Second Amendment
Gun Industry/Lawsuits against Gun Companies.
Firearms Business
Learning from Coltsville. The case for this national-park candidate. National Review Online. Sept. 23, 2002. National Park status for Coltsville, the industrial village created by Samuel Colt. With Michael Brotherton.
Terms of Revilement. Book review of Making a Killing: The Business of Guns in America (by Tom Diaz). Chronicles, February, pp. 29-30.
Ban lawsuits that hurt legal gun industry. Philadelphia Inquirer. May 19, 2003.
National Public Radio, The Tavis Smiley Show. Kopel interviewed for 4/9/03 program on the NAACP's lawsuit against the firearms industry.
Gunned Down. The case for prohibiting abusive lawsuits. The West Palm Beach suit against the wholesaler of a Raven pistol used to murder a teacher. National Review Online. Nov. 15, 2002.
Unintended Consequences. The fruits of hysterical antigun lawsuits. National Review Online. Mar. 6, 2002.
Protecting Makers of Weapons Boosts Democracy, Rights. Analysis of Merrill v. Navegar. Los Angeles Daily Journal, page 6, and the San Francisco Daily Journal. Aug. 30, 2001.
Smith and Wesson's Faustian Bargain, Part 1 and Part 2. Kopel commentary on the National Review Online website, Mar. 20 & 21, 2000. [Note: the agreement described in these articles never went into effect. Smith & Wesson is now under American ownership, and has no agreements stemming from the abusive lawsuits.]
Should Gunmakers Pay Damages to Local Governments for Gun-related Violence and Injuries? Feb. 11, 2000. CQ Researcher (Congressional Quarterly).
Strongarm Suits. February 2000, Liberty magazine, pp. 35-36.
Abusive Lawsuits against the Second Amendment. Independence Institute Issue Backgrounder. 1999.
Dave Kopel debates Jonathan Lowy from Handgun Control, Inc., regarding the municipal lawsuits. You need the Real Video player to watch the 1 1/2 hour debate.
The Sullivan Principles: Protecting the Second Amendment from Civil Abuse. 1995 Law review article from the Seton Hall Legislative Journal argues that courts should protect the Second Amendment from abusive lawsuits designed to interfere with Second Amendment rights, just as courts currently protect First Amendment rights from improper libel lawsuits.
Censorship of Firearms Advertising
Anti-Gunners Target Gun Ads, 1st Amendment. The Blue Press. Carrying Handguns
The Bush administration is undermining the armed pilots program. 9/11 anniversary commentary on KGNU Radio. Available in MP3; Kopel commentary begins at 9:15 into the program.
Air Neglect. What's wrong with trained pilots having guns? The TSA is strangling the armed pilots program. National Review Online. July 2, 2003. With Captain David Petteys.
Gore’s Privileged Gun Class. Government employees aren’t superior to the governed. National Review Online. Oct. 31, 2000.
Gore's Double Standard on Firearms. Gore believes the federal government should mandate that police carry off-duty in states where they don't live; but the federal government should forbid states to allow law-abiding residents to carry guns. Chronicles. Sept. 2000.
Rapists Like Gun Control. National Review Online, Apr. 14, 2000. What if Juanita Broaddrick had been carrying a gun?
Damn Lies -- Or Statistics. Dave Kopel reviews John Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime." Chronicles. Dec. 1999.
Concealed Carry Now. By Ari Armstrong. Op-ed examines the concealed carry debate, in light of the 1999 murder of a woman and two men in a Grand Junction parking lot.
Issue Backgrounder by Dave Kopel on designing a concealed handgun permit system.
Op-ed from the Dallas Morning News by University of Chicago law professor John Lott on concealed handgun licenses. Professor Lott refutes a recent "study" from the Violence Policy Center claiming that Texans with concealed handgun permits are especially likely to perpetrate violent crime. In truth, concealed carry permit holders are much more law-abiding than the Texas population as a whole.
Gun Prohibitionists Miss Their Mark. The attempted character assassination of University of Chicago Professor John Lott, and its implications for concealed handguns policy. By Dave Kopel & Chris Little.
The Untold Triumph of Concealed-Carry Permits. Policy Review magazine. July/Aug. 1996.
Get More Guns into Law-abiding Pockets. The American Enterprise, May/June 1995. (6th article on the page.)
More Permits Means Less Crime. Los Angeles Times. 1995.
"Shall Issue": The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws. By Clayton E. Cramer & David B. Kopel. Large monograph, published in the Tennessee Law Review.
Gun Prohibition (of various types of guns and ammunition, or all guns)
Inexpensive guns
Selective Disarmament: No Guns for the Poor. Bans on so-called "junk guns" are calculated to make self-defense impossible for the poor. America's Guardian. Aug. 1997.
Self-loading guns
The Silveira Threat. How long will the Second Amendment live? National Review Online. Sept. 23, 2003. Part 2 of a 2-part series on harmful gun rights lawsuits.
Police Show Legitimacy of Semi-automatics. Dave Kopel and Diane Nicholl. July 18, 1998.
Are so-called "Assault Weapons" a Threat to Police Officers? Originally printed in The Law Enforcement Trainer.
Rational Basis of "Assault Weapon" Prohibition. Article in the Journal of Contemporary Law argues that, even putting aside the Second Amendment, "assault weapon" bans are unconstitutional because the guns banned are in no rational way different from other guns.
Assault Ban Chicanery. Op-ed from the Washington Times about "assault weapons."
