about this from Ben Muse of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Talleyrand drops in the Hamiltons In 1794, the cynical and unprincipled French diplomat Talleyrand was on the lam from revolutionary France. He fled to England and then the United States...where he met U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. Ron Chernow tells the story of the resulting friendship in his new biography of Hamilton:
During his two-year sojourn in America, Talleyrand cherished his time with Hamilton and left some remarkable tributes for posterity: "I consider Napoleon, Fox, and Hamilton the three greatest men of our epoch and, if I were forced to decide between the three, I would give without hesitation the first place to Hamilton. He divined Europe." Of Hamilton he told one American travel writer that "he had known nearly all the marked men of his time, but that he had never known one on the whole equal to him." Hamilton savored the roguish diplomat's company and gave him, as a token of esteem, an oval miniature portrait of himself. Hamilton and Talleyrand were both hardheaded men, disgusted with the utopian dreams of their more fanciful, radical compatriots. As one Talleyrand biographer put it, "They were both passionately interested in politics and both of them looked at politics from a realistic standpoint and despised sentimental twaddle whether it poured from the lips of a Robspierre or of a Jefferson." Both men wanted to create strong nation-states, led by powerful executive branches, and both wanted to counter an aversion to central banks and stock markets. Oddly, Talleyrand agreed with Hamilton that Britain, not France, could best supply America with the long-term credit and industrial products it needed. Talleyrand recalled vividly how Hamilton asserted a passionate faith in America's economic destiny. In their talks, Hamilton said that he foresaw, "the day when - and it is perhaps not very remote - great markets, such as formerly existed in the old world, will be established in America." Talleyrand confessed to only one complaint abut Hamilton: that he was overly enamored of the grand personages of the day and took too little notice of Eliza's beauty..."
Ron Chernow. Alexander Hamilton Penguin Press. New York. 2004 7/16/2004
Kerry campaign issues staff: legal issues Jonathan Groner reports on Kerrry campaign issues staff legal advisors: "The Lawyers in John Kerry's Corner"
That group, headed by Nicholas Gess, of counsel at the D.C. office of Bingham McCutchen, is one of several clusters of well-connected lawyers and policy experts, many of them Clinton administration veterans, relied on by Kerry to brainstorm key issues. Other groups, larded with lawyers from the D.C. offices of such firms as Arnold & Porter; Latham & Watkins; Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo; and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, focus on issues like economics or foreign policy. All of them report to Sarah Bianchi, the campaign's policy director and a former domestic policy adviser to former Vice President Al Gore..." Angry Bear passes on conservative columnist Bruce Bartlett's thoughts on likely Kerry picks for economic positions: Kerry's Cabinet . Recently the Washington Post and Slate have carried stories or columns on the same topic. 7/15/2004
Which countries are economically freest? The U.S. is third freest out of 123 ranked countries, according to a new CATO study. The Straits Times reports: "Singapore 2nd in economic freedom". Hong Kong comes in first. The judgment is based on an evaluation of:
Nations in the top fifth of economic freedom have an average per capita income of $26,100 compared to $2,800 for nations in the bottom fifth. Economic freedom benefits the lives of all people including the poor. In nations in the top fifth of economic freedom, the average income of the poorest 10 percent of the population was $6,877 compared to just $823 in the least free nations." 7/14/2004
House approves FTA with Australia The Straits Times reports that the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Australia today - 314-109. The Senate takes it up tomorrow: "US House approves FTA with Australia"
But lawmakers also objected to language reconfirming US law under which patent holders keep control over sale of imports of their products in the United States, saying that could prevent drug importation. "It's an attempt once again to thwart those in this country who want to find a way to put downward pressure on prescription drug prices," said Senator Byron Dorgan, a Democrat. But the USTR emphasised the agreement creates no new rights for US patent holders, that Australia bans exports of its subsidised pharmaceuticals, and that the pact does not alter Congress' authority to change US law on importation." Who should lead a Kerry administration economic team? Yesterday I linked to a Jonathan Weisman story in the Washington Post on the Kerry campaign issues staff, paying particular attention to the economics staff: "Kerry Economic Team" Today's Daniel Gross Slate column asks who should lead the team: (I assume he's asking who would be the best Treasury Secretary): The Men Who Would Be Bob - Can Kerry find his own Robert Rubin?. Gross reviews the pros and cons for seven candidates. Did it jump, or was it pushed? Did General Motors kill off urban mass transit in the 1920s "by employing a host of anti-competitive devices which, like National City Lines, debased rail transit and promoted auto sales." Or not? Craig Newmark posts links to a selection of essays making and debunking the case: "Follow-up" Also see Newmark's post: "Revisiting two previous topics". Newmark's conclusion, after reviewing the discussion - it jumped. Is the U.S. the top exporter to Cuba? The Progressive Policy Institute "Trade Fact of the Week" reports on U.S.-Cuba trade:"Top Exporter to Cuba, 2004: The United States?"
