Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "cyberpunk".
263 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in cyberpunk. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
460 matches:
- 0riet - navi_cat
- 100thoughts - Leander
- 3neva - your screams, my music
- 8mm - David Jacob Duke
- 9mm_psychology - the philosophy of a right hand twist
- _digitalangel_ - Ben (a.k.a '$mokey')
- acidtripsatan - BugBuster
- adranse - Andrew Dranse
- adrianfox - Adrian Fox
- adric - Defective Unit, Out of Warranty
- aekiy - Gorotsuki Tenshi
- affectsofxero - Slayer of Zombies
- agent13 - In A World He Never Made
- alisgray - girl as cake army
- alithefiend - Rapière di Luce
- allamistako - Allamistako
- almeda - Almeda
- alvion - Jiz-to-the-OE
- amoe - Amoe
- angerbunny - Hell & Malfunction
- another_1 - another1
- ansat - Crux Ansata
- antimatter - antimatter
- apophasis - Apophasis
- arachne - arachne
- archenteron - Archenteron Crisis
- ariael - cognitive dissident
- arlinimartini - Play It Again In Metric
- arseny - Arsenic
- artifice_x - Johnny Grey
- arya - Sayuri
- ascian - Adam the Dreamer
- asura - Asura-gati
- atesh42 - D.
- atomicnumber51 - Antimony Azazello
- atrocitor - Orion
- azurecobalt - He wasn't looking for a five minute thrill
- badger - badger
- bakanogami - Thomas McAlister
- balkador - Balkador
- balor - Leon
- bazil - Bazil McKenzie
- beermat - Greg Elkin
- beezelbub - Digiscribe
- beldin - Mark
- bitesizedego - This Bullshit Moment
- bixie - bixie
- blackavar - Blackavar
- blackcloud - Dreamer
- blistex - Short Girl
- blky - Les
- blooddoll - ~*~Blooddoll~*~ The Dark Gypsy
- bloodengel - chuckiebear
- bludragon - The Blu Dragon
- bluecity - ozymandius
- bluerosesgirl - Lagunculae leydianae non accedunt
- bnny - BNNY
- bolahead - Jonas Marcoux
- boywithahalo - Broken Infinity
- bratbitch - Abbey du jour
- breakingdestiny - Dawn
- brerrabbit23 - Brer
- cadman_weyland - Cadman Weyland
- califormula - Mark
- catharsisqueen - ResistancE
- chaoschick - Vic
- chaoticasylum - The last girl on Earth
- chiabrit - Gullible's Tribbles
- childofdeath - The Grimmy-Beast
- christophine - Christophine
- cl0ckw0rk - the Doctor... Who? Exactly
- cmorrigu - Cernunnos Morrigu
- consortium - The Consortium
- controvirt - Dr. Bloodmoney
- corriel - ₪₪₪ Corriel ₪₪₪
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- craftyran - Ran
- crankybastard - Fred T. Kerns
- cris - cris
- cronoskun - Cronoskun
- cryoboy - Brett the Insecticon
- crystaljaded - Crystal
- ctuck - Chris
- cvandee - Chris Van Deelen
- cybergothica - :: \ Digital Nyte Chapel / ::
- cyberpunkgrrl - sharon
- cyberzon - Me,myself, and sometimes I
- cyborg200 - Duncan Smith
- cyborgirl - Cyborgirl
- cyynica - Blunt Force Trauma
- daddygod - Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
- dadethompson - Dade
- dakuootta - Cynical Bastard
- danoot - Science! Dan!
- dark_silence - silence
- darker_dreams - No one of note
- darkewolf - Padraig MacIain
- darkhorse - darkhorse
- darquelf - David
- daryl_74 - Daryl Christensen
- decker - Decker
- denonymous - Johnson
- derhardt - the animal you just ate for lunch
- devon - a Siamese Cat of a Bird
- dexfarkin - Dex
- diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
- digiboy - digiboy
- dip - Юрец
- divinus - Elliot DeKay
- dixon - Dixon
- dj_fraudulent - dj fraudulent
- djmindwarp - "F" The President (JFK should've won)
- dkn - .^.dkn.^.
