Below is information about the "A place where weirdos unite!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | winnipeg_dorks (989508) |
| Winnipeg Dorks :D Where rejects are cool.... Wait does that even make sense? |
Name: | A place where weirdos unite! |
Location: | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
About: | A really useless community. It's for those who have joined winnipeg or are from Winnipeg.... But just plain old freaky.
Actually anyone can join from around the world, you could even meet a friend! (Unless you're some paranoid hermit)
Welcome! Bienvenue! Hwangyong-hamnida! Bienvenidos! Benvenuto! Irashaimasu! Willkommen! Youkoso! Bruchim Habayim! Boa vinda! Welkom! Benvenuti! Bem-vindos! Keblar! Tere Tulemast! Bonvenon! Ongi etorria! Mubuhay! Aloha Mai! Välkommen! Yin Dee! Chào Mung! Foon Ying! Hwangyong-hamnida! Laskavo prosimo! Witajcie!
We are the weirdos of Winnipeg.
Talk about anything really, this is just a useless community. So have fun and be nice, or whatever.
This community is supported by oral stimulation, please donate.
Interests: | 140: ai-kon, animation, anime, anti-bush, assiniboine park, balmoral hall, beausejour, being a hobo, bison, blizzards, body mods, bonfires, boo at the zoo, buses, canada, cbc, charleswood, chinatown, cinema city, collège jeanne-sauvé, concerts, conservatives, conventions, corydon avenue, cosplay, crescentwood, don hertzfeldt, east kildonan, ethnic food, fine dining, folk fest, folklorama, folkorama, food, fort garry, fort richmond collegiate, fort rouge, fort whyte, freezing temperatures, freq 107.1, fringe festival, garden city, garden city shopping centre, gary doer, gays, gimli, grant park shopping centre, green party, grunge, handitransit, hot 103, hot summers, immigration, indie bands, izzy asper, kelvin high school, kildonan, lesbians, liberals, little italy, lorette, lots of snow, louis riel, lower fort garry, manitoba, mcnally robinson, mondragon, mtyp, mullets, music, ndp, north end, north kildonan, northgate, oakbank, oral sex, osborne, osborne village, pembina highway, politics, polo park, portage, portage place, pro-bush, punk, q94fm, red river, red river college, red river ex, rejected, rich bastards, richmond west, river heights, sam katz, selkirk, sex, shaftsbury high school, shovelling, silver city, silver heights, sisler, sjr, ska, snow, south st. vital, st boniface, st johns high school, st norbert collegiate, st. andrews, st. marys academy, st. norbert, st. pauls high school, st. vital, st. vital shopping centre, straights, tec voc, the barrymores, the crypt, the forks, the fringe, the globe theatre, the guess who, the harlots, the jets, the winnipeg art gallery, the winnipeg symphony orchestra, transcona, tuxedo, university of manitoba, university of winnipeg, vegans, vegetarianism, vincent massey collegiate, wecc, weirdos, west end cultural centre, winnipeg, winnipeg collegiate, winnipeg transit, winter. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 128: 0o_lost_emo_o0, __pullmyhair_, __xplastiquex, _bloodyhell, _sugarkiss, _systemfailure_, aband0ned, adnama_wpg, afriti, aliens_exist04, ambivalenttooth, anaxilas, annakatana, babiegir1, baybeetwilight, beyond_freezing, bizzys_bitch, blackgloss, blindobsessions, bobbi_trendy, boozer_raver, bowenfiredragon, canadamess, castleofneedles, celticdaisy, chaoshazard, cookie_face, cpet, cracklin_water, crimsnsacrifice, cutiepig, darkxxthoughts, deekay, defi_nation, dejikocharat, dimpled, discountmonocle, doodlewang, drugaddiction, drugstorejesus, eight_inches, elfgoyle, eyexmeetsxeye, fadedstar_, fates_bastard, flowered_angel, formonkeys, freek3, freox, goldenshoes, hakuwriter, heder, hot_summers, i_am_sam, im_armed_, intimacy_maiden, joyroxit, kadinschild, kel_sey, kholnuu, kikuchan, kill_everyone, kippyhiller, kueequal, ladiekatie, lakittykat, lidvelvet, lightbrite, lilkandystar, lipscantgo, m_e_g_r, madamerotten, magicfaye, makeupmymind, malfrex, mannlich, minachiba, my_livejournal, nomorefragments, ooh_thats_evil, paperheartkid, perfect__defect, perfectdrug1705, pinkseamed, poluect, prettydark, psychogoatpunch, pyroclasticgrub, randilin42, ranka_raen, rasberries, red637, repressedgalaxy, rob_consumers, robot, rokucheeba, safetydeposit, sailorusagi, sarahloves69, saranwrap86, sario, satan_luva, school_brat, schwitters, shamblesofme, she_cant_let_go, shortmessage, sinikalragdoll, spruce_girl, starblubber, stoned_not_x_23, suneet, surrealnature, sweetkandiass, swingsetxbutton, takingamess, thenako, therpgqueen, toxicmethgrl, tralalalala, trip3s, ultratails, undertow, veddma, wekillsoapscum, x_sublime, znarfbunga, zrblm |
Watched by: | 97: 0o_lost_emo_o0, __pullmyhair_, __xplastiquex, _sugarkiss, adnama_wpg, aliens_exist04, ambivalenttooth, annakatana, babiegir1, beyond_freezing, bizzys_bitch, blackgloss, bobbi_trendy, boozer_raver, bowenfiredragon, celticdaisy, chantella, chaoshazard, cpet, cracklin_water, deekay, defi_nation, dranthi, dreadmenace, drugaddiction, eight_inches, eyekanspele, eyexmeetsxeye, fates_bastard, flavouredblack, flowered_angel, formonkeys, freek3, freox, hakuwriter, heder, ijmreviews, intimacy_maiden, jim_kim, joe_dank, joyroxit, jupitergal23, kadinschild, kel_sey, kholnuu, kippyhiller, ladiekatie, lidvelvet, lipscantgo, m_e_g_r, madamerotten, magicfaye, malfrex, mannlich, master_of_chant, minachiba, nomorefragments, obscene_xposure, of_the_trees, ooh_thats_evil, perfect__defect, perfectdrug1705, pimpbob, pinkseamed, poluect, prettydark, psychogoatpunch, pyroclasticgrub, r000, randilin42, ranka_raen, rasberries, red637, robot, ryanschultz, safetydeposit, sailorusagi, sarahloves69, sario, satan_luva, school_brat, schwitters, sebismine, shamblesofme, shortmessage, sinikalragdoll, starblubber, sweetkandiass, thenako, toxicmethgrl, tralalalala, undertow, urbangem, wekillsoapscum, x_sublime, xpoeticmemoryx, zrblm |
Account type: | Free Account |