If these trends hold up for the rest of 2004, total exports to Cuba will top $600 million... Perhaps more interesting, such a figure could make the United States the world's largest exporter to Cuba. The island's total imports in recent years, according to IMF data, have been around $3 billion. Spain is usually the biggest exporter at around $500 million a year. Venezuela is close behind, and sometimes above, depending on the price of oil. Other contenders include Mexico at $150 million a year and Brazil at about $75 million..." Royal Mistresses Eleanor Herman's new book, Sex With Kings. 500 Years of Adultery, Power, Rivalry, and Revenge, a history of European mistresses, isn't devoid of information about the public finance. Jonathan Yardley reviewed it in the July 1 Washington Post: "In His Majesty's, Ahem, Service"
Kerry economic team Tomorrow's Washington Post has a story by Jonathan Weisman on the Kerry campaign's issues organization: "Kerry's Inner Circle Expands"
Now, things are more complicated. Three more economists -- London Business School Dean Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Princeton University's Alan S. Blinder and the Brookings Institution's Peter R. Orszag -- are consulted on virtually every policy decision. Former Treasury secretary Robert E. Rubin also weighs in on major policy pronouncements. Another circle, including Akerlof [George Akerlof, Nobel prize winning Berkely economist - Ben], University of California at Berkeley economist Alan J. Auerbach, Princeton's Cecilia E. Rouse, and Harvard University labor economist Lawrence F. Katz, advises on specific issues. A separate "New York group" -- including investment bankers Eric Mindich, Blair Effron and Steven Rattner -- tutors Kerry on matters of domestic and international finance, while helping to raise money and woo business support... The Carlos Boozer Affair Michael McCann (on Sports Law Blog) posts on the ethical issues raised by Carlos Boozer's move from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Utah Jazz: "Oral Promises & Professional Sports: The Carlos Boozer Saga" Boozer played high school basketball here in Juneau. 7/11/2004
Pricing driving The Guardian reports on an upcoming, government funded, report in the U.K. that will recommend a new system to price road access. It sounds like cars would be required to carry a combination GPS/radio unit capable of transmitting the cars' locations to satellites. The system could track road usage and bill drivers appropriately. The report is due out later this month. The goal is to address road congestion problems. Here's the story: "Crisis plan for tolls on all roads ". It sounds like, with this technology, it would be relatively easy to adjust charges to reflect varying levels of congestion in time and space (downtown at 3:30 PM on Sunday morning may be relatively uncongested and the charge per mile could be low; the inbound expressway at 7 AM on Monday morning may be relatively congested and the charge per mile could be high). The technology sounds like that used to monitor vessel location and movement in the waters off Alaska. Certain classes of vessels are required to carry Global positioning system (GPS)/radio units so that their movements can be monitored. This system was introduced to monitor vessel activity with respect to areas closed to protect the endangered Stellers sea lion. I learned about the Guardian article from Skip Sauer's Sports Economist blog: "Toll Roads" 7/10/2004
The allocation of scarce club tables among competing celebrities Coco Henson Scales describes her life on the service staff of a hot New York night spot in today's New York Times: "The Hostess Diary: My Year at a Hot Spot". What's Naomi Campbell like? The Bush Twins? Monica Lewinsky? Star Jones (who is Star Jones)? An honest article about a lot of mildly bad behavior.
