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Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?
Today's Required Reading
It Followed Me Home
Decision Made!
The Cipel Truth
Gay Governor McGreevey Mossad Mission?

August 20, 2004

Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?

"Like a goddamn beached whale, honey."

Yeah, that'll make life loads better.

via Reflections in D minor

Posted by Andy at 10:41 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Today's Required Reading

Getting away with murder in the name of God.

via evil incarnate

Posted by Andy at 08:37 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 19, 2004

It Followed Me Home

You might remember that a little while ago I linked to a story about how Denver was America's most sloshed city.

Well, it turns out that my previous home, Montgomery, Alabama, came in first as the most sober city.

They owe it all to me. Well, my leaving.

Posted by Andy at 07:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


Mmmm, bear.

Posted by Andy at 07:11 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

August 18, 2004

Decision Made!

I'm voting for John Kerry because he's sooooo dreamy!

Posted by Andy at 06:20 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

The Cipel Truth

He's not gay. He's under-straight.

Posted by Andy at 01:52 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)


Alan Keyes is flip-flopping worse than John Kerry on a particularly well-lubricated tramponline upon which Teresa Heinz Kerry* had just double-bounced him.

Alan Keyes was against carpetbagging, until he wasn't. Alan Keyes was against reparations, until he wasn't.

Verily, I say, the Republican party has lost its way. And its mind.

Now, if only they would lose their Keyes.

Update: An interesting observation:

So how do they handle the dilemma? They hand Alan Keyes a nice, long rope and he'll make like Judas, leave town and hang himself. They can't think of a more graceful way to fire an obviously disastrous employee.
One can hope, but be careful with the "hanging" reference. Given Keyes' bizarre behavior of late, he's liable to rant about how you want to put together a lynchin' posse. Racist!

Anyway, I think it would be much, much cooler if instead of hanging himself, Keyes made like Judas and - during a stump speech - fell over and exploded his guts out.** Maybe too messy though. But cool.

* Or perhaps one of her houseboys, as trampolines are so proletarian.

** Yes, the inerrant Word of God can't make up its mind on how Judas died.

Posted by Andy at 09:01 AM | Comments (10) | TrackBack (1)

August 17, 2004


Please visit Josh Claybourn's site and extend your condolences to him on the loss of his mother. Despite our significant differences on myriad issues, I think I can safely say that Josh truly is one of the good guys.

Our thoughts are with you.

P.S.: The rest of you, go tell your mom that you love her. I mean it. Do it.

Posted by Andy at 06:28 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)


Today, on my lunch hour, I went to OfficeDepot and bought some pens. A box of 12 uni-ball roller ball pens. Ink, blue. Oh, and some refills for my Dr. Grip Gel pen. I'm not sure who names these things, but I'm wagering there is something moderately subliminal about "uni-ball" and "Dr. Grip." Or, there was until I pointed it out, exposing these pen marketing gurus for the sexual deviants they are.

So, anyway, yeah - I bought some pens.

And refills.

Update: "Pens" is "penis" without the "i."

Just an observation.

Posted by Andy at 02:39 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Gay Governor McGreevey Mossad Mission?

If it's in Al-Jazeera, it must be true!

McGreevey ‘sex scandal’ was an Israeli Intelligence operation

...Foreign Policy/Intelligence Columnist Andy Martin uncovers some secrets to this regards, and asserts that McGreevey sex scandal was an Israeli Intelligence operation.

"People have been confused by the McGreevey sex scandal," says Martin. "But McGreevey's dilemma is not a gay sex scandal. It is an Israeli intelligence operation gone sour. This is not a scandal about 'sex.' It is a scandal about 'secrets'," Martin says.

"...Mr. Cipel was a junior Mossad case officer, originally posted to New York under official cover. The Mossad is well known for using human sex toys. McGreevey was lured into a relationship that was intended to penetrate New Jersey's homeland defenses."

Heh huh huh huh, you said "penetrate."

