Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "sparta".
303 matches:
- 00_music - for those who love lyrics...
- 1337_geeks - For the geeky at heart.
- 4everwerock - Rock 101
- _________puhdie - KTHNXDIE.
- ______robotsuck - RobotsSuck!
- ____loveaffairs - we are totally cool
- ____r0ck0ut - screaM
- ___amazinglyemo - ___amazinglyemo
- ___best___ - BEST!!!!11
- ___ecc_ - Epsilon Chi Chi
- ___ehhfuck - suck it up or spit it out, tell me why you're here
- ___goddamn - here's a story for the kids..
- ___indielectric - Who loves to dance?
- ___shotdown - ___SHOTdown
- __alexander__ - {The greatest legend of all, was real}
- __asloversgo - As Lovers Come..And Go
- __emoxblaster__ - Hello, My name is Distance.
- __findingemo - __FindingEMO
- __legit - __legit.
- __murderxscene_ - The Murder Scene
- __of_all_atdi__ - lovers of all that is at the drive-in
- __theincrowd - the in crowd
- __watchoutnow - __watchoutnow
- _amongthefence_ - The official Coheed and Cambria Street Team Group
- _appleseedcast - The Appleseed Cast Fan Community
- _band_rate - Critism and Harrassment On Your Favorite Bands
- _bycommittee - By Committee
- _colormeawesome - I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
- _crazylike_ahh - too crazy for names.
- _hardcore_nerds - _hardcore_nerds
- _hotemosex_ - </3
- _how_to_be_dead - how to be dead
- _lamers_ - The everything rating community <3
- _lickme - Lick Me
- _outofstep_ - _outofstep_
- _punk_steady_ - loser kid
- _robotevolution - ...
- _takenbythesea - Taken By The Sea
- _teh_mixtapes_ - submit your mix cd/tape
- _thousandships - Greek mythology fanworks (fanfic and fanart)
- _toughcuties_ - _toughcuties_
- _weretheliars - WE ARE THE LIARS
- _xthemobscene - better than a sex scene.
- a_drop_of_blood - razorblade canvas
- a_letter_to_you - would you come?
- aabbccabcs - Your As Welcome As Cancer, But My Door Is Always U
- achilles_fans - Fans of Achilles
- against_heroes - Gerosenial Experience
- alexanderfics - Alexander the Great fic and more
- allaboutemo -
- allthings_indie - All things indie
- anahil - Nothing Dies Tonight
- anti_atdi - The only thing worse than ATDI is their fans
- arizonaindie - Arizona Music Scene
- artishard___ - You've Got To Sink To Swim
- ballet_flats__ - House of Jealous Lovers//indie*
- band_tours - what bands are on tour and when/where?
- bandbox_retinue - BandBox_Retinue
- bandoftheweek2 - Band of the Week
- bat__country - bat__country
- bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
- bedshaped__ - Blind faith revolutions
- bestdefence - Wishful Thinkers with the Worst Intentions
- bhammusic - Birmingham music and concerts
- bigdayout - The Big Day Out Community
- bleedingemo - Breaking down the boundaries.
- bleedxsickness - Bleed the Sickness
- bloodyevidence - My heart is the target and your willing to fire...
- book_of_gnome - Het Book Van Nisse
- breaktradition - Break Tradition
- bulletfacegrace - bullet face grace
- castlesharkface - King SharkFace's Fair Kingdom
- champs_league - UEFA Champions League
- chaney2 - I <3 Chaney
- chaosresolved - A Modern Rock Colloquium
- chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
- claim_a_band2 - claim_a_band2
- claimamerchboy - Merch boys need love too
- classicalgreek - Classical Greek
- coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
- comas_top_5 - Top 5 Songs
- consequences_ - you won't feel a thing.
- crooked__edge - crooked_edge
- cutoutmylungs - The Atlantic Was Born Today
- cutthispicture - Hot Core Kids
- dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
- damnlittlebitch - HOT DAMN
- danst3hbest - Dan owns you and your bum.
- destorymethrewu - tight pants and black hair..
- destroyenjoy - destroy enjoy, the music files.
