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April 29, 2004
Comments Open
Since it seems impossible to keep people from commenting, comments are now open on the post of the IMAO T-Shirt Babe Candidates. I'm even having comments open on this post. Just a reminder, winner won't be posted until Monday. Posted by Frank J. at 06:24 PM
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There's a babe contest? NOOOOO! Next you'll be telling me Kerry was in 'Nam Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 06:29 PMLost control of your people huh? Posted by: jonag on April 29, 2004 06:33 PMjonag -- I'm not exactly a model for famlily life... still a bachelor and still no kids... But I gotta say I found your essay pretty persuasive. It's so Big Picture, and Long View and simply Devious about breeding conservatives!! I love it. Plus it has the added effect of completely pissing off so many liberals over so many generations! Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 06:38 PMWhat did you expect, jonag? We should all have been less witty and babe-ish, and this wouldn't have been a problem. Either that, or Frank shouldn't have offered such cool shirts so we wouldn't care about the results. Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 29, 2004 06:40 PMCool shirt? I'm in it for the big bucks! There are big bucks, aren't there. Posted by: jonag on April 29, 2004 06:51 PMHmmm....Tuff on the judges. Posted by: The Sicilian on April 29, 2004 06:58 PMjonag is tapping into the Roe effect that Taranto talks about on Best of the Web. If liberal families are more likely to have abortions than conservative families, then there will be more conservatives in the future who oppose abortion. Posted by: Merrijane on April 29, 2004 07:14 PMBut then, won't the children of the Conservatives later rebel, and become Liberals? Posted by: Eldarblood on April 29, 2004 07:37 PMI'd just like to say kudos to all the contestants. Looks like this will be a tough decision - my compliments to you all. Also, my vote can be bought. Please post your bribes here. -Doug Eldarblood, no because children nowadays are learning to actually respect their parents/elders and are becoming more conservative than the preceding generation. (Listen to me cuz I know- I'm part of this trend!) krakatoa, no complimenting jonag! Oh damn... ok Dan how much for the 5 pointer? And is this cash... or other things?? Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 07:44 PMOoh, my kind of guy! ;-) Did you see in the other thread about the whipped cream wrestling match? The prospect of that should count as the bribe on behalf of myself and BerkeleyGirl. =) Posted by: BerkeleyChick on April 29, 2004 07:45 PMFine with me! Ok Dan, just name the time and place... ;-) Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 07:47 PMHey BerkeleyGirl, "krakatoa, no complimenting jonag! Oh baby, that was just pillowtalk. (name that movie) Tell you what, I'm unemployed with nothing better to do right now. I'll start looking up info on starting my own blog, and if I manage to get one running, I will dedicate a section to internet stalking! Of course, if the SanFran job comes through, I'll be almost close enough to stalk you for real. Then I could actually post pics! :P Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 07:49 PMOkay, Doug, let's see... Krakatoa, you can go to and get the re-print of the NTM shirt that you wanted. There. Or does steering business your way not count? Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 29, 2004 07:50 PMjonag- :) Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 07:50 PMTeens rebel, but not as often in political ways. From my parent's conservative family of 6 kids, none became liberal. But some did rebel in other ways, though. Posted by: Merrijane on April 29, 2004 07:52 PMAll of the women I mentioned previously are amazingly and stupendously ridiculous. I would give anything for a chance to meet any one of you much less date or be with you. Like I said previously...your significant others are the most lucky men on the planet. Posted by: Dan on April 29, 2004 07:55 PMDamn Dan, how do you not have a girlfriend? Cuz you're sure working it online at least! Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 08:00 PMI'm supposed to be /ridiculous/ to be a babe?!? Is _that_ what I've been doing wrong? Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 29, 2004 08:00 PMBerkeleyGirl, Nony Mouse - you didn't post your picture really - you hide your face and you should never do that. To be honest (in my opinion) it never matters what you look like because someone will always think that you are the most beautiful person that they ever met. You never know ... but never be afraid to show who you are. BG - I'd never deny an offer from you :) Posted by: Dan on April 29, 2004 08:02 PMLol, I guess instead of looking for a boyfriend in Berkeley, I should be looking in the comments section of IMAO! Posted by: BerkeleyChick on April 29, 2004 08:06 PMThey say I'm a good guy Dan Posted by: on April 29, 2004 08:07 PMjonag- =P Of course they're gay, they're all liberals. And yes Carissa, you offer and I would accept. :) Posted by: on April 29, 2004 08:10 PMThe last post was from me, Dan Posted by: on April 29, 2004 08:11 PMIf I had the ability to be a judge, my vote would go for BerkeleyGirl. Of course, since I was in Tel Aviv for three days, there was plenty of hawkish inspiration for a judge entry (yelling obsene things, mainly what sounded like Yob Tvoyu Maht, at suspicious looking Palestinians in semi-communicable Russian - the closest language to Arabic I kind-of know.) But, I didn't want to go to the internet cafe for the obvious reasons (not enough kevlar in the world). Posted by: Masada on April 29, 2004 08:13 PMWell I don't know Dan, you were kissing CCinCali earlier today... =P Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 08:14 PMThanks Masada. :) Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 08:15 PMWell, gee, BerkeleyGirl, I thought there were some cute guys over at Ames when I visited the place, and I'm fairly sure there were a few who were straight /and/ looking. Or do you not go for the plane-crazy types? Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 29, 2004 08:17 PMWow, Frank. This is an impressive crew for a t-shirt contest. Limiting it to just 5 is actually hard... Posted by: John Hawkins on April 29, 2004 08:23 PMWell, the straight AND cute ones up here are just way too rare- so they're basically all taken already. Plus, odds are they're liberal, and I couldn't stand having to constantly bitchslap my significant other... Oh well, I'm young, I have time... Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 29, 2004 08:24 PMBeen with a liberal girl, and then a conservative (well, libertarian) one. My conclusion is that it's definitely worth the extra effort and time to find someone who's not a liberal. Unfortunately, it appears that more women than men are liberals, so you conservative girls should be pretty lucky in the love department. It makes it alot easier for you to find a good man. Sucks for us guys though. *Sigh* At least we have contests like this to let us know that there is some hope out there. Posted by: Jacob the Libertarian on April 29, 2004 08:41 PMThat's right BerkeleyChick.. you can find all your needs right here at IMAO. It's like Walmart and the Dating Game all rolled into one! I think all the potential babes have made some really great entries, and I'm not just saying that. Well ok, I did JUST say it, but I wasn't just saying it to be diplomatic. :P A conservative female is something to be cherished, whether they be hippie-beaters from Cali, mothers of future conservative voters, or even a chick who can't walk safely across a sidewalk to pick up her cat! You all impress the hell out of me. ;) Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 08:46 PMAnd I do so love wonder IMAO is the shiznit! =) Ok, the Berkeley girls are off to our Republican club meeting. Think good thoughts about how sexy we are while we're gone! Posted by: BerkeleyChick on April 29, 2004 08:52 PMAll that and you love Walmart too? All I can say is Wow, you are just about the perfect woman. But as I recall, you aren't rich yet. :( Woe is me. hehehe Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 09:01 PMI dunno, Jacob, love trancends all political boundaries... that is, unless she's a communist *goes off on tangent about how I hate Karl Marx so* and if my memory serves me right, Walmart transends all political boundaries at about 850 feet per second too... or maybe that's .45 acp ammo, I get them confused. Posted by: Masada on April 29, 2004 09:42 PMI decided to go the other direction and offer a critique of the ladies of IMAO. Posted it in the Candidates comments. I feel kindof dirty after posting it...I mean they are all so great... but I was feeling dirty after reading the Berkeley babes stuff anyway so figured before I took a shower, might as well drag 'em all thru the mud with me. :P Posted by: krakatoa on April 29, 2004 10:39 PMDoug, I bake realllly gooood cooookies. What's yer pleasure? ;^) Posted by: A Recovering Liberal on April 29, 2004 11:01 PMLMAO, krakatoa. Excellent critique. And for the record, it's obviously so much easier to have access to your keys and what not if it's in front of you, but they couldn't very well call it a 'pussy pack', now could they? Posted by: Lydia on April 29, 2004 11:13 PMWell, they could, but I imagine that would have hurt sales from the 'family-friendly' portion of the public, and returns due to confusion from a different set. Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 29, 2004 11:17 PMAw shiittte. Wasn't even thinking German/Nazi implication when I chose the photo (from Halloween, was St. Pauly girl), was simply thinking Hot Chick/Alcohol, two visages which tend to impart a sense of happiness better to insure a vote for me. And as for a gun? Hello??? There's two of 'em in that there photo, boys. Lugers. **Wh-pish!!** YOU VILL FOTE FOR ME UND YOU VILL LIKE IT!!! Wow, Berkeley may not be so bad after all. Posted by: 655321 on April 29, 2004 11:37 PMHey, I like the pic, Willow. Reminds me of .... oh yeah, of Oktoberfest, 1990..................................... Huh? Nony mouse.. fanny packs were non-refundable due to distinct French-smelling aromas, most noteably, shit. They weren't called 'pussy packs' due to the association made with being french-like, or having anything to do with pussies. So can we root for our chick of choice? If so, I'm going with BerkeleyGirl. I spent the first 9 yrs. of my life in central CA (San Carlos), so I'm a little partial. And she's hot. :D Posted by: Turkeyhead on April 30, 2004 12:23 AM*Disclaimer* And just so I won't get my rear end beaten, it was a very difficult choice. All of you did a fantastic job. Posted by: Turkeyhead on April 30, 2004 12:26 AMI agree with Nony Mouse -- Frank just has the hottest readers, so interest is huge! Dan, I have no significant other, but since the Berkeley hotties have your attention, I'll turn mine to the judges... um, Doug, I'm currently between jobs, so I can't buy your vote with money, but i did say really nice things about you on my blog. does that count? John, I said nice things about you too, for real. and Frank J, well as always, i love you!! hmm, was that going too far? sorry. Posted by: sarahk on April 30, 2004 12:28 AMA Recovering Liberal deserves bonus points for being a true cookie baking conservative! Two, oven-mitted thumbs up to you! Posted by: miranda on April 30, 2004 12:36 AMOh why not. My take, from top to bottom, grading both the photo and the essay with the photo being worth twice the points, I say: 11 19 20 13 12 1 7 18 10 16 5 9 2 15 17 6 4 3 14 8 The top 8 were very close (4 and 5 actually tied). I'm actually kind of glad I didn't win the contest to judge. Posted by: Nick on April 30, 2004 01:24 AMSarahK, You were somewhere around second for me. Major points for being blonde and using a gun. BerkleyChick (Reva) and Miss Beca have not received nearly enough Kudos. Yes, Ms. Beca, War IS sexy ;). Frank, I'm in the market for a good hold-out/pocket pistol...recommendations? Posted by: Jolly Roger on April 30, 2004 03:37 AMThanks, miranda! I'm whippin' up some chocolate chip and some oatmeal/raisin (my great-grandmother's recipe) this weekend. Want some? Just send me a snail-mail (c: Posted by: A Recovering Liberal on April 30, 2004 04:37 AMCapitalism ends tomorrow. Posted by: XTREME ONE on April 30, 2004 05:39 AMFuck capitalism. I want to see it fall tomorrow. Posted by: Johnny Depp on April 30, 2004 05:40 AMFUCK CAPITALISM. JUST WAIT TILL SATURDAY! Posted by: Carl on April 30, 2004 05:40 AMCapitalism will fall in 24 hours. Posted by: Spanish Mlitant on April 30, 2004 05:41 AMFUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Posted by: Carl on April 30, 2004 05:43 AMTomorrow the left-wing coalition is going to fight capitalism physically. Posted by: Spanish Militant on April 30, 2004 05:44 AMTIME FOR XTREME REVOLUTION! TIME TO GET RID OF THE CANCER. TIME TO GET RID OF CAPITALISM. AND WE'RE STARTING IN BRITAIN AND AMERICA. Posted by: XTREME ONE on April 30, 2004 05:45 AMElise is the babe, ya gotta love a chick that can effectively use the phrase "fucking pussies". oh, wait...there were pictures? Posted by: toothless redneck on April 30, 2004 06:48 AMoh no! the revolution is near! i am frightened! perhaps one of the t-shirt babes can comfort me... Posted by: Greg on April 30, 2004 06:54 AMI can't figure out why more people aren't singing the praises of the absolutely adorable Miranda. Not only is she gorgeous and (to judge by her smile) impish, she also knows how to dress modestly and well. Top Five easy. Tony sent an email to over thrity IMAO members. He informed them that the revolution is near. Brilliant. Posted by: XTREME ONE on April 30, 2004 07:35 AMSorry spelling mistake. I meant thirty members. Posted by: XTREME ONE on April 30, 2004 07:36 AMThe naming and shaming continues. Posted by: Carl on April 30, 2004 07:36 AMTony showed me that email before he sent it to half of IMAO's fans. Absolutely brilliant. Posted by: Johnny Depp on April 30, 2004 07:37 AMI wonder if Frank will even mention the email to thirty-something members of this website. After all this is