"Assault Weapon" Ban Wouldn't Have Stopped Texas Massacre. Op-ed on the 1991 Killeen, Texas mass shooting.
Anti-Gun Laws Failed to Stop Littleton Killer. How gun prohibition advocates exploited of Eugene Thompson's 1989 rampage in Littleton with a stolen automatic M11 pistol.
Stockton Shootings Disprove Case for Gun Control. Rocky Mountain News. Feb. 3, 1989.
All guns
Guns vs. Teddy Bears. There's no competition when it comes to regulation. National Review Online. Jan. 13, 2004. With Dr. Timothy Wheeler.
A World Without Guns. Be forewarned: It’s not a pretty picture. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen. En Francais.
Prohibition Fever. National Review Online. Jan. 4, 2000. With Dr. Michael Brown.
Communitarians, Neorepublicans, and Guns: Assessing the Case for Firearms Prohibition. By Dave Kopel & Chris Little. Major article from the Maryland Law Review replying to the Communitarian Network's proposal to confiscate all firearms.
Why Good People Own Guns. Los Angeles Times.
Guns, Germs, and Science. Critique of the medical case for gun prohibition. Delivered at the University of Oklahoma School of Public Health. Oct. 1994.
Will You Be Safer if Guns are Banned? Short piece for the International Society for Individual Liberty.
Secret Weapon. Some 2nd Amendment lawyers help the gun-ban side. National Review Online. Sept. 22, 2003. Part 1 of a 2-part series on harmful gun rights lawsuits. The history of the Morton Grove cases, and of the NAACP's successful litigation strategy. Follow-up: Responses from Robert Kukla and Victor Quilici provide a different perspective on the case, which I should have included in the original article.
Sticking to Our Guns. Article from the American Lawyer replying to an article by Stuart Taylor in favor of handgun prohibition.
Peril or Protection? The Risks and Benefits of Handgun Prohibition. St. Louis University Public Law Review. Large article, be patient on the download.
The Long and the Short of the Handgun Debate. Sen. John Chafee's proposed handgun confiscation law. Washington Post. June 27, 1992
"Plastic Guns"
The Cheney Glock-n-Spiel. Bush's Veep-in-waiting proved he won't be seduced by mindless gun lobbying. National Review Online. July 27, 2000.
Fifty Caliber Guns
Guns and (Character) Assassination. Phony charges about fifty caliber guns. National Review Online. December 21, 2001. With Timothy Wheeler.
The Return of a Legislative Legend. Debating "cop-killer" ammunition. National Review Online. Mar. 1, 2004.
Cheney's Cop-Killer Rap. If you can't handle the truth, be very afraid of W.'s running mate. National Review Online. July 31, 2000.
Media Violence and Media BiasSee also: Media Analysis & the First Amendment page
The Influence of Michael Moore. "On Point," hosted by Tom Ashbrook, WBUR radio Boston (nationally syndicated). Kopel and Jim Hightower discuss Michael Moore, beginning at 17:30 into the show. Archived for Real Player.
Gray Gun Stories. The New York Times' dishonest and mean-spirited coverage of the gun issue. National Review Online. June 9, 2003. With Paul Blackman. Important note: The Francis X. Clines item in the above story is incorrect. Correction.
Bowling Truths. Michael Moore’s mocking. National Review Online. Apr. 4, 2003. Deconstructing the dishonest documentary.
Fox 31 misleads on 'sniper' rifles. Despite news segment's claims, it takes more than mouse click to obtain firearms. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. October 27, 2002.
Shot Through the Heart. Anti-hunting propaganda on Showtime. Review of "Bang Bang, You're Dead." National Review Online. Oct. 16, 2002. With James Swan.
Dailies shoot from hip, miss. Mischaracterizations of D.C. gun-control group bespeak sloppy reporting, editing at newspapers. Rocky Mountain News/Denver Post. Jan. 27, 2002.
Media Bias in the Coverage of Gun Control: The Press Evaluates the Popular Culture. Book chapter by Dave Kopel evaluates media bias in the 1970s.
Sorry, Wrong Number: Why Media Polls on Gun Control are so Often Unreliable. By Gary A. Mauser and David B. Kopel. Originally published in Political Communication and Persuasion. Link is to reprint in Journal on Firearms and Public Policy.
Polls: Anti-gun Propaganda. Certain pollsters who support repressive gun laws claim to have found increased public support for such laws. Are such polls accurate? Or are they typical of the manipulation of data which has long been the practice of pro-control pollsters?
Massaging the Medium: Analyzing and Responding to Media Violence without Harming the First Amendment. Originally published in the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Round Table Discussion: Violence in the Media. David Kopel, Eleanor Acheson (Asst. U.S. Atty. Genl. for Policy Development), Charles W. Guswelle (Kansas City Star), and others. From University of Kansas Law School symposium.
Dead Ringers. When it comes to Olympic shooting sports, TV is in blackout mode. National Review Online Weekend, Sept. 23-24, 2000.
Juvenile Justice, Gun Safety, and other Children's IssuesSee also: Criminal Justice page
Workshop on Children, Youth and Gun Violence. National Research Council/Institute of Medicine of The National Academies. September 18, 2002. Kopel appears as a discussant on the 11:15 panel. Real audio. Kopel rebuts the claim that Eddie Eagle has proven ineffective in promoting gun safety.
Guns, Gangs, and Preschools: Moving Beyond Conventional Solutions to Confront Juvenile Violence, 1 Barry Law Review 63 (2000).