Pardon me, please, must go to the store as I'm fresh out of tinfoil.

Posted by Andy at 10:01 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (1)

Beauty Is In The Eye of the Beholder

And apparently some folks at FoxNews are bat-assed blind, because I think this incarnation of the site is even less attractive and harder to read than the previous one. Imagine if a news junkie had the munchies and then blew news spew all over their screen - that, ladies and gents, is of what I am reminded.

Now, Google News - clean layout, easy-to-see categorization, and all the global newsy goodness a boy could want. Except for when it links you back to that god-awful new FoxNews page.

Posted by Andy at 08:35 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 16, 2004

From the (Audio and Otherwise) Bookshelf

A slew of books, both future-papyritic* and modernly aural in nature:

  1. A Pretext for War - by James Bamford: Got this one on audiobook and am making my way through it as of today. Not sure how far I will get. Bamford takes a somber and fitting remembrance of the events of 9/11, using the testimony of those present on that horrible morning, and intersperses some of the most clearly anti-Bush rhetoric I've ever had the displeasure of hearing (or seeing, for those of you who read the book, or feeling, for those of you who use your super-sensitive fingertips to digest this crap in Braille).

    Maybe Bamford goes on to make some good points about the failures of the intelligence community in the modern era. I don't think I'll ever know, as this thing reeks of bias and agenda (you know, so much as an audiobook can) from the very start.

  2. The Fermata - by Nicholson Baker. About halfway through reading this one... there's something to be said for the fictional autobiography of a 35-year old temp worker who can stop time in order to undress women, but I'm not sure what it is. At turns equally amusing and skin-crawlingly creepy, but I find I don't really want to put it down.

    Bonus points for referring to some of his time stoppages** as "chronanisms***."

Speaking of books, I should get to writing. Tomorrow. Maybe.

And I realize that two books probably doesn't count as a slew, but what if they were really BIG books? Huh? What then, Mr. Smarty Pants? No? Well, fine.

* I think I just winged that word. You know, in case it wasn't obvious. See, paper's not quite papyrus, but similar, thus...oh, nevermind. To hell with the lot of ya.

** Not to be confused with Time Passages.

*** Expand your vocabulary. Ooh, work it baby.

Posted by Andy at 09:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

People Still Suck

The evidence continues to mount:

When news of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison broke, Army Spc. Joseph Darby's family said they were proud the soldier revealed photos documenting the mistreatment. But they never expected their own friends and neighbors would turn on them for what they considered a brave disclosure....

"We did not receive the response I thought we would. People were, they were mean, saying he was a walking dead man, he was walking around with a bull's-eye on his head. It was scary," Bernadette Darby, Joseph Darby's wife, said today on ABC News' Good Morning America.

Of course, doing the right thing doesn't always mean doing the easy thing. Kudos to Spc. Darby for letting his conscience be his guide when others were willingly telling their own " just piss off, would ya?"

There's more of the story at GQ.

Another good, but unrelated (aside from the Army angle), story can be found here.

Posted by Andy at 05:43 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)

August 14, 2004

Live Music

If any of you like Monte Montgomery, the Austin Music Network is streaming a show of his they recorded the other day. You can watch it here. I think it runs until about 4 Eastern time today.

It's my official cooking music of the day.

Posted by Andy at 02:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Busy Day Ahead

A day of cooking, that is. Got up early with the wee Fiona and then we went grocery shopping. In a matter of 90 minutes or so, we'll all be sitting down to an uber-healthy meal of slow-roasted brisket with bourbon BBQ sauce, roasted corn on the cob with cheese and lime, and buttermilk-bacon smashed potatoes.

I'm about halfway through the cooking - the BBQ sauce ended up being rather spicy, so Fiona won't be able to enjoy it. Well, she might enjoy, but I'm not changing that diaper. Biohazard: beware.

Now, to choose a wine to go with it...

...updates later.

Posted by Andy at 01:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)