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Below is user information for Cernunnos Morrigu. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:cmorrigu (19819) Paid User cmorrigu
Name:Cernunnos Morrigu
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Bio:I have constantly changing obsessions, attitudes, moods, morals, sexuality, and pretty much anything else that defines a person.

I have a God Complex, for the only requirement for being a god is to have a believer.

I can be obsessive, compulsive, depressive, manic, sociopathic, anal retentive, and many other highbrow psychological terms. Don't forget control freak.

I used to fence. I have been into Anime for quite awhile. I go to cons. DDR has been an obsession for the past few years. Technology fascinates me, and I am obsessed with computers.

I am mostly attracted to longhaired redheads... This proves that I am a masochist. I am also a sadist at times. Top usually, bottom for variety.

Spice is the variety of life. Variety is the single best element of my existence, tho I keep subconsciously striving to form patterns.

I am not a goth. I am not a raver. I am not a suit. I am not a hippy. I am not a yuppie. I have never bought into any of those categories - yet I can somehow fit in with such crowds effortlessly. When I want to.

I'm of Irish, English, and Polish decent, even though I'm more interested in Asian culture.

I have a very low tolerance for stupidity, spam, flamebait, and other annoyances... Actually, I lied - I have NO tolerance.

So far, Redheaded ex-anorexic ex-cheerleader vegetarians with a penchant for animals and some sort of Italian connection have somehow been my closest SO's. I don't quite understand why... I am a devoted omnivore, with a lean towards the carnivore side most of the time. I get along with animals just fine, but don't ask me to maintain them. And I love food.

I am a very sexual person most of the time. It's great to spend an entire weekend in bed with a lover, barely leaving to get food and perhaps share a shower... I may flirt and certainly tease incessantly.

The method of death I would choose is the most physically painful one possible... Put through medieval tortures, shot, stabbed,etc. Why? To experience that sort of pain before I am unable to experience anything anymore.

There once was a person in love
Who thought Strawberry was sent from above
They broke up real fast
But that's in the past
Now the only offer's a dove

I am an extremely private person, and sanitize my journal and its entries. The entire journal is public read, there are no friends-only posts. I do not add new friends back immediately, and I don't keep friends on the list if I don't want to read them on a daily basis.

Version: 3.1
GCC/IT/O d- s+: a- C++ U P+ L+ E--- W++ N+ w O M V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5 X+ R++ tv b++ DI+ D+ G e++ h r y+

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
- Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
- Douglas Adams

"The art of Zen is seeing things as they is"
-Shunryu Suzuki

"Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks."
-Doug Larson

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

"It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time."
-Tallulah Bankhead

"Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time."
-Steven Wright

The WeatherPixie
Memories:45 entries
Interests:150: 313375p34k, accents, adult swim, animation, anime, anorexia, arcades, archery, architecture, art, astro city, authors, bandwidth, bdsm, beer, bisexuality, black comedy, blades, body modification, books, bows, british humor, bt, bushido, cable, castles, cds, celts, chinese, cinema, cloves, comic strips, communication, computers, conventions, costumes, culture, cyberpunk, dancing, dark humor, ddr, design, detnet, dreams, dsl, dungeons, dvds, emeril, emulation, english, epee, eroticism, escrima, exhibitionism, fantasy, feet, fencing, film, foil, fonts, full moons, futurama, gaming, hackers, haiku, hair, history, html, iado, icq, ifc, intelligence, irc, japan, johnny socko, jungle, karaoke, katana, kendo, knotwork, kraftwerk, lan parties, languages, linguistics, lore, martial arts, melee weapons, monty python, movies, mp3s, mtg, muds, museums, music, mythology, networks, novels, options, painting, parodies, parody, pat cadigan, photography, playstation, poetry, ps2, psx, ramen, real estate, redheads, rentals, rpg, rum, saber, sarcasm, saturns, sca, science fiction, sculpture, sensuality, sex, sexuality, sexy losers, shadowrun, soju, spices, sr, steak, strawberry, surrealism, tantra, tarot, techno, thai, tlas, torture, transmetropolitan, travel, ut, vib ribbon, victoria's secret, video games, vodka, voyeurism, wakazashi, weapons of mass distruction, web, writers, writing, yakitori. [Modify yours]
People322:absinthe_nymph, acidexia, agonyofjade, aimercat, aint_love_grand, alachicky, aliminx, alisasaur, ameneko, ana, angel_faerie, angelz, animegirl, animejump, annaliese, apoidea, apriljoy, aprilwine, avalon_bliss, babydoll25, baphemetis, bathory, bearoma, behindtheview, beldurin, bigbigtruck, billythebrick, blackdreams, blatnatbug, bobomagicksock, bohunk, bookclub, bottomsexxx, boymaenad, brampette, breekola, brianho, broken_muse, c0rrupt, carrie, catherine, catmistress, cellie59, cenopussy, charcoalrain, chatterbug99, chemwhore, chloelikespink, chocoredhead, clickito, coarsette, colleenalicious, corinnaac, crystalphobia, cryx, curse, cyberkitty, cynicalgrey, cypher, d4nte, dagrrl, daizee, darkdall, davemerrill, davez, debgirl001, dent_de_lion, denyeverything, derviches, designdiva, destiny69er, devica, devineone, devyn, digitalised, disturbedangei, djpynki, djragdoll, dmsalem00, doomflower, dullenvy, ecstasia, ectv, ee, ehme, elizabethia, elmosk, elph, elvgrenesque, eresh_cloudy, erinvt, everybeast, exzy, fade_into_me, fadingmemories, fahreeq, flamehaireddame, flata, gaminevie, gavv, gimpie, girlyunderwear, gnomeygirl, goofyrobo, grammargirl, greggo4randy, grimdoll, gullyfoyle, guppyfishddh, harpodoll, hayama_sb, hell_on_heels, hloeffler, holyjesusboner, hooverdam, hopeunknown, hypereyes, hypertextgirl, ibdreamy, imbriumstudios, inannamaiya, inquire_within, inspectorjury, irishindiechick, irishlinc, ironic_beauty, italiana, izzicam, jaderose, janscottfrazier, jennalynmonroe, jennatherebel, jennfromtx, jenny, jodilyn, joleine, josienutter, juryrigger, kabarett, kaliforniagirl, kaosarcana, kaoskytton, katie182, katzchen3, kepulver, kissinrhinos, kitsunebeast, koyoteblu, kusoyaro, la_luna_bella, ladieval, ladymeg1, lakme, lavenderjones, ldy, leilia, lianna, lindseymoongirl, lique, littlelove8503, livekatie, livviekitty, lizvang, lizzie9208, lolalita, lotusblossom, lucidia_elise, machina, mangacatgirl, masokissed, maudlin77, meerkatzukin, meow, midnightskyeus, mikichan, mindme, miriamwebster, missdivakitty, missliver, mistersleepless, mistresscara, moogiepop, moonechilde, morgaine, moriendi, morphinecodeblu, muse, mymetamorphose, mystrys, neeri, nemesticide, neonkiss, nnk, nuala, nudas_veritas, onceuponnever, onelast_breath, opium, orbitalka0ss, orphanedstreets, outlaw_jesus, paganpunque, paita, pamcash, paperhurts, penguinfairy, petit_chou, photogrphygrl, pinkerus, pinkstatik, pixiecup, pixievomit, plasticlittle, pockyman, poeticslut, poetinplaid, pooka, pookybear63, poorprncesstina, poprockgrrl, prettypurplebra, princessryo, privatewormfoot, provoca7eur, psych0squirrel, purpleboot, rabi, rainmare, rainydaygirl, ramblingwebgirl, rayce, redheadgrrl, redmarley, redwolfstudio, ricketstar, risquewritings, robont, rodimus, rorinatrix, rottenfruit, rzbryicet, sambear, sassylass, saturnineseraph, secretpleasure, seiaidorei, serendipite, serraph, sex_slavexxx, shaden, shadoweddreamer, shadowfire, shadowsong, shadykitten, shigella, silveraj, silvertree, sinthetik, skichik, skx, slayermerc, sleeplessddt, slinka, slitwingedangel, smurfettte, socar, somebodies, sparklegirl, spiceandbone, spicybubbles76, spiderbabyx, spunky_m, status, stelpa, strangegrrl, strixdivinica, sub_sonic, suddenlydizzy, sugarpuss, sweetpea2264, sylvia101, takabanana, talashandy, tatyana_z, teezerjlo, telie13, thehangedman, thenarus, thepumpkin, thesoftkisses, thin_kitten, tillytollo, toopizza, toxicbunny, traceylee, tremor, triscuit, tristeangelo, trivial, unique_1, useless_caucus, vainglorypie, valtruth, verbminx, vi666vi, vixencec, vixle, vomitbluestars, wbahner, whorylori, wicked_wish, wohali, xandria, xbrokenx, xmerrie1039x, xvxlexyxvx, yakumofujii, yukimi, yukon_jack, zerbie, zipper, zombiekiller
Communities63:_modified, aardwolf_mud, advanced, animecon, awa, bibliophilia, body_mod_pix, bodyart, captioncontests, casemod, codeconfessions, cyberpunk, databases, ddr, deadmachinery, dumb_road_signs, featureannounce, fencing, filmrant, foreignlanguage, found_objects, futurecity, gamers, graffitiisart, guessthegame, guessthemovie, guessthemug, haikusoup, japanese, kansascity, learn_languages, license_plates, lj_backend, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_test, lj_textmessage, ljdiner, ljupskirts, longhair, master_ninja, mystery_pea, news, paidmembers, php, pornozadorno, quotes, red_obsessed, redheads, redheads_galore, redheadsunite, roleplayers, seventh_horse, show_your_boobs, somedudeanime, sultry_stories, syn_promo, texture, tmbg, triviascrambler, vintage_sex, world_tourist
Feeds24:8prildotcom, animeondvd_rss, blog_of_death, bnlblog, boingboing_net, brucesterling, capalert, dictionary_wotd, diepunyhumans, dilbert_feed, foxtrot_feed, gaimanblog, gamegirladvance, gibsonfeed, littlegamersrss, ninjapajamas, nonsquitor_feed, qotdrss, rattysghost, schismmatrix, semagic_files, sinfestfeed, someposifeed, tech_bargains
Friend of:134: alachicky, aliminx, alisasaur, ameneko, ana, animegirl, apoidea, apriljoy, aprilwine, bearoma, behindtheview, beldurin, billythebrick, bookclub, brianho, broken_muse, c0rrupt, catmistress, cellie59, clickito, coarsette, corinnaac, crystalphobia, d4nte, dagrrl, denyeverything, devica, disturbedangei, doomflower, dullenvy, ectv, ehme, elmosk, everybeast, exzy, fahreeq, flamehaireddame, flata, gnomeygirl, goofyrobo, greggo4randy, grimdoll, gullyfoyle, guppyfishddh, harpodoll, hayama_sb, honihoni, hopeunknown, ibdreamy, imbriumstudios, inspectorjury, irishlinc, italiana, jaderose, jenny, jingorosan, joleine, josienutter, kabarett, kaliforniagirl, kaosarcana, kaoskytton, kissinrhinos, la_luna_bella, ladymeg1, lakme, lavenderjones, littlelove8503, livekatie, mangacatgirl, masokissed, mikichan, mindme, miriamwebster, moonechilde, morphinecodeblu, mystrys, neonkiss, nuala, opium, orbitalka0ss, papakadotorg, paperhurts, penguinfairy, poetinplaid, pookybear63, poprockgrrl, princessryo, privatewormfoot, rayce, redheadgrrl, robont, rodimus, rorinatrix, rzbryicet, sambear, sassylass, saturnineseraph, segasnk, serraph, sex_slavexxx, shaden, shadoweddreamer, skx, sleeplessddt, slitwingedangel, sly, smurfettte, somebodies, spiceandbone, spiderbabyx, spunky_m, strangegrrl, strixdivinica, sub_sonic, suddenlydizzy, sweetpea2264, sylvia101, thesoftkisses, toxicbunny, traceylee, tremor, triscuit, verbminx, vixle, wbahner, whorylori, wicked_wish, wohali, xandria, xvxlexyxvx, yakumofujii, yukimi, zerbie
Member of:59: aardwolf_mud, advanced, anime, anime_trade, animecon, averageparts, awa, bargains, barter4it, buy_sell_trade, casemod, cyberpunk, databases, ddr, fencing, for_sell, foreignlanguage, forsale, found_objects, gamers, graffitiisart, guessthegame, haikusoup, insoc, japanese, junk_boutique, junkselling, kansascity, learn_languages, license_plates, lj_nifty, lj_textmessage, ljdiner, ljswaps, ljtradingpost, master_ninja, mystery_pea, nakedparts2, paidmembers, photography, php, quotes, redheads, road_trip, roleplayers, seventh_horse, sultry_stories, swapnsell, swop_meet, syn_promo, texture, the_sprawl, too_trendy, trade_fanatics, trade_stuff, tradestuff, whatisthatsong, witsandhalfwits, zen_perverts
Account type:Permanent Account

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