Tales of a Teenage Librarian
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Amy the Great's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
    7:18 am
    I just wrote I seven page research paper over the History of the English Language overnight. Documented and everything. I am soooooo good.

    I had since the the beginning on the semester to work on it......hehe.

    To quote Oscar Wilde (who I love) "I do not put off for tomorrow what I can possibly do...the day after."


    Amy the Great (aka AtG)
    Friday, November 12th, 2004
    2:26 pm
    I am not dead.
    Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
    10:27 am

    A GREEN Dragon Lies Beneath!

    My inner dragon color is GREEN. Click here to try the Quiz!

    My inner dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. I'm also the Earth Elemental dragon; the defender of all living things. You've heard of forest spirits? Well, I'm as big and tough as they get. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

    Saturday, October 30th, 2004
    6:20 pm
    The \\
    Last Cigarette:two weeks ago (I didn't really smoke it)
    Last Alcoholic Drink:Long time
    Last Car Ride:One hour ago
    Last Kiss:July
    Last Good Cry:Can't remember. I don't do that very much. I cry more over sad books and such more than my life.
    Last Library Book:Hehe......Don't ask. I have too many checked out.
    Last book bought:Lets see. I bought seven manga last Saturday and I plan on buying ten tonight.
    Last Book Read:Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (just started it)
    Last Movie Seen in Theatres:Umm....The Grudge
    Last Movie Rented:Don't remember
    Last Cuss Word Uttered:Damn
    Last Beverage Drank:Water
    Last Food Consumed:A cookie
    Last Crush:shhhh...lets not talk about that. I am soooo over him
    Last Phone Call:earlier today...my sister wanted library books for school
    Last TV Show Watched:Revolution on Thursday night on IC. (it shows Korean and Japanese music videos for and hour and a half
    Last Time Showered:This morning at...7:30
    Last Shoes Worn:puma.....wearing them as I type
    Last CD Played:Blue Blood by X Japan
    Last Item Bought:Clothes
    Last Download:scanlations
    Last Annