October 26, 2004
UN Oil For Food Money Funded Terrorists
Notice when John Kerry talks about Iraq that he always says 'there was no al-Qaeda connection' but he never says 'there was no terrorist connections'?? Ever wonder why that is? Simple, because Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism and John Kerry know it.
This MEMRI report, via Jane at Armies of Liberation, reveals that under the UN Oil For Food program Saddam Hussein gave Abu al-Abbas vouchers worth 11.5 million barrels of oil, of which Abbas sold nearly 1.5 million barrels of oil.
Who is Abu al-Abbas? Captured in Iraq during the war, he was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Front, a group listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department and the group responsible for the murder of an American citizen on the Achille Lauro cruise ship.
The MEMRI report continues:
Abu Al-Abbas was first mentioned in a “top secret and personal” letter (No.110/2/43 of 25 January 1993) from the Iraqi intelligence service to the secretary of the president of the republic. The letter listed the terrorist organizations that could be employed by Iraq to carry out sabotage and terrorism activities against American interests in the Arab world.Now what was that again about using the UN to solve the Iraq problem instead of invading?
Best Bonfire Ever
Terrorist Group Releases Video of 11 Captured Iraqis
A new video released by the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah shows 11 Iraqi National Guard soldiers being held hostage by the group. The video can be downloaded here. The video shows the eleven men sitting in what appears to be the same courtyard the group has used to murder several other hostages. The video shows each soldier dressed in various Iraqi National Guard uniforms or in 'LSF' shirts and each soldier is asked to state his name for the camera. [Right: image from the video showing the hostages]
While this Boston Globe article claims that 'the authenticity of the posting cannot be confirmed', let me just put that to rest. This is authentic. The saddest part is that these men are dead already. The Army of Ansar al-Sunnah has murdered all of their hostages, including several Iraqi nationals and those who appeared to 'repent' of their collaboration with the US. All of their earlier victims have been civilians. Further, as reported here earlier, the group has deepened it's ties to al Qaeda in the past few weeks.
Continue reading "Terrorist Group Releases Video of 11 Captured Iraqis"» Fatwa issued against Diggers Realm for: Army of Ansar al-Sunnah Releases Video Of 11 Iraqi Hostages
» Fatwa issued against STRAIGHT BANNANA for: Video released of 11 iraqis captured by Answar al-Sunah
George Bush Gets Crucial Jawa Endorsement
George W. Bush for President: The endorsement I once never thought I'd write. * * * * *
Newly Uncovered Documents Link John Kerry to North Vietnamese/Vietcong (UPDATED)
Via Paul at Wizbang a World Net Daily article reports that recent documents have been uncovered which show that John Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War were being directly directed by the North Vietnamese Communists. The documents were said to be found in archives at Texas Tech Univiersity as part of that university's Vietnam-era archive which holds more than 2 million documents. Some of the documents are translations of intercepted NV/VC communiques.
The first document can be found here. The Winter Soldier Website describes the document as "a 1971 "Circular" distributed by the Vietnamese communists within Vietnam." From the document:
The spontaneous antiwar movements in the US have received assistance and guidance from the friendly ((VC/NVN)) delegations at the Paris Peace Talks.John Kerry has admitted to meeting with the Vietcong shadow government during the Paris Peace Talks, though he insists the meeting was simply part of his effort to end the war and that he met with both sides. What was it that Jesse Jackson said when asked if he would go to Afghanistan and negotiate with the Taliban? Oh yeah, that that would be "tantamount to treason."
The second document is described as "a communist Directive designed to motivate discussions within Vietnam about promoting the ongoing antiwar activities in the United States." It can be found here. In the document NV sympathizers are urged to step up propaganda activities that demoralize US troops. The document cites John Kerry's denunciation of 'war crimes' and the staged event where he 'gave back' his medals as examples that would help demoralize the troops.
Kevin follows up that post with a NY Sun article which claims that the NV simply looked favorably on Kerry's activities. Paul also muses that the document "smacks of Bill Burkett written all over it" and that the left will cry foul and forgery.
Let me start off by saying the documents appear real to me. But having said that, do we really learn anything new? I'm just not so sure this is the smoking gun that it is alleged to be. In 1995 I attended a May Day rally in Moscow's Red Square. At that rally I heard the head of the Communist Party USA as he denounced Yankee Imperialism, mourned over the loss of the Soviet Union, and lied about how Soviets once had a greater standard of living than Americans. Did the CPUSA have direct links to the Soviet Union? Of course. Did this guy actually believe the vile garbage spewing from his mouth? As far as I could tell, yes.
