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TB [userpic]
Free IPOD...
Help me get a FREE IPOD

Guys you know you love me. So click the link above, help me get a free IPOD and get yourself one while you are at it :)

I only need 5 referrals. I did it for [info]danielspice so hey guys help me out and do it for me!

I hate spam usually but this is a pretty good offer. A 300 dollar ipod for the cost of a few minutes of answering some questions for offers you don't have to take advantage of and doing one offer (I chose Infone).

*smooch* to anyone who helps me out with this :) And hopefully within the next month, since I will be moving and all and I'd like to get the thing BEFORE then. Heh.

I'll stop spamming LJ now, I promise. *g*

Wheeeeeeeee! :)

It is so weird seeing Richard Schiff without his trademark Toby beard. Heh.
I'm feeling: hopeful hopeful
I'm enjoying: Forces of Nature

TB [userpic]
Double *squee!*
So I have two things to *squee* about. Remember how I said that I was waiting to see "Firewalker", Brad's XF ep? Well guess what I am watching? *bounce!* he looks all scrummy and yet he is still delicious. *snicker* I really have it bad don't I?

Second thing is while trawling for more LJ icons, I found out that the lovely Miss [info]smut_queen who made my J/D theme, took and UPDATED the theme! So there is a version 2 and it is so much better! The pics fit the moods better PLUS there is a gratuitous Josh arms shot for the mood HOT, taken from when they were playing bball in the opening of "The Crackpots and These Women". You know, I could die a happy little fangirl right now.

Other than that I once again have two flies. They're hanging out near my kitchen light and clock over the sink. I'm deliberately keeping lights off in the living room to keep em away. These things are friggin huge. Maybe they are horsefly houseflies. I just wish I knew WHERE they were coming from. They're more annoying then anything.

I'm still jumping whenever I hear a sound. I think critters are rustling. I do not like this at all. Meh.

But yay for the ep and yay for the mood theme. SO far I have seen only glimpses of my boy. And most of the time he's covered in fire and muck. And then the rest of the ep he has a full beard. Weird seeing him like that. But who cares, he's Brad, he's still gorgeous *g*

I love watching these early XF eps. Even back in Season 2 you could see the obvious love and connection between Mulder and Scully. I mean eps like One Breath which was just on where he's crying and then praying and stuff. It's just so there. Funny how Season 2 always seems to be my favorite of my shows. My favorite season of Buffy was Season 2. My favorite season of XF was Season 2 (it was the Oncology season I believe). Or maybe that was Season 3. My favorite season of West Wing is Season 2. *snicker* So yeah back then you could see the obvious M/S love. It's so much like Josh and Donna, it's damn freaky.

Ok Trepkos just showed up. He's covered in muck but dude, the ARMS! The ARMS are there :) Oh yeah I can live with that. And you can see the pecs thru the tank top. Really this guy is in insane shape for being in his 40s. *grrrrrrrrrrrowl*

We need more gratuitous Josh arm and chest shots on West Wing again. But of course with the shooting they'd have to work with the scar so who knows how that would work. Meh. I just wanna see those arms again. *drool*

Scary how much Trepkos and Mulder are alike really. Listening to Trepkos' tape I bet Mulder was going, "damn I see shades of myself in him." Cept of course Mulder isn't bipolar. But well we do know he went crazy one season. Heh.

Back to my icon trawling. I just wanted to share my findings. *squee*

I'll use the HOT mood so you can worship Brad's arms with me. *snicker*, Really now, look at that bicep! *wibble* *THUD*

ETA: I found an ARMS icon. It's from [info]smut_queen. She is my HEROINE. Oh my.
I'm feeling: see, he's RIPPED! see, he's RIPPED!
I'm enjoying: X-Files-Firewalker

TB [userpic]
I have died and gone to Brad heaven...


Oh and he may be writing and directing an ep of WW this season! Woohoo! Maybe we will FINALLY get some J/D action. Since he is a J/D shipper. Really though the photos from Red Corner that [info]skywaterblue posted are hilarious when paired with her commentary. *snicker* And she made icons from my alltime fave ER ep, Love's Labour Lost, Brad's ep. I'm in Brad heaven.


middle aged sex machine indeed. *snicker*

ETA: *guh* *THUD!*

Good God, that man is ripped! Can I just say that Jane is a VERY lucky woman. *wibble* I love this community.

I'm watching ITSOTG. I'm about to start bawling. My poor Joshy. *sob*
I'm feeling: giddy giddy
I'm enjoying: Charmed

TB [userpic]
Who da man?
I saw this one coming...