- dischord_breath - Cabron April
- disposeofyou - A Static Lullaby Craze
- do_me_achilles - Do Me, Achilles
- dream_a_reality - Dream A Reality
- dyingxbreed - kick it out
- elpasopeople - elpasopeople
- em0_mix_tap3 - Emo mIx tApe
- emo__dorks - .[emo] [kids] [equal] [sex].
- emo_boyz_unite - .[emo] [boys] [equal] [sex].
- emo_ecstacy - Emo Ecstacy
- emo_elitist - The best of the broken hearted
- emo_lushes_ - <3 emo_lushes_ <3
- emo_lyrics - emo lyrics
- emo_manifesto - Rad Emo Kids
- emo_mixes - emo_mixes
- emo_ua - Емо в Україні
- emoagogo - Simply Lonely
- emoart - Broken Canvas
- endeavormusic - Endeavor Music
- ennui_shakedown - rock star
- entertheauthor - Enter the Author
- epic_of_troy - The Epic of Troy - An Iliad RPG
- er_y3w_hawt - h@w+/\/3s5
- est1987 - : entertainment magazine
- eugenics - LJ Eugenics Society (Science)
- everyone_is_sad - no one is ever happy
- exit_only_ - Exit Only
- f_t_f - First Things First
- fake_emo_kids - The community for fake emo kids
- fallenheros - .
- fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
- feelslikefallin - feelslikefallin
- fivepointstar - FivePointStar
- fkc4lyfe - FAT KIDS CLUB.
- folklore_slash - folklore_slash
- foreveryheart - *A THORN FOR EVERY HEART* - join!
- freaking_rock - We freaking rock.
- fuck_u_im_scene - Way 2 Scene For the Scene fuckers!
- ghostmaps - fuck this social masquerade
- glassjaw0re - i wish you a broken heart
- gordontown - Gordon Anderson Fans, Unite!
- grand_ncpics - Post your concert pics here
- greco_roman - Pantheon
- greek_gods - The Goddesses and Gods of Greece
- handgun_theory -
- hardcorejunkies - Addicted to hardcore
- heistathand - heistathand
- hellchuco - hell chuco!
- hellenic_pagans - Hellenic Pagans
- hellpaso - hellpaso
- historicons - Ye Olde Icons
- hot_as_ice - Are you as cool as us?
- hotlikesex_emos - hotlikesex_emos
- hott_like_duh - ~A Less Classy Rating Community~
- hott_like_whoax - fuck off ugly
- hxcglamour - Pretty Lil Hardcore Kids
- i_love_hunter - i_love_hunter
- i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
- ihatehaiku - i hate haiku
- ihatehiphopkids - I hate Hip Hop Kids
- ihavegotabrick - we are the world
- ilium - Trojan War
- imrad__________ - we're rad.
- indie_emolos3rs - indie/emo losers
- indiebadges - indiebadges
- indiecore - The Harder Side of Indie Rock
- indiemixtape - indiemixtape
- indiemixtrade - Indie Mix Trade Monthly
- indieradio - Indie Radio
- indierockmix - [[mixes]]
- indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
- indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
- indvmusicfreaks - Individual Music Freaks
- inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
- itsoneverything - Last Days of April
- iwantnewmusic - Discover new music today!
- iworshiplaura - I worship Laura
- kameradschaft - Alle Schweine müssen sterben
- karmarunners - Running With Karma
- kids_of_nh - Kids of New Hampshire
- knightlife333 - knights under the stars
- krisradio - Kris Radio
- kungfuxkrew - kungfuxkrew
- lameassxcore - lameassxcore
- le_fuzz - the fuzz
- lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
- lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
- li_hxc - long island hardcore.
- liesand_romance - Pretty Girls Make Graves
- linesintophnix - Lines into Phoenix
- littleblackstar - _little[black]#star
- love_me_biotch - The Well of Tradition
- lyrical_photos - Lyrical Images
- lyrics_save - Lyrics save the day.
- m4j0rity_rul3s - ______ a fair rating community.