The phrase Stalin used for people like this was 'useful idiots'. These were people who thought they were doing what was in the best interests of their own country by betraying that country. It always fascinates me when I hear or read what traitors write. Very rarely does a traitor think of what he is doing as treason. Rather, the common thread among traitors is that they believe that they are smarter than officials in government. They believe that their acts of betrayal are in fact acts of patriotism. So when traitors gave away nuclear secrets to the Soviets at the start of the Cold War, they rationalized it as a higher form of patriotism. If the people in the State Department were only as smart as me they would realize that the only way to gaurantee our nation's safety is if the Soviets also have a bomb.
I look at John Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities in much the same way. The fact that he adopted line for line the policy prescriptions of the Vietcong is enough for me. I do not believe he was directed by them. They didn't have to. John Kery was on board the ship regardless of who was steering. If the North Vietnamese told John Kerry to jump, yet he was going to jump anyway that says nothing about control or power.
Most members of the CPUSA probably did not know that they were being funded and directed by the Soviets. Most members of the German Bund did not know they were being funded and directed by the Nazis. That's besides the point. The point is not who directs you but who you sympathize with. If you go to a football game and route for the visiting team expect a few glares. When your country is in a war and you route for the enemy, expect to be called a traitor. Not because we want to demean you and call you names, but because that is exactly what you are--a traitor. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Critical Update: Chad at In the Bullpen just e-mailed with this, and he has posted it at his site here. Here's a tidbit, there's more that you should read, and from what he says you should expect an update later in the day:
I just got off the phone with a worker at the Vietnam archive. She informed me of the following. There were two people from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth at the Texas Tech University archive within the last two to three weeks specifically looking for documents pertaining to John Kerry's anti-war movmement Vietnam Veterans Against the War. She told me there has been a bit of a buzz around there as of late after these two individuals claimed they found something huge. She would not give me any more information and was pretty nervous concerning the questioning.
Critical Update II: Chad at In the Bullpen has his INDC moment. He picked up the phone and called the head of the archive. The documents are real. The head of the archive vouches for them, and he and several of the employees at the archives saw the Swifties looking for them.
Further, the archive has the documents online. Rob at Say Anything has the links so that you can see the original documents yourselves.
Critical Update III: The director of the Virtual Vietnam Archive has set up a webpage where you can download the documents here. As I just told Chad in an e-mail, it looks like the blogosphere is doing some real journalism again. You'll take note that the director of the archive told Chad that not a single journalist has yet talked to him about the authenticity of the documents yet.
UPDATES: I'm surfing around, trying to get a feel for what other bloggers are saying and thinking. Here's some of the reaction:
Continue reading "Newly Uncovered Documents Link John Kerry to North Vietnamese/Vietcong (UPDATED)"» Fatwa issued against InTheBullpen.com for: http://www.inthebullpen.com/archives/2004/10/26/interesting/
» Fatwa issued against Blogs of War for: Vet Claims Recovered Vietnam Documents Show Hanoi Directed Kerry
» Fatwa issued against Small Town Veteran for: News Flash: Commies directed Kerry
» Fatwa issued against The Pajama Journal for: Smoking Gun! Kerry Directed By Hanoi!
» Fatwa issued against Ben's World for: Treason
» Fatwa issued against The Politicker for: October Surprise From The Communists?
» Fatwa issued against Editors in Pajamas for: No denial anymore
» Fatwa issued against ISOU for: Now John Kerry was a Communist Propaganda Tool
» Fatwa issued against Diggers Realm for: Breaking Investigation On Kerry Vietnam Anti-War Documents [ Update ]
» Fatwa issued against Slant Point for: The Other Big Story of the Day
» Fatwa issued against LeatherPenguin for: Forget Al-Qaqaa
» Fatwa issued against Armies of Liberation for: Kerry's Antiwar Funded by the Viet Cong?
» Fatwa issued against The Laughing Wolf for: Kerry And The Communists
» Fatwa issued against The Left Right Debate for: Kerry Antiwar Efforts Supported by Viet Cong?
