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August 10, 2004

Larry Has Lost It!

I would not normally direct my readers to the web site of a Socialist Party member, but Liberal Larry has left me in stitches from his latest rant. Go read it here. It's a classic!

Launched by cryptomaniac at 12:46 PM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (2) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Humor/Satire | Liberalism | Military

Kerry Snubs Jayhawks

I first heard this on Limbaugh's show yesterday and found it hilarious...

The Kerry campaign on its "Harry Truman" train tour, snubbed thousands of supporters in Lawrence, KS Saturday morning.

Lawrence, Kansas (Home of the Kansas Jayhawks) is a typical liberal college town. Residents had been told that the train carrying Senators Kerry and Edwards would either stop or slow down to crawl as it passed through town so that Kerry can greet his supporters there. Therefore, college students, professors, and other liberals turned up in the thousands for the opportunity to greet the candidates. Instead, the train sped on through town.

What happened?

The Kerry campaign is blaming the train conductor for the miscommunication.

Excuse me. I have to make a point here. Who is the client on the train? John Kerry. There is no telling how much his campaign payed AMTRAK to rent that train. Therefore, I would think that if he told the conductor to stop the train, the train would indeed stop! Who is the customer here?

Here is the truth...

The Kerry campaign had not planned any official stops in Kansas, a solidly Republican state where President Bush won a 21-point victory in 2000.

The Democrats have already written off Kansas and had no intention of stopping the train in Lawrence or anywhere else in Kansas in the first place.

Will the lies ever end?

Launched by cryptomaniac at 10:16 AM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Decision 2004 | Liberal Liars | Liberalism

al Sadr's Days Numbered

Grand Ayatollah Al Sistani had to go to London over the weekend for treatment of a heart condition.

In his absence, it appears the Iraqi government has unleashed the dogs to get rid of Moqtada al Sadr who has done nothing but cause trouble during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

Now the U.S military is urging residents of certain parts of Najaf to leave the area over safety concerns.

Finally, the offensive I have been waiting for. Time get get rid of the rats in barn. Mr. al Sadr get ready for your virgins in paradise. However, you will be sorely disappointed when you find out the truth in a matter of days maybe hours.

BTW...Where has Al Zarqawi been since a group of Iraqis have vowed to hunt him down and kill him?

He sure has been keeping a low profile lately.

Launched by cryptomaniac at 05:26 AM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under International Affairs | Iraq | Military | Terrorism

Kerry's Delusions

So John Kerry has a questionable war record. (Which could be cleared up by his campaign releasing his military files.) Can't take a stand on an issue. Uses botox. Has a witch for a wife. Could there be anything else that questions his ability to serve as president?

Why yes! His sanity!

The man is delusional according to the LA TIMES.

Kerry in recent appearances and interviews has been intensifying his effort to spotlight what he sees as the Bush administration's mistakes in Iraq — especially the failure to broaden international involvement — as a fundamental difference between the two candidates. But Kerry's proposals depend on changing the minds of foreign leaders who do not want to defy their electorates by sending forces into what many consider to be a U.S.-made mess.

"I understand why John Kerry is making proposals of this kind, but there is a lack of realism in them," Menzies Campbell, a British lawmaker who is a spokesman on defense issues for the Liberal Democratic Party, said in a typical comment.

What was that? Britain doesn't count because they already have troops in Iraq?
Oh. Kerry promised to bring France, Germany, and Russia on board because we don't have a real coalition without them. Ok.

Well, let's see what they have to say...

The French and German governments have made clear that sending troops is out of the question.

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Andrei Denisov, ruled out a commitment of troops. "We are not going to send anybody there, and that's all there is to say," Denisov said.

John Kerry has been going around saying that he will broaden the international coalition in Iraq. He has even hinted that these allies bystanders have given him assurances they will cooperate if he wins in November.

What a bunch of BS (Barbara Streisand)!

As stated here in this blog before, France and Germany have visions of being the new Superpowers through the European Union. To gain this status the stature of the United States and NATO must diminish. These two "allies" are working on their own agenda. Therefore, they will do nothing to help us combat terrorism.

Folks. Sometimes we have to go it alone. That is what bravery and courage are all about. However, go it alone we will and we will win!

Need I say more?

Note: Free registration required to view LA Times article.

August 09, 2004

Swift Boat Wars

So the war is on between John Kerry's "Band of Brothers" and the men at Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth.

While running away from his Senate record, John Kerry has decided to make his Vietnam War experience the centerpiece for his White House bid. Therefore, all of the questions being raised about his service, in my opinion, are valid ones that need to be answered.

Did John Kerry get Purple Hearts for flesh wounds?
Was at least one of those wounds self inflicted? (Unintentionally or otherwise)
Did he shoot an unarmed enemy combatant in the back?
Did he in fact embelish the events surrounding his Bronze Star?