Frank Jackass - king of propaganda. Posted by: Spanish Militant on April 30, 2004 07:38 AMYES - I Got an e-mail from the limey! Please please PLEASE tell me how your pansy 20 year old ass is gonna kill me? Posted by: Dan on April 30, 2004 08:07 AMThis is what happens when you ask Americans to give (especially when you ask to give for our soldiers), and let's remind people that even though the goal has been met, lets keep giving!!! From “This is a remarkable story of can-do. I think it is also the story of a nation willing to do more than it has been asked by the Bush administration. It is about the need for an Iraqi home front. Goddamnit you limey bastard! Where's my email! I conspire with Zionists and I conspire with Zionists and I never get any Limeygrams. I'm going to go sulk at the firing range with my uzi :( Posted by: Masada on April 30, 2004 08:27 AMI figure the Berkley girl/chick combination should be the winner. With the excess of hippies there they could start a new trend. And really piss off their professors. Posted by: Nate on April 30, 2004 08:39 AMHa! I got a Limey e-mail, and the subject line made it look like spam, so I deleted it. I wonder if I got threatened as well? Posted by: Turkeyhead on April 30, 2004 08:42 AMI did leave out Miranda, sorry but you definitely make the top 5 Also Serenity, great idea pave France, and Miss Becca to round it out, but that is just my opinion Posted by: Nate on April 30, 2004 08:56 AM--Well, I got my email, too. I'm... trying... very... hard... to... control... my... excitement... ... ... TOMORROW!! THEY SAID TOMORROW!!! Please, someone tell me... does it really mean that they will come out of the woodwork and try to physically hurt us??? Dear Lord, think of it!! It will be like rabbit hunting, only you just stand there and wait for the rabbits to charge at you- then you just aim, hold, and squeeze... --Okay... deep breath... of course it is just the stupid, f'ing limey making more stupid f'ing limey noise. --I'll grab some extra ammo, just in case. I can always use it up on my fully poseable Kim Jong Il action target figure. Posted by: Devil Dog on April 30, 2004 09:14 AMSerenity and Miranda - you are gorgeous, and were I a judge, I'd be torn between the two of you. Were I Frank, I'd pick you both... Good luck! Oh, and it's nice to see that XTREME DUM, Johnny Dope, Curl, and the Spinach Militant are (ha, actually that should be "is" since those four are singular) still alive and kickin'. There ya go ladies - for the tie-breaker - let's hear your plans for what to do with this guy (Spinach Militant et al.) It's kind of like the Miss America thing where the girls always blather on about wanting world peace blah blah blah, but YOU actually get the opportunity to say what really needs to be said! Ready, set, GO! Posted by: beo on April 30, 2004 09:23 AMI'd like to string him up by his nose (that sounded painful enough) for putting that crap in my email box where my kids can see it!! Let me at him!! Posted by: jonag on April 30, 2004 09:46 AMThis is not usually something I do, but reading you ladies' comments and flipping back and forth between the pictures is rapidly becoming an obsession, and I certainly want to put in my two cents when commenting on such beauty, intellectual ability, and of course, conservative beliefs. However, since the discussion has been tilting towards a few in particular, let me post some comments on the others (in order of posting) and nominate my "winner:" 1) Willow-what can I say? St. Pauli girl with a smile that melts my heart from a mile away, (and yes, them there's some nice Lugers), 2) Joanna-red hair and dangerous curves ahead-kind of like driving a NASCAR race with Ginger from Gilligan's Island beside ya!, 3) Kelli-ditto the dangerous curves and red hair!...and my oh my, Ole' Miss to boot!, 4) Elise-whoa!!!! cocktail dress (sort of) and humor to boot! What more could a guy ask for? , 5) Mrianda-whoops! red hair again, a Jooooish chick and a passing resemblance to Julia Roberts (yes, I could get around her liberalism). Such a fine combination.....6) Recovering Liberal-hmmm what's wrong with your appearance! Methinks there is devilment cavorting in that smile!, 7)Megan-Red hair, classic looks, and a candidate to spend my money! don't get no better than that...8) Adela-oh my red hair again! red tank top! Heart attack! Mouth to mouth please!!!!!! (and using Usama for target practice too....)9) Lydia-classic Greek name, cute bespectacled blonde, and a veteran! be still my heart..