» Fatwa issued against MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for: More on Hanoi John's VC Connections
Al Qaqaa in Perspective (Updated)
Josh Marshall presents a case that supposedly refutes NBC's story that the explosives thought to have disappeared from al Qaqaa were, in fact not there when the first US forces arrived. The trouble with Josh's case is that there's just not much to it. Besides the claim that the NBC team and others who support their version of things simply weren't sufficiently expert to have known what was or wasn't there, his primary argument is that the sheer volume of explosives could not have been moved without being noticed. The flaw in this argument is conceptual. It presumes 380 tons were moved against a placid background of inactivity, mirroring the conditions of our present fixation. It confuses time and circumstance in the classic self parody of the left's argumentative style. It unconsciously assumes that 40 trucks we retrospectively consider important would have been easily noticed, in the midst of 64,000 trucks frenetically transporting similar material of equal or greater importance all over the country of Iraq, during the fog of war.
Continue reading "Al Qaqaa in Perspective (Updated)"» Fatwa issued against Six Meat Buffet for: October surprise falls flat on its face
» Fatwa issued against Passionate America for: UN loses Explosives in Iraq.
October 25, 2004
Bingo Moment
In case you missed it, Beldar has a pretty good rationale for arguing that the story about Kerry's recent exaggerations concerning his imaginary consultations with the UN Security Council will have some impact on the election. The thing is, I've seen nothing about this on major media. Not even Fox. Had I not heard of it on the blogosphere, I'd never have known. Is there a will to put some mass on this story?
(Simultaneously cross-posted by Demosophist to Demosophia, Anticipatory Retaliation and The Jawa Report)
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Feelilng a bit groggy but more human
Why we must win the War in Iraq
Ace has a great essay. Here is a teaser:
I cannot recognize the position of Andrew Sullivan, and John Kerry, as legimiate or honorable. Their shared position is unserious, highly partisan, and morally obscene. Those who would urge the nation into a war, or vote the nation into war, without contemplating the possible difficulties and pain of the struggle are cowards-- and worse than cowards. A man who would send another man to his death for a cause he does not think is important is a villain. [empahsis mine] What else can one call it?That about sums up my feelings toward John Kerry. Assuming that John Kerry's nuanced position on the war in Iraq is coherent (which I doubt) then he is worse than a flip-flopper--he is morally bankrupt. He supported a war in which he knew Americans would die, and now argues that this war was a mistake. In his view, American soldiers who have died have done so in vain. The sacrifice of so many thus deprived of any greater meaning. There is something worse than losing a son or daughter in war--losing a son or daughter in a war that is not for a great and noble cause. Continue reading "Why we must win the War in Iraq"
Separated At Birth???
Separated at Birth?
Scott Peterson and Jeremy Piven
We report... you decide.
(Cross posted at Anticipatory Retaliation & Demosophia)
» Fatwa issued against Anticipatory Retaliation for: Seperated At Birth???
The Hitch in Getalong
Christopher Hitchens' final article in The Nation: "Why I'm (Slightly) for Bush." Key passage:
In Kabul recently, I interviewed Dr. Masuda Jalal, a brave Afghan physician who was now able to run for the presidency. I asked her about her support for the intervention in Iraq. "For us," she said, "the battle against terrorism and against dictatorship are the same thing." I dare you to snicker at simple-mindedness like that.Continue reading "The Hitch in Getalong"
Dean Esmay, aliens, bioduplication, nude conspiracy....
...oh my G*d, Lyndon LaRouche was right!!!***
As both Professor Chaos and Bill Dauterive can attest, I came this close to punching a few LaRouchies in the face back in the day. I suggest Dean Esmay ought to do the same. Eric at Classical Values has a few thoughts too.
Watch 'Stolen Honor' Online--yes cheapskates, it's free!!!
The controversial documentary on Sen. John Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities will be made available free to the public, it's producer said Friday.The New Soldier blog provides the following links. I recommend right-clicking then downloading the entire video by clicking "save as". I downloaded the entire 42 minute documentary in about two minutes!!
Stolen Honor Video Download Here
Or Here
Larger, better quality version here (slower download)
Spread the word.
Interpol: If you buy faux Gucci bags, the terrorists have already won!
Via Simon, this Reuters story. You can't make this stuff up:
Before you buy that fake Armani T-shirt or knock-off Gucci bag, remember that you could be lining the pockets of mobsters and terrorists.That was the warning from Interpol during a global conference on counterfeiting on Thursday...
"When you buy for example a counterfeit watch, the money is channelled into the pockets of Mafia groups, terrorist groups," said Jean-Michel Louboutin, executive director of police services at Interpol.
» Fatwa issued against Diggers Realm for: Around The Blogosphere In 80 Seconds
Foreign Fighter Killed in Iraq--and he's FRENCH!!