- dragonflychey - another catastrophic success
- drascus - Drascus
- drchase - uuintermute
- dreamless - dayvid
- drfardook - Mad Mod Rabbit God
- drizzle - drizzle
- drlovegroove - Vinnie
- duckula - Monkey stuff
- duien - em
- dvoid - DvoId
- e6 - e6-
- earlemartin - Earle Martin
- ecchymose - Ecchymose
- efli - Efli
- ej - Erica J.
- el_vendido - The Dirty Mexican
- electricdog - thee electric dög
- elektr0death - Bea-Logical Weapon
- elektrovst - Eric from Interface
- elexa - Synthetik Elexa
- elkay - elkay
- ellie - Ellie
- ellipse - Jamey
- elmntrymdr - Carley
- embryomystic - Eater of the Sun
- etan - His Royal Highness, the Emporer of Penguins
- euchrid3 - This Fool You Love Somehow
- evilchick - Polymer Jones
- evropa - Evropa
- eyegore - Bil
- eyesoutoffocus - a cracked machine
- fanafox - Julia Grammer // Fana McCloud
- fanaticnerdism - ジョナサン ・ シェグリン
- faxenoff - FAx
- fenrir - Teo
- filth - malice
- forlorn - forlorn
- frailphoenix - Iterations^2
- fraserspeirs - Fraser Speirs
- frito_kal - Karen "Frito" Lawrence
- frost19 - Frost
- fruitcake - FrøtCåke
- futile - Caroline
- g31g3r - Gregory
- g33k - your mom's favorite angstmonster
- gdw - Gene
- geg - Grigori Richardovich
- gmann - Guy Mann
- goninzo - Wretched hive of scum and villany
- gooph - Fairy Godmotherfucker
- graphxgrrl - contents under pressure - handle with care
- grimm - Grimm Zombie
- grrlquake - beautiful disaster
- grrretel - A Delicate Flower Floating in the Loo
- grumble - Thor Antrim
- guilty - Doc Razor
- gwferguson - G. W. Ferguson
- gypsy_kitty - Jennifer
- gypsydemon - Gypsy Demon
- haioken - Billy
- halloweenboy - Nexus Spider
- hanajibu - B. Fee
- hektik - hektik
- hemlock - Hemlock
- heronblue - the heron-blue ghost
- hiddenbook - sweet mitten cup
- huiwei - Huiwei
- iarwain - Iarwain
- icesickle - Ice Sickle
- idoru - [shauna]
- ileah - Ileah
- ilyak - Ilya Kochetov
- imnotsatan - MC Angmar
- inahandbasket - ... in a handbasket
- industrialite - Violet
- inebrigoth - Asphyxia
- inity - Inity. Amant de l'absinthe
- ivey - about a girl
- jadedboi - jive turkey
- jagger - Robert S. Jagger
- jaiden - _/ hep * cat \_
- jame0 - Stigmata Martyr
- janusdoa - Fullmetal Gynecologist
- jarel - J
- jdoc - Jess
- jeffsubmind - jeff[rey] ?????
