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Below is user information for another_planet. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:toxic_venus_boi (2865426)  
Communities45:80s_music, 80s_pop, _blackout_, allgrrrlmix, another_planet, babygoff, beautifulnoise, bestsonglyrics, cities_in_dust, claimmusic, classic_ghouls, community_ads, dark_gear, darkwaveonline, elder_goth_cafe, fogeygoff, gothcafe, gothic_beauties, gothic_teenz, gothicmusic, graveconcerns, house_of_vamp, ladygothika, lj_maintenance, n_dark_sanctity, neondoll, news, newwavemusic, non_ugly_goths, peter_murphy, queensoffright, realgothicyouth, rock_chicks, sfnewwave, shadowscene, sick_chicks, siouxsie, the_dreamhouse, the_goth_elite, the_nightshift, thebatcave, thosedamnkids, wnygoth, women_like_wine, xxriot_grrrlxx
Account type:Free Account

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