What is disturbing is that the French are not troubled that some of their citizens are fighting their NATO ally in Iraq--but that once the jihadis come home they may fight the French. NY Times via Lucianne:
France's antiterrorist police on Friday identified a young Frenchman killed fighting the United States in Iraq, the first confirmed case of what is believed to be a growing stream of Muslims heading from Europe to fight what they regard as a new holy war.Jane has some thoughts on this too. Continue reading "Foreign Fighter Killed in Iraq--and he's FRENCH!!"Redouane el-Hakim, 19, the son of Tunisian immigrants, died during an American bombardment of insurgents in Falluja on July 17, according to an intelligence official close to the case....
"We consider these people dangerous because those who go will come back once their mission is accomplished," the intelligence official said. "Then they can use the knowledge gained there in France, Europe or the United States. It's the same as those who went to Afghanistan or Chechnya."...
French intelligence officials say they know of at least two other Frenchmen in Falluja and believe that there are at least 10 others in Iraq, mostly of Tunisian origin from working-class suburbs of Paris.
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Zoot alors!
» Fatwa issued against Weapons of Mass Discussion for: French Betrayal of America Update
Muslims Massacre 'Zionist' Pigs--literally
This is just too funny to go unnoticed. AP via Robert Spencer:
Muslims armed with machetes attacked several pig farms in Indonesia, slaughtering around 20 swine they claimed were giving of "offensive" odors, The Jakarta Post reported Thursday.Police did nothing to stop the attack Wednesday in South Tatura, central Sulawesi province, the paper reported. The farms belonged to local Christians.
"The farms give out a bad odor and this is offensive, especially during Ramadan," said local Muslim leader Abdul Haris, referring to the Islamic fasting month where religious feelings often run high.
Zarqawi's al-Qaeda Group Behind Iraq Massacre
Many of my readers try to equivocate between what was done at Abu Ghraib and what Zarqawi does. After all, isn't making guys pleasure themselves and humiliating them in front of girls the same as shooting 50 people in the back of the head? The Age:
Jordanian extremist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has escalated the Iraq insurgency crisis by claiming responsibility for the massacre of more than 50 members of the Iraqi national guard.Evan F. Kohlman confirms that Zarqawi's group was behind the massacre. The entire translated communique can be found here. Here is an excerpt:Zarqawi's group, Jamaat al-Tawhid wa al-Jihad [note: Zarqawi has officially changed his group's name to 'Al-Qaida's Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia'], said on an internet site that it had carried out the apparently execution-style killings. The bodies of at least 51 new recruits were found on a remote road in eastern Iraq....
Iraqi officials said the national guard victims, who had just finished three weeks' training at the Kir Kush military base near the Iranian border, were ambushed on Saturday evening at a bogus checkpoint between Balad Ruz and Qazaniya in Diyala province, 80 kilometres north-east of Baghdad...
A senior defence ministry official, Brigadier Salih Sarhan, said the soldiers, who were unarmed and wearing civilian clothing, "were ordered from their buses by men in police uniforms, told to lie face down on the ground, and then shot in the back of the head". He said the attack appeared to have been well planned and indicated the growing confidence of insurgents in the restive Sunni Triangle.
Several sons of Al-Qaida’s Jihad Committee in Mesopotamia have succeeded in killing 48 corrupt heads, members of the pagan Iraqi guard, as a group of them was departing the Kirkush training camp located between the cities of Balad Ruz and Mandali in the eastern part of the country. [They were] en route to the southern part of the country on vacation in four vehicles, numbering a total of 48 apostates. Allah enabled the mujahideen to kill them all, and [the mujahideen] stole two vehicles and the salaries that the soldiers had just received from their masters, praise be to Allah for his blessing.”
» Fatwa issued against ISOU for: Another story too important to ignore
Eugene Armstrong Beheading Video Pulled from College Art Show
Scroll down to the end of the story. You can show a guy jacking off--that's art--but you can't show the Islamofascists doing what they do best. Oh, and notice that the artists are 'almost as inhuman as' the terrorists who beheaded Armstrong. Right. Cutting a hostages head off and showing images or video in a concerted efforted to show the terrorists for what they really are is pretty much the same thing. Oh, FYI-Information, images, and links to the Eugene Armstrong beheading video can be found here. Sorry, no images of guys jacking off. Jackson Sun News:
Outrage from the Michigan family of beheaded hostage Eugene ''Jack'' Armstrong prompted Watkins College of Art & Design to pull a controversial video installation Friday from the Nashville exhibit in which it won first prize.''We're so angry right now that we're about ready to jump in a car and come down there,'' said Cyndi Armstrong, the slain engineer's cousin by marriage, from her office in Hillsdale, Mich....
The school's decision to pull the work came against the wishes of Watkins students Elvan Penny and Scott Phelps, whose ''Fearful Symmetry'' features a 40-minute video with audio that includes footage of Armstrong's beheading in Iraq late last month. Juxtaposed with images of American popular culture, including TV commercials, the footage is intended to jolt the viewer out of complacency and toward a greater awareness of violence in the world....
''We don't want to pull the video. We stand behind the work. But if the college pulls it, we're not going to fight their decision.''...
Armstrong charged that Penny and Phelps are ''almost as inhuman as those people who did what they did to Jack.'' [nice comparison, and I guess Steven Spielburg is 'almost as inhuman as' the Nazis he portrays in Schindler's List]
The rest of the Watkins show is scheduled to reopen Monday. The other controversial work, Penny's photograph of a man masturbating, was originally to be draped in the main gallery, with a warning sign posted. The latest word is that it will not be draped. Instead it will be placed away from the show in an administrative area that's off limits to the public. Visitors will have to ask to see it. [story conitnues... ]
Voter Fraud Update: 60,000 registered to vote in 2 states
Via Jeff Quinton: As many as 60,000 people may be registered to vote in both North and South Carolina, according to an investigation by The Charlotte Observer and WCNC-TV.
Kerry Lied, Jawas Died!!!
Wait, so the "big news" was that Kerry lied about meeting with the UN Security Council? I thought news, by definition, had to be--you know--sort of "new" or something, or at least something out of the ordinary. The video over at Daily Recycler is good for a few chuckles. Bill at INDC has some pretty interesting thoughts.
As for me, I'm not so troubled by Kerry's alleged meeting. Far more troubling to me is his naive belief that if only we had a different President, the UN Security Council would have acted different. This personality theory of foreign policy is unprecedented and dangerous. Instead of assuming that nations act out of their own national interests, it assumes that nations do each other favors based on personal relationships. Yeah, the French may be John Kerry's homies, but they aint gonna do him no props. Cause when it gets down to it they gots to get paid and national interest is thicker than malt liquor.
PS-my prediction on the left blogosphere reaction: Yeah, Kerry lied, but the TRUTH writ large is more important than the truth of the details. Oh, and at least when Kerry lied no jawas died!! (that and a week of scrambling showing how Kerry didn't really lie because, you know, he was in New York and did have beers with the ambassador from Zimbabwe).
Double-PS: Best photoshop ever!!
At what point does it stop being a PS?? Aylward and Spoons equally underwhelmed, but Bill and Kevin both pointed me to NZ Bear's reaction which is making me rethink this.
» Fatwa issued against The Blog Hill for: "It's only a Little Lie" said Pinnochio John
October 24, 2004
Commissar Turns One!!!
My wife is having a girls-only party at the house-- presumably all her gal pals are pillow fighting in their see-through nighties right now (that's how I imagine it at least)--so she kicked me out of the house for the evening. I've been pretty busy lately and haven't checked any other blogs in a couple of days let alone my e-mail. If you've e-mailed me in the past couple of days, sorry, but this is what it's like around here (gentle reminder, new address is mypetjawa[at]gmail[dot]com):
Does anyone know how to turn off the comment forwarding for MT?
Anyhoo, where was I? Let's see--nighties, e-mail, oh right, blogs. Haven't read any blogs lately. So, I finally had a minute to check what is going on in the blogosphere and lo and behold what do you know? It's the Commissar's blog anniversary and here I am worrying about stupid e-mails going unanswered!!!
Let me just say the Politburo Diktat is one of the finest blogs out there. The Commissar not only encouraged me in the early days of my blogging career, he took the time to give me pointers and has kept me out of trouble when a few of my gimmicks went bad. And truth be known, it was my time as a guest-blogger over at his site that really put my blog on the map [even though Captain Ed. has stopped returning my e-mails--what up with that?].
If I have a blog-father, than the Commissar is it. So let me just say to him:
Ya zhelaiou bac bcevo xoroshovo c dnem rozhdenya!!!
Bush/Kerry IQ Comparison
Steve Sailer has an exhaustive analysis of standardized tests taken by the two candidates, including SATs and officer candidate aptitude tests, to conclude that, if anything, George Bush is probably a little smarter than John Kerry. The article wanders a great deal, and never quite gets down to claiming a direct comparison, but if I read it right the conclusion is that both men have IQs of 120 or higher, and that Bush's is probably in the range 125-130. In other words both are above the 90th percentile in IQ, but Kerry's is probably in the low 90s and Bush's in the mid 90s. Sailer also draws some conclusions about the differences between how the men are likely to use their gifts: " The subtle difference between Bush and Kerry in two words: Bush is competitive and Kerry is ambitious." Read the whole thing.
(Cross-posted to Anticipatory Retaliation and Demosophia.)
Note: This post submitted by Demosophist
» Fatwa issued against Anticipatory Retaliation for: Bush/Kerry IQ Comparison
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Sunday roundup
October 23, 2004
Iraqi Murdered by Army of Ansar al-Sunnah in New Beheading Video
Graphic images and link to video below. Conflicting reports indicate that the man murdered by the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah in a new beheading video was named either Yassar Musil or Seif Adnan Kanaan. The following AP story, as well as the Reuters story in the extended entry, also miss some other crucial facts about the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah. For instance, just yesterday I reported that the Army of Ansar al-Sunnah praised John Kerry for his criticisms of the Bush administration. In the same communique, the group calls Osama bin Laden 'our sheik'--a reference of devotion and loyalty indicating an al Qaeda connection. Further, the group has solidified it's ties to Musab al-Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad terrorist organization which has recently pledged loyalty to al Qaeda. During the taped beheading of Turkish truck driver Ramadan Elbu on October 15th by the Army of Ansar al-Islam, one of the murderers identified himself as a follower of Zarqawi [information, video, and images here]. On October 11th, another individual claimed to be a member of Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad group on a beheading video released by the group--the victims were a Turkish truck driver and his Iraqi translator [information, video, and images here].
[Images: Top right, an image from the video. Left, the hostage is accused of the crime of 'collaboration' by the terrorists.]
The Army of Ansar al Sunnah murdered an Iraqi named Barie Nafi'a Daoud Ibrahim on Oct. 2nd [images, link to video, and information here]. The same group murdered three Iraqis on September 16th (information, links to video, and images here). On August 31st, these terrorists executed 12 hostages from Nepal, one of them by beheading (information, links to video, and images here). On August 11th the group beheaded a man they claimed was a CIA agent (information and images here) and on August 25th the group beheaded a second alleged CIA agent (information and images here). May God speed the victims' souls to heaven, and may His wrath reign down upon the spineless terrorists in the form of a MOAB or other appropriately large ordinance.
Iraqi militants beheaded a man, presumably Iraqi, who said he worked for the US military in the northern city of Mosul for the past 10 months, a videotape posted on Islamic web sites showed.The video can be downloaded at the Terrorist Media site, but free registration is required. The site is an essential resource, and if you can find it in you to donate to them I'm sure they would appreciate it.The killing was claimed by the Ansar al-Sunnah Army, a group that has taken responsibility for the beheading of a Turkish driver and Arab Shi'ite Muslim in two tapes that surfaced earlier this month and 12 Nepalese construction workers, whose killing was shown in a video posted on August 31.
In the latest tape, a man wearing what appeared to be a US-military issue brown T-shirt and speaking in Arabic described himself as Seif Adnan Kanaan, adding that he worked as a vehicle mechanic and drinks deliverer for US forces based at Mosul airport.
The tape showed him with his hands tied behind his back seated in front of three armed, masked militants and a black banner with white Arabic script bearing the militant group's name.
The tape did not specify the man's nationality, but he appeared to be Iraqi. It was also not clear when he was captured or killed.
One militant described Kanaan as a "crusader spy recruited by the American troops to follow and carry information about the mujahedeen in Mosul." The militant also accused the captive of cursing Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
"I am telling anybody who wants to work with Americans to not work with them," Kanaan said shortly before being killed. "I found out that the mujahideen have very accurate information (and) strong intelligence about everything. They are stronger than I thought."
The tape then shows a militant slitting the victim's throat before severing his head and placing it on his back.
In their campaign to force US-led forces out of Iraq, insurgents have targeted people, including Arabs, they regard as supporting the American military.
Others on the scene: Straight Banana, who first saw the news on an internet forum; M. H. King, who rightly calls the purps 'monsters'; Sorta Pundit. See also the fatwas issued below for other commentary.