:: Which West Wing Josh Episode are you? ::

Considering it's one of my favorite Josh/Donna eps and a crucial Josh/Donna moment in their history. A real turn of events, so to speak.

"I'm just saying if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer."
"If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights."

:: Which West Wing Josh Episode are you? ::

This one would be me also. Cuz Sweet Josh is really just too much, eh?

"I can’t keep this. I think it’s a white flag of surrender. I want to be a comfort to my friends in tragedy. And I want to be able to celebrate with them in triumph. And for all the times in between, I just want to be able to look them in the eye. Leo, it’s not for me. I want to be with my friends, my family, and these women.">

I think my eyes teared up when he gave that speech.

*snicker* I need more Josh and West Wing quizzes :)

I'm reading season six spoilers. Oh my. I really just wanna know what happened to Donna after Memorial Day. And where it will lead between her and Josh. I'm a junkie, I am. *snicker*

Oh and I could really kill Josh right about now. How dare he kiss Amy again! No, no, no! They better not be getting back together. I mean really I know he was trying to shut her up and stuff but NOOOOOOO! That CANNOT happen. Damnit.

I'm not a happy camper. Josh Lyman is an idiot sometimes. I reckon Donna would agree with me.
I'm feeling: amused amused
I'm enjoying: West Wing-Jefferson Lives

TB [userpic]
I swear to Josh if one more thing breaks I'm gonna have a fit.

Everything right now seems to be breaking. A few weeks ago I broke my phone. My cell phone still needs to be repaired. As does my digital camera. I am still not making full use of my laptop until I order a new battery. And now the final piece, my computer chair broke! I have no idea what happened but a screw is missing and I have already fallen off the chair once. Oy vey.

It's a metaphor for my life. Parts of it are broken or bruised and they need mending. Tis one of the reasons I am moving. I need a fresh start.

Anyways. I have more to update on, apparently I am having bug issues from bee stings to scary cockroaches. That and work weirdness. Ah it's all the same old thing. Mrf.

I have a silly story. I am seriously afraid of any kind of bug but cockroaches REALLY terrify me. Well a few nights ago one appeared in my bathroom. I ignored it and ran outta there as quick as I could and sat down to read some Josh/Donna fic to take my mind off the thing. Well I left the door open and that was a mistake. I heard rustling bout a half hour later, the damn little bugger got into my living room! So I was jumping up on the now broken chair, my couch, my table, everything and screaming my head off. Finally round 6 am he crawled on the broken phone on my end table and I lost it. I grabbed my other phone and called my Mother. I was shaking so much because I was terrified I mean the antennae and the thing was as large as my pinky. She couldn't calm me down and I was so afraid of killing it. Finally it jumped down near the chair and I dropped my trash can on its head and left it there and slept in my bedroom. Well here's the funny part. I was supposed to check and see if it was dead when I came home from work but me being the scaredy cat I am called my best friend Char to come check for me and if not kill the bugger. So after much cajoling and promises of the taffy I had bought her, she came, she saw, she kicked its ass. And saved me from myself. Heh. So yeah I really am terrifed of bugs. I have enuf trouble killing spiders but this roach took the cake and I had to have her come save me. My hero. LOL. Oh and apparently on Friday I was working Owl Foto and this bee stung me! He came outta the closet, went under my skirt and right in the upper calf. I was in pain so I left for CFA and had to have it taken care of. Damn thing. I knew when I saw it a few hours before it was gonna end up making me its victim. Damnit. Ah well. It hurt but I survived. Good thing I am NOT allergic.

As for work weirdness, well I am still picking up shifts. Finally got the mess with the DR.'s note straightened out. I'm back on the schedule starting next week, all Fantasyland. Joy. Oh well it's Once Upon A Time at least. So I have been pulling shifts in Owl Foto, Pooh Corner, and Westward Ho which I love. And having fun at work again. Also had one yesterday and one today in Once and I had some fun. I had some great guest experiences with these two little girls. It's stuff like that I love and will miss about the job. But my biggest concern is with the problems back of house with scheduling, CFA, and transitional work. I just cannot deal with their lack of competency. Finally got my record clear and the points straightened out but I jumped thru hoops to get it done. Gah, I am so sick of that. So look for me to be leaving the company mid Sept. at the latest. Which means this week I need to update my resume and start a search for a temp agency.