- jessicapadkin - Jessica Padkin
- jesus1138 - jason
- jhimm - .hack/jhimm
- jmf048 - superjenn
- jonnyx - Pope jonnyX
- joopy - 田島はる
- jrcubindy - The Cub Champion
- jspelbring - Jon Spelbring
- juri_sempai - El Pollo Diablo
- jyro - jyro delix
- kabuki_kid - Lain Iwakura
- kachichan - Kachi Aozora
- kalkail - Kalkail
- kawaiimiaka - Miaka
- kayeanne15 - Kate
- kem002 - Alex A. Shevtsov
- kespernorth - Kesper North
- kiad - Mlle. Kïad Auguſt Arkhangel'sk
- killingjoke - Flügelschleifer
- kiserai - Kiserai
- kit_silverfox - Kit Silverfox
- koan - intangible man
- kobold - See Me Rage
- korvus - Korvus
- kphoebe - Karen
- kshatri - falling into the sky
- kungfoogirl - Playafreckles
- kurara - Clara-tan
- kurtbatz - KurtBatz
- kvance - Kevin Vance
- labmouse - Laura
- lampbane - Lampbane
- landale - Synthesis Landale
- lapis_lazuli - Lapis Lazuli
- largo - Jonathan Gast
- lefthandshake - oxide | n2cole -
- leon_weirdo - Leon
- logicblue - LogicBlue
- loqia - o r i g n i n a l i t y d i s o r d e r
- lori - Lori
- lroberson - Gamegeek
- lucasthegray - lucasthegray
- luridhue - meshell
- lusus - Thought Junkie
- machinegirl - Eliza C
- magnilinoy - King Mob
- magnoona - GEEKU PUNKU KAWAIIIIIIIII Expatriated Zulu
- maligned - jordan
- manhattan - <required field>
- manjari - manjari
- maradydd - Meredith L. Patterson
- marckorbin - Count Of verMillion
- martyrdom - Technicolour Troubador
- mcdumpsterxi - mcdumpsterxi
- mediaprophet - Jon Lemich
- megalomaniacal - -nate-
- memo - memo
- mercuriosity - Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.)
- mikeisenberg - Michael Isenberg
- milkplus - M+
- mimus - Michael Bailey
- mischa - si se puede!
- mishra - Will
- missing - Trake Adams
- missmalice - little miss malice
- mojograham - nerdtron
- mopedronin - Made in DNA
- morbid_angel - Parker
- morgdobwcpt - Alex Stone-Tharp
- morphine - morphine
- mouser882 - Jessie
- mrbokkie - mrBokkie
- mrmortdelem - Corvis E. Mortdelem
- mrtangent - MrTangent
- mummra - der Mann mit keine Hosen
- murder101 - Queen of Lies
- myrrdin - Tyler Durden
- myshkin - mysh
- naiadea - strawberry switchblade
- natecooper - Nathan Cooper
- nearphuture - alx
- necro2607 - necro2607
- nentwined - quasi random
- neonowl - The Pope's Cousin, Count Popeula
- nepenthe01 - Nepenthe
- neph - Steven
- nephilimnexus - Mercurial Metamorphosis
- netdancer - Netdancer
- ngtmagicks - NightMagicks
- nicodemus - Nicodemus
- nighthawk21 - Mavka Phoenix
- nil8r - In a Blue State of Mind
- ninjaseg - Seg
- nix - nix
- nova_starr - nova_starr
- nukey - Rick Gorman
- octopusgrrl - Mouseketeer Stigmata
- ohgr - Citizen Erased
- ozgeek - ozgeek
- painispretty - 'Til It Bleeds.
- painl3ss - Carla Entropia
- partridge - partridge
- pathseeker - Pathseeker
- pavig - pavig
- peet - until your lips turn blue.
- petermarcus - Peter
- pguymontag - Guy Montag
- phinnia - Alison Veil
- physphilo - Nathan
- poisonedsweets - PoisonedSweets
- pooka - Pooka and the Purple Crayon
- predicate - the verb
- protocat - Proto Katto!
- protoclown - Some Insane Guy
- psi0nik - 40oz of social skills
- psychohosebeast - Jason
- psycotia - lauren.