Crime: The Inner City Crisis. Article on the crime disaster in urban America, and how politicians use gun control to evade the difficulties of addressing the causes of poverty, alienation, and hopelessness.
Gun Play: What Kids Don't Know about Guns Can Kill Them. Reason. July 1993.
Newsom Wins One. A First and Second victory. National Review Online. Jan. 8, 2004. Fourth Circuit rules that school cannot prohibit student from wearing NRA Shooting Sports Camp t-shirt.
In the case of Newsom v. Albermarle, a middle school threatened to punish a student for wearing an NRA shooting sports camp t-shirt. Independence Institute amicus brief for the Fourth Circuit Court of appeals argues that shooting sports are wholesome and promote good character, and that speech promoting shooting sports cannot rationally be censored in a public school.
Wisconsin Diversifies. The saga of the Mountaineer. National Review Online. Sept. 5, 2002. University of Wisconsin administrators attempt to prohibit the West Virginia "Mountaineer" mascot from carrying his musket at a football game.
Zero Good Sense. Zero tolerance. National Review Online. June 6, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen
Sure, Blame the Gun. The Santee murders. National Review Online. Mar. 9, 2001. With Ari Armstrong.
Gunning for the Kiddies. What kind of a “climate” has taken hold of society? National Review Online. Sept. 22, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Don't Let Schools off the Hook. The dos and don'ts of preventing juvenile violence. National Review Online. July 12, 2000. With Dr. Helen Smith, forensic psychologist.
Colorado Senate Rejects Gun Legislation. National Review Online, Apr. 12, 2000. Colorado Senate nixes ban on possession of guns by law-abiding adults at universities and schools.
When Heroes Are Outlawed: How Joel Myrick Saved Lives by Breaking the Law. By Ari Armstrong. How the Gun Free School Zones law makes schools safe for mass murderers.
Gun-Control Won't Stop the Madness. By Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen.
Getting Columbine Right. More gun control wouldn't have stopped this tragedy. You're wrong, Al. National Review Online. Oct. 12, 2000.
Who's Responsible For Columbine? National Review Online. May 25, 2000.
Clinton Targets Guns Again: President's Politicking Won't Achieve Goal. Rocky Mountain News. May 2, 1999.
The Attack on Civil Liberties. Why the Columbine High murders should not be exploited to attack the First Amendment or the Second Amendment. By Ari Armstrong.
Making Schools Safe for Criminals. Gun control laws ensured that the teachers and students at Columbine High School would be defenseless. By Linda Gorman.
A Fighting Chance. Crime victims left helpless by anti-gun laws, and the gun control mentality. By Richard Griffiths.
*Also see our Special Report on the Columbine High School tragedy.
Gun Safety/Consumer Products/Storage/Lock Laws/"Smart" Guns
"Smart Guns": New Jersey's new "smart gun" law proves that a gun ban by any other name still has the same devastating results. America's First Freedom, March 2003.
"Smart Guns/Foolish Legislators," 34 Connecticut Law Review 157 (2001). With Cynthia Leonardatos and Paul Blackman.
Treating Guns Like Consumer Products. From the University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
Who is Al Gore Kidding? On guns and the National Zoo, Gore is either dishonest or stupid. National Review Online, Apr. 27, 2000.
Are Gun Locks Like Aspirin Caps? National Review Online. Mar. 29, 2000.
Dangers of Mandatory Gun Locks. National Review Online. Mar. 22, 2000.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Gun Storage Laws. As demonstrated in Canada and Great Britain, such laws are used to make home defense impossible.
Loaded Guns Can be Good for Kids. With Eugene Volokh. Cato Institute. June 3, 1999. Espanol.
Safe Storage is Unsafe Regulation (mandatory gun locks). By Linda Gorman.
Mandatory Gun Safety Classes Could Reduce Citizen's Safety. Commerce City Beacon. July 3, 1991.
Federal Legislation
Guns vs. Teddy Bears. There's no competition when it comes to regulation. National Review Online. Jan. 13, 2004. With Dr. Timothy Wheeler.
Unfair and Unconstitutional: The New Federal Gun Control and Juvenile Crime Proposals. By Dave Kopel and James Winchester. Covers the heavily-discussed issues from Senate Bill 254 (gun shows, juvenile gun possession) and many unknown provisions (including wiretapping expansion, forfeiture expansion, and others).
The Hill's Hidden Crime Agenda. By Dave Kopel.
Gun Control Bill Defeated For Wrong Reasons. By William Ruefle and J. Mitchell Miller.
Dave Kopel's April 1997 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Street Gangs. Includes material about gun control, RICO, bullet-resistant vests, conspiracy statues, federalization of criminal law, and more.
Children and Guns: Sensible Solutions: Large monograph. 1993.
Denver Laws
Squirt Gun Bans Wont Stop Violent Crime: Denvers "Mr. Wilson laws" are Empty Shells. Analyzes 1993 Denver laws against weapons possession by juveniles.
Spot the Crimes. Donald DeKieffer examines Denver's badly-written juvenile gun ordinance.
Second Amendment, Legal History, and Philosophy
The Silveira Threat. How long will the Second Amendment live? National Review Online. Sept. 23, 2003. Part 2 of a 2-part series on harmful gun rights lawsuits.
Secret Weapon. Some 2nd Amendment lawyers help the gun-ban side. National Review Online. Sept. 22, 2003. Part 1 of a 2-part series on harmful gun rights lawsuits. The history of the Morton Grove cases, and of the NAACP's successful litigation strategy. Follow-up: Responses from Robert Kukla and Victor Quilici provide a different perspective on the case, which I should have included in the original article.