But I'm smiling. I'm smiling more than I have in months. With my wrist problems being pretty much solved, a huge weight has been lifted and most of my depression went with it. I got off lucky. My friend Josune may have to have surgery. Poor dear.

Saw my Dad this week and saw Char as well. Weds. Char and I went to dinner at Johnny Rockets and then watched Princess Diaries Part 2. It was very good. We had much fun :) Then Dad and I did Cheesecake Factory Thurs nite and I had some fun shopping afterwards on my own *g*

Still haven't gotten back into the graphics groove, waiting till I have a fully functioning laptop for that. Heh.

Been watching the Olympics. It's been good so far though I did fall asleep an hour ago and miss that Mens 200M Freestyle Final I wanted to see. I hope they reshow it later. I have only been getting 3-4 hours a sleep a nite. Not good.

Anyways that's what new in the world of me. Not really much. Just making preparations for my upcoming move and changes and getting very very excited about em :)

Oh and many many many *huggles* to my dear LauraBear who is recovering from her broken ankle. You poor dear. Rest well, I will hopefully see you in October! :)

Oh I'm teetering precariously on this damn chair. Mrf.
I'm feeling: aggravated aggravated
I'm enjoying: Olympics

TB [userpic]
It's hip to be 100x100
So I've seen these lovelies popping up in places, I made one of my own...

I will go and do this individually but in case I don't get to, this is for all of my friends who make icons or run icon communities or who snag my icons :)

Hope you guys like it, I made it kinda quickly. Heh.

I have two challenges to close *g*

Happy Icon Appreciation Makers' Day everyone! :)

And thanks to [info]lavellebelle for starting "the movement" :)

Oh and GIP, new icon I made for the [info]original_icons challenge going on :) Picture courtesy of Scott Aitken photography :) www.ScottPix.com.

ETA: I had to make this post public. In case anyone wanted to say hey or anything. I mean if they like my work that is *g* Heh.
I'm feeling: creative creative
I'm enjoying: Saved By The Bell

TB [userpic]
Ok icons changed. You can now see the new ones here. Only the two Adam animated icons [info]kithgirl made me survived the Adam cut. Now I love all the Adam icons people made me, even one lovely one by [info]kibarika I didn't get to show off, but I really felt I needed a change. I adore Adam but even I am getting sick of my icons. Time to show off some pretties I have found on LJ. But anyways I did want to show off two icons I made with the doll maker a few weeks ago. Forgot where I made them, maybe [info]alyfan can refresh my memory of where that doll maker is. Anyways, here they are...

This one is me in my Purple Butterfly Fairy Princess costume from the Menzies Ball. Look, I even have a TeddiBear :)

This is my "naughty or nice" icon. It's me as an Angelic Mermaid with Devil Horns. I'm weevilly innocent. *snicker*

So whatcha think? *g*
I'm feeling: creative creative
I'm enjoying: Chicken Run

TB [userpic]
This will be...
The last non friends only post. From now on you need to be logged in to read my LJ. And if you don't keep me on your friends list cuz I post too much then I'm not gonna keep you on mine. I have gotten to the point where I have to now protect my thoughts. So I am. I'm being a hypocrite cuz i said I would never do this but I'm now scared of what could become of it not being protected. Last nite was just a small example.

So if you wanna read anything, log in from now on.

I need to get ready for work, I didn't sleep well at all and I just woke up from a nap.

Too much stress.

On at Star Trader 2:15-9:15PM today. Come say hi!

I'm sorry it's come to this, I really am. Grrrr.
I'm feeling: groggy groggy
I'm enjoying: CR-Burgundy

TB [userpic]
Reposted for the sake of my sanity...
Update: I see the confusion. Jeff this is just for you and I hope you read this...

"The fuck anyone who is gonna fuck me over" in that post was not for you. It was directed at my fellow CMs who felt the need to complain about me when I was just trying to help them. NOT YOU. So don't take it outta context. It was also directed at my friend Andy who seems to always embarrass me in front of my leads. But not at you. I'm sorry if you took it that way. So please I never said you fucked me over. It wasn't directed at you. It was directed at others who have been treating me this way for years. People who I believe to be my friends who just seem to be there when convenient. And I'm not including you guys in that group. These are people I have known alot longer than you. SO PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT SO PERSONAL!

I hope that clears things up. I see the confusion now.

I hate it when people take what I say outta context and don't EVEN ASK ME about it!!! Arrrrgh.

I really should just stop talking altogether. Stop writing. It would make things so much simpler.