"Who are you here with?" I ask a man holding a woman's hand. "Just us," he says. Couples are usually passive, pleading. I look them up and down. I look past them and around them, even if there is no one else there. I bite my bottom lip as if I am genuinely worried for them. "I don't know," I say pensively. If they are meek and I am bored, I will let them in. But if they become agitated, I turn away, or even better — pick the group behind them. Either way, my ego is going to get a boost..."
I like this business of people paying for tables, and I begin to go out of my way for customers, hoping for a reward..." Is light rail worth it? Molly Castelazo and Thomas Garrett of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis think not: "Light Rail: Boon or Boondoggle?" (Boondoggle, they say).
One justification for the subsidies paid to build and operate light-rail systems is that light rail will reduce pollution and congestion from automobile traffic. However, building light rail is only a short-run solution to the problems of traffic congestion and pollution. To permanently alleviate the problems of traffic congestion and pollution, policy-makers must address the root cause of both: the inefficient pricing of roadway usage. Traffic congestion and pollution exist because the costs of driving an automobile are artificially low..."
Given the draw backs, why do we still keep building light rail systems? Large, concentrated benefits to a few special interests, while the total costs, which may be large, fall lightly on individuals in the overall tax paying population. I learned about this from Peter Gordon: "Airy Plans". Pricing parking Douglas Kolozsvari and Donald Shoup point to the potential benefits from pricing curbside parking so as to effectively ration access. They point to reforms in the Old Pasadena neighborhood of Pasadena, California, that combined: (1) an increase in curbside parking meter charges, (2) earmarking of the meter revenues for investment in the neighborhood in which they are raised, (3) under the supervision of a neighborhood committee. In the absence of the reform, underpriced curbside parking spaces are a common property good. Creation of a neighborhood committee of residual claimants able to influence the curbside parking price, and the use of the revenues, simulates privatization of the resource. Kolozsvari and Shoup attribute the rehabilitation of the Old Pasadena neighborhood to this approach: "Turning Small Change into Big Changes" What's the neighborhood's optimal charge for curbside parking?:
Underpricing curb parking cannot increase the number of cars parked at the curb because it cannot increase the number of spaces available. What underpricing can do, however, and what it does do, is create a parking shortage that keeps potential customers away. If it takes only five minutes to drive somewhere else, why spend fifteen cruising for parking? Short-term parkers are less sensitive to the price of parking than to the time it takes to find a vacant space. Therefore, charging enough to create a few curb vacancies can attract customers who would rather pay for parking than not be able to find it. And spending the meter revenue for public improvements can attract even more customers..." Eugene Volokh's new writing exercise Eugene Volokh shares a new writing exercise that he plans to use in the next edition of his text Academic legal Writing, here: "Writing exercise". Volokh takes a paragraph written with too many abstract words ("negative consequences") and shows how to put it back together using more concrete and specific words ("social ostracism, government harassment"). 7/8/2004
Making it cheaper to import services The Progressive Policy Institute "Trade Fact of the Week" reports that the world deployed 325,000 additional miles of fiber-optic cable between 1998 and 2002: "Miles of Submarine Fiber-Optic Cable Deployed, 1998-2002: 325,000"
The shift has cut the cost of calls and so enabled people and businesses to spend more time calling overseas. This is one reason services trade is growing so fast..." You might enjoy A Thread Across the Ocean. The Heroic Story of the Transatlantic Cable by economic and business historian John Steel Gordon. After moving heaven and earth for years, entrepreneur Cyrus Field and his Anglo-American Telegraph Company completed the first two telegraph lines across the Atlantic in 1866. After working so hard to bring the old and new worlds into instant communication, Anglo-American took steps to limit use of their lines, and to prevent other lines from taking up the slack:
It was only when competition reared its head that prices began to fall rapidly and usage exploded. In 1869 a new company, the Societe du Cable Trans-Atlantique Francais, laid a cable from Brest, France, to the French Island of St. Pierre, south of Newfoundland, and then on to Massachusetts. The Anglo-American Telegraph Company, naturaly opposed this new enterprise, which was largely funded by British capital, but had not means to prevent it..." French imports of African services The Straits Times reports on African call centers selling telephone subscriptions in France: "Outsourcing goes to Africa" Senegal exploits its advantages:
Senegal's stability, low wages and stock of young, educated employees attracted Ms Ndiaye's employer... So did Senegal's infrastructure - a fibre-optic cable running all the way from France which gives the country telecommunications as good as any in Europe. 'Besides, here we can get the best and smoothest French accent,' said call centre deputy managing director Abdoulaye M'boup..."