Lindh’s Rights. Second Amendment does not apply. National Review Online. May 27, 2002.
Book Reviews: A Nation of Cowards and The Origin of the Second Amendment. Ideas on Liberty, Mar. 2002.
Amendment Jurisprudence. Sanford Levinson (Professor of law and
government at the University of Texas) and Dave Kopel discuss the Second
Amendment on WBEZ radio, Chicago. July 13, 2001. One-hour program in RealAudio.
Right to Bear (Some) Arms. National Review Online. June 7, 2001.
An Army of One. (Attorneys General who supported the Second Amendment). National Review Online. May 29, 2001.
Second Amendment: Kopel Defends Individualist View. Coverage of Kopel's debate with Denver University Law Professor Robert Hardaway and Ruchi Bhowmik of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. By Ari Armstrong. Colorado Freedom Report. May 8, 2000
Comprehensive Bibliography of the Second Amendment in Law Reviews. By Dave Kopel. Lead article in volume 11 (1999) of the Journal on Firearms and Public Policy. Includes hypertext links to many articles.
Big Brother and the Second Amendment. Bill Tonso discusses the Clinton/Reno theory that the Second Amendment only protects the government.
Emerson Case
A Right of the People: The Meaning of the Emerson Decision. National Review Online. Oct. 25, 2001.
Independence Institute amicus brief in United States v. Emerson. (Second Amendment case before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.)
Supreme Court
Explaining Eisentrager. The Second Amendment is for individual gun owners. National Review Online. April 20, 2004.
Rights During War. In 1864, the U.S. Army court-martialed an Indiana civilian and sentenced him to death. What does this case teach us about the Second Amendment and the limits of presidential powers? Liberty magazine, April 2004.
Supreme Court Gun Cases: Two Centuries of Rights Revealed. By David B. Kopel, Alan Korwin, and Stephen P. Halbrook. Feature article in WorldNet Daily.
The Second Amendment Before the Supreme Court. United States v. Miller and all preceding cases. Liberty. Dec. 2003.
The Supreme Court's Thirty-five Other Gun Cases. By David B. Kopel. St. Louis University Public Law Review. Part Two of the Article. Part Three of the Article.
The Sounds of the Supremes: A Reply to Professor Yassky. Part of an exchange sparked by the previous article. Also in this Saint Louis University Public Law Review. The web version of this article is the final, polished version.
Guns in Court. (The Miller case). National Review Online. May 30, 2001.
Warren Burger and the Second Amendment. Kopel responds to ex-Chief Justice Burger's article on the Second Amendment in Parade magazine.
“Miller versus Texas: Police Violence, Race Relations, Capital Punishment, and Gun-toting in Texas in the Nineteenth Century—and Today.” 9 Journal of Law and Policy 737 (2001). With Cynthia Leonardatos and Stephen P. Halbrook.
Presser v. Illinois. Analysis of the 1886 case.
Dread the Dred Scott Reference. Don’t toss this case around unless you know what you're talking about. National Review Online. Dec. 14, 2000.
Legal History
Guns in the Dock. Liberty. Feb. 2003. Examines Nunn v. State and Salina v. Blaksley, two important 19th century cases involving the Second Amendment.
Malcolm in the Middle. Falling victim to bogus critics. National Review Online. Sept. 16, 2002. Has Joyce Malcolm's research on the history of English gun rights been "discredited."
Jurisprudence in the Twenty-first. 27 American Journal of Criminal Law 293 (2000).
Check the Footnotes. Skip Bellesiles. Read Halbrook. NRO Weekend, January 13-14, 2001. With Clayton Cramer. Book review of Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876, by Stephen P. Halbrook (Praeger, 1998, 248 pp., $57.75).
Disarming Errors. Book review of Michael Bellesiles' "Arming America." National Review, print edition. Oct. 9, 2000. With Clayton Cramer.
The Second Amendment in the Nineteenth Century. Immense article (200 pages of printed text, 757 endnotes) by Dave Kopel. Originally printed in the 1998 BYU Law Review. Except for one judge in Arkansas, every court or scholarly commentator who wrote about the Second Amendment in the 19th century believed that the Amendment guaranteed an individual right.
Our Second Amendment: The Original Perspective. Magazine article discusses some of the 19th century scholars who are also covered in the long law review article, above.
Tench Coxe and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the Early Republic. By Dave Kopel & Stephen Halbrook. From the William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal, 1999.
Faith of Our Fathers. Garry Wills translates the Second Amendment into Latin, in order to evade its plain meaning in English. National Review Online. Mar. 16, 2001.
State Constitutions
"What State Constitutions Teach about the Second Amendment," 29 Northern Kentucky Law Review 845 (2002).
A Tale of Three Cities: The Right to Bear Arms in State Supreme Courts. Article from the Temple Law Review, by Dave Kopel, Clayton Cramer, and Scott Hattrup, examines state court decisions in Colorado, Oregon, Ohio which upheld bans on so-called "assault weapons." Be patient with the download; this is a large article containing 370 endnotes.
American History
America's Fascination with Firearms. The rigors of the country's frontier led to the proliferation of firearms and a deeply ingrained pro-gun culture. The World & I magazine, Oct. 2003.
A Collaborative Effort. Book review of: The Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson and America’s First Military Victory, by Robert V. Remini. Chronicles magazine, July 2000.
