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Loss and Longing and Sloppy Satori
( she was hidden in the potted plants )
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Black canvas body bags do not exist. Canvas body bags do not exsist. Just think about how gross a canvas body bag would be - oozey all over the place. However, the director wants a black canvas body bag. I will make him a big black canvas bag, if he wants, but I *could* get him an authentic whiteish plasticy body bag.

My todo list for the upcoming week:

Either procure a white body bag, or make a black canvas body bag
Build a stretcher strong enough to hold a medium sized man
Build or procure a man sized dummy.
Make some medical records and some personal records
figure out how to make one porcelian tea cup re-breakable every night

I can do it!

Also, I need to see about the position as Props Master for Cabaret... I have a really great recomendation from the choreograhper, so I think that'll be a definate go. I need to get a budget and a pretty definitave list, though.

And now, I must go to work. There is snow to be shook, and ... er... props to set.

My life is a great big trap of excitement.

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It would be very glamorous to be reincarnated as a great big ring on Liz Taylor's finger.

--Andy Warhol
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This is a good plan:

Go to work. Give boyfriend some cash, a 50% off coupon and have him go to the fabric store, and purchase some fabric that he thinks would work for the costume you are making. You'll get something really neat, and something you wouldn't have picked for yourself. Ryan picked out the most amazing blue and gold woven fabric thats a perfect mix of india and regency england. I like this method, and will probably use it again. Although it seems that I won't be sticking to my anticipated color scheme, I'm happy none the less. Its really a beautiful fabric - I'm looking forward to wearing it. Its shimmery and has a antiqued gold embroidery in stripes, and won't need much trimming at all to be fancy and wonderful. I wonder what color spenser/tailcoat I'll make to go with it - black velvet, maybe. Black velvet matches everything, EVERYTHING I TELL YOU!!!

Last night the Mister O'Leary and I went to Gogh All Night at the High Museum, and it was great fun. There was an hour wait to get it, but once we were in there was a cash bar and the dance floor was hopping. Upstairs we went to look at Gogh and Picasso and Mondrian. I ranted about art history and the evolution of art styles, and Ryan even seemed appreciative of my endless comentary. That, my friends, is a nice boyfriend. He even, when we were waiting outside in the cold, went around to search out coffee for us and the people in line near us. Saddly, there was no coffee... but the line moved faster than was anticipated, so it was okay.

(and he liked the van gogh doll with the removable ear).

But yeah - thats whats up.

I hope you are all happy and healthy! Stay warm, kidohs!

laurie deeee!

Current Mood: grateful

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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Clark is making greenbeans, Ryan made a quick trip to the Kroger for more potatoes and icecream, and I did some deviled eggs. This is the 21 and under thanksgiving. The turkey is in the oven, the yams are baking, the gravy is on the stove. The stuffing is made, the pumpkin pie is ready, the biscuts are on the table. Tea is brewed and we have a second pitcher on hand for when we run out.

Happy thanksgiving, everyone. I hope you're as happy and warm (and well fed) as I am.


Current Mood: content

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my boyfriend is asleep on the couch.

He is cute.

We went to the thriftstore today, and I got a scarf and he got a suit. And we ate at the Atlanta Bread Company. The girl behind the counter said we seemed very happy. And we were really happy. Its good to have him around, I suppose I haven't really realized how much I missed him until he's come to visit. I think I should perhaps try to convice him to stay. He has baby snores that sort of sound like a kitten purring.

Yes, its been a good day.

Now I make homemade chicken soup for my mom, who has a fever and isn't feeling well. Homemade chicken soup is something you make from the heart. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy, and I get to eat some too.


Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Old Bollywood Hits

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Digital Banks Rule. (as do books and sweaters)
For those of you who don't stay in one place very long, I highly recomend www.usaa.com, which is a largely digital based bank. The customer service is great, and the account will travel with me, no matter where I go. Plus, they'll send you free checks for the life of the account, send you free mail-in deposit (postage paid!) envolopes since you aren't local, and also re-imburse you up to 15 dollars each month for ATM surcharges.

So, I am very happy. SunTrust pissed me off a lot, and I decided I didn't want to close and open a new account every time I traveled (which, hopefully will be soon - I've applied for some really great sounding jobs).

Also, on TV is a show called Dance 360, and it makes me giggle with delight.

And I cut my bangs today all choppy-fied, and it makes me happy. And I'm wearing dangley earrings and I feel totally faux vogue, especially with my polkadot scarf around my neck.

I'm reading a book called With, by Donald Harington, and I like it very much.

I think I might take out my lip piercings and get both nostrils done. I think its cuter, and sorta quirky, as opposed to my lip rings, which are just getting to be too much for me. We'll see.

That is the end for today.


Current Mood: satisfied
Current Music: Give Me Back My Man - B52s

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This is fluffer-nutter for substance, but it made me laugh.

meme )

In other news, I have a job as a properties artisan for a New Works Festival (woot woot!), pending my approval of the props lists. And I sent out a million and a half resumes for touring shows, because I think working on a tour would be fun. We'll see where that takes me.

Damn you school, I'm a workin' girl now!


Current Mood: tired

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Opening Night:

A little show, a little wine, a little artichoke spinach dip.

And chicken on a stick!

The show was ... the show. The afterparty had free booze and delish food at Shillings. Candles and saucy actors.

I applied for a job at Cirque du Soleil, but I'll never get it in a million years.

I think I want to work on a touring show for a while - see the world. Anyone have any leads? I'm a mighty fine dresser.


Current Mood: chipper

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Back December 2004