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Twisted Spinster

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Like Crazed Moonies

Filed under: The Good Fight — Andrea Harris @ 11:38 pm

This is just a link for those of you who weren’t already sent to Varifrank’s Grand Unified Theory Of Vietnam by Glenn Reynolds. Hey, I’m late to the party. At least I read it! You should too. Maybe it’s been said before by others; well, it needs to be said over and over again.

Oh yeah – and you should save these pdf (and one html page of images) files asap. Kerry didn’t want this book he wrote to be republished, so I can only imagine what will happen if he gets wind of its internet appearance.

You’re white, you dance like an enemy

Filed under: Freaks 'n' Hairies — Andrea Harris @ 11:22 pm

Oh god this is so typical – the freako left really does believe that Republicans are terrified of things like dancing. Hello. LiberalPinkoCommieFreeloveHippyFr3akz. Footloose was only a movie. And it starred Kevin Bacon as a Quiet Riot fan who could dance like John Travolta. We are not talking a lot of Real World™ content here. You guys really need to get another meme.

(Via Jeff Jarvis.)

Update on my life, the Farce

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 11:00 pm

Well, I’m in a holding pattern right now. The managers at the new* apartment are waiting to hear from the appraiser and the contractor so they can give me a time frame; on the upside, the thought of losing me seems to make them frantic, so I don’t think this will be a case of “Nyah nyah, thought you’d get what you wanted for once! Hah hah!” The manager at my current apartment is willing to let me stay as long as I pay the heightened month-to-month rent – which will at least be prorated to however long I am here (I am hoping it will be no more than a couple of weeks).

Anyway, I am possibly stuck here (and getting up before dawn and the bus rides and so on) for maybe one extra day, maybe two extra weeks – I’ll know more Friday. Which I just remembered is the day I said I would go bowling with people from work for some charity thing. After work. Why do I do these things to myself?

At least it will give me a few more days to talk about how I need to pack pack. Then again I could find out that they can fix the drywall damage in jig time and I’ll be able to move in on schedule. Blah blah blah.

On to more interesting things. It looks like a couple of bloggers are taking vacations or hiati or whatever they are. Michele has apparently decided to pull stakes and move her camp to Blogspot, though whether this is temporary or permanent only time will tell. Mr. Charles Austin is also taking a break, which may or may not be permanent. Oh well – just for that, I’ll redesign his site! With an all-pink Barbie motif! Bwahaahahahaaa! (Just kidding. You know I would never do that. Trust me. You can trust me… hey! Get back here!)

I see I have reached babble stage. Well, it’s been that kind of week. I just have no thoughts in my head left. But don’t worry (or maybe, worry); I am not about to bug out of here. If I kept these thoughts inside my brain unexpressed you’d soon find bits of skull all over Central Florida. I think, though, I may redesign this site. It looks too busy or something; I am in the mood for simple.

*By “new” I mean, of course, new to me – the place itself was built in the Seventies and has the awful mansard roofs to prove it. Why am I haunted by the Seventies? Why, God, why?


My Life, the Farce, continued

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 3:39 pm

Well, it looks like my moving into the new place might be delayed, as there was a tad more damage to the place than they thought. The roofer may have goofed and let water in, is the theory. They are waiting for an insurance appraiser to take a look at the building; in the meantime I am waiting to hear from my current management on whether or not I can stay a few extra days (and how much will this cost me. At least they haven’t leased the place yet.

This will give me more time to pack. Yeah.


Hell is now closed

Filed under: The Briefing Room — Andrea Harris @ 9:58 pm

Oh yeah and update – since I am in a benign mood I hereby promote Windhorse dude from Troll to civilized opposition, or reasoned opponent, or whatever it is. Help me out here people, I’m drunk and working on about four hours of sleep.


Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 9:40 pm

Jebus. What a day. For some reason in the midst of doing the laundry and heating up some instant macaroni with a can of tuna fish (my gourmet dinner) I got this nervous attack and started dropping things – tuna cans, spoons, the phone – all over the place. Reaction, maybe. Despite the fact that I hate getting up before dawn to take a two-hour bus trip to work every morning I hate taking an unplanned absense from work and I am sure that my boss hates me even though she sounded sympathetic when I called work and told her all about the soggy carpet and the guy cutting holes in my drywall (well, not “mine” technically, thank god I don’t own this place, the manager must have gone facedesk when the maintenance man told her what was going on), so…

Anyway, I put the washer and dryer back into position, that is such fun. This time I ductaped (duct-taped?) the dryer vent hose – you know, one of those expandable aluminum jobs from Home Depot – to the back of the dryer. I don’t know why I hadn’t done that before. Der. I don’t know how it had been hooked up at the previous place I lived, the Sears man did mysterious things in the utility room and when I moved my (as it turns out) totally piece-of-shit ex was the one who dismantled everything when he helped me move. So – the maintenance guy says he thinks maybe what needs to be done to hook the dryer vent up properly is to take off the whole back of the dryer but that’s why God invented duct tape thank you.