- maryrenaultfics - Mary's Handmaidens
- meetmeinthe____ - meetmeinthe____
- megalexandros - History of Alexander the Great and ancient Macedon
- melodic_carnage - melodic~carnage
- mic_and_moshpit - Taking Back Sunday
- michiganshows - michigan shows
- midtownmemphis - i ♥ midtown of memphis
- minda_n_jeff - Melinda and Jeff
- mixtapegraphics - Mixtape Graphics
- mixtapery - //yet another mixtape community
- mixtapesetc - Mix Tapes Etc
- momentswelive4 - Anything and Everything
- morelikenotlame - morelike_not_lame
- moronic_allies - moronic_allies
- music_daily - Music Daily
- musicobsession - Music Fanatics
- mute_headphones - Music For The Deaf and Careless
- myspace_cadets - myspace_cadets
- napalmjello - Lime Green Sugar Free Gelatinous Terrorism
- niceemokidsrock - niceemokidsrock
- noise_ - noise.
- non_losers - WE RULE YOU DROOL
- northofnovember - northofnovember
- odyssey_fans - Fans of Homer's Odyssey
- of_alliance - this lonely heart
- oh____orgasmo - oh oh orgasmo
- omg____ufos - omg lyk no way. ;o)
- onlyfuckingyou - the emo in crowd
- ooccrimsondrops - Crimson Drops OOC
- pace_yourself - At The Drive-In
- paperwithoutink - words expressed on paper have no meaning
- patroclus_fans - Patroclus Fans
- peoplewhorawq - Rock My Socks
- photocall - PhotoCall
- pinchelpaso_nhi - NHI UP THE ASS FOR EL PASOANS
- plain_vanity - ordinary love
- plus_the_bullet - minus_the_person
- point_your_gun - BANG_BANG.. We've Got Perfect Aim
- porfirio_diaz - rascuache
- portcharlotte - Port Charlotte
- pprevolution - Pants Pants Revolution
- presocratics - Pre-Socratic Philosophy
- pussy_x_patrol - PxP
- pwwo_mixcd - Plays Well With Others
- quinn_xx_rated - Quinn<33
- raisethestakes - Recent Purchases
- random_rock - random_rock
- razorbladecuts - More Fun Than Chewing Razor Blades
- robot_jox - the Robot Jox
- rockingthescene -
- rockstarbang - fock them cos they're famous
- rooftop_junkies - A Ghost Runner on Third Community
- ru_emo - Emo Music in Russia
- ru_slamfest - *Alternative music community
- scene__romance - scene__romance
- scene_fuckers - press play and keep headphones on.
- selection - select
- seraphtron - Seraphtron
- sexaphobes - touch me. kill you.
- sexyscenekids - Sexy Scene Kids
- shanelrobertson - Indie Chicks Fucking Rock
- shmash - smash // general music discussion
- show_off_ur_emo - show it!
- shsukids - shsu kids
- silentskymedia - Silent Sky Media: Enjoy Music.
- skateandsurf - Skate And Surf 2005
- somethng_secret - Something Secret
- song_of_troy - Song of Troy-a Trojan War RPG
- soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
- southern_il - Southern Illinoisans
- sparta_mi - Sparta, MI
- spartacommunity - spartacommunity
- surfing_birds - Teenaged Lobotomy
- switch_and_goo - Switch & Goo Nightclub's Community
- switchitnext - Switch It Next
- team_koosh - Team Koosh
- tennesseesingle - Tennessee Singles
- the_front_row - the front row
- the_mars_volta - The Mars Volta
- thecoffeyhouse - Coffey's House Of Photography & Music
- thecollectiveco - The Collective
- thegood_life - the good life
- thehfc - thehfc
- theschooligans - Rival Schools Fans & Friends Unite!
- thesfvscene - the san fernando valley xscenex
- thestart - shakedown!
- thirdpla - thirdpla
- thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
- thisprovidence - thisprovidence
- tooxsceneforyou - Tooxxxscene
- top9at10 - Montag's Top 9 at 10
- troy_fanfic - Troy Fanfic (and more) for Adults
- troycostumes - Costumes of Troy
- troygasm - troygasm
- troyicons - Troy Icons
- troymovie - Troy movie
- troyslash - Troy Slash
- uniqueskitzo - Pretty on the outside....DIFFERENT ON THE INSIDE
- used_addicts - the used fiends
- ut_classics - UT - Austin Classics
- vacantskies - Sparta
- veil_unearthed - Shrouded in Sorrow
- walk_the_walk - Can YOU walk the walk?