There I go again. Stopping now. Need to finish getting ready to go have some fun. Much needed fun. And Adam hugs.

Just wish I wasn't so cold.

I hope tonite is fun.
I'm feeling: cold cold
I'm enjoying: X-Men

TB [userpic]
Home again, home again...
and here I am. I worked Emporium today, Toys n Books. Then I broke New Century Timepieces and Jewelry. Found a watch and a doll I want. *g* So that was fun. Then I went and traded a bit (though I shouldn't since I'm in costume, but eh whatcha gonna do?) Oh and I spent more money on lip glosses! These are all Disney, Minnie Girl and Daisy Power swirled, two Aurora and a Cinderella lip balms, like a strawberry, a grape and I dunno what other flavor and an Aurora and Cinderella swirled. They look good. :) Also got a license plate frame which is pink and has all the princesses and says "I'm Looking For Prince Charming." *snicker* So yes me spending money, bad idea. Also got my railroad pins (new series) :) Then I went to scheduling and got my schedule and then my costumes and now I'm home. All changed, need to do makeup, purse, etc. and skedoodle. :)

Oh and [info]tamz1976 my package came! Thank you hon! That was so sweet! I love it!

She sent me three NYC Lip Balms, one Watermelon Roll On and two Lip Smoothies, one Strawberry, One Mixed Berry and a Naturistics Lip Treat in Peaches and Cream. Yummy! :)

So now I need to finish getting ready for the show. :)

Oh I did think of one other thing that made last nite suck. I almost poked my eye out on the hat writer. Leaned down to get a hat and the sharp point nearly missed my eye. I was lucky. They need to put something on top of those writers. So dangerous!
I'm feeling: good good
I'm enjoying: Someone Like You

TB [userpic]
Yeah Yeah I'm up...
And I just showered and I'm ready to go. Needed the shower, refreshed me lots. Shoulda taken it last nite but I was just too tired to move.

So I am on at Emporium from 10:30AM-6PM. Normal shift for once. Then I will come back here, change, and pack and leave about 9:00 or so. I'm not going to HOB, I never got a call from Matt. Oh well less chance of me running into him anyways.

Off I skedoodle to work. Must get there early enuf to get Lilo and Stitch tickets. And I'm a gone!

Happy Saturday all.

Update: Matt just emailed me and said the list is full. And Deborah said I can't stay she has someone over. So Mom, I'm crashing there! :)

And Now I'm GONE!
I'm feeling: refreshed refreshed
I'm enjoying: All 4 One-I Can Love You Like That

TB [userpic]
Must go poofusy...
Ok so I have been awake since 3 and reading email. I had 40! Hehe. So now I need to change in to my costume and then poofus cuz I'm on at 5:45pm and I'm likely to hit traffic.

5:45-2AM in MS Mad Hatter. Come say hi :) I just hope Andy doesn't come by tonite and be obnoxious. Though it's Friday nite so I am sure both Char and Andy will be by to pin trade.

Anyways must go get in costume. Can't be late and I have a feeling I will hit traffic. I'll have to shower when I come home. Then I can collapse into my couch cuz I have to work at 10:30AM tomorrow so I can go to the CR show. At least one of them.

Ok gone now. Later gators. Happy friday!

Oh and yeah does this moron really think his claim is gonna fly? *shakes head at how stupid some people are*

I'm feeling: sleepy sleepy
I'm enjoying: Righteous Brothers-Unchained Melody

TB [userpic]
I am such a dork...
I thought I had lost my cell phone! I called it and it didn't ring and I just spent the last 20 minutes looking for it! Turns out it seems to like my lip gloss too cuz it was hiding in my DCA lunchbox that I keep my Bonne Belle glosses in! Man I was freaked.

So earlier tonite my internet went out and I had to use Earthlink. It finally came back a little after midnite. Oh and I watched High Fidelity. Fucking awesome movie! I couldn't stop laughing. Cusack is adorable and I didn't realize that Lili Taylor and Catherine Zeta Jones were in it. But it was really good. All about relationships. I love his "top 5" for this and for that. Watched the end of Keeping the Faith beforehand (that movie is so me. I'm Jenna and Jeff is Ben and the idiot let the best thing he'd have go! Ok well I can dream right? *g*) And I watched Summer Catch but I wasn't really paying attn to it. Also watched the end of Ghostbusters waiting for High Fidelity.

Been updating my pin pics collection, traders, and wants. Hehe oh so fun. NOT. So many pins to look at! Gah!

