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Mam'selle Manon

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I'm BACK! [Aug. 27th, 2004|02:39 pm]
[Current Mood |back]


Stupid memes: trust metric, crushes )


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[Aug. 15th, 2004|09:41 pm]
Remember fandom_scruples? Apparently it's a he, and he's not an asshole because he doesn't hit women. I know this relieves your mind.
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Correction [Aug. 15th, 2004|07:11 pm]
[Current Mood |depressed]

I am not leaving today. Or tomorrow or the next day in all probability.

If I ever meet Circumstances, I am going to kick those bitches into next week.

Somebody come and play fic tag. [info]erinpuff started us off...

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ATTENTION MIZZIES: Wanna play a game? :D [Aug. 14th, 2004|02:35 pm]
[Current Mood |bouncy]

So this morning I decided there was no use having an Automatic Improv Generator if one didn't use it, and so I did. I did it twice.

And I am leaving probably tomorrow, and thought I'd do this now, since I shan't be around for a couple of days at least and by then I may have forgotten.

Here's the game:

1. You read my ficlets and leave me feedback. Pweeeese?.
2. You take one of the challenges I've posted after the ficlets and write it, and post the results as a comment to this entry. You just take the character/s or pairing and the prompt and write till the time limit is up or the story is finished, whichever comes first. You can go over, but only a tiny bit to finish the sentence or whatever. Quality is not a big concern here. :)
3. You go here and generate a bunch of prompts, pick one that you want to read, and post it at the end of your comment for someone else to write.
4. Someone takes *that* challenge and writes it and posts it as a reply to your comment.
5. Rinse and repeat.

(yes you can do crossovers, yes you can do weird implausible shit, yes you can write about your RP character, yes you can do gen or slash or het or femslash or genderfuck or whatever occurs to you to do. You just have to use the characters and the prompt given, and not go too far over your time. Quality, did I mention? is not the main issue here. The issue is lots and lots of fic for everybody.)

SO. Here are my ficlets -- more like snippets, since I got really short ones, but anyway:

Courfeyrac/Combeferre, earthy, 5 minutes )

Dahlia/Fantine, a bedroom, 2 minutes )

And now the challenges:

* Marius; in a dream; 15 minutes
* Zephine; a bridge; 5 minutes
* Combeferre and Claquesous; challenge, incite; 60 minutes
* Musichetta/Cosette; because; 10 minutes

Play with me? *bats eyes*

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PSA [Aug. 13th, 2004|10:24 pm]
[Current Mood |hyper]

[plug]The Frenchboys Shoppe has been updated with buttons and magnets in several snazzy designs.

[cheesy spiel]Remember, every time you shop Frenchboys, you're not only acquiring certified Geek Gear that will amaze your friend and baffle your family, you're helping to keep online.

[/cheesy spiel][/plug]

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[Aug. 11th, 2004|10:59 pm]
[Current Mood |pleased]

I am so proud.

I was mucking with one of my random generators and having the dickens of a time, because it generates a name (which needs to be capitalized) out of separate elements which may form the beginning or the end (and therefore may or may not need capitalized) as well as a description (which needs to not be capitalized) and while I had the code for Capitalizing An Entire Line Like This courtesy of [info]dragonscholar, it looked kind of stupid in this instance.

And [info]dragonscholar was not on AIM where I could appeal to him with puppy eyes and anxious noises.

So in a rare flash of sense I made like the little red hen and googled and lo and behold, I found the function all by my onesies!

...yes, I don't get out much. Just shush. ;)

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[Aug. 10th, 2004|10:13 am]
[Current Mood |sleepy]

Neat link of the day: Pixel Museum.

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Miscellaneous things [Aug. 9th, 2004|07:50 pm]
There is an interesting post here about Frenchboys, Fanon, and (Gasp!) Het. Go ye and deposit your two sous.

I need to update [info]lesquee like whoa. o__o

Am I the only person on the face of the planet who was able to get past the first half of the first Thomas Covenant book? I mean, sheesh. How do they sell so well if everybody refused to finish them? [/crabby]

And finally a sooper-siuntific survey:

Poll #333493
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Everything is better with ticky boxes.

View Answers

13 (92.9%) 13 (92.9%)

1 (7.1%) 1 (7.1%)

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Crappy music meme [Aug. 7th, 2004|02:43 pm]
[Current Mood |chipper]
[Current Music |Anything but that!]

Gacked from teh Kyra, who is awesome even if she does have an irrational prejudice against fluffy Irish new-age pop. :)

Imagine you're compiling a CD for a friend of songs or musical pieces in your own record collection that you hate the most. Stuff that's pointless, irritating, unlistenable, painfully bland, clichéd, whatever. Tracks that you would normally be pretty quick to skip if you had the CD on. Write down the full track-list (let's say around 15 songs, or 75 minutes worth of music) and post it.

Stuff that's not eligible for listing:
Tracks on CD-Rs given to you by friends
Tracks on compilations that came free with magazines
Promo/demo tracks given to you to review or use as coasters

And remember, the tracks must be from your own record collection. Get searching!

I cheated a little, because I almost never buy my own music, but not much.

stinkers! )

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A trip down memory lane [Aug. 6th, 2004|05:38 pm]
[Current Mood |nostalgic]

So I was bored and decided to scan in pages from one of the old picture books lying around. (One of these days I need to get around to scanning pictures from the *good* picture books, but I digress. I present, abridged,

in The Adventure of the Golden Ball.

Warning: loads of hugenormous pics under the cuts.

This is me not encouraging you to make free with copyrighted images. O:)

Cover images )

Look ma! A golden ball! )

It's a beautiful day in the Kingdom of Lovelylocks, Land of Eternal Good Hair. )

Maiden FairHair, as the token brunette and the brains of the operation, has a bad feeling about this. )

OMG! That mysterious golden ball has kidnapped our widdle dwaggie fwiends! )

Duchess Ravenwaves: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am the violet-eyed baby-face of EVOL! )

Dude, it's so not sparkly in here. )

Close-up of the Comb Gnomes. Eek. )

Maiden CurlyCrown's OMG! face. I'm pretty sure they only have two facial expressions each. )

Ph34r my l33t anime hair! )

...or rather, ph34r my pastel rodent minions and their mad knot-tying skillz. )

Foises! Curled again! )

Oh you naughty widdle dwaggiekins! Don't ever fwighten us like that again! )

Closing shot of the requisite Wise Old Wizard. Naturally, he's the only Requisite Wise Old Wizard I've ever seen without facial hair. )

Closeup of same. His name is ShiningGlory, which in itself makes me want to slash him. Yes, I'm going to hell. )

Wasn't that fun, boys and girls? God, I love the '80s.

And a meme from [info]dragonscholar:

Anime!Mhari )

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Uh-oh [Jul. 31st, 2004|09:52 am]
[Current Mood |brain-hurty]

The brain-hurty fanfic pairer has been, uh. Improved?

King George III/Gen. George Washington dude, that's easy!
Pansy Parkinson (HP)/Lyra (His Dark Materials) theirloveissobratty!
Cosette (Les Miserables)/Dodger (Oliver Twist)
Maedhros (Silmarillion)/Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) I forget who Maedhros is, but I suspect this would be terrifying
Lwaxana Troi (ST:NG)/Beatice Potter does it mean Beatrix? because OMGWTFBBQ
Sam Clay (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay)/Tumnus the Faun (Chronicles of Narnia)

--I think that's a suitably bizarre note to stop on, don't you?

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I love my family [Jul. 29th, 2004|08:40 pm]
[Current Mood |chipper]

Just got done birthday-partying [info]zlana.

Some highlights:

Tim: (long pseudo-equation ending with "therefore girls are evil", witty only to teenaged boys)
Mom: What about [his girlfriend]?
Tim: ...yeah, she's an exception.
[info]zlana: Tim.
Me: Tim, that's Republican logic.
Tim: O___O

([info]zlana opening a large oblong box)
Tim: It's shoes.
Mom: Red sparkly shoes to go with your pink sparkly socks.
[info]zlana: If I click my heels together do I wind up back here?
Mom: No, you wind up in Kansas, so I wouldn't do it if I were you.
(It was a quilt, actually.)

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eep [Jul. 27th, 2004|10:10 pm]
O___O Where a Pest go? *pokes anxiously at flist*

Okay. *unworries*
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Whiiiiiiiiiiiiine. [Jul. 26th, 2004|10:29 pm]
[Current Mood |petulant]

Happy birthday, [info]zlana!

In other news, I can't write, I don't want to do art, I have nothing to read, and I am cranky. Someone write me smut or something.

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A meme for the halibut [Jul. 23rd, 2004|11:10 pm]
[Current Mood |flowery]

I am flower named mhari !
I consist of my friends!
Are you flower too?

I'm not sure how this works, and I'm going bananas trying to find the actual links in the grid -- but I really like it. Much nicer than the last Russian meme :)
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[Jul. 21st, 2004|08:55 am]
[Current Mood |infuriated]

Sometimes it's not bigotry, though. Some people have a sincere and principled objection to homosexual activity and are honestly dismayed by its prevalence in our culture.

Um, WHAT? So, when is it not bigotry?


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[Jul. 19th, 2004|08:40 pm]
[Current Mood |ecstatic]

Dude. PSP7 liek woah.

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And more Cherryh geeking [Jul. 19th, 2004|04:25 pm]
[Current Mood |happy]

Rereading Fortress in the Eye of Time now, because I'm obsessive.

excerpt: in which Tristen finds out about humor )

How much do I love this series? How much?

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Cherryh geeking [Jul. 17th, 2004|03:30 pm]
[Current Mood |geekissima]


Finished Fortress of Dragons. And now have post-series craving for fic. I want kiddie!Orien&Tarien;! I want Faiseth/Pel'rezan and Guelen Guard slash! I want Bonden-on-Wyk fic, God help me.

Also I had a distressing flash of Ioan Gruffudd as Tristen.

Which is just wrong, and yet I bet he could do it justice. Besides, there'd even be Gratuitous Nudity! XD Nekkid Ioan in the rain on a castle roof. Tell me you don't want it.


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get your grubby mitts off the Constitution, plz. [Jul. 13th, 2004|05:19 pm]
[Current Mood |bleeding]

Finally got the MoveOn page to work just now. Go, if you haven't already, it only takes a minute.

Also, GIP. I figure I needed one. :P

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