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Hi there. What you're looking at is my old log, which I ended in 2002. I don't update it anymore. Go to the home page for the cool new stuff. Thanks!

powazek productions
{ personal log }

that'll do, pig

I'm taking a break from my personal log. These days, I'm too busy with other things. They're good things, mind you, and I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I guess that's why I want to hold on to them and keep them all to myself for a while.

If I know you well enough for you to have my phone number, use it. I'll be on the other end. Take me out for a beer and I'll talk your ear off.

And if you don't, and you're looking for something to do, well, there's plenty of stuff going on in the network. And you're invited to a party next month.

Ever forward.

{ 8:12am }


welcome home

Now that is a sight for sore eyes. Weclome home, Smug, and congratulations Leslie!

{ 8:59am }


buy this book

Congratulations to {fray} contributor Maggie Powers on the publication of her first book by the cool kids at So New Media. If you're one of the first to buy the book, you'll also get all kinds of cool shit. Buy one today!

{ 8:00pm }


local linkage

Two new links from the SF Stories city links page:

Flavorpill SF: A weekly guide to SF arts and entertainment in a slick package.

Posthoc: Snarky restaurant reviews and observations of life in The City.

{ 6:31pm }


two great tastes, together at last

Happiness is a Diesel Sweeties / Exploding Dog book two-pack. Spend seven bucks and support two great web artists. You'll be glad you did.

{ 9:35pm }

nice guys finish

Ladies, if you avoid nice guys, you're bound to get exactly what you went looking for. [ via Blogdex, more proof of why I should never go there ]

{ 8:31pm }

viva cole valley

Our 'hood on the big screen! I've never seen my street on television before. It's oddly delightful.

{ 1:23pm }


fd6: many pieces make the whole

It all started with those wood type blocks. They're for sale in the little store downstairs from me. Every day I walked by them and stopped to stare. They just captivated me for some reason. Something about the cacophony of shapes, styles, and colors, coming together to make something seamless and complete.

Then it hit me.

{ 6:51pm }


switch back

Ben and Ani may just make you want to switch back. (And you thought Ellen was funny....)

{ 11:37pm }

lemonhead variations

Heather presents lemonhead and her many sisters.

{ 12:09am }

{ news }
» Goodbye old friend.

» Don't miss the photos and audio from Fray Cafe 2.

» Psst. Hey kid. Wanna buy some swag?

{ me.elsewhere }
  My snail tracks on the web.
» DfC profile
» New Riders profile
» Amazon wish list
» {fray} is page
» Mirror Project pics
» FilePile profile
{ new in dfc }
  Gaming the system: How moderation tools can backfire
Sometimes all the widgets backfire, encouraging the very behavior they're designed to avert. The rules have a dangerous side-effect: they create a game.
{ new in fray }
  "I wanted to spend the 4th with someone who always knew the way back home."

Counting Flags by Kevin Smokler.
{ new in sfstories }
  the slow glimmering descent
I've been watching fireworks there for years, but last night was different. And not just because it was clear.
{ new in fray org }
  fray day 6
Fray Day 6 is coming to cities all over the world on September 14, 2002. Come tell your story.
{ see also }