Guns of Our Freedom: Celebrate Independence Day with a few rounds. National Review Online. July 1, 2000.
Thomas Jefferson Forever. Dave Kopel's article in Chronicles celebrates the great Founder, and examines his statements about arms in a free society. The web version is a very nice reprint on a site featuring statements by the Founders about civil liberty.
Philosophy (See also the articles on Ancient Greece, Rome, and China, below)
God, Man, and Tyrants. John of Salisbury and the Bestselling Book of the Twelfth Century. Liberty. May 2004.
Self-Defense: Rights and Coerced Risk-acceptance. Philosophy Professor Samuel Wheeler examines the morality of self-defense.
Arms as Insurance. University of Connecticut Philosophy Professor explores the ethical case for owning firearms as insurance against unjust attack.
Bodin, Becarria, and Bastiat. Diverse views on arms and the use of force in society from important philosophers: a French absolutist, the Italian father of criminology, and a French liberal. In Italian.
Foreign Gun Control and Foreign History
In their own words: Does anything need to be done to control transfers to (and misuse of weapons by) non-state actors? Short Kopel essay in a collection of several. Small Arms and Human Security Bulletin, June 2004, page 6. PDF format.
"Global Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates." 8 Texas Review of Law and Politics 114 (2003). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. PDF.
"Guns for 'Non-State Actors': Tools to Prevent Genocide," Brown Journal of World Affairs (Winter/Spring 2003, vol. IX, no. 2). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. PDF format.
"Self-Defense: The Equalizer." 15 Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 92 (No. 4, Winter 2000). Survey of gun control polices and results in Japan, Britain, Canada, and Australia. With Linda Gorman. PDF version, article begins on p. 92.
Lethal Laws. Book review by Kopel in the New York Journal of International and Comparative Laws. Discusses book showing the connection between gun prohibition and genocide.
New York Law School Symposium. Kopel's symposium lecture on lessons from gun control in other nations.
Up in Flames. Mali's gun show. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Disarming Uganda. International gun-control nonsense. National Review Online. Dec. 11, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Ripe for Genocide. Zimbabwe. National Review Online. Feb. 13, 2001. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
South African Stupidity. Disarming the citizenry is not the answer. National Review Online. Oct. 11, 2000.With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Ancient Greece and Rome
Arms and the Greeks. Dave Kopel's article in Liberty magazine explains what Plato and Aristotle thought about arms control.
The Founders' Reading of Ancient History. Feb. 2000, Chronicles, pp. 47-48.
Asia/Pacific (not including Japan)
Lions vs. Tigers. The precarious state of Sri Lanka. National Review Online. Mar. 3, 2004. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
China Tallies Our Rights Record. The U.S. and guns, according to them. National Review Online. Feb. 25, 2002.
Birth of a Nation. What East Timor and the U.S. have in common. And what they don’t. National Review Online. Mar. 12, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Little Island that Roared. The story of Bougainville, and gun prohibition. National Review Online. Feb. 6, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Arms in the Celestial Kingdom. Dave Kopel investigates what Confucius had to say about bearing arms. From Liberty magazine.
Solomon Says. The madness of civilian disarmament in the South Pacific. National Review Online. Nov. 27, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Who Needs Guns? Lessons from Down Under. Chronicles, Oct. 2003. Gun confiscation in Australia. PDF file.
Disaster Up North. Gun-control laws run amuck, with a billion dollar cost overrun in the gun registry. National Review Online. Dec. 12, 2002. With Gary Mauser.
Canadian Gun Control. From the 1991 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal.
Civil Disobedience in Canada. National Review Online. Aug. 2, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen. .
How Firearms Registration Works. It doesn't, in Canada. National Review Online. Dec. 7, 2000. With Gary Mauser.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Gun Storage Laws. As demonstrated in Canada and Great Britain, such laws are used to make home defense impossible.
Eastern Europe
When Policy Kills. More deadly U.N. issues. The Srebrenica massacre and the U.N.'s disarmament policies. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
As Goes Moldova... Threats to civil liberty, including gun registration. With Dennis Polhill. National Review Online. Sept. 11, 2000.
Communist Gun Control. By David B. Kopel. Gun control in Rumania and the rest of the Warsaw Pact.
Hitler’s Control. The gun control lessons of Nazi history. National Review Online. May 22, 2003. With Richard Griffiths.
Great Britain
The British Gun Closet. Slowly, the country is learning the hard way. National Review Online. May 14, 2003.
Malcolm in the Middle. Falling victim to bogus critics. National Review Online. Sept. 16, 2002. Has Joyce Malcolm's research on the history of English gun rights been "discredited."
Mad Cows, Madder Government. National Review Online. June 12, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen.
It Isn't About Duck Hunting: The British Origins of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Dave Kopel's in-depth review of Joyce Malcolm's book To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right. Originally published in the Michigan Law Review.
Lost Battles, Lost Rights. How the British lost their right to arms in the twentieth century, by imposing one "reasonable" law on another, until the right was extinguished.
All the Way Down the Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessons for Civil Liberties in America. By Dave Kopel & Joseph Olson. From the Hamline Law Review. 1999.
Fear in Britain. They have no guns — so they have a lot of crime. National Review Online. July 18, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Hungary Hungarian Weapons Law of May 2004. English translation and explanation, plus Hungarian text.
A Rich Tradition. Jewish war lessons. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2002.