Anyway, my undies are drying. I moved my furniture all around so the entire cormer is bare of all things, and hopefully it will dry out. I may or may not call Stanley Steemer to come and do a rug wash – I have this morbid fear of looking like a typical apartment slob when I leave a place which is why last year I spent two hours mopping and dusting the place I was vacating to avoid getting evicted.

Anyway, I am calmer now, thanks to Gallo’s grocery store Merlot. :twisted:

Strengthening The Good: The Gulf Coast Community Foundation Of Venice Hurricane Charley Disaster Relief Fund

Filed under: The Briefing Room — Andrea Harris @ 5:36 pm

Check it out. Charley didn’t do all that much damage to my immediate area, but the southwest Florida coast, as we all know, wasn’t so lucky.

Update: BarCode King lives in the area. Scroll down for accounts of how things are going in his neck of the woods.

Knock on the pipes if you ain’t gonna show

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 2:39 pm

My Life, the Saga, continued:

Miracle of miracles, the magic word “emergency” got results. One of the apartment maintenance guys came over, and I showed him the soggy carpet in the corner and the paint that was beginning to bubble and stain, and then I showed him all the water from the outside storage room and the puddle under the dryer. Well, to make a long story short, he had to pull out the dryer and the washer and disconnect both, and then saw through the drywall. After making several large holes he figured it out: it was nothing to do with my appliances or my hot water pipes; it was the resident on the other side who had something wrong with the valves on their washing-machine water hookup. So now I am waiting for the patio and storage place to dry out. He had to leave the holes in the drywall though (they are in the storage place outside, not inside the apartment) so he didn’t hook the dryer back up. He did hook the washing machine up so I can still wash, but I’ll have to tote the clothes over to the apartment laundry room to dry them until I get around to re-hooking that back up.

I’m tired. I need coffee. And then I need to find a carpet-cleaning company that won’t charge me up the yin-yang. The maintenance guy told me all they have is a shop vac that can’t soak up water from carpet. This cheap cream-colored thing is filthy anyway.

Also: I just got a second shipment of books from Regnery Publishing. Cool, I didn’t expect them to send me more books. So I now have six books to read and review. Stay tuned for that, though that may take a while. I also have some other things I am working on in the spare few “free” minutes I have in my life these days.

Update: oh yeah, I forgot – the maintenance guy told me that the dripping in the airconditioner was not abnormal, it just meant the coils were overdue for cleaning. No duh. I’m going to have to remember to go get another filter (as I mentioned before the one I just put in there about two weeks ago – well, maybe it was three weeks ago – is really nasty already).

More of a custodian

Filed under: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil — Andrea Harris @ 11:06 am

I may just start collecting Republican artists like other people collect rare wines.

(Via Ann Althouse.)


Filed under: Bitchslaps — Andrea Harris @ 8:59 am

Chortle. Want to see a troll totally lose it? Read the comments to this post (the one titled “Janet Jackon in Abu Ghraib"). Pure comedy gold.


Filed under: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil — Andrea Harris @ 12:23 am

James Lileks stabs the Seventies with a steely knife:

It’s dead. Leave it be. It is a vast graveyard with shag instead of grass, its corpses wrapped in smooth Qiana shrouds, a Pinto for a hearse. Let it go. Move on.

Avocado green shag.


Eighties math

Filed under: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik — Andrea Harris @ 11:40 pm

Ian McCulloch had a handful of this. He had a handful of that. What did he do with it?

Whatever it was, it made the Church see real reptiles.

My Weekend

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 10:05 pm

Well, I ended up doing a lot more socializing than I intended too (had a friend pick me up, we went to her house, watched a movie – I finally got to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, now to see number three – and then my friend got sick enough so she didn’t feel well enough to drive so I stayed overnight, and so on) so I haven’t been hanging on my computer like some sort of internet vampire. So I haven’t had a chance to thank everyone who has donated to the Pathetic Bleggy Blogathon to Help Me Out. What can I say… everything is definitely helping. It’s 19 days and counting to M-Day – that is, Moving the Hell Out of Here Day – and not a moment too soon. Because let me tell you:

I have had a dripping sound in my air conditioner – it’s central air – behind the filter for at least six months now. I have told the apartment management people about once every two weeks, give or take a week, ever since I first noticed it. They have promised each time to send someone, but no one has ever come. Since I am never home (owing to the endless hellbus rides to and from work) except late at night, early in the morning, and on weekends, and no one apparently will come out on a weekend, I have even given them permission to enter my apartment when I am not there. But Mr. Drippy still drips, and this evening I discovered that now water is visible inside whatever the hell you call that place behind the filter and the grill that covers the coils and things. And the filter, which I changed just a couple of weeks ago, is already filthy.

That’s not all. My friend was here doing her laundry (she’s the one I’m giving the washing machine to) and we noticed there was water all over the patio. I thought it had rained and flooded (in this state it can rain in one neighborhood and be bone dry one block away). Then she discovered that the carpet next to the wall that separated the outside storage place where the washing machine, dryer, and the apartment’s hot water heater are all located was soaking wet and obviously had been for at least the whole day if not longer. (I haven’t been home since before noon yesterday. I could swear it wasn’t wet there then. The legs to the end table that was there were wet on the bottom but they weren’t swelled up – they are wood – or extensively water-danaged and there was no mold growth. Yet.) I had noticed some water, and mold – which may have destroyed some old video tapes from the 80s that I had in a cardboard box there – in that same place a few months ago and thought that somehow water was leaking from the washing machine and getting in under the wall. I had cleaned up the rug and it had dried, and no more water seemed to come from either the washing machine or anything else.

Anyway, we ended up pulling out the washing machine, and ascertained that owing to the lack of rust, the dryness of all connections to the water pipes, and the location of the pooling water – under the dryer, which was next to the apartment wall and underneath the hot water heater – that the water must be coming from the water pipe leading from the hot water heater into the wall. I can only think that that is so because a) I had not used the washing machine all week and b) I do take hot showers every day. But – I wasn’t home last night, so something is leaking worse. Oh joy. So I am going to stay home and pester the office until they at least get someone over there. I want it on the record that I alerted them. I know they are already probably going to keep part of my deductable to replace the goddamn cheap cream-colored carpet (that is impossible to clean anyway) because the cat threw up on it during the hurricane. So I am expecting that. But busted hot water pipes in the walls are not my fault and god knows what sort of mold and crap I and my cat have been breathing in all this time, no wonder my sinuses are fubared all the time. Grr. Ain’t life grand? :evil:

What do you say when you’ve got nothing to say?

Filed under: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil — Andrea Harris @ 3:28 pm

The Reverend Donald Sensing has just requested that Kerry supporters write on why they are choosing Kerry based on his own qualifications for the job, not simply because “he’s not Bush.” As of the time of this post, the comments from the Kerry supporters can be broken down into “this is a ploy by Rethuglicans and by the way Anyone But Bush!” You know, it would be really funny if Kerry got voted in and he ran an administration basically undistinguishable from Bush’s but was praised for it because now that we have a first lady with an accent like ZsaZsa Gabor’s that means we can sit at the grownup’s table with France.


News organ accused of exploiting suffering people for fame and power

Filed under: Bitchslaps — Andrea Harris @ 10:48 pm

It happens to be true, unlike the claim in the headline to this article.

Hell must be full

Filed under: Bitchslaps — Andrea Harris @ 9:19 pm

…Because the Undead are rising from their graves, and like all zombies, they are looking for brains to replace the ones that have long since putrified and leaked from their ears. The Monroeville Mall to this current crop of ambulatory corpses are the issues that the leftoliberopinkoprogressoclamsauce contingent just can’t keep fondling and waving about. Such as: did you know that in the long, long ago, Donald Rumsfeld was actually in the same room with Saddam Hussein? And that he was actually more cordial to the up-and-coming dictator than he is to the current gaggle of journalists?


Just slip out the back, Jack

Filed under: The Good Fight — Andrea Harris @ 8:52 pm

James Hudnall has 11 reasons to leave Kerry in the dust. Sample:

1. Kerry was an anti-war protester.

I would no more want an anti-war protester to run our military than to let Michael Jackson run a boy’s orphanage.

Oh please do read on.

(Via Kim Du Toit.)


Filed under: The Good Fight — Andrea Harris @ 6:31 am

The World Trade Center is being rebuilt. I didn’t realize they’d already started.

(Via Jeff Jarvis.)


A brief note

Filed under: Me Me Me — Andrea Harris @ 9:07 pm

I am too exhausted to post tonight – I think I’ll be going to bed soon – but I just wanted to say thank you! to all you wonderful people who have donated. I think I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and it’s not an oncoming train. :D

Reading list

Filed under: Frodo lives!, The Briefing Room — Andrea Harris @ 11:57 am

Hey there – not much time to post today, so read a couple of gems by my new favorite writer, Doug Kern, aka “Obscure Legal Guy.” They are: “A New Screwtape Letter Emerges” and “Why Lord of the Rings Will - and Must - Be Remade.”

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