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User:ectv (2470) Paid User ectv
Raising of a Jedi
When zoloft makes it better....
Location:DFW area, United States
Bio:Married to Doug 6/27/03
Mommy to little Corran Robert, born 1/26/04
9lbs 5ozs, 22inches long.
Born into the loving hands of my husband at 7:47pm
At the birth and womens center in dallas tx.
And yes, childbirth can be done drug-free.

Geek. Mom. Lactivist. Clothdiaper nut. Bookworm.
got a problem with it? kiss it.

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Lilypie Baby Days

Pictures:8 pictures
People126:_debi_, _manhattan, _subaru_, aeonflow, albadore, amyblack, amycb2, asa_dachi, aunticrist, balljar, becoming_jenn, beewee, bellymonkey, blky, blosmtx, bluemurf, bowtomecha, buttons, byron, cactus_jess, canadiankimmie, childishdreams, ciggieposeur, cinnamongirl69, circlek, cmorrigu, cockermom, corto, debgirl001, divavee, donovan_love, drama_mama84, drewness, duchess_webb, dullan, ectv, edmcbride, faerieface, ferretsofglory, fishbreeder, fkgirl, flutterrgrrl, geekgrrrl, geekmom, geekygamergirl, gnomeygirl, gravitee, hilarykay, hmg7500, infernaltears, infinitystar, irishlass5383, jacqui, jehosephat, jenmarie, joecichlid, joggingguy, jsjackso, junkyfx, kareyanne, katie_monkey, kill_the_sun, kiltboy, kimmellee, ladiebug, lakini_malich, lilymd, livemockingbird, lo_pan, lordvyle, madbair, mandakins, matthews, mayna, megh, mom2baldie, mommydama, mootpoint, moz57, mybrowneyedgrrl, nicandjethro, nreality, obanion, omniscient, ossie, paperpixy, petermarcus, photolover, pinkmoon, piscescathi, pixievixen, poetdan, polypboy, robertgarret, roxyfreefall, ryestar, sarakate, scottysacks, silent_dancer, silversurfer, sli124, slothguy, sonset, southpaw, starrzinhereyez, steven_1974, stoopideinstein, tahoebean, terry, tezzkatt, thetech, thinggtwoo, toplesscook, toxicsky, tremor, twilightmoon17, vash_san, violentmae, warwick, wasabininja, wazm, wbahner, witchbaby33, wrapper, xbigjimx, zombiekiller
Communities12:altparent, attachedparents, boob_nazis, breastfeeding, clothdiapering, cooking, diaper_addicts, hip_domestics, momilf, new_moms, paidmembers, what_a_crock
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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