Getting with It. Italians move toward protecting self-defense. National Review Online. May 7, 2002. With Carlo Stagnaro.
Gianni, Get Your Gun. The surprising emergence of gun rights in Italy. Chronicles. Dec. 2001. With Carlo Stagnaro.
Jamaica Farewell. The consequences of gun prohibition. National Review Online. Sept. 10, 2001. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen.
Jamaican War Zone. An island of intoxicative beauty? Try again, mon. With Dr. Paul Gallant, & Dr. Joanne Eisen. National Review Online. Oct. 30, 2000
Japanese Gun Control. 1993 Asia-Pacific Law Review.
Gun Control and People Control in Japan. By Richard Griffiths. The Yoshi Hattori shooting, and Japan's efforts to impose gun prohibition on the United States.
An Open Letter to the People of Japan (gun prohibition). Liberty, May 2000. By Dave Kopel.
Japan: Gun Control and People Control. The American Rifleman. Dec. 1988.
New Zealand
A Moriori Lesson. A brief history of pacifism. National Review Online. Apr. 11, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Swiss Mess: Homeland defense, the wrong way. Gun control forces attempt to exploit the September murder. National Review Online. Oct. 30, 2001. With Stephen Halbrook & Carlo Stagnaro.
Book review of Target Switzerland. The American Enterprise magazine.
The Swiss and Their Guns. By Dave Kopel and Stephen D'Andrilli. American Rifleman, Feb. 1990. (Entered in full into the Congressional Record by N.H. Rep. Dick Bass.)
Stephen Halbrook, author of the book Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II, writes a letter to the editor of the New York Times Book Review, defending democratic Switzerland and its citizen militia, and their anti-Nazi policies during World War II. Read Stephen Halbrook's lecture which he delivers at bookstore signings.
United Nations (Note also, many individual countries stories have a U.N. component.)
The UN Small Arms Conference, 23 SAIS Review 319 (Winter/Spring 2003, Issue 1).
When Policy Kills. More deadly U.N. issues. The Srebrenica massacre and the U.N.'s disarmament policies. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2003. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
U.N. Out of North America. National Review Online. Aug. 9, 2001. Part five of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
U.N. Gives Tyranny a Hand. National Review Online. Aug. 6, 2001. Part four of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Bypassing U.S. Voters. National Review Online. Aug. 3, 2001. Part three of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Gunning Against Guns. Transparency at the United Nations. National Review Online. Aug. 1, 2001. Part two of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Score One for Bush. A U.N. conference concludes without too much permanent damage. National Review Online. July 30, 2001. Part one of the five-part series on the UN and Guns.
Other Firearms Topics
Don’t Mess with (Armed) Texans. The real lesson of the Alamo. National Review Online. April 8, 2004.
Editorial Board for Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law (ABC/Clio: 2002).
Targeting Liberties. Montgomery County Police Chief Moose bungled the sniper case while recklessly abusing civil liberty. Chronicles, July 2003. With Paul Blackman. PDF of pre-publication galleys.
Getting Guns. Dave Kopel debates Michael Beard (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence) on the National Public Radio program Justice Talking. You can listen to the one-hour debate in Real Audio.
Gun Control & Gun Rights: A Reader & Guide. The first college and graduate textbook on gun law and policy. Published by New York University Press.
Day-Dream Believers. What if the government had to obey gun control laws? National Review Online. July 30, 2002.
Political Science. The National Academy of Sciences gears up for an anti-gun study. National Review Online. Aug. 29, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
Empty-Barrel Gun Policies. A legacy of nonsense from Clinton, Blair, and the Left. National Review Online. Jan. 22, 2001.
Packing the Peace. Don't Underestimate the Deterrent Effect of an Armed Population.. (with Linda Gorman.) National Review Online, June 14, 2000.
Some Frequently Overlooked Facts in Gun Policy Discussions. By Linda Gorman. Short paper showing that guns in the right hands enhance public safety, and gun control fails to disarm gun misusers.
Does Gun Control Work? Transcript of Kopel's appearance on the Ben Wattenberg's "Think Tank" program on PBS.
Criminal Advantage. By Linda Gorman. Op-ed details how gun crime has risen and fallen, regardless of U.S. gun control laws.
Hold Your Fire: Gun Control Won't Stop Rising Violence. From Policy Review, Winter 1993.
The Ideology of Guns and Gun Control in the United States. From the Quarterly Journal of Ideology. Article by Kopel examining the ideologies (as opposed to the practicalities) behind gun ownership and gun control advocacy in the U.S.
Trust the People: The Case Against Gun Control. Cato Institute, July 11, 1988, Policy Analysis no. 109 (monograph). Reprinted in 3 Journal on Firearms and Public Policy 77 (1990).
Rowan Case and the Need to Bear Arms. Wall Street Journal. June 24, 1988.
U.S., Colorado, Montana, and Local Gun Laws
Foreword to Gun Laws of Montana (2003).
Limited Preemption of Firearms Laws: A Good Step for Civil Rights." Independence Institute Issue Backgrounder. Mar. 11, 2003.
How Strict are U.S., Colorado, and Local Gun Control Laws? By Dave Kopel. Issue Paper details how pervasive and severe existing gun control laws already are. The paper details the 20 weapons law violations perpetrated by Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and their gun suppliers. The Paper also examines current laws regarding gun shows, and explains that there is no "loophole" in current laws regarding gun shows.
Preempting local anti-gun laws. Issue Backgrounder.
