September 30, 2004
Give Thanks to a Soldier
A friend's brother, James Richards, will be shipping out to Iraq with the 116th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the Idaho National Guard at the end of the year, ultimate destination being Kirkuk. My friend had asked if I perhaps wished to leave a positive message of support and thanks on his "thank you page" and I of course will do so, but also thought readers from this website would like to do so as well. To do this go here and then fill out the short form. I'd appreciate, and I'm sure he would as well, that it be free of cynical political thought from either side. Whether you support the war or not any gentleman willing to place his life on the line for his country, and you is worthy of our respect and love. If you don't want to sign up there due to the sign-up process leave the message in comments and I'll pass it along. Let's send this guy off with a big hurrah, and make sure he knows we appreciate him.
September 27, 2004
September 25, 2004
Just a Rant
Thinking about signing up for cable today for the new apartment, so decided to give a call. I couldn't believe the cost. Comcast standard cable is $43.00 plus and that doesn't include the set-up fee of $27.00. I use to have Satellite TV, but that is no longer an option where I live. Anybody know why the prices are so high? I may just get the Basic cable package for $11.88, but that only comes with local tv, and a few extras. Very disappointing.
On top of that I now also cannot get DSL where I live, and Broadband Cable would be ludicrous. They want around $50 a month for it. A poor college kid never gets a break! In any case by the time I get my degrees (Bachelor through Doctorate in history) and pay off all my loans I should be able to afford these. By then they'll be replaced though by something newer and greater. Anyone else think stuff like cable, and broadband are too expensive?
Must-Have Software!
Hmm, have to put the tip jar out soon to buy this. You know how much Microsoft products are...
Kudos to Jeff Miller
September 23, 2004
Christian Carnival is Online
The Christian Carnival XXXVI is up at Neophyte Pundit. Great job! Next week the Christian Carnival visits Intolerant Elle.
Woe, Woe Woe: Iraqis Are NOT Better Off?
Doomsayers beware: Iraqis Interim President has destroyed your arguments:
Allawi's two-day visit comes as troop casualties and civilian kidnappings in Iraq have increased, large parts of the country have come under the control of insurgents and doubts have surfaced at the United Nations that democratic elections can be held in January as planned.
"We Iraqis know that Americans have made and continue to make enormous sacrifices to liberate Iraq, to assure Iraq's freedom," Allawi said. "I have come here to thank you and to promise you that your sacrifices are not in vain."
OK, bring in those saying Karl Rove forced him to say this...
September 22, 2004
Where the Teachers Send Their Kids
Here's something to think about when considering education options for your child (public, private or home school):
Nationwide, public school teachers are almost twice as likely as other parents to choose private schools for their own children, the study by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found. More than 1 in 5 public school teachers said their children attend private schools.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
Lite Blogging
As you probably noticed blogging has been lite as of late. A few reasons:
- I've been sick. Sinuses, and such have kept me with a headache and an overall feeling of ugh. No other way to say it.
- I've been moving. My last post on the Rathergate was Instalaunched (thanks Glenn) and since I pounded it out, and went back to work only giving it a cursory look the grammar was bad. Very bad. A shocker to most who read this site: I'm a grammar nazi, and regularly grade papers for my wife and aunt. My big problem: I am horrible at doing my own proofreading. No idea why, but I'm being cautious on posting any that I don't have time to look over.
- The Wheeling area was flooded on Friday, and work was stressful. We've been swamped at the hotel with relief personnel and such. I'm usually exhausted when I get home.
I'm hoping to be back to regular blogging soon.
September 21, 2004
Twighlight Zone Meets Terry McAullife
This is not from the Onion:
Will Ed Gillespie or the White House admit today what they know about Mr. Stones relationship with these forged documents? Will they unequivocally rule out Mr. Stones involvement? Or for that matter, others with a known history of dirty tricks, such as Karl Rove or Ralph Reed?
Wow. Goodbye accountability, we barely knew thee...