If the answers to these questions are yes, then I have met him before. He was at Ft. Ord during the mid 1980s. The soldier who went to sick call most mornings to get out of running PT (physical training). The "soldier" who was on constant "light duty" assignments because his little toe hurt. He was the slacker that gave soldiers a bad name.

If the answers to the above questions are no, the Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth owe Mr. Kerry a profound apology for their actions.

Based on Mr. Kerry's Senate record and his actions immediately after the Vietnam War, I tend to side with the above Swift Boat Vets.

However, these questions can be easily be answered in Senator Kerry's military records. To date, he has refused to release these records to the media and public. Why? Does he have something to hide?

Kerry's campaign keeps bungling the issue. Now they are seeking legal action against the Swift Boat vets.

Attention Kerry Campaign: Instead of suing, release the records!

BTW..Capt. Ed has posted a letter from the Swift Boat Vets to the media outlets running their ad. A must read!

Launched by cryptomaniac at 09:43 AM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (1) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Decision 2004 | Military

R.I.P. Red Adair

The news has just crossed the wires that one of my child hood heroes Paul "Red" Adair has passed away at the age of 89.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with that name. Red Adair was a pioneer in the oil well firefighting field. He practically invented the technique of using explosives to smother fires. Almost all of today's experts in the field learned the craft from him.

He once said...

"I've done made a deal with the devil," Adair said, according to AP.

"He said he's going to give me an air-conditioned place when I go down there, if I go there, so I won't put all the fires out."

Yup. He may not be successful, but he would have a good time trying.

As a boy growing up in and around the petroleum industry, I used to watch his exploits with great fascination and amazement. He took on the impossible jobs. He was always the last resort because oil companies cringed at his fees. However, when he took a job, you could bet the fire was going out.

This amazed me and I wanted to be just like him. I still remember the time my buddy and I tried to snuff out a burning match with a firecracker. It worked!

Red Adair symbolized the great things of this country. A man from humble beginnings who "invented" his own job and made a fortune doing what he loved.
There are literally thousands of people on this planet who owe their lives to Paul "Red" Adair.

Not bad for a high school drop out.

I certainly wish to offer my prayers and support to the family of this Texas legend and icon.

Launched by cryptomaniac at 03:10 AM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Americana | General | Personal

August 08, 2004

Sunday Funny

A friend of mine emailed this to me yesterday. I just thought I would pass it along.

I don't think there is anything I can add to that.

Launched by cryptomaniac at 12:02 PM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Decision 2004 | Humor/Satire

August 07, 2004

Al Jazeera Booted

Apparently, the interim Iraqi government is fed up with Al Jazeera television...

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq (news - web sites)'s interim government ordered Qatar-based Al Jazeera satellite television network to close its Baghdad office for one month on Saturday, a move criticized as unjustifiable by the channel.

I guess Iraq has had enough of Al Jazeera's facist supporting journalism. However, the Arab TV network says the suspension is unjustified...

"It's regrettable and we believe it's not justifiable," Al Jazeera spokesman Jihad Ballout said. "This latest decision runs contrary to all the promises made by Iraqi authorities concerning freedom of expression and freedom of the press."

Kind of ironic isn't it? A news organization that serves as a mouthpiece of the facists citing freedom of the press concerns. Especially considering that if the facists win, freedom of the press would be the first item disposed of.

Launched by cryptomaniac at 09:29 PM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (0)
Filed Under Iraq

Democrats Lose Another

Republicans 9
Democrats 2

Another Democrat has made the switch to the Grand Old Party. In an announce ment yesterday, Rep. Rodney Alexander D R-LA said he would be more effective as a Republican in Congress rather than a Democrat.

However, it is his timing that has the loonies on the left so riled up...

Friday afternoon, the last day of qualifying for the Nov. 2 ballot, he made his switch, leaving Democrats no time to enter a strong candidate in the race.

Yep, the Democrats have no time to find a replacement candidate to run against him. Mr. Alexander had stated as recently as March of this year that he intended to remain a Democrat. Consequently, the Dems are furious and have already started their shrill rhetoric with labels such as "coward".

On the contrary, Mr. Alexander is extremely brave making this decision. He is not running unopposed for re-election. Louisiana has an open primary system and there a 3 others wanting to send him to the unemployment line.

Since the Republicans took control of Congress in 1995, there have been 9 Congressional Democrats that have made the switch to the GOP. Consequently, only 2 Republicans have "gone over the hill" to the Democrats.

The Democrats think they are winning the hearts and minds of America?

Keep dreaming liberals, keep dreaming.

Launched by cryptomaniac at 11:31 AM | Grid Coordinates | Target Feedback (0) | Return Volleys (1)
Filed Under Congress
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