To Temper Brady Act, Gun Devotees Should Nationalize, Refine It. Human Events. Jan. 1995. Suggestions for Congressional reform of gun laws.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews: A Nation of Cowards and The Origin of the Second Amendment. Ideas on Liberty, Mar. 2002.
Second Amendment Ammo. Recommended reading. Reason magazine, Dec. 2000. Kopel reviews More Guns, Less Crime; Guns: Who Should Have Them?; and The Matchlock Gun (an award-winning children's book).
Book review of Armed: New Perspectives on Gun Control. By Gary Kleck & Don Kates. National Review Weekend. Jan. 11, 2001.
$100 Billion Mistake. Loose factoids sink books. Review of Gun Violence: The Real Costs By Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig (Oxford University Press, 242 pages, $25). NRO Weekend, Aug. 25-26, 2001. With Paul Blackman.
Shaky Aim. Book review of Shots in the Dark: The Policy, Politics, and Symbolism of Gun Control, by William J. Vizzard. National Review Online, weekend edition. Nov. 3-4, 2001. With Paul Blackman.
Book review of Target Switzerland. The American Enterprise magazine.
It Isn't About Duck Hunting: The British Origins of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Dave Kopel's in-depth review of Joyce Malcolm's book To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right. Originally published in the Michigan Law Review.
Check the Footnotes. Skip Bellesiles. Read Halbrook. NRO Weekend, January 13-14, 2001. With Clayton Cramer. Book review of Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876, by Stephen P. Halbrook (Praeger, 1998, 248 pp., $57.75).
Disarming Errors. Book review of Michael Bellesiles' "Arming America." National Review, print edition. Oct. 9, 2000. With Clayton Cramer.
Ballistic "Fingerprinting"
Not So Fast. Ballistic fingerprinting. National Review Online. Oct. 23, 2002. With Paul H. Blackman.
Erasing a Clinton Legacy. Rolling back antigun regs. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2004. New law protects privacy rights of law-abiding gun owners.
Ballistic Imaging: Not Ready for Prime Time. National Center for Policy Analysis. Policy backgrounder. April 30, 2003. With Sterling Burnett.
"When Must the Government Disclose Gun Owners' Names and Addresses?" Preview of U.S. Supreme Court case Department of the Treasury v. City of Chicago. American Bar Association Preview of Supreme Court Cases, March 2003, pp. 289-93.
Tapped Out. Setting the record straight, and moving on. National Review Online. Feb. 5, 2003. The weblog for "The American Prospect" is willfully oblivious to BATF abuses and to good manners.
Tracing Data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms: An
Occasionally Useful Law Enforcement Tool, but a Poor Research Tool,
Criminal Justice Policy
Review 44 (Mar 2000). With Paul Blackman.
Clueless: The Misuse of BATF Firearms Tracing Data. From the Law Review of Michigan State University Detroit College of Law.
Lawmaking at the BATF. How the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms invents new gun law, by abuse of administrative authority.
Do Federal Gun Traces Accurately Reflect Street Crime? Small Fraction of Guns Selected for National Trace may not be Typical of Ordinary Crime Guns. 1993. By Kopel.
Comment on Cook & Ludwig, "Guns and Burglary," in Evaluating Gun Policy: Effects on Crime and Violence (Brookings Institution, 2003). Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, editors.
Guns, and Burglars, 43 Arizona
Law Review 345 (2001). Symposium issue.
The Madness of Gun Buybacks. National Review Online, May 15, 2000.
Gun Rationing/"One gun a month"
Eating Away at the Fabric of Freedom. Gun rationing laws lay the foundation for a total firearms ban. America's First Freedom, July 2003.
Gun Shows
Gun show Gun registration is not the answer. Charleston Gazette. Nov. 10, 2002.
Gun Games. Truth is a casualty of the anti-gun cause. The Americans for Gun Safety radio ads against gun shows. National Review Online. May 21, 2002.
Should Gun Shows Be Outlawed? McCain Bill Does Much More than Impose Background Checks. Independence Institute, Issue Paper no. 1-2002. With Alan Korwin.
Defending Gun Shows. The groups attack gun shows are out to destroy the Second Amendment. Mar. 15, 2001. National Review Online. With Paul Gallant and Joanne Eisen.
McCain Is a No Show on Guns. The Arizona senator's questionable commitment to Second Amendment rights. National Review Online. Oct. 16, 2000.
Gun Control Bill Defeated For Wrong Reasons. By William Ruefle and J. Mitchell Miller. Discusses gun shows.
Gun Shows Under Attack. The phony claims against shows put forth by the gun prohibition lobbies. And the plans to outlaw privacy for firearms owners. The American Guardian, January 1999.
Junk Legislation. By Linda Gorman.
Erasing a Clinton Legacy. Rolling back antigun regs. National Review Online. Jan. 27, 2004. New law protects privacy rights of law-abiding gun owners.
Terrorism and Guns. Ashcroft’s "coddling" of gun owners. National Review Online. December 17, 2001. With Glenn Harlan Reynolds.
Instant Check, Permanent Record. National Review Online. Aug. 10, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Public Health/Medicine/Psychology
This One’s a General. Richard Carmona, hero. National Review Online. Aug. 14, 2002. With Dr. Timothy Wheeler.
Right of Refusal: If your doctor starts pestering you about guns, you have several options. National Review Online. July 5, 2001. With Dr. Timothy Wheeler.
No Choice. “Weapons-effect” paralysis. National Review Online. Apr. 17, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
The Fallacy of '43 to 1". The all-time favorite statistic of the gun-prohibition lobby. National Review Online. Jan. 31, 2001.