September 18, 2004
I'm Tired of Fakes
Hmm. The Parlock matter is an interesting one, to say the least. I'll say that I really don't know what to think. In any case I really think the father was wrong on one count: why take a three-year old into a situation like this. I have protested Kerry before, and we did so in an area at the site, but removed from the supporters. They have a right to be there, as do we. I never once thought to try to get inside to cause a scene. Now Parlock does have a right to do so, and whether I agree or not is something entirely removed from the issue of taking a three year old into this enviroment. If the IUPAT guy was not known to the Parlock family he was wrong to tear the sign out of either persons hands. If the IUPAT guy was Parlock's son then Parlock was extremely wrong.
Why? Because it's in the same line as trying to fake documents to pin Bush to the wall. If you have to fake something to get your point across then that point is not strong enough to make on its own and does not deserve the airing of the argument.
The fact of the matter is the we have a good enough look at the guy's face to do away with thisrightnow today. Let's get this over with now.
Now, any left-winger want to say the same about RatherGate?
September 17, 2004
Who is the Three-Year Old?
Major Update 2:
Looks like the IUPAT is taking care of the matter. I'm standing behind Parlock. I think if he had tried to stage this it would have easily been found out and the son identified by many in the community. Parlock seems to be a very visible member of the community, having ran 4 times for the Board of Education. I've been thinking it over, and I think after he has had trouble a few times before at rallies, having been roughed up, he would think twice before taking a 3 or even 12 year year old child to a rally like this. That does not excuse the person who tore the sign away from the little girl. Here is the statement:
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades believes in the fundamental right for civil discourse, freedom of speech and activism to support our candidates and issues.
What happened in Huntington, West Virginia yesterday is an affront to everything we, as a union, pride ourselves to represent. We extend our apologies to the Parlock family, especially Sophia, for the distress one of our overzealous members caused them.
I have personally taken steps to address this issue internally, and will take immediate disciplinary action to the full extent allowed under U.S. Department of Labor regulations and the constitution of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.
It is my hope that this incident reminds all of our members that every last citizen in this country has the right to express his or herself freely. Not one single one of us has the right to tell them otherwise.
General President James A. Williams
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
From comments:
I'll have to admit that a few things bother me about this angle. How did he get the little girl to cry on command if the brother pulled the poster out of her hand. Sure, keep her out of the loop, but she'd be yellingat him by name or such. Just rattling off here, but I can't wait to see what the guy says on Glenn Beck's show.
Yes, you read that right. Phil and Sophia were standing waiting for Kerry to land at the airport holding a Bush-Cheney 2004 sign. Yes, three-year old Sophia was holding the sign. How did the compassionate Kerry supporters react? One of them ripped it out of the little girl's hands. The effect is above. Notice the union guy smiling on the left, and the woman in utter shock behind them.
**UPDATE** The union guy smiling is the one who took the sign. Notice that he has a piece of the sign in his hand.
Another pic:
» Slant Point links with: Lefty Bloggers' Kobe Bryant Defense
September 16, 2004
Blogger Pro Football Pick em
Reminder: Four teams signed up thus far so join now before this weekend's games. The rules are simple: each week pick who is going to win the games. More you get the better, of course!
To join go here and join group ID # 46883 and the password is paradox.
Good luck! Up to 50 can join.
More proof Dan Rather Has Lost Touch
Looks like he NEVER received the memo:
Too late Dan, that story is already out in the open.
Is it possible they placed a feeler out there to get the idea into people's minds that Bush tried to sugarcoat the record, and then wait for others to back up the story? Just a thought...
September 15, 2004
Christian Carnival
Christian Carnival is up at Rebecca Writes, so go check it out. Next week is Neophyte Pundit's turn.
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Christian Carnival is Online
• Pieter Friedrich: Big surprise...the Iraqi puppet president has posi [entry]
• Louise Claypole: But why the hell would you care?! It is his life, [entry]
• Jeff: I have an insane cable bill every month. The cabl [entry]
• Pat in NC: Ask the cable company if they offer student rates, [entry]
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