Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "stuff".
500 matches:
- 10702 -
- 11_o_clock - the Dirty Bird
- 6randomness9 - MONKEY DOODLE
- 73h_31337 - The Elite
- 760crew - 760crew
- 80sclaims - 80sclaims
- __scene_shit - joo
- _claim_a_3some_ - Claim a 3some
- _disgruntled_ - Disgruntled
- _explodingdog - explodingdog
- _flop_ - Fuck Liking Other People
- _friends_only_ - Friend
- _lovetards_ - _lovetards_
- _room_tobreathe - _room_tobreathe
- _theevilthing_ - _theevilthing_
- _vague - vague
- _what_you_want - what you want
- _x_electric_x_ - _x_electric_x_
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- a_perfect_trade - trade with us!!
- abwhore - We Hate Dumb Bitches
- accio_scruta - Accio Scruta - A Harry Potter Trash RPG
- acting_haven - Kaya Davenport
- add_mir - The Rants of Jaimir and Jamimir
- adopt_a_stoner - An "add me" community for stoners.
- alternate_books - the alternative notebooks
- alyssafanclub - Alyssa's Very Own Fan Club
- amazons - The Amazons
- amplifidelics - The Amplifidelics
- amusingstories - Amusing Stories
- angel_falls - ******pacificdingo's icon journal******
- anime_ice_cream - Anime claims and ice cream flavors
- annoyance - annoying stuff xD
- anti_xluvsy - Anti- " !!!~*~[X] luvs [Y]~*~!!! "
- apanon - Apathetics Anonymous
- artifacts - странные чуваки
- associationword - (association) word
- auctions - sell your stuff or find stuff to buy!
- audio_karate - You are a snail in a rocket
- austrade - Australian buy, sell and trade
- awwyeah - The Shaz and Lor Show
- babblersconvent - babblersconvent
- babylonians - BABYLONIANS
- badgewhoreuk - Badge Whores Of The Nation
- badpoetry - bad poetry
- ballxaque - Ballxaque!
- battleofevrmore - Battle of Evermore
- bearingaweenie - Tolerators of Mark
- beautyandbitch - Think You Can Make It?
- bishomania - Bishonen-Bishojo Stalkers Unite
- bitch_names - Claim someone as your bitch~!
- blackmetal - Black Metal Forum
- bleeding_words - bleeding words
- blessed_academy - Blessed Academy
- bloodandtears - drowning in sorrow
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- borntobe - Born to be a fan of __
- boyertown_what - Boyertown
- boyz_only_4life - Boyz Only 4 Life
- brain_food - A Buffet of Brain Food
- braindead - Like Okay
- breablows - this community is the shiznit!
- brisneyland - Brisbane Community
- buddhaisyourmom - Naked Buddha Skillz
- buddhistmoms - buddhistmoms
- bumfuzzled - Just...Us
- c_l_a_i_m_s - c_l_a_i_m_s; a claiming community
- cabinx - CabinX
- captions_r_us - Captions R Us
- catcup - C A T C U P
- cdaonlj - Cool Dorks Of America
- central_perk - Central Perk
- chaotic_balance - Chaotic Balance
- charafiction - Original Character Fiction
- cheesecurd_cult - Yarbles.
- chiles_high - Lawton Chiles High School -- dunDUN
- ci_slash - Canadian Idol Slash
- cinci_stuff - Beg Barter and Buy
- claim_a_fella - claim_a_fella
- claim_an_item - Claim An Item
- claim_junk - Claimosity!
- claim_something - claim something
- claim_whatever - claim anything ur heart desires
- claimage - Claimage
- claiming_anime - Claiming All Things Related to Anime
- claimsaredumb - claims are dumb
- clownhell - CLOWNHELL
- coheedxcambria - CO|CA
- communitiessuck - Communities Suck
- crappy_stuff - Just a collection of crappy stuff
- crayonofdoom - Crayon Of Doom
- cuts_of_pain - Cut
- dabasement - dabasement
- dead_by_28 - []
- deadby28 - The Official LiveJournal of Dead by 28
- decapolis - d10
- dedication - = I'll remind you of who I am. =
- deep13 - #Deep13
- defenastrator - Michael
- depressionsucks - Support for Depression
- dickswithclix - dickswithclix
- did_you_know - Did You Know?