- pussinboots - Scurvy: An In-Depth Photographic Essay
- puzzill - well forked but not dead
- quelrod - James
- quintillian - The Next Unseelie Queen
- radioactive - just another primate
- radiumx - Bionic Commando
- radu - Radu Valteros
- ragdoll - Ill Tempered Sea Bass
- raistphrk - bill
- rando - idoru
- rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
- ratkrycek - True Neutral Elf Ranger Cleric
- redbeard - redbeard
- redglasses - James Johnson
- redhawk - Redhawk
- reecharded - reechard
- renatus - The Muse, Renatus
- replicantgirl - 'Bot
- resilient - Resilient
- retrev - Trevor Clarke
- richpizor - 2πr
- riskygamble - Laughing Target
- rmalena - super double x man
- rob_roy - Hollow Rob
- robotgirl - Elegant Machinery
- rotem - 死にたがりのハムスター
- rvrndmngrie - The Reverend Menagerie™
- ryx - Ryx (Richard)
- safirerings - Meg
- sakka - サッカ
- sakkaku - shinkyo
- sammael - sammael
- sammyblade - Sammy
- scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
- scarletscorpio - Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas
- scary_guy - Scary Guy
- scifox - Sci
- scriviner - Scriviner
- scuzzlebutt - Nick
- seeliejane - Melanie
- serenitywolf - Alisha
- shaden - Digital Disbeliever
- shadowlily - sarah
- shadows - Josh
- shardsofsilver - delusions of candor
- shidzerosha - Liz
- shinobido - Kevin
- shojikawamori - got more soul than a sock with holes
- silentsadness - This Moment
- siliconspider - Arachne
- silverhand - America, Fuck Yeah!
- siriusrising - unit23
- sirkoi - zrobot
- skar - Christopher S'Kar
- skithee - scythe minion
- skreidle - Scott K
- slawek - LAF-O
- sleeplessknight - Sleepless Knight
- slithead - mark
- slyddur - Slyddur, Rahbet if you're nasty
- smaugpup - smaugpup
- smoke - Smoke Tetsu
- sneezypb - Sneezy daPolarBear
- soliloquy23 - soliloquy23
- sollitaire - Sollitaire
- solri - Robin
- solstyce - Snow in August
- sonoranbear - Kevin
- sophisticate - .....
- sorsha_malorius - Sorsha
- soulhakr - Sad Seraphim
- soulslain - Ethan, aka Stoltenheim Reinbach III
- soundxplorer - Jabrockson
- spiritdragon - Ian
- starmex - starmex
- starzz - starzz
- stasotheduck - Staso
- staticpulse - :ashface_killah:
- strangegrrl - StrangeAngel
- strangelet - [the subconscious machine]
- streetknight - El Diablo Con Carne
- strlen - strlen
- stuartcw - Stuart Woodward
- sturm - [n]
- suhleap - Raine
- sunder - Sunder
- superninjabeast - Supreme Ruler of the Universe, CoolNed
- switch09 - sWitch
- symbioid - Thurman Merman
- syna - syna
- synisterchyck - Eris Kallisti (Veronica)
- synwave - SynWave
- tenu - Terrasa
- the_real_sorrow - Sorrow
- the_revolution - the revisionist historian
- thedarklinglord - Caliban - Bastard Son of the Obscene
- thefowle - My Life as the Thrill Kill Kult
- thelady - TheLady
- thezedster - TheZedster
- tiel - Tiel
- timjr - Timothy J Rush
- timson - Который в каске
- tombaged - Tombaged
- tommx - hammercloth togas
- tragos - Kent
- triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
- trollopfop - Tenshi Androgynous
- tyrsalvia - Autumn, Suburban Machiavelli
- uglyzebras - uz
- unit02 - Tampon the Pirate ® ««Blue Team Commando»»
- unitzero - Proto Type
- usfputty - Christian A. Gilligan
- varjo - Jukka
- vexgodglove - Vex Godglove
- vianegativa - Obfuscation
- viscera - viscera
- vix3n - vix- what is beneath my second skin...
- vurtsnake - TechWolf
- wanton_bliss - voices tell me I'm the shit
- weatherman - ARCagent 120
- weijian - Jonathan
- whengeeksattack - Niko
- whisper - Nicki
- wicker95 - John
- wilson - Wilson
- wily - evilKAT
- winterr - Intrusion Countermeasure AI v1.02
- witchchild - an extraordinary ordinary life
- worlddomination - my kingdom for a kiss upon his shoulder
- xaminmo - Josh-D
- xarenhypr - Xaren Hypr
- xhiryu - Aaron
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- xmikecorex - Run In The Tunnels
- xplodinggirl - between the spine & the skin
- xuenay - Xuenay
- yfel - Nathan
- z3p - Paul Swartz
- zap199x - zap
- zereth - Zereth
- zerou - liz
- zigmar - Zigmar
- zornrot - Zoran