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User:torontophoto (2034508) torontophoto
Toronto in a shutter click
Location:Toronto, Canada
About:A community where people can post pictures of Toronto or surrounding areas.

General Rules

1. Pictures you post must be something you've taken yourself, otherwise give credit where credit is due.

2. Try and keep the images small, nothing bigger then 400x500 for portrait and 500x300 for landscape.

3. Try and keep the pictures on subject; I'm sure Seattle is nice this time of year, but I started with intention of posting pictures from the Toronto area.

4. If a subject is not work safe ie gross violence or nudity, please lj-cut it for people who might take offense....listing the reason for the cut as well.

5. If posting a comment, please give constructive criticism. Posting 'This sucks' is not informative enough.

6. Posting more then one picture? Please use lj-cut as it cuts down on space.

7. Have fun!
Interests:36: animals, bay street, black and white photos, cameras, canon, city, city photos, click, color photos, day, digital cameras, eaton town center, film, front street, go train, kensington market, mississauga, much music, night, nikon, oakville, pentax, people, photography, photos, polaroid, polaroids, public transit, qew, queen street, scarbourgh, sepia photos, snap shots, streets, subway, toronto. [Modify yours]
Members:121: 0025, 2_cheeks, _aquaria_, _smelly_cat, _tearmyheartout, _techgirl, a_maverick, absolut_caitlin, adamisonfire, adolwyn, all_nite, amaaanda, anglarna, anonymoususers, antiman, aou, aquaholic, badluckcity, bitterlawngnome, boardergurl89, candytrixie, chikkz, chirstyn, chrispardus, cirhosis, claudecub, coilnotebook, costello1177, crawlingbrain, da1uluv2h8, davek, ed_rex, elleybean, eviana, fantasygoat, fhchica, foxy_moron, fromaway, getlostinmyeyes, girldetective, goldenhoney, halloaaryn, heathercooze, henman, imij, imyolover, incessant, inlineblue, introndepot, jadedbitch, jajara, jax50, jemyni, jnieva1220, joaniemaloney, jupiter__crash, kahluagal, kissy06, ma_vie_en_rose_, madcat_08, marcus_okneel, matthewpilon, mechanicallove, meganbnl, melsky, meltingxwings, meow124, michka, mishakal, mrflagg, myphotos_, nervous96, noize999, objectify, okoshun, olak, omygawdgirl, only_a_downstat, orangepoppy, piercedred, pink_noise_lila, pinkribbonscars, pixxelated, platinum72, plottingbutler, ptc555, punmeister, qinn, queerdragonfly, raquelita2, sare, sashatra, scotiabunnie, shogo, shylahfaerie, sickcycle, sillygyrl8, sir_highness, skipthelife, thatthingido, thecrazyfinn, themiddleofthis, therachael, theyresmarties, toronto101, torontonian, toshihiro, totalbasketcase, transit_, traycer, tristanwayne, true_nexus, untalkative, vanssa, visisoul, wavfnctn, weirdity, xperiweb, ycantidie, zaiden, zenmonkeykstop
Watched by:122: 0025, 2_cheeks, _aquaria_, _smelly_cat, _tearmyheartout, _techgirl, adolwyn, alvaroph, amaaanda, anglarna, antiman, aou, aquaholic, badluckcity, bitterlawngnome, boardergurl89, carbonatedsass, chikkz, chirstyn, cirhosis, clintonk, cliph, coilnotebook, costello1177, crawlingbrain, cypherclerk, da1uluv2h8, deelowpro, ed_rex, elleybean, eviana, falafelfairy, fantasygoat, fhchica, foxy_moron, fromaway, funkypete, getlostinmyeyes, girldetective, girlhighday, goldenhoney, halloaaryn, hazeyjane, henman, i_koku, imij, imyolover, inlineblue, jadedbitch, jahragga, jasonv, jax50, jemyni, jnieva1220, joaniemaloney, jobroni, jupiter__crash, juteux, kahluagal, kiscica, kissy06, lepusculus, ma_vie_en_rose_, madcat_08, marcus_okneel, matthewpilon, mcdonalds_girl, meganbnl, melsky, meltingxwings, meow124, michka, mishakal, mitchellirons, mrflagg, myphotos_, nervous96, nineteen94, noize999, okoshun, olak, omygawdgirl, only_a_downstat, orangepoppy, pbanda, piercedred, pink_noise_lila, pixxelated, platinum72, plottingbutler, ptc555, punmeister, qinn, sare, sashatra, scotiabunnie, shogo, shylahfaerie, sickcycle, sillygyrl8, sir_highness, skipthelife, stephp, sux2meassmar, tartrazine, thecrazyfinn, toronto101, toshihiro, transit_, traycer, tristanwayne, troworld, true_nexus, vanssa, visisoul, wavfnctn, weirdity, xperiweb, ycantidie, zenmonkeykstop, zimbelshtulken, zotica
Account type:Free Account

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