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User:atypical_gnu (57475) Paid User atypical_gnu
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Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Atypical Gnu (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 102975231 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I don't know about excorcising, but excercising your demons keeps them healthy.


Actually, I'm an asshole.
At least I keep trying to be one, but my intrinsically good nature keeps ruining things.

You can call me Abel.

Memories:34 entries
Interests:145: 40's of pabst, aesop rock, akira kurosawa, aladdin's falafel, aquateen hunger force, army of darkness, at the drive-in, b-movies, baxter, being alone, being crazy go nuts, belle and sebastian, black adder, bouldering, bowling, bruce campbell, bruce lee, bushido, camping, carissa's wierd, cartoons, chai, charcoal, cheap wine, chow yun fat, cinerama, city of lost children, clumber spaniels, conan, crooked smiles, curry, dark crystal, dexter's laboratory, dick dale, discombobulation, drawing, eeyore, evil dead, fight club, fire, fireworks, gamera, getting lost, giant robot, girls with glasses, grassy parks, hiking, hitchcock, ikea, indian food, insomnia, jawbreaker, jets to brazil, kevin smith, kids in the hall, koala jerky, lagwagon, laughing, little debbie snackcakes, little things, long piers, mad scientists, magnetic fields, mallrats, mansplat, maurice sendak, milagros, mixing drinks, mochi, mochi making moon bunnies, modest mouse, mojo jojo, monkeys, mountains, mst3k, neil gaiman, nerds, nutter butter cookies, office space, old school video games, orange juice, papas fritas, pirates, princess mononoke, psycho, pudding, punk music, q-tips, rain, reading, red dwarf, rice, robots, s, sam raimi, samurai, sandboxes, sandman, sarcasm, save ferris, sci-fi, sculpting, sealab 2021, seven samurai, sharp pencils, shel silverstein, sigur ros, simple pleasures, six string samurai, skateboarding badly, sleep, snow, snowboarding, soapstone, space ghost, steve buscemi, stone roses, super-villains, surf music, sushi, swashbuckling, terry gilliam, tetsuo the iron man, the absurd, the avalanches, the godfather, the hippos, the hives, the pixies, the red elvises, the road warrior, the simpsons, the suicide machines, the tick, thrift shops, tim burton, toshiro mifune, toys, twelve monkeys, unwritten law, vodka martinis, walking, wallace and gromit, watching people, weezer. [Modify yours]
People158:agenais, angelred, anneemmall, anotherevan, applexapple, april27, arielanne, arkham_asylum, art_by_adam, asteroidbelt, athena, atypical_gnu, azulskies, b0rked, badbargain, baidy, bakatenshi, barbee, beastule, bizetsy, bjorkdoll, blythe, bostonsteamer, brad, bubbles510, carebearc, carley, caseyplusplus, cerealkillah, chuck, dana, darkkisses, ddelapp, deadtofu, deeterloo, devedander, dieselsweeties, dorkygirl619, dpb, dstep, dystopia, eli, ellenlouise, elsnaibs, emily_o, erik, estherq, esyla, eugenius, evan, faith, fisticuffs, flirtwithdeath, georgelazenby, gerosan, goldfischegirl, gorecore, greetings, haileymac, hardcore, hellarad, herbaliser, holyloki, hotcrab, i_am_in_here, ifthenwhatnow, illuminae, innertiger, isilya, ivoryocean, jaelyte, jameth, jeffr, jenn, jennrh, jlb, joshc, karennature, kaylandawn, kennapea, killcity, kissieshortie, kitanaor, koryn, laraken, lisa, lizzimonster, lucy2point0, lumarie, macguyver, manipu1ation, marcuso, markle, massivehabit, matiessa, meena, melberrry, mikeprincipito, missemkay, mistressamie, mobley, nabinea, nbarkas, nder, nefarious, nemo, niftybitch, nostalgae, nottoneedyou, patrick, pbrane, personaljesus, petit_chou, piccolo, pixelwench, pixiebitch, plural, postmortal, quent, rasik, red_sonja, rockstarbob, rorotheclown, rory, sachikam, sahrie, sarahbliss, seasecret, sgnp, sgnpcomix, shortypoke, shuvani, sidecarsuzie, simulacrum, smushy, snowgddess, softly, souphead, tatoodevil, texel, theda, thespus, thewayoflife, toast, toddv, vaguelovesong, veearr, velvet, verybadlady, wankle, warrend, withtwins, xamichee, xgrrrl009, yiyi, yunicorner, yunicus, zoolthelung
Communities20:ballard, cereal_robots, dantes_crew, dusk_till_dawn, found_objects, futurecity, lj_maintenance, ljdrunks, ljpimps, mspaint, paidmembers, photastic, picturing_food, roofles, seattle, seattleindie, solstice_cafe, stayawakewithme, twinkies, wordoftheday
Friend of:141: angelred, anneemmall, applexapple, arielanne, arkham_asylum, art_by_adam, athena, atypical_gnu, azulskies, b0rked, baidy, bakatenshi, barbee, bassoonlady, beastule, bizetsy, bjorkdoll, bostonsteamer, brad, bubbles510, carebearc, carley, caseyplusplus, cerealkillah, chuck, darkkisses, ddelapp, deadtofu, deeterloo, dieselsweeties, dorkygirl619, dpb, dstep, dystopia, eli, ellenlouise, elsnaibs, emily_o, estherq, esyla, eugenius, evan, evolkanevol, faith, flirtwithdeath, georgelazenby, gerosan, glove, goldfischegirl, haileymac, hank, hardcore, hellarad, herbaliser, holyloki, hotcrab, hybrid1013, ifthenwhatnow, illuminae, innertiger, isilya, ivoryocean, jaelyte, jameth, jeffr, jenn, jennrh, jlb, joshc, karennature, kaylandawn, kennapea, kitanaor, kittykatya, koryn, lucy2point0, lumarie, macguyver, marcuso, markle, massivehabit, matiessa, meena, melberrry, mikeprincipito, missemkay, mobley, nabinea, nbarkas, nder, nefarious, nemo, nostalgae, nottoneedyou, olivetree, patrick, pbrane, personaljesus, petit_chou, pixiebitch, postmortal, quent, rasik, ravengrrl, red_sonja, robbiet1, rorotheclown, rory, sachikam, sahrie, seasecret, sgnp, shellicus, shortypoke, shuvani, sidecarsuzie, skarumtious, smushy, snowgddess, softly, somebodies, souphead, tarryrashwonton, tatoodevil, texel, theda, thespus, thewayoflife, thought1, toast, toddv, uglyvalentine, vaguelovesong, velvet, warrend, withtwins, xamichee, xgrrrl009, yiyi, yunicorner, zoolthelung
Member of:32: angrypirate, assassins, ballard, bedheads, cereal_robots, clothedparts, community_promo, cooking, dantes_crew, doodler, dusk_till_dawn, found_objects, funlist, futurecity, go, issaquah, ljdrunks, ljpimps, mspaint, nakedpatparts, paidmembers, photastic, picturing_food, powerpuffs, roofles, sea_assassins, seattle, seattle_dining, solstice_cafe, stayawakewithme, twinkies, wordoftheday
Account type:Permanent Account

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