- we_love_meg - Meg is Awesome
- wearetheparty - wearetheparty
- whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
- when_2_met_3 - When 2 met 3
- xalready_deadx - they found me dead on december
- xbloodredsnowx - blood red snow
- xdarjeelingx - BxSxHxC
- xelmos_worldx - lalala elmos world
- xhot_rockersx - xhot_rockersx
- xthecolorofemox - i could paint the sky wiff you
- xxblameonluckxx - xxblameonluckxx
- yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
- yousolastsummr - he is the lamb, she is the slaughter
Interested users
The following users are interested in sparta. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
435 matches:
- 2blind2c2morro - alicia
- 2malakai4 - college of humanities, arts, and social sciences
- 30reds - Caitlyn
- 83rockstar83 - .emotionalxangela.
- abernkl - abernkl
- abum - Matt
- acidpixie81 - Ariane
- aeon6 - (ae)on
- agesixracer - I'M DYING TO LIVE
- airborneherpes - The life and times of a cum-cleaner in the biz.
- alittlerain - curiosity kitten
- alliepea - i serve no use for you.
- allular - Matthew
- ambryo - Amber
- ambs - Amber
- amnesiac26 - girlfriend in a coma
- amypie - orangehead orangehead lalala
- angelspit - 〖start again, buttercup〗
- angrdpunx - I threw up in my mouth
- angrynerdrawker - this is me with the words on the tip of my tongue
- apatheticday - colormeblind
- astererebos - Veritas Antiquus et Vincit Antiquus
- atarisguitarkid - -=Jonathan=-
- atlasttheend - ::chuck:slaughter::
- austindontknow - Austin
- b0red123 - strange and beautiful
- badphish - caroline
- bahzerkerjosh - Joshua E.
- bassdude7 - Collin
- bb_pimp14 - Pootie
- bbeast435 - elli
- benhartig - Duber
- benjy_c - Benjy
- benmaras - Ben
- betrayedbylife - Jen saves the day
- bettybanana - Another confused kid
- betweenhell - relentless massacre
- bio187 - Departing Faith
- blackkittie - Jo Mama!
- blackstared - bombadiliam
- blackwid0w - .hopelessly.bound.lifeless.
- blairbear84 - Blair
- blamethestars - Veigh
- blank_page - corey
- blink182sucks - you don't know who you're dealing with....
- blink9182 - GENERICsuperZERO
- blinkedoff41 -
- blizza - yo.grandpa
- bluenihilistic - Chelsea E
- bluerocks - luke
- bluestarbrite - . f0rsythia .
- boarderchickrxb - Captain fuckin' Stevenson the Econ Pirate
- bobthebassist - Track 5
- bonbonskin - Bonnie
- boogolay - Steve-O
- borednclueless - Jody
- botcat - Strawcat
- brentster - massa brently.
- bubble2 - sir
- bubblysinner - .
- buddybear - MaDe Of FaLLiNg StArS
- c_money - for.the.honour.of.GRAYSKULL
- calidreamerinva - xX Mr. Brightside Xx
- canadiangirl66 - Lori-Anne
- captonshiner - Those We Don't Speak Of
- carebearandy - Lacking Insipration
- carloscadaver - carlos cadaver
- catfishwhisker - monica
- caustic - ::first but last::
- channon - aware of the game
- charlatan - Jerome Holeyman
- cherry_pez - someone
- chickenfart - Haggis McGillicutty
- chimaira - Chimaira Fans Are The Best, Fuck The Rest.
- chrisemocore - Pomp and Circumstance
- chrissithedork - chrissi dewald
- christifer - ()()()( )()()( )()( )()( )()()( )()()()()
- cinereous - ★ Textbook Great ★
- cloud_shane - Pool of Tears
- concietta - Conchata
- condenser - Condenser
- cordilleran2 - The Achaemenid
- corduroy_jacket - Sad Siamise Dream
- cornflakegirl1 - Helena Handbasket
- crl - chris lanteigne
- cronmoax - McGirdle
- crucialseven - matto
- crystaline - X-Tal
- cunk - I lik-a do da cha-cha
- curiouslilmnky - MASTA P
- curls - here they come with ringing ears-social misfits
- da1nonlykikibob - Of Course I'm a Feminist.