Going to bed soon. Getting sleepy. Now that I have found my phone and all.
I'm feeling: amused amused
I'm enjoying: Fresh Prince of Bel Air

TB [userpic]
I went lip gloss shopping!
Well since I lost my Juice Lip Rush I decided to go back to Target and get another. *snicker*

Well you know the lure of the glosses, so I gave in to temptation and this is what I purchased...

See what lipglosses tempted me this time... )

Hehe to say I'm addicted is an understatement. My wallet really hates me right now. *g*

So that was what I just posted in [info]lipglosswhores. Finally got my butt moving and went to Target. I drove by Quiznos and it was closed so I went to Target and made it in a few minutes to nine before the grill closed. Got two grilled cheese sandwiches and a coke and then went shopping. Got two strawberry lip glosses for the girl who is getting me the mocha jolt :) Also bought the new Strawberry Yogurt Nutri Grain bars, two batteries for my camera (these babies really set me back, 10.49 a piece!) and the makeup. :) Since I need to pay for my COX and MBNA I am gonna take out 80 bucks from my Premier acct and deposit it into my Vista acct so I have for when I debit for food.

So I'm home now. Need to work at 5:45 tomorrow. I did talk to Matt though and he has my number and will call me if there is a spot on the guest list. I called Deb to ask her if she's going as well as Dave. I'm waiting on call backs.

Oh and I got a postcard from [info]danielspice. It's of Granada and he compares it to my hometown! *snicker* Thanks Danny, you're too funny :) Glad you're having fun! Very envious here.

I'm watching ER and Abby just got beat up. That is so not cool. Luka is gonna beat the jerk up. Yay! Haha. I hate woman batterers. So not cool.

Oh and I bought a new Suave Berry Hair Vibe shampoo. Still trying to find one I like. I'll let ya know the results but this stuff smells yummy! :)
I'm feeling: cheerful cheerful
I'm enjoying: ER

TB [userpic]
Ok so the good news is...
I finally got my early shift! Now I am working from 10:30-6pm in Emporium. But the bad news is the TMBG show is sold out. Now I have to wrangle my way in. I emailed Matt to try the street team angle (I only try this when I am really desperate) and I'm working on a few other possibilities. I am hoping Matt comes thru. He came thru last time so I'm really hoping for that one.

I so wanna go to this show! *growls*

So wish me luck guys.

Now that this is said and done I can run my errands. Need to put together two bday gifts and a surprise. Must go get a tape copied.

I'm so slack. Really I am.


Anyways off to get dressed and get my ass outta here.

I'll keep you posted on the show or not. Disney had called me asking if I wanted to come in tonite for a 6th day and I said no. I want my day off. Cuz I have things to do. Then I called back and got the earlier shift. I didn't wanna buy a ticket I couldn't use cuz it was 20 bucks! Now I'm in a real pickle. Arrrrgh.

Just pray for me that Matt comes thru. Thanks.

Off I go!

Update: I may instead go to the Highland Grounds show even if it's Eric and Friends (which isn't CR music) which may mean a nicer meet n greet to be able to hang with Adam. Cuz I don't wanna pay almost 30 dollars So if Matt doesn't come thru, I'll go to that. I am working Sunday at 2:15 but I will figure out my driving and stuff. But maybe I can crash with Deborah or hey [info]aimercat wanna go to the HG show? It's not till 10:30. Lemme know. :)
I'm feeling: hopeful hopeful
I'm enjoying: Corrs-Radio (Unplugged)

TB [userpic]
Work update...
Ok so why am I posting this so late? Cuz Mom was right, I started watching Austin Powers and fell asleep. Before I knew it when I woke up to change and go to the bathroom, Conan was on and it was 3:00 AM. So I'm updating now while I'm awake.

Work wasn't bad. I hated the costume but I liked the shop. In Pioneer there is one hat writing machine and you are the only person. It's a small shop so it's understandable there's only one cashier. And it was a bit slow so I was out guest servicing alot. But it gave me a chance to practice. I didn't MOS one hat! I was very proud of this factor. That and I did three cowboy hats! In that little space :) So it was quite fun actually. I just don't really like one of the managers there. She's real uptight. But anyways. So I got to work (had to take the Jeffrey onramp cuz I was running late) and I made it to my location at the right time but had to tell my lead I needed a locker so I went back to find that. Then Steve the breaker gave me a tour and showed me round and told me stuff I'd need to know. So that was cool. I even got to eat at Westside Diner which has very yummy food. Had roast pork, stuffing, veggies, and mashed potatoes! And that was my lunch! Dinner was grilled cheese at Village Haus where I ran into Christina. So we chatted. So it was a good day even if it was incredibly hot. I did have a fan though so that was good cuz otherwise I woulda been dying. The skirt is dumb though, the one pocket! Annoying! But I did get to wear the coonskin cap and Jessie's cowgirl hat so I liked that. And I like the leads there. I also got two leather keychains made, one for me, one for mom at the leather shop. Cept she spelled my name TeddyBear. But I couldn't have it redone. Was illegal anyways, but she did it :) So yeah that was my day. Worked 11-7:30 and then came home and zonked reading email.