Continue reading "Iraqi Murdered by Army of Ansar al-Sunnah in New Beheading Video"» Fatwa issued against Sortapundit for: New Beheading Video
» Fatwa issued against Ramblings' Journal for: Monsters behead yet another Iraqi
» Fatwa issued against InTheBullpen.com for: Army of al Sunnah Beheads Iraqi
» Fatwa issued against Backcountry Conservative for: Iraqi Beheaded
» Fatwa issued against Wizbang for: Army of Ansar al-Sunnah Behead Iraqi on Video, Endorse Kerry
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Panic
» Fatwa issued against Sworn Enemy for: Kerry "Supporters" Behead Iraqi
» Fatwa issued against ISOU for: Another story too important to ignore
October 22, 2004
O'Donnell vs. O'Neill
MSNBC's Scarborough Country was co-hosted tonight by Pat Buchanan and Larry O'Donnell, and their guest was Swiftvet John O'Neill. I just came in toward the latter part of the interview, but was treated to quite a show. Instead of allowing O'Neill to make a point O'Donnell deliberately yelled over him: "Don't let him talk! He's a liar. Everything in his book is a lie, and it's all been disproved! Liar, liar, liar, liar, etc., etc." It was quite awe-inspiring to see someone who supposedly has press legitimacy, and whose face most people identify as at least superficially objective simply doing his best to prevent a guest from making a point by drowning him out. During the exchange O'Neill calmly, and politely, asked if he was going to be allowed to finish his statement, and finally, after an intervention by Buchanan, made his point about evidence that Kerry was the author of his own (unsigned) "after action reports."
» Fatwa issued against RIGHT ON RED >> for: The O’Donnell Factor
» Fatwa issued against Emigre Imagining for: Google Game of Fortune
» Fatwa issued against sisu for: Old O'Donnell bought the farm
» Fatwa issued against Brain Shavings for: When Liberals Attack
» Fatwa issued against Editors in Pajamas for: Baghdad Larry or Commical Lawrence
» Fatwa issued against Leopold Stotch for: Please Watch This
Army of Ansar al Sunnah Praises John Kerry for Criticizing Bush--claim proof terrorism works
The Army of Ansar al-Sunnah has sent out a message congratulating Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad movement's addition to the US State Department's list of terrorist organizations, reports Evan F. Kohlman. In the message, they praise John Kerry for criticizing the President, imply that terrorism has struck fear into John Kerry's heart, and that his election would signal that terrorism is working.
Special congratulations from the Ansar al-Sunnah Army to the Tawhid wal-Jihad Movement, on the occasion of its addition to the list of terrorists.....The full document may be downloaded here. I do not believe that if the American people elect John Kerry it will be because we have caved to terrorism. However, it is clear to me that Kerry's election will be interpreted this way by the Islamist movement and their terrorist allies.Our congratulations should not be a surprise to anyone who understands the true nature of our Islamic religion, which is based n verses from the noble Quran and the words of the noble prophet. We are optimistic that this recent declaration by the evil Bush government [adding Zarqawi's Tawhid and Jihad group to the list of terrorist organizations] will only bring us joy and happiness....
Praise be to Allah, it increased the joy in our hearts that John Kerry, the presidential candidate criticized the Bush governmentfor taking so long in making this declaration. The one who may be president of America [John Kerry] is already struck with terror by our brothers from the Tawheed wal-Jihad Movement [Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's group]. The repeated atacks that have targetted the evil Bush are now echoing on Kerry, even though he is not yet a president. This is what Allah means when he commands us to 'terrorize your enemy and the enemy of Allah."
(Cross-posted at Anticipatory Retalliation)
To check what others are saying, click on the fatwas issued below. A lot of fine input.
» Fatwa issued against Michelle Malkin for: ANOTHER KEY KERRY ENDORSEMENT
» Fatwa issued against Editors in Pajamas for: Yeah, but, he didn't ask for the endorsement
» Fatwa issued against Outside The Beltway for: Terrorists Endorse Kerry
» Fatwa issued against Armies of Liberation for: Kerry is already afraid
» Fatwa issued against protein wisdom for: Building Alliances
» Fatwa issued against Secure Liberty for: More Terrorists For Kerry
» Fatwa issued against PoliGov - American Fundamentalism for: Army of Ansar al Sunnah Praises John Kerry for Criticizing Bush--claim proof terrorism works
» Fatwa issued against Ace of Spades HQ for: Army of Ansar al Sunnah Praises John Kerry
» Fatwa issued against Vices & Virtues for: An Eerie Terrorist Endorsement Of John Kerry
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Rusty hits pay-sand
» Fatwa issued against Ben's World for: Another Foreign Leader for Kerry
» Fatwa issued against Sworn Enemy for: No Other Reason To Vote Against Kerry Necessary
» Fatwa issued against Passionate America for: TERRORISTS Want You To Vote For Kerry!
» Fatwa issued against The Pajama Journal for: Army of Ansar al Sunnah Praises John Kerry
» Fatwa issued against MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for: Terrorists already get the Kerry message
» Fatwa issued against Baghdad Dweller for: Ansar Al-Sunnah group Praises John Kerry
» Fatwa issued against Dummocrats.com for: First Vietnamese Communists, then dictators, & now terrorists endorse Kerry. (My Pet Jawa)
» Fatwa issued against STRAIGHT BANNANA for: Army of Ansar Alsunnah beheads Yassar Musil
» Fatwa issued against Ramblings' Journal for: Monsters behead yet another Iraqi
» Fatwa issued against Wizbang for: Army of Ansar al-Sunnah Behead Iraqi on Video, Endorse Kerry
» Fatwa issued against BIRD for: KERRY: TERRORISTS' FRONTMAN
Alfred E. Neuman Endorses Bush, F.A.G. endorses Kerry
My first memory of a Presidential election was a 1980 issue of Mad Magazine.
Also, why am I voting Bush? *Easy, cause he's a dick willing to take on the assholes of the world. Oh, and because John Kerry is clearly a pussy what with the F.A.G endorsement and all.
*Super-secret Team America: World Police code talk.
» Fatwa issued against Truth, Lies & Common Sense for: Game Over, Neuman Endorses Bush
» Fatwa issued against Overtaken by Events for: The Bonfire of the Vanities (The 69th Post in a Trilogy)
Random Check of Bumber Stickers in Faculty Lot...
...on a slow Friday afternoon. Yeah, I know it's not scientific. Maybe 30 or so cars
Kerry/Edwards=6, including one "Enron/Haliburton '04"
PS-This post dedicated to Professor Peter Von Nostrand, who apparently teaches at Johnsonrod U and who I hear has 'dreamy eyes' or something like that. Or maybe it was that he taught at IU and had a dreamy.....
» Fatwa issued against The Pajama Journal for: Parking Lot Poll - President Bush Wins Unanimously
» Fatwa issued against The Politburo Diktat for: Show Trial #19
» Fatwa issued against Truth, Lies & Common Sense for: Conservative Art at UC Riverside
» Fatwa issued against House of Payne International for: Show trial
NYTimes Gets Bitch Slapped
Paul at Wizbang catches the NY Times making up quotes.
New Video Threatens Hostage Margaret Hassan with Beheading: She pleads for Blair to cave to terrorist demands
This is eerily reminiscent of Kenneth Bigley's ordeal. Now the terrorists are demanding that the British must not move troops into Central Iraq, as Tony Blair pledged to do just yesterday. Earlier I had speculated that Hassan would be released unharmed. Today, I am not so sure. ABC News:
Margaret Hassan, the kidnapped director of CARE International in Iraq, appeared on a videotape aired Friday, weeping and pleading with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to withdraw troops from Iraq "and not bring them to Baghdad" because "this might be my last hours."Continue reading "New Video Threatens Hostage Margaret Hassan with Beheading: She pleads for Blair to cave to terrorist demands"
» Fatwa issued against Ramblings' Journal for: AQ hostage Margaret Hassan begs for life in new video
» Fatwa issued against Diggers Realm for: Margaret Hassan Hostage And Director Of CARE Video Released
» Fatwa issued against ISOU for: Margaret Hassan Video Released
» Fatwa issued against STRAIGHT BANNANA for: British media censor video of Margaret Hassans' appeal to Britain for life
» Fatwa issued against Sortapundit for: New Video of Margaret Hassan Released
October 21, 2004
Black in the Saddle!!
Hey, my site is back up!! Thanks for all of you who visited my backup site. Yes, I do have a backup. You can SEE IT HERE. Bookmark it. If this site ever goes down again you can always check to see what I'm up to over there. I actually posted over there today, even if it was mostly moaning and bitching and a whole lotta link whoring. Back to my regular routine tomorrow.
UPDATE: I just checked the sitemeter--OUCH!!
PS-Today is the third anniversary of the release of Rusty Shackleford v. 2.0. He's three years old today and Papa Shackleford couldn't be more proud. I love you son. Happy birthday!!
» Fatwa issued against The LLama Butchers for: Nice try, Axis Sully!