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- disturbingminds - psychoTIC childERN
- dramadorks - Drama Dorks
- drug_abuse - Zakuro
- dudemonkeys - dudemonkeys!
- dumbmonkies - Dumb Monkeys
- eastcoastbash - East Coast LJ Party
- eastvan - The East Vancouver Commune
- ebutnothing - Everything But Nothing
- ediblepanties - Edible Panties
- edoolittle - / / chocolates: for me to eat \ \
- emofucks - `
- emopea - The future's bright. The future's emopea.
- emotional_creek - The Creek
- enemiesofjim - The anti-Jim alliance
- enoughsaidband - Enough Said
- enterthetomato - Edward & Ein Fan Community
- eternal_artiste - art!!
- evandjames - ev &james
- evil_icons - Evil Icons
- faggotsfanclub - Ass Ticklers / Faggots Fan Club
- fatcats - Rock & Roll Tycoons
- fiestacrew - Fiesta Crew
- fooligans - motherfucker
- for_sell - Sell your stuff
- forsale - For Sale
- forsaleinboston - For Sale in Boston
- fortrade - fortrade
- fragile_love - beautiful addictions
- fram_it_up - the nook
- free_talk - Talk About Anything
- freedum_mafia - We Claim whatever we want
- freethinkers - freethinkers are dangerous
- friends - My Friend
- fuckmisscleo - fuck miss cleo.
- fudgechunk - Bricks of Shit
- fy_dalnet - The FY Community of Love and Sparkles
- geek_swap - stuff trading community
- geekwars - *Geek*\/\/4|2s*
- generica_rpg - Generica RPG
- gimli_lovin - Gimli Lovin: Feel the fire of the Gimli Revolution
- girladvice - Girl Advice
- give_it_away - junk conservationist
- giveitawaybob - Give It Away, Bob!
- giving_tree - The Giving Tree!!!
- gorgeous_reject - Gorgeous Rejects
- gothaholic - gothaholic
- gothic_reviews - Reviews of all things Goth related
- gothtrademarket - The Alt & Gothic Trading Spot!
- greeniez - green as fuck
- greenville_nc - Greenville, North Carolina
- greg_luvins - Greg is sexxay
- greggys_ass - it all comes down to greggy
- grlzrus - A private community for my buds... = ) *us gals*
- haikuforyou - Haiku For You
- hella_fuct_shit - It's Not Our Fault
- help_signal - HELP?!
- hephnet - HephaestusNetwork
- herecomestwo - Here Comes Two!
- heterosapiens - heterosapiens stuff.
- himavant - Little Snow-Covered Gurus
- hip_hot_stuff - Hip Hot Stuff
- hogwartsdiaries - Teh Magical Ones
- hold_a_grudge - a place to hold a grudge
- hollymcnarland - Holly McNarland
- hose_heads - Hose Heads
- hotpussy_cats - hotpussy_cats
- household_items - Photographs of household items
- i_am_thankful - thankful
- i_like_stuff111 - i_like_stuff111
- i_stuff - iStuff
- ic_0n - made by mid
- icon_heaven - Icon Heaven
- icon_masters - Icon Masters
- icons_n_stuff - Icons N Stuff
- idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
- iloveglue - I Love Glue!
- im_a_freakshow - FREAK
- imaginopolis - Imaginopolis: Not Exactly Utopia
- in_like_flynt - oh so tragically hip.
- indiefucks - indiefuck
- indietrade - !!
- into_the_sky - Into The Sky - Poetry Community
- involve - armchair activists
- irkenempire - The Irken Empire
- is_this_normal - Has this ever happened to anyone else?
- isthatafact - yeah, huh?
- itwasonlywater - itwasonlywater
- janitorial - your school janitor
- jbh - Jack's Broken Heart
- jeremyrules - Jeremy Charpentier Rules
- jewcrew - alchlah
- jmn - Jessica, Michelle, & Nicole
- jordice - Jordice
- juanitahigh - Juanita High School
- justuspeepl - A Community for Us and only Us
- kadiddlehopper - Kadiddlehopper
- keeg - geek
- keepramblin_on - keepramblin_on
- kellibeanz - don't know
- kfmt - Kung-Fu Mystery Theater
- kickmekiddies - kickmekiddies
- killelson - kill elson™
- kims_travelbook - knightchik
- kiwi_icons - kiiwii
- kureji_panda - kureji_panda
- kuta - mutual kick up the arse community
- kweirdness - kweirdness
- laptops - Laptop Louge
- lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
- learningtosmile - smile
- legendarysparda - Sparda
- letsmakecancer - letsmakecancer
- lizardyguts - lizardyguts
- ljanonymouslj - Anonymous
- ljgiveaway - LJ Giveaway
- ljnerds - Livejournal Nerds
- ljsecretsanta03 - LiveJournal Secret Santa 2003
- ljtoybox - Inside the Toybox
- ljtradingpost - Trade your stuff.
- llama_spit - The Salivating Llama
- lockbox - <strike>False Pride</strike>
- lone_stars - *lone_stars*
- longest_threads - longest_threads
- lord_mittens - lord_mittens
- loserheads - First Name: Loser Second Name: Heads
- lovelychloe - heather * ' ` <3
- lowbrasschicas - Low Brass Chicas
- lunar_eclipse - Lunar Eclipse RPG
- lvng4themoment - Eclectic Eccentricities
- mailbombers - Anything but anthrax
- mansoncollector - The MMCC
- mask_and_gavel - LHS Mask & Gavel
- massyruu - Massachusetts YRUU
- mcspeople - *MCS*
- md_indiekids - indie kids in MD
- meetnewpeople - Meet some new people
- megahalspeaks - MegaHal SPEAKS!
- memorycard - Gentlemen's Gaming Society
- mesablexia - goraphoic
- mikes_basement - Mike's Basement
- minimum_wagers - Tales from Minimum Wagers
- minsa - minsa
- misfits - Misfit
- miss_tokyo - .·:* MiSS ToKyO *:·.
- mntclr_pictures - mntclr_pictures
- mockfest - Fight Me
- modulls - Making modeling (un)-cool since 2003
- momantai - momantai - where icons do stuff
- mumbling_trio - The mumbling trio and friends
- mundungus - Mundungus
- muphinchuckrs - Muphin Chuckrs
- mushy - Mushy
- nakedvikingclub - Naked Viking Club
- nandita_rules - WE <3 NANDITA!!!!!
- nanobeans - The NaNoWriMo Beans
- nervousness - Community
- nixfansofdoom - garth nix's crazy fans
- nocturnairites - AnGeR
- nodeath - The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster
- nonpareils - We cannot compare
- normcrowd - The Llama Farm of Sp00ky D00m
- nothing_to_do - Bored
- object_face - object face
- obnoxiousfun - obnoxiousfun
- old_gc - Old School Good Charlotte Fans
- onlinequizwhore - *~Poetic*Creatures~*
- operation_x - The continuing story of ...
- overstimx - Overstim
- owenscc - Owens Community College
- paigeroo - Paige Fan Community!!!
- paint_whores - paint_whores
- palacenerds - Your a nerd, get over it...
- pale_disaster - _ * ; kendra
- pasalaqua - The Pasalaquans
- pdxexchange - Trade Clothes, Music, etc..ANYTHING
- pervysanfancier - Pervy San Fanciers
- phc - PHC
- phillyyardsale - Philadelphia yard sale
- picture_it - take a picture it lasts longer
- polska - Polska
- pompey_l33t - Random people with random thoughts
- ponderit - Question Everything
- pop_quiz - Questions Questions Everywhere
- posse_gumi - The Posse
- postcardx - postcardx
- punk_knitters - Punk Rock Knitters
- punksters - RaViNg PuNks
- purgatorium - purgatorium
- queenslander - Queenslanders
- quirky_diy - great minds think alike!
- quizwhores - Quiz whores
- radioactivebull - Radioactive Bull
- ramshackle - Jennifer Long
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- random_emuiness - The Emu Obsessed Weirdos
- random_ness - 325ter gdfhtrweqgtfddg gfdfssg f
- random_things - Random Things
- randomaddiction - People with Issues
- randominsanityx - .:x:Exit Sanity xxx RaNdOm InSaNiTy X:x:.
- randomosity - a place for randomness
- randomshite - Random Shite
- randomtrivia - Random Trivia
- rapeofnarcissus - rapeofnarcissus
- rate_my_life - rate_my_life
- rate_my_slash - Slash Writer
- rayselkicksass - Raysel kicks ASS.