(and at first blush you resemble Meg Ryan...can you mimic the dining room scene from "When Harry Met Sally??") hehehe Okay - we have jonag's expression of outrage and revenge - what about the rest of you ladies? What to do to the Limey? How to prevent capitalism falling forever tomorrow? Posted by: beo on April 30, 2004 09:57 AMThe guy's just a big retard, no action is really necessary... although I did just learn some fun bayonet tactics in training today... ;-) Posted by: BerkeleyGirl on April 30, 2004 10:50 AMActually I think if you just left him alone in a room with all 20 contestants that would be a good start. He would begin having visions of Islamic Paradise. That is until we worked him over, then he would have no vision at all. Posted by: jonag on April 30, 2004 11:00 AMI agree with jonag. And sarahk should bring her gun. Definitely. Posted by: A Recovering Liberal on April 30, 2004 11:09 AMto the limey--well, there's my all time favorite, the Boston 2-step. or we could put a lit M-80 in his mouth and watch his head blow apart. keep in mind i did not see this email of which we speak when considering my answers. B. Posted by: Miss Beca on April 30, 2004 11:14 AMThanks for the kind words guys :) What should we do with the Limey? Have him confined in close quarters with Helen Thomas with only a copy of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and a Monopoly board for entertainment. Well, I didn't get his... entertaining? email myself, so I can't reply in kind. But he seems to be the type that needs a quiet room with nothing sharp while someone gently breaks him loose from the fantasy world he's been believing exists. And then you bring in the Cluebat. About halfway through, he'll probably start realizing what a, um, dimwit he's been and repent (by definition, if he hasn't figured it out yet, you aren't half-way through). Posted by: Nony Mouse on April 30, 2004 12:51 PMi agree with all the other ladies, but would like to add that with the Cluebat, we break his legs and smash his kneecaps. then we gouge out his eyes with his own fingers... oh, who am i kidding? Recovering Liberal is right, i'm bringing my gun (and i hope Miss Beca brings hers). Miranda, you're so much nicer than me, but i do love the idea of beating him down with capitalism. jonag, we'll have him begging for his 72 raisins. Posted by: sarahk on April 30, 2004 01:09 PMWe COULD beat him down, but sitting Helen in his lap might accomplish the same thing and is ultimately crueler. Still, I won't object to a few smacks to the Achilles Tendons! Posted by: Miranda on April 30, 2004 01:17 PMOr you could put him in a confined space with Michael Moore (he would make the Metrodome into a confined space) and play "Rage Against the Machine" songs backwards. I hear if you play them backwards you can hear things like "God bless Ronald Reagan" and "we love the capitalistic society that made idiots like us wealthy." Posted by: beo on April 30, 2004 01:43 PM*Laugh* That's beautiful, Beo ;) May 1st, I'll be at the range. In respect to the limey's email, I think I'll pick up some limes for targets. Miranda: You scare me. Locked in a room with Helen Thomas? (shudders) Posted by: krakatoa on April 30, 2004 01:59 PMLet that be a lesson to you! Don't be a Limey! Posted by: Miranda on April 30, 2004 03:07 PMYeah, I think you're winning the contest in my heart, Miranda... ;-) Posted by: beo on April 30, 2004 03:16 PMI don't think there's any reason to limit ourselves to one tactic or another. After all, there are a lot of "Limeys" out there, and I'm sure we'd get bored without a little variety. So one day Helen Thomas, one day know, keep them on their toes. =) Posted by: BerkeleyChick on April 30, 2004 04:41 PMAnd that's the contest that counts! ;) To ten! Fair enought! I claim Tuesday, BerkeleyChick ;) Arg! That should be "enough." Obviously I'm losing the spelling contest ;) Always did like Dan Quayle. Posted by: on April 30, 2004 05:56 PMI just wanted the comments to reach 100, and no one else was doing it. =) Posted by: BerkeleyChick on April 30, 2004 07:47 PMBerkeley Girl and Berkeley Chick> I know of one guy who you might like. He's a grad student named Josh Wurzel, and he got his Engineering BS at Berkeley, too. He's a male Engineer who bathes, too ;) Posted by: Green Baron on April 30, 2004 11:20 PMKrakatoa (name that movie) - Army of Darkness? Just so you know I'm paying attention. Anyway, I've got my pick. Eight to five on Willow. Posted by: Todd on May 1, 2004 09:38 AMWell done Todd! I can tell you have excellent taste in cinema! Frank J.... give that man a t-shirt! :P Riiiiight. Posted by: krakatoa on May 1, 2004 03:35 PMOk...this is never easy... In no noticable order... Oho - the comments section has moved. I originally commented in a previous thread - I am reposting here. The voice of reason must be heard by the judges before it is too late. I am a first-time visitor to IMAO. There are some strong candidates, including the woman with a facial expression that indicates indifference pointing a pistol at the camera. Nice. However, there can be only one, and judges, take heed; there is only one to choose from. Carissa (aka Berkeley Girl) is, IMHO, ultra-sweet and the obvious choice. She has everything anybody requires to be a superior t-shirt model. What does the shirt say? Who cares? She'd look good in a Che Guevera or a Pat Buchannan shirt. What style of t-shirt is it? low cut? mock turtle? wife-beater? Again, this matters not. Carissa has the hair, eyes, lips, neck, shoulders, bust and curves to make any style of shirt shine like the sun. She would make anyone want to read the small print (please, let me read the small print). These are the facts. Hopefully the judges will choose wisely. If my opinion meant anything, I would go on longer. If physically threatening someone would do any good, then I would punch any man, woman or child in the face for this "Carissa". Thanks for a great first-time visit. I suggest holding such contests on a weekly basis. *cracking up* Well, if thinly veiled threats of violence accomplish something, here goes: "You judges better vote for Miranda if you know what's good for you. And you DO know what's good for you, right? Ahem." Posted by: Beo on May 2, 2004 03:59 PMNony; Thanks for the suggestion, you may be on to something there; I saw a guy once with an "official pussy inspector" baseball hat on, but I never asked him whether it worked or not... I prefer to admire women that want/like to be admired, hence my two cents' worth on the candidates for "t-shirt babe". Cleavage (although a very nice feature) is not the acme of a woman's visual appeal. Big breasts, small breasts... believe me.. it's ALL good. A woman's aesthetic goes far beyond her breasts, there is an entire being to soak in. A woman's beauty saturates all the five senses, and then creates a sixth in its own right. This contest is for a "t-shirt babe", so I am only able to focus on the visual aesthetic. I guess the t-shirt would cover the breasts, shoulders, back, belly, hips... but what is covered accentuates what is not; the neck, facial features, hair, legs, butt, ankles, etc. I believe the entire form should be taken into account for the purposes of this contest. If I may be so bold, I will comment on your pictoral entry into this contest. The hat obscures some of your features (eyes, hair) which are probably quite beautiful if the rest of the photo is any indication, and the shadows in the photo (combined with a black t-shirt) don't allow a true appreciation of your form. What I can see (hands, lips, chin, neck, shoulders, hips, etc) looks fantastic; I just can't make a complete statement on your visual appeal with a photo that limits the presentation of your beauty. I am intrigued however; what I cannot see is left to my imagination (always very sweet). I would have preferred if you removed the hat, stepped into the light and out of the shadows and shown us Nony in full bloom (please, show me Nony in full bloom). Thanks for entering the contest, BTW. It takes real guts to put yourself into a spotlight of sorts. I want you (and all the others) to know that it's appreciated. Take it easy, and good luck. Did anyone witness the "revolution"? Saturday, May 1st came and went, but I missed the Revolution. All this hype, the (retarded) e-mail, and for what? Stupid Limey, just like a liberal: all threats, no balls. YAY CAPITALISM! Posted by: 655321 on May 2, 2004 11:51 PMSorry, Jakenumber, I'm a fairly hopeless flirt. I couldn't have a picture up that didn't have some of that with it, now could I? But I thought the copy I sent out at least showed the details of the shirt and where my waist and hips were a bit better.. oh well, I will not be too terribly disappointed if I loose to the members of my competition I thought deserved the win. Posted by: Nony Mouse on May 3, 2004 02:32 AMJake -- do you have Jenny's number? :P Welcome to the jungle that is IMAO. This is a monkey-free jungle, with the exception of a token monkey by the name of Spacemonkey. Posted by: krakatoa on May 3, 2004 03:12 AMKrak; Nona; Sorry, Jakenumber, I'm not giving out more photos at the moment. And I don't lie when I flirt, that's cheating. Teasing, bantering, and making some of the worst puns in history -- sure, for a laugh. But not letting the truth be known is a sure way to get into trouble, like the poor sap who I helped out yesterday right after he found out that his 'girlfriend' of a few months had been with another guy for years. *twitch* Posted by: Nony Mouse on May 3, 2004 04:11 PM138 click fro casino games online. Posted by: casino games on September 29, 2004 07:14 AM6541 play texas holdem here! Posted by: texas holdem on September 29, 2004 01:24 PM7638 the best online casinos on the web. 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