Now I'm up again. Gonna be starting a candle community soon.

Oh and welcome [info]janni518 to my LJ! A fellow Bronzer! Yay!

Also [info]possessivechild and [info]venus_starlet. Hey guys! *waves*

Have fun reading. I post lots just fair warning. :)

Anyways off to read LJs...

I'm awake now. And today is supposed to be errand day. I really wanna go see CR in SD but I so don't wanna drive. Road trip anyone? *g*
I'm feeling: awake awake
I'm enjoying: Savage Garden-I Knew I Loved You

TB [userpic]
B-day galore...
HAPPY BDAY [info]grinnmn!!!

To my first every Devo-TB hope you're having a wonderful bday and that this year if fulled with happiness and all your dreams come true! *smoochlie*

HAPPY BDAY [info]xxdysasterxx!!!

To Spazzy's other half, fellow Adam lover and all around crazy girlie, hope you have the best bday ever! Lotsa Adam inspired wishes for ya! *g* *wuvs*

And since it's Thursday in that part of the world...

HAPPY BDAY [info]ozseaside!!!

To my Aussie sis, I miss you. I had so much fun when you stayed here with me. You're the wackiest of the bunch and always know how to make me laugh and are as sweet as can be! Hope you have the best bday ever and that things are going well. See you next year I hope! Luv ya! *wuvs*

Wow, lotsa bdays. Countdown to mine is like less than 4 months. Damn this year is going by fast.

Work update coming next...
I'm feeling: cheerful cheerful
I'm enjoying: Enrique Iglesias-Hero (mix)

TB [userpic]
I already know...
I'm gonna hate this costume. There is one fucking pocket! Where on Earth am I gonna put my phone/keys? They don't fit in here! I'm gonna have to take my stuff to the locker and stick it in over there. I hope there are lockers at the location. If not I'll put it behind the ones at Thunder.

Stupid costume. Stupid skirt, tighter than the Emporium one.

Anyways enuf grumbling, I didn't sleep much and I need to leave. I'm at Pioneer Mercantile from 11:30AM-7:00PM. First time over there. Joy.

Anyways must go hat write. At least it's an earlier shift. I'll be home at a good hour. Yay.

Oh and I can't find my Juic Lip Gloss. It seems to have disappeared already. Either in Cuong's car or my couch ate it. I'm on the hunt.

Off I go... later gators.

-And gone!
I'm feeling: rushed rushed
I'm enjoying: The Donna Reed Show

TB [userpic]
Ok [info]chi2cali I adore the icon you made for me, but I have a Dude Don't Be A Geek one so I am switching it to this new one [info]pinkquish made me :)

I hope you don't mind. I'm gonna be changing the whole LJ soon.

Thank you [info]pinkquish you made me smile. *smoochlie*

I should be asleep but I'm not. *le sigh* nothing new.
I'm feeling: grateful grateful
I'm enjoying: Threes Company

TB [userpic]
Is it just me...
Or does Lily (Sebastian's Dad's Mistress) look like April (Shonda Farr) from I Was Made To Love You?

I'm going to check IMDB.

Ok I looked it's not her. It's Teresa Hill. She was on Melrose Place and Models Inc. I knew she looked familiar!

Kathryn is Amy Adams (Cousin Beth). Mimi Rogers is Tiffany Merteuil, she was that bitch agent on X-Files! And Robin Dunne (Sebastian Valmont) was AJ Moller on Dawsons Creek (Joey's BF). Keri-Lynn Pratt (Cherie Crayman) was in Drive Me Crazy and Americas Sweethearts! I knew I recognized her. Hmmm...

Love the ending. *g* What a fucked up family.

"The school virgin's home alone with her pussy and I'm taking her to see Dawson. God I've become a total fag." *snicker*
I'm feeling: awake awake
I'm enjoying: Cruel Intentions II

Banter back? Viewing 0 - 20