Thanks to a generous loan from a West African development bank - and operating costs that are 30 per cent cheaper than in France - the call centre will be more than doubling its staff later this year, Mr M'boup said. Eight hours a day earns a starting salary of US$200 (S$340) a week. Pay goes up to US$500, plus benefits and bonuses, for the most productive workers... But for a country where the minimum wage is US$85 a week, it's a godsend..." 7/7/2004
Do you use your productivity for consumption or for leisure? And why? Kash at Angry Bear posts an OECD figure showing changes in work hours per capita for a variety of countries between 1970 and 2002: "Labor Versus Leisure in the US and Europe" Kash:
...In Europe people have preferred to take their higher productivity in the form of leisure time. In the US the preference is to enjoy higher productivity in the form of greater consumption." Using markets to aggregate information Skip Sauer has a useful post, crammed with links, on the creation of internal markets by business firms seeking to take advantage of information dispersed among their employees: "Markets as a management tool" Tyler Cowen also addresses this today: "Idea futures inside the corporation". The counterfactual "Dominion of North America" Matthew Yglesias and Brad Delong wonder if the American Revolution was a really such a good idea: "Was the American Revolution a Good Thing?" Welfare states and work disincentives Tyler Cowen highlights the work of Peter Lindert: "Where are tax disincentives highest?" 7/6/2004
What went wrong in Cancun II On June 30 I posted on a recent speech, "Reviving the Doha Round", by Jeffrey Schott of the Institute for International Economics (IIE). My post focused on Schott's post-mortem on the Doha meetings of last September: "What Went Wrong in Cancun". Schott argues that delays caused by internal European Union negotiations over agricultural reforms left preparations for Cancun way behind in the summer of 2003. Efforts to recover on a short time frame were frustrated by a cascade of negotiation failures, confusion, and misunderstanding, as everyone scrambled to catch up. This leaves out important elements in Schott's story - you can read the relevant extract from his speech using the link above. Peter Gallagher thinks Schott's explanation lets the U.S. off way too easily:
Ben, I think Geoff Schott has 'bought' a post-hoc rationalization of events from his friends in USTR. My perspective on this was that the US and EU were asked to come up with an alternative to the 'Harbinson II' paper because neither (until Montreal) had made any substantive contribution for well over a year. The EU was engaged in trying to come up with internal consensus on the "Agriculture 2000" reform package and the USA had retired 'hurt' to its own corner after taking a battering on the 2002 Farm Bill. The chairman of the top negotiating group (Amb. Perez del Castillo of Uruguay) perhaps wrongly felt he had no option but to put forward the Zoellick/Lamy paper for the Cancun meeting. But it never had much chance. The weakness (not to say, 'implausibility') of the explanation of the supposed US tactic given by Geoff Schott ('hope that other WTO members would push the US back towards its original proposals on agricultural reform') indicates how muddled the US position was. The world's largest trading economy can't play coy games in trade negotiations, hoping to be pulled back from the brink by smaller allies. Zoellick had been outmaneuvered by Lamy on several key aspects of the hastily negotiated paper, apparently under pressure to find some sort of deal (he probably already knew that he was not going to pull off the AFTA deal with the Latins). Smaller allies (including Australia) were just stunned by the lack of US consultation and/or it's lack of steadfastness, as they saw it. The already-deeply-fractured Cairns Group -- the US' strongest ally on agricultural reform -- split instantly along lines where cracks had been papered-over (market access obligations for developing countries). The leadership of the G-20 was carved out of the side of the Cairns Group (Brazil, South Africa, Argentina) and its 'fellow travellers' (Egypt). Now we have a fully fractured negotiation with dozens of 'factions', few good ideas and hardly any leadership. No one (it seems) really knows how to get what they want except the EU. It only has to wait.... Peter Gallagher" |