Living in Fear. "Community" fear as a basis for gun restrictions. National Review Online. Jan. 17, 2001. With Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen.
The "Psychic Cost" of Holiday Gift Giving. Do gun owners inflict psychic harm on their neighbors?
Registration of Guns and Gun Owners
Eating Away at the Fabric of Freedom. Gun rationing laws lay the foundation for a total firearms ban. America's First Freedom, July 2003.
Disaster Up North. Gun-control laws run amuck, with a billion dollar cost overrun in the gun registry. National Review Online. Dec. 12, 2002. With Gary Mauser.
Gun show Gun registration is not the answer. Charleston Gazette. Nov. 10, 2002.
Civil Disobedience in Canada. National Review Online. Aug. 2, 2000. With Drs. Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
How Firearms Registration Works. It doesn't, in Canada. National Review Online. Dec. 7, 2000. With Gary Mauser.
See also National Instant Check System; BATFE and BATFE Traces.
God, Man, and Tyrants. John of Salisbury and the Bestselling Book of the Twelfth Century. Liberty. May 2004.
A Rich Tradition. Jewish war lessons. National Review Online. Dec. 5, 2002.
Does God Believe in Gun Control? David Kopel's analysis of Biblical texts and other religious authorities about arms and defense of the innocent.
Waiting Periods
Gun Foes Should Tell the Whole Story. Op-ed discussing the phony claims that a waiting period would have stopped John Hinckley. 1991.
Why Wait to Buy a Gun?. What's wrong with the Brady Bill. Sept. 1988.
Testimony on the Brady Bill. U.S. Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Aug. 2, 1988. PDF.
Her Own Bodyguard. Gun-packing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. National Review Online. Jan. 24, 2002. With Paul Gallant & Joanne Eisen.
Jennifer Mamich: Book review of Gun Women: Firearms and Feminism in America. National Review Online, Oct. 7-9, 2000.
You Can't Beat an (Armed) Woman. By Paxton Quigley & David Kopel. Guns as defensive tools for battered women.
Tammy Zywicki and Sarah Brady. Richard Griffiths discusses a woman's right to self-defense.
Politics and Activism
Unarmed for the Election. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't know the basics of California gun laws. National Review Online. Sept. 30, 2003.
Second Wins and Losses. How the Second Amendment made out. National Review Online. Nov. 6, 2002.
A Second Amendment Voting Guide. Journey through the states and offices. National Review Online. Nov. 4, 2002.
The Second Amendment Score. How America voted on guns. National Review Online. Nov. 8, 2000.
Second Amendment Cheat Sheet II. More competitive races for pro-gun Americans to watch. National Review Online. Nov. 4, 2000.
Second Amendment Cheat Sheet. The most competitive races for pro-gun Americans to watch. National Review Online. Nov. 3, 2000.
Gore Screws on the Silencer. Al goes mum on guns to avoid a Dukakis-like blunder. National Review Online. Aug. 29, 2000.
The Gore Gun Agenda. Al's ultimate objective would be to abolish all firearms privacy. National Review Online., May 5, 2000. Discussion of the secret report of the White House Working Group.
The Gun Issue in the 1988 Presidential Election. How Dukakis's gun prohibition stand turned what could have been a close race into a landslide.
Anti-gun Groups
Demon’s in the Details. Dems try to put together a new gun strategy, but wind up in the same place — falsely demonizing gun owners. National Review Online. July 24, 2001.
Not Quite a Million Moms. National Review Online. May 15, 2001.
Bigoted Moms Tempered. National Review Online. May 11, 2001.
Gunning for Hysteria. The long-term objectives of the anti-gun lobbies. National Review Online. Feb 23, 2001.
The Million Mom March. Much Less than Advertised. National Review Online, May, 12, 2000.
The Diane Rehm Show. Kopel interviewed on National Public Radio, just before the "Million" Mom March. May 11, 1999. RealAudio format.
Pro-rights Groups
The Hero of Gettysburg. Winfield Scott Hancock shot straight. National Review Online. July 2, 2004. With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen. Biography of the 8th President of the National Rifle Association.
Misfiring at Harlon Carter. National Review Online. Aug. 14, 2000.
Scoundrel Time is Back. A response to the false charge that Larry Pratt, President of Gun Owners of America, is a racist. Denver Post 1996.
Good Riddance George. Paul Danish and David Kopel bid farewell to George Bush as an NRA member. May 1995.
Gunning for the Leadership. Frist and Lott gun rights records compared. National Review Online. Dec. 20, 2002.
Gun Control: Separating Fact from Myth. Dave Kopel and Gary Kleck speak at the Independent Institute, in Oakland. Nov. 15, 2000. Transcript. Note: The Independent Institute (in Oakland) is totally separate from the Independence Institute (in Colorado) where Dave works.
Citibank Goes PC. But then relents when it finds that being against the Second Amendment is bad business. National Review Online. Sept. 20, 2000. With Dave Gowan.
The Independence Institute's exposed Denver Mayor Wellington Webb's 1991 campaign promise to issue handgun carry permits, and his attempt to obtain NRA election support. Read Wellington Webb's pro-NRA, pro-handgun-carrying letter yourself. (This requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free.)
Things You Can Do to Defend Your Guns Rights. (Electronic Edition). Alan Gottlieb and Dave Kopel. Book. Entire book in one file, or each chapter available as a separate file.
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