Below is information about the "found objects" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | found_objects (345032) | |
Name: | found objects | |
Website: | corsakti's found object archive | |
E-mail: | | |
About: | Welcome to found_objects, a place to post and talk about things you've encountered. This includes physical objects, remnants of humanity, urban phenomena, randomness of nature, rummage sale oddities, things in your own home, etc...anything that interests you. However, have some descretion. This is not a humor community, but it isn't against the rules for something to be funny if it fits within the guidelines that follow. This does not include Internet anything. No email you got, no links to websites that you thought were weird, no ads that you followed and saw were the most hilarious product you've ever seen. Those things all belong in found_online. First time it will be deleted. Second time it will be deleted. Third time you will be banned. No images of pets. Consider this a warning. This is an art-oriented community, with an emphasis on photography, and as such it is also a forum for the exhibition and critique of artwork that implements found objects as medium and/or subject. This means that links to websites that exhibit similar media are welcome as well. Each entry needs to have an image, and feel free to include a few remarks or backstory about your subject. Entries without pictures will be deleted. If you post part of someone else's artwork because you feel it has relevance here, give props to the original artists. This is not a community for humorous photoshopped images, email forwards, or other mass-distributed Internet miscellany. Also, please use the lj-cut tag for images wider than 500px, larger than 60k, or images that aren't safe for work. Comments will be open to Anonymous users at this time, but closely monitored. This is a community for sharing, not for arguing. Alternate communities for sharing photography and other imagery in general can be found on the BIG list. If you decide something isn't appropriate here, it is still appropriate somewhere. Some people have requested that if there are dead or otherwise disgusting things behind an lj-cut, include a warning. This isn't always necessary, so it will left to the discretion of the poster. However, it is common courtesy to at least put things of that nature behind a cut, and also to include a NSFW warning if something behind an lj-cut is not safe for work. Have Fun! admin == corsakti, sarcasmosis | |
Interests: | 124: 4d, accidents, aging, anatomy, art, birth, body parts, cindy sherman, clippings, coherence, coincidence, collage, color, color theory, combinations, communication, composition, consistency, constructivism, content, context, contrast, craft, crafts, creation, creativity, critique, cross processing, culture, cutlery, dada, death, decay, deconstructivism, design, destruction, dirt, discussion, documentation, doodling, duchamp, elements, ethnicity, everyday objects, ex-tech, film, finding things, form, found objects, functional art, functionality, furniture, grafitti, grids, growth, guerilla art, hair, humament, inanimate objects, installation, jewelry, juxtaposition, kitch, life, magazines, mementos, messes, metal, metropolis, mixed-media, modernism, montage, mosaic, mystery, narrative, nature, negatives, neighborhoods, newsprint, old books, ornament, paint, paper, pattern, people, permanence, photography, physical biography, placement, postering, public space reclamation, randomness, rarity, rememberance, representation, sculpture, sensibility, sequence, shape, slides, snapshots, snippets, society, sociology, stickers, stone, structure, substance, terrain, text, texture, theme, tiles, time, time capsules, time-based art, transparency, trash, treasure, tribute, typography, vintage, vision, weight. [Modify yours] | |
Members: | 3567: View Members . | |
Watched by: | 2370: 10_55d, 11111111111, 1337merus, 161281, 1754, 1843, 1_butterflygirl, 1nce, 2ndaryairplane, 2sporks, 3am_romance, 3x1minus1, 40ozslurpee, 4ndr34, 6a6ep, 774, 7dayspast, 7hurricane, 7weeksupallnite, 9whilenine, _1876, ____quixotic, ___timetrap, __adieu, __followthrough, __lockdownxbaby, __loveyou, __rachel__, __robots, __rockxstar, __sure_shot, _anatomyboy, _bendmyspoon_, _betteroffawake, _cautiouslip, _chemical_heart, _chocokitty_, _deux, _dontwalkaway_, _dropmyname, _ducks, _ferret, _futility_, _gutterbunny_, _irys_, _jenz_, _lance, _lepistol, _nicolai_, _no_regret, _pidgeon_, _recrudescence_, _rubber_duckie_, _shoelaces_, _sky_, _smittenxkitten, _triquetra_, _unravel, _urchin, _veronica_, a_n_i_c_c_a, a_silver_lining, a_yuki, aarrrggghhh, abigor, abrahamsdolls, abrauchen, abrient, absinthedream, absolutqueen, abstractemotion, abstrakone, acchance, achmed, acogswell, acox, acpizza, adamas, adameros, adamskisaucer, adela_butterfly, adelaide129, adiaspeer, adifferentblue, adorethepenguin, adrianrhod, adroit, aelunii, aengus9, aenima501, aeolianafay, after40, aftertomorrow, againsthehumans, age_adrienne, agemanda, agent00groovey, agent_retro, agentrayevyn, agua_clara, aidan_boi_x, aidemoi, airabuyuu, airwick, aisling03, aixlachaise, aka_twitch, akadashi, alesk, alex_rex, alexmsk, alhenag, aliasydney, alioth, all_uncovered, allafterwork, allofmyprophets, almabella, almeda, almostabsent, almostcrazy, almostpretty, aloof, alpkisheler, altamira16, alteregocrush, alteriormotive, alycen, alysbrangwin, amazinggoatgirl, amazingrando, amazingsyntax, amberhalo, ambitioushope, ambr0sia, amdewstow, americapitalism, amethest, amieinstereo, amika, amikastormrider, amillionfaces, amjackson, ammateur, amnormand, amory, ampersand, amy_jean, amysin, ana, ... | |
Member of: | 5: kittypix, photosg, pretty_mess, real_detroit, secretsketches | |
Account type: | Free Account |