- realfreaks - : freaky :
- realvast - vast
- repression_club - repression_club
- retardville - what
- ri_goth - ri_goth
- ridiculi_poetri - ridiculi_poetri
- ritstuff - Rochester Institute of Technology Stuff
- roystestcomm - roy's test community
- ru_rasta - ru_rasta
- schlock - Schlock Writing Co.
- sebamed - science for a healthy life
- secretsanta2002 - Livejournal Secret Santa 2003
- sendmeasmile - send me a SMILE!
- shadeysketches - Shade's Sketchbook
- shebang_central - all about the shebang
- shire_pride - The Shirelings
- shopping_lists - Not as Vapid as You'd Think...
- show_your_stuff - pic's baby pic's
- showyourroom - Look at this mess
- siltanese - Mockery
- sixflags - disgruntled
- size100 - size100, we're rad cool kids
- sketchblog - The Super Happy Sketchbloggy of HATE!!1! :D:D:D
- sketchygothbird - Sketchy GothBirds and Friends
- slash_this - trading
- smalltowngirls - Small Town Girls
- smartchildren - Smart Children
- smile4thepostie - Got Mail?
- snickersa_luvrs - Snickersaddict's adoring fans
- so_damn_bored - Loitering Losers
- somedorks - Dorks
- spadortch - SPADORTCH
- spiphie - 'Con Artists Inc.
- spys_only - spys_only
- squeal - gwen is hot
- squirrelcommand - Rabid Squirrels of the World
- stormys_icons - ^_^
- stuffnessism - Preemptivecounterantistuffness
- stupidsurveys - Junk pile!
- subgenii - SubGenius
- suckatlife - Suck at Life
- summer2001 - Summer of 2001
- surveygirl - Surveys!
- surveys - This or That?
- surveys_n_stuff - Mindless self-report
- swapshop - LJ Swap Shop!
- telfordites - telfordites unite
- tellme835563 - TellMe835563
- thats_fucked_up - that's fucked up
- the_booth - The Confessional Booth
- the_evil_angels - TEA
- the_four_of_us - The Four of Us!
- the_hsu_crew - The HSU Crew
- the_litter_box - :: the litterbox ::
- the_lj_losers - the.livejournal.losers
- the_oddities - the_oddities
- thechubbywombat - the_chubby_wombat
- thedailyritual - The Daily Ritual
- thefineprint - Council
- thelazyclub - The Lazy Club
- theredfairy - Stoner Art
- therejects_club - All Rejects
- thespecialppl - The Special People
- thesurveyplace - The Survey Place
- things - it's all ood
- thirdmonday - thirdmonday
- thrifttrade - Trade Thrift Merch....
- top_five - Top Five
- toronto_punks - Toronto Punk related community.
- tospn - ¤The Order of the Shiney Purple Notebook¤
- tradelists - anyone.
- traders - traders
- tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
- trailortrash - trash
- trippinonearth - ack
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- ubmoviesandnaps - UB Movies N' Naps
- uncommonsense - Clues for the Clueless
- uncool_club - the uncool club
- unemo - the dead genre obituary
- unioncollege - Union College People
- unit_rmz - unit rmz
- unseelies_court - The Unseelies Court
- unusefull - Unusefull
- vaginal_spasm - X X L - L O V I N'
- vagustellus - WanderingEarth
- vaulting - LJ Vaulters
- voodoo_specter - voodoo_specter
- vtsffc - Science Fiction and Fantasy Club at Virginia Tech
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- wantlist - Greed!
- we_judge - Let us Judge you.
- we_like_stuff - we_like_stuff
- welovetricia - We Love Tricia!!
- what_fish - What Fish?
- whatisthatsong - Lyric Finder
- white_elephant - Trade Your Stuff
- wildebeasts - wildebeasts
- wrong_hole - Let's try that again
- wycked_7 - Wycked
- xerotolerance - A-Ok Kids
- xilo - we are stipud
- xratemex - xratemex
- yaoi_fanfics - Yaoi Fanfics
- your_house - Show Me Your House!
- youxsomeone - You x Someone!
- zoo - The Quiz Zoo
Interested users
The following users are interested in stuff. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: