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User:cast_into_stone (1153164) cast_into_stone
pero ya me desperté
Name:Mis Andry
Location:Muncie, Indiana, United States
AOL IM:AIM status i moan into stone (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Interests:67: 80's rock, adderall, adventures, anti-diamonds, art, autumn, avail, backrubs, beach, bike rides, bowling, breathing, bsu, candlelit dinners, capture the flag, chatting, cheap red wine, coffee shops, cuddling, dumpsterdiving, eating, exploring, fairy tales, flying, food not bombs, front porches, guitar, hammocks, hardcore, hugs, internet, languages, livejournal, massages, mid-90's alternative, misspelled words, mountains, movies, my car, my cat, naps, nudity, paintball, parks, photography, playgrounds, psychology, puerto rico, punk, reading, sand dunes, scuba, sea salt, shows, sleeping, social work, soy milk, spanish, spunky, stickshift, stretch arm strong, swimming, the beach, the moon, urban exploration, vegetables, water. [Modify yours]
People41:alucinado, burnboy2k, cast_into_stone, dacookiemonster, darkmessiah9, dusttoclay, fathfulonly2him, kahrahtay, khunckle, lapunkette, luke_destroy, manicfrog, meandyouyouyou, micmac184, my_eternity, oaferten, onewayletter, petsounds01, punkgoten, punksafetypin, riotgrrrrl, rosesinautumn, roxy928, sarahnoshoes, serendipitous13, shandi, shinkarasu, snow_spirit, snuffaluffaguss, specialerick, sweaterkid8, theartoflonging, third_choice, timleary, tonyriot, twontadance, valveeta, vectorfrog, weboo, xbuddhax, xcrimethincx
Communities16:aprende_espanol, ballstate, christianity, christianvegans, crimethinc, dumpsterdiving, fnb, hardcorejesus, indianascene, liberal, munciescene, paidmembers, parenting, socialwork, spectrumbsu, urban_explorers
Friend of:48: alucinado, bigboned, burnboy2k, cast_into_stone, cerealxadder, cowsfly, dacookiemonster, darkmessiah9, dildobucket_1b, dusttoclay, fathfulonly2him, gingermissippy, kahrahtay, khunckle, lapunkette, localbandsrsad, luke_destroy, meandyouyouyou, micmac184, my_eternity, oaferten, onewayletter, petsounds01, punkgoten, punksafetypin, riotgrrrrl, riskofabsurdity, rosesinautumn, roxy928, sarahnoshoes, serendipitous13, shandi, shinkarasu, snow_spirit, snuffaluffaguss, specialerick, sweaterkid8, theartoflonging, third_choice, timleary, tonyriot, twontadance, valveeta, vectorfrog, weboo, xbuddhax, xcarlzillax, xcrimethincx
Member of:21: aprende_espanol, ballstate, cathealth, christianity, christianvegans, crimethinc, dumpsterdiving, fnb, hardcorejesus, indianascene, liberal, munciescene, paidmembers, parenting, pcgeeks, photography, socialwork, spectrumbsu, urban_explorers, vaginapagina, vet_nurses
Account type:Free Account

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