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User:shineko (123372) Paid User shineko
Website:deviantART site
Bio:This journal is locked. Sorry :/ Now, comment to be added, but I reserve the right to not add if I find that ::

1) we have no interests and/or 2) something's not right - as in we've had words before or I just have a feeling.

I would say don't be offended if I don't add you back, but yeah I know :/ Most of the time, I do add people, but we've usually talked first. I like meeting new people, but I've grown a bit weary of meeting people and finding out something isn't right.

Or they end up NEVER posting or something. You know, dead journals. Or half-dead, never lj-cut, having graphics in their posts that could be annoying((too flashy, hurts my eyes, etc)) or too large or just get my point.

And I don't generally add just anyone who adds me without a word, even if we've spoken. Again, I'm asking you not be offended, but there are things I say here that are slightly personal and such and I'm cautious. Unless I feel I have good reasons apologies.

If you're not worried by now, comment away. I'm a nice person - so I've been told - just a little wary these days of who is reading what of mine.

As stated on the post - like most of this is a copy from there - this image comes from the X game wallpaper, though I'm well aware that the game has an image of it in its own gallery. Just so I don't get asked about that in case n_n;;

I maintain two communities right now :: [info]_rainbowbridge - with [info]shisakura - and [info]_notalone. The first is a X/TB/CCD fanart community and the second a new SxK/KxS community. Allow me, however, to clear right now. My OTP will always be SxS. But I dislike how SxK has always been shown and it is one of my side pairings I like now and then. So yeah, anyway...

A little more about me :: I am honest. You do something wrong, or something I think would be wrong, I'll let you know as politely as possible. I assure you, this applies from new friends to the oldest - it's very easy. So if you don't like your friends or people on your flist speaking their mind or such, please do not add me and then snap at me or get 'angsty'. Because while I can tolerate angst, if you have 'drama queen' urges every three seconds, then things won't work out.

But, again, I have been told I'm friendly enough. It's not hard to get along with someone as long as you're an open-minded and relaxed individual. No problems then, hm?

I do keep a deviantART page which is linked up there. And it has a few things but I have yet to update it and actually do more scanning. Plus FINISH the things I start x_x;;

Love music that ranges from NIN ((Trent Reznor <3)), Kagrra, Dir en Grey, KMFDM, Rammstein, Penicillin, Luna Sea and...well, so many other artists. People amuse me to no end and watching them is far more entertaining for me. Ever just sit somewhere and observe a crowd?

Then you know what I mean.

And I really...really can't stand people who are unable to type. Please don't even try to type badly around me ((those ones after the exclamation...)). It makes me spaz x_x;; A mistake or two is fine, though. Please, everyone makes them.

And yes, I maxed out my interests down there XP I suck like that.
Memories:280 entries
Interests:150: alichino, ancient cities, ancient societies, angelina jolie, anime, archaeology, art, audrey hepburn, autumn, beaches, blood, bondage, candles, cats, chi no ryuu, clamp, classical music, clover, cosplay, cowboy bebop, csi, dark kamui, death, designing, dir en grey, dolls, dreams, driving, egypt, elegant gothic lolita, exorcism, eyepatches, eyes, fantasy, fashion, fashion designing, fate, final fantasy, fire, foreign cars, fruits basket, fullmetal alchemist, fuuma, get backers, gothic lolita, invader zim, jack sparrow, japan, japanese rock, jasmine, jrock, kagrra, kamui, kaori yuki, kmfdm, kouyu shurei, közi, law & order: svu, legends, lust, magami, magami tohru, magami tokiko, mana, manga, maria-sama ga miteru, marilyn manson, masochism, meditation, mido ban, moi dix mois, moi meme moitie, monou, monou fuuma, monou saya, music, mythology, neogothic, nin, nine inch nails, occult, ocean, onmyoudou, onmyouji, onmyoujutsu, oruha, otogizoushi, pain, painting, paints, penciling, period clothing, photography, pierrot, pirates of the caribbean, plastic tree, psychological study, psychology, rain, rammstein, sadomasochism, sakura, sakura trees, sakurazuka, sakurazuka seishirou, sakurazuka setsuka, sakurazukamori, sakurazukamori subaru, sarcasm, saya, seishirou, setsuka, shirou kamui, shota, shounen ai, sketching, sleeping, sleet, snow, squicky pairings, subaru, sumeragi, sumeragi subaru, sunsets, suwabe junichi, sxs, the nightmare before christmas, tohru, tokiko, tokyo babylon, tool, torture, trent reznor, tsubasa reservoir chronicles, vampires, van helsing, video games, visual art, visual kei, visual rock, winter, world domination, x, x/1999, x1999, xxxholic, yaoi, yumemi, yuri, yuuko. [Modify yours]
People121:7th_icon_hell, ____sobeautiful, _neith_, _onewish, agent420, agitatorswaltz, ambitieuse, amet, angelspit, angstxiety, apapazukamori, ariseishirou, asprosdrakos, baitedbreath, basicblack, blowdry, britain_bunny, bwinter, catie_gazette, catiechu, choffman, cold_hallelujah, cookedcandy, crazylittleme, crumpeteater, danaeaphreal, darkkamui, drowninginblood, duckclansam, etrangere, fahye, flowright, godhunter, graymm, halcyon_libra, hannahlecter, iichan, industria, inkpawprints, insaneidiot, intelekshual, jaimetron, janamichan, jaya1715, jrockersplaytoy, junnokoneko, kaenguma, kaitou_marina, kakemono, kamitra, kamitra_, katalyst, kerikeri, kirabop, kirakins, krazysidhe, krystalrose, kurukuru_icons, la_mer_allee, link621, linoleum_icons, linoleum_roses, luna_riviera, matsukami, mayoini, mdkitten, mercurial_wit, miriya, momijizukamori, moonything, mushii, musicdied, nadieferaci, nataku_chan, nikki_nekochan, niwa_scans, okonomide, orizzonte, paperflowers_22, persisting, pookayasha, psychosweety, rackhamrose, ryuuraigeki, ryuuseisui, sakuraragi, sakuraso, sandinmyshoes, saria621, second_remix, selfdestruct_, seme_sakurazuka, sephyelysian, shisakura, shoiryu, shu_ko, skuldchan, skuldydrabble, sleepwalkers_, stanayitnuh, starchild_dsc, starsdust, su_chan, sumeragi_subaru, tammaiya, tatchi, thetwotrees, tintinalle, tomomichi, uke_sheep, ukoku, urei, visionsdancing, vnilla, watakushi, weekend, wingblossom, xandrabelle, xian_pu, xx_miyuki_xx, yamimagic
Communities68:100_fruit, __elysian, __iconrosis, __idolized__, _apocalypso, _fiveadaykanji, _furiousangels, _notalone, _pr0paganda, _promenade, _rainbowbridge, anandaverse, anti_gackt, auralianus, buddha_, clamp_chorus, clamp_icons, clamp_icontest, clampfans, clampfiction, clampstills, eilian_celebren, fairy_park, finalfantasy12, fst, fxk, hated_guardian, hibaki, ic0nfused, icon_brothel, icon_elitist, iconcerto, iconsumers, icontemplation, iconz_kthx, just_100, kagrra, kagrra_graphics, kagrradiary, kagrranews, katachresis, manasama, mariasama, metamorphique, miphileg, moi_dix_mois, muriya, okane_ga_nai_ai, paidmembers, poison_100, rabid_sxkers, seixsub, sorashiholics, the_nether_land, togakushishrine, tokyobabylon, truthordrabble, tsubasafans, twinstars, ukaki, visual_darkness, visual_kei, vk_iconage, x1999, x1999_awards, x_100, x_ninetynine, xxx_holic
Friend of:108: 7th_icon_hell, ____sobeautiful, _neith_, agent420, agitatorswaltz, amet, angelspit, angstxiety, apapazukamori, ariseishirou, asprosdrakos, baitedbreath, basicblack, blowdry, bwinter, catie_gazette, catiechu, choffman, cookedcandy, crazylittleme, crumpeteater, danaeaphreal, darkkamui, drowninginblood, duckclansam, etrangere, fahye, flowright, graymm, halcyon_libra, hannahlecter, iichan, inkpawprints, jaimetron, janamichan, jaya1715, jrockersplaytoy, junnokoneko, kaenguma, kaitou_marina, kamitra, kamitra_, katalyst, kerikeri, kirabop, kirakins, kotoshin, krazysidhe, krystalrose, kurukuru_icons, link621, linoleum_icons, linoleum_roses, matsukami, mayoini, mdkitten, mercurial_wit, miriya, momijizukamori, moonything, mushii, musicdied, nadieferaci, nataku_chan, nikki_nekochan, okonomide, orizzonte, paperflowers_22, pookayasha, psychosweety, rackhamrose, ryuuraigeki, ryuuseisui, sakuraragi, sakuraso, sandinmyshoes, saria621, second_remix, selfdestruct_, sephyelysian, shakeitdown, shisakura, shoiryu, shu_ko, skuldchan, skuldydrabble, sleepwalkers_, stanayitnuh, starchild_dsc, starsdust, su_chan, sumeragi_subaru, tammaiya, tatchi, thetwotrees, tintinalle, uke_sheep, ukoku, urei, visionsdancing, vnilla, weekend, wingblossom, xandrabelle, xian_pu, xx_miyuki_xx, yamimagic, yuutotravelog
Member of:122: 100_fruit, 30_kisses, _apocalypso, _fiveadaykanji, _furiousangels, _meine_liebe, _notalone, _promenade, _rainbowbridge, _rizahawkeye_, adventchildren_, alichino, anandaverse, anti_gackt, arrrrr, art_theft, bad_rpers_suck, badmeninglasses, brokenboys, brps_adult, buddha_, clamp_chorus, clamp_icons, clamp_icontest, clamp_manga, clampfans, clampfiction, clampstills, computer_help, cowboybebop, customers_suck, deadly_passions, dears, direngreyism, egl, elricest, fairy_park, fanworkrecs, ff7, ff7_doc, ffvii_yaoi, finalfantasy12, fm_alchemist, fma_het, fma_screencaps, fma_yaoi, fma_yuri, fst, fuda_100, fxk, gardenofmaidens, getbackers, getbackers_yaoi, gouhoudrug, guilty_gear, hated_guardian, hibaki, hiraki, ic0nfused, icon_elitist, iconz_kthx, isshi_love, jrock_icons, jrockhumor, just_100, kagrra, kagrra_graphics, kagrradiary, kagrranews, katachresis, kyou_kara_maou, letsbloothis, lilliecharlotte, little_details, malicemizer, manasama, mariasama, metamorphique, miniskirt_army, moi_dix_mois, moidixmois, murakixtsuzuki, muriya, nine_inch_nails, okane_ga_nai_ai, oriyasan_kick, paidmembers, petticoat_ink, pm_kurogane, poison_100, potfics, rabid_sxkers, red_drops, seixsub, shota, sorashiholics, superdollfie, tatari, tatsuki, teh_music, tenipuri_yaoi, the_nether_land, tigerterazuma, togakushishrine, tokyobabylon, truthordrabble, tsubasafans, twinstars, ukaki, visual_darkness, visual_kei, vk_iconage, wk_100, x1999, x1999_awards, x_100, x_ninetynine, xxx_holic, yami_no_matsuei, yaoi, ynm_het_yuri, yuri
Account type:Paid Account

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