- dancingjuliet - The Beautiful Mistake
- dandywilber - Emily Mae
- danorpugs - Danny
- davidsane - David Sane
- deadsunwheel - Iron Wolf
- deathbotforxmas - xMr. Keith Edgex
- deaxolff - moona
- defecate69 - Shaun
- dekanerab - Soap-on-a-Rope
- deovian - The Only Thing I Know Is Awkward Silence...
- dhjelm - drew
- diablo666 - Kerry Deichmann
- digi_delinquent - Sadé
- divarainbow - I'd sell my soul for the dream you stole..
- dizzy923 - cathy
- djr182 - Is this It?
- doh - Chad
- dombydooby - take it away
- doom1n1bass - The Absolute Digimatic
- dorkypunk - littlemisscantbewrong.
- dreadedphelix - Ahhlicks
- dreamer182 - so local even the seagulls are bored
- drewstei - Drew Stei
- drivel - miss world! xo
- dude - the seed of a bastard
- echolex - Jenny
- eerb281 - Bree
- eilliastardust - Allie
- ejstorm - The Lizster
- emaline3 - kate
- emollifyx24 - la emergencia! la emergencia!
- emosxrevenge - Die young stay beautiful
- empty_tank1313 - . that's hot .
- ericz - eri(c)
- esoulfly - e
- exacta - Brad
- explodingrrrl - explodingrrrl
- expressedinword - Who do I fool?
- ezcheeser - Kurtis
- f0rum2k1 - Broken Dreams
- faceless1 - meursault
- fag - Joey
- faithlesswonder - cody
- fallen_angel_86 - Sarah
- fallendownangel - Fluffy Hula Hoops
- fallenskye4 - keri
- faymooncrest - Sabrina
- fhil - FHiL
- filb - Rachel
- filmboy2828 - Jon
- finitegirl - chrissy
- fishblinkbizkit - the fiction we live
- flamingclown - Mikey
- flaveroftheweak - Christine
- fourminutemile - We all crash new jet planes tonight
- fucoughandeye - J4mz0rz L33
- gail - ...and i'd like it to stay.
- galadahlia - ...but not too much
- gasoline - There's blood on my shoes...
- geek_face - .nerdy me.
- geekpunkrocker - Lincoln
- geeksrock - Tom
- getupatariskid - Technicolor girl
- getuptrio36 - i'll smack your mouth
- gidgettec6 - gidgette
- gilbert2424 - A Razor Wristed Kid
- girl_named_amy - not amy
- glasstornado - kayruh
- glitterlover69 - you're so last summer.
- gloweracts - misspronounced
- gothkid37 - Byron
- green_eyed_gurl - .:Torture My ♥::.
- grungygirl - Heather
- habitualspeeder - juan
- halfalife - Jen
- hamohoy - Lenny Gordon
- hansonfreak - the girl with no appendages
- haphazardjoy - dana
- hardcorekitty - FLIP
- hey_ironico - BonBon the Phenomenon
- heylookatme - Ogelthorpe and Emery
- hillaryvicious - rub your face in glass
- hipchic311 - Oh, Angelica
- hitormiss - .for the believers of rock n roll.
- homecomingqueer - Mental Masturbation
- i420piate - Joshua David McGlaughlin
- iamchris - Why Can't You Live Without the Attention?
- iamemo - Randal "Generic" Armstrong
- iamtimslife - Tim
- iandork107 - Ian
- icantgetenough - xphantasmagorex
- iggysk8er116 - The Killing Three
- ihateittoo - Kelly
- imanerdette - you suck
- indie31 - Jaime
- indiebean - emily rugburn
- ineyman - Inna
- injectlifeinme - MoaNa
- ishmal - Lars
- itsmymadness - Crystal
- jadedorgyfiend - sling my arrow - shatter your walls
- jai - human tape recorder extraordinaire
- jamieotterbein - Jamie Otterbein
- jeager - James
- jeni4 - jennifer
- jeremy7450 - cant see cause im eating.
- jubeisaotome - JubeiSaotome
- juniper - lizzy
- justagirl85 - Jilly Bean
- justbehere - ditchie
- k2k - Kaci
- kat04 - The Beginning of the End..
- katemack82 - +kath+
- katrinacobain - confusion with a k
- kaydash - a beast of prey
- kcoll98 - kcoll98
- keelykeely - -keely
- keighty - Hardcore Coalition
- kheldar - Kenny
- kidinthehall - he who finds himself loses his misery
- kifreak - h to the izzo
- killrockstars68 - kristen
- kitee - Kitee
- kitkat87 - <> A Willing Cadaver <>
- kittencore - *danger is my logo, espionage a go-go*
- kittie309 - .the.shit.that.we.come.from.
- konverse7 - wrist warmers are my new best friend
- korngirl - krystina
- krisco - bloody vagina christine
- kyuusai - Joshua
- lanham - Lanham
- latex - this machine breaks hearts
- lauren539 - i swear, it's not contagious.
- leahbeah - leah
- like_wasabi - Michelle
- lilmisshardcore - *white*phantom*
- lilpunkchic - a lost cause :: I'll never prove them wrong
- lilpunkerrr - ashley [the fox]
- lilsporkgirl - "the sky will never look the same again."
- lizzabeth1986 - lizzzz
- londonloves - Glitter Girl
- lordbrak - Now Presenting: Meadowlark Osby
- lost4you41 - Kristen
- lostcrumpet - MELANIE
- louisstamos - Loucifer Stamos
- m1sledy0uth - Just a Boy
- mahdigoddess - Mahdi
- mandamarie - Amanda
- mandapantz - 'Manda
- manicpop - Anthony
- manurethebear - Jaclyn
- mari - duh.
- markytorture - Marky Wildtype
- matina - Paula Abdul, f'sho.
- mattschraf - Choking on Air
- mauraizsketty - The beach isn't walking distance
- maz - Maz
- meganlovedj - It feels more like July♥
- meowie_wowie - ambre
- meowimcat - Cat
- mepunkarelli - Andrea
- mertle - The Mysterious Anti-Denmark Crusader
- mhsdth - David
- mia_stardust - shona the hobbie
- mikealles - Mike Alles
- missalice - Alice in deep Defecation
- mistajon - Mista Jon
- mitch - Mitch
- movienevermade - N\cho/a§
- mr_havok - Nathan Havok
- mrpenguin - Bryan
- mselfdestructl - Twisted By Design
- munche - MunchE
- muzikjunkie - Michelle
- mysteryangel - Krista
- nailboy - Mike Norwood
- natalielenina - Math
- ncirclesoutaluv - ...
- neuros - Tofu
- newworld_punker - Wesley
- niblett - Niblett
- nickey - say you won't care
- nicoleh31 - Nicole
- nicour - nikij
- nikkilovesgoats - Nikki "Snack Pack"
- nimbus - bryan donahue
- noiseaddict - sometimes a princesses work is never done....
- noodles - Ben Fridolf
- nuxvomica - shann0n
- onechewyco0kie - This is the sound of dying insides...
- oniros - Kyle
- orangesodaooo - ashley
- otakugeekboy - Marty
- outofmydepth - mary!
- outofreach - Girl Singing Night
- paris_of_priam - Cave canem, te necet lingendo.
- paro - vismund cygnus
- pathetic_gurl - breathing you in
- pbbunny11387 - Megan
- peachonfire - boho insomniac a.k.a Nikki
- pedram - Railin' Anthrax
- pezking22 - i used to hate cellphones now i hate car accidents
- pezpunk - novena without faith
- pink_lady23 - Stephlolincus
- pinkglitterdust - Monster
- pip - pip squeak
- pisces313 - Protein2000
- pityme - kaka
- pixieren - broken star
- pixrel - ~babushka~
- plaidapus - Tiff-a-dorkis
- plaidisrad - erin
- plasticinelf - I'll bust you up yo
- playboiprincess - Jen
- plen0ptic - Josh
- plish - 2318008
- poitras - Prepotency
- porcelian - felita
- puddin_pants - Tch. I know it.
- punchyrfacecore - Rich Ayers
- punk_rawkgal007 - whoever you want me to be
- punkknot - Bryan Friedman
- punkrawkkid - The Dope Fiend Splashes Gash Like A Nailbomb
- punkypink11 - Laura
- quakrskoolrejec - Petal
- queefknot - She lives in this town where I know this kid
- quirkykatie - ♥.·:*¨¨*:·.{(~*Katie>*<Lynn*~)}.·:*¨¨*:·.♥
- radioheadewd - a nun falling down the stairs
- raggedhalo - OneJoeRiot
- rainbow_punk - Rainbow pUnk
- ralenth - ral
- reggie - Joel
- regretfulmornin - Devyn
- reiofstarlight - Caroline
- relia - little idiot
- reyna - uniformly beautiful
- rhyno182 - Ry
- rifty - Pete
- riosunset7 - Clever
- rock_goddess - Rock Goddess
- rockinbabe37 - K-lynn
- rodeweezle - I Die In Degrees
- rubbaducky89 - goodbye makes the journey harder still
- ruck - Jet Jaguar
- rufiogurl - Rea Jive
- ruinerxl - Mихаил
- ryogahibiki01 - Unholy Wings
- ryzzo - The exiled faithful
- sabotage - Brian
- saitlin - Cait
- scrletbegonia28 - strange girl
- seandw777 - Sean, accept no substitutes
- sgdstan - Josh
- sheriot6669 - My Unopened Letter 2 a World That Never Will Reply
- shesaid2_no_one - Justin
- shoetheposer - Shoe
- shy_ghost28 - ?????????????????????????????????????
- sickboysako - Daniel
- sikk - Scott Malice
- simplejonny - simplejonny
- singbluesilver - diana
- sixtyseven - Sanity Now Is Beyond Me
- sjoeboo - mat
- skabunny - Lesley
- skankin_katbat - ashley
- skatanic241 - ★草原の人★
- skatanicpunker - DaN
- skaty53 - i'm a two faced bitch
- slippy19 - cassie.
- slxckshoes - In the midst thereof, wanting...
- smashkin33 - Melissa
- smokenstars - drink yourself sober
- snorwie - *Matthew*
- society1 - Shane
- solace - Kyle Matteson
- solazy - alix
- somebodyelse - an appropriate pseudonym
- somerandomgirl - SomeRandomGirl
- souponastick - EricDavid
- spazheadus - medusa and the gorgons
- specialgoodness - A cool bro soon to be the Boston strangler
- spiralingflames - the girl with the broken smile
- spontaneity - don't bother to write
- spookyboi88 - Dez Killmi
- squirrrly - Dead and Broken
- starofsunday - lindsay
- starpower - *~Renée~*
- starseeker - starseeker
- status_rx - jukebox.break
- stereopathic - mike
- sticks - Stick
- stiffler - Stiffler
- stitcheduplove - jackie
- stnkrbell6 - Stank
- stoopidgirl - Amber
- sunshynepunk - Desiree
- supermorgo - Morgan
- surfergrl8215 - Becca
- sweet_mimi - mimi
- sweetescape - Uzma
- sweetpunk1421 - Jess
- sweetshyle8 - And you will know me by trail of radiohead pins
- sxepunk - chi_city_soul
- tangerinespeedo - Burn this girl
- thebritishkid - Graham
- theendofsound - The End Of Sound As We Know It
- therealgnu - gnu
- theringworm - Vlad the Impaler
- thetechnoallah - J-Rock
- thornsinmyhair - luhua
- tiffofanie - Tiffany
- timuno - Timothy
- tomydingo - Pleasure Delayer
- tonightsdanight - The Silence cant escape us
- toxicate - a steady diet of nothing
- twizon68 - womanVSyourmother
- undiscoveryouth - suz
- unprep - robin
- untitled182 - Open Roads and Broken Hearts
- upthepunks - one of those anti girls
- veganguy - The many wonders of crack.
- verinvith - Perhaps I am the atheist chaplain.
- virginiaclair - faintheart in a railway train
- vitalforce - cristina
- vixsoto - Vix
- warwithin - Aaron
- wastro182 - Matt
- winky33 - Lance Storm
- winterborne1 - Winter
- wishmewould - Krissen
- wizzo - Wizzo
- wraincloud - Wraincloud
- xblueskies13x - xtine.
- xcoughing - xcoughing
- xhedisticx - matthewPryor
- xhotrodcircuitx - Let me rip out the throat of your still warm body.
- xsarahx - Wondergirl
- xverucax - BlkLiQuidLiner
- xxtothecorexx - Ba-bam!
- xxxfiasco - fiAsCo fiEnD
- yellow - crime doesn't pay
- ylime - *chemical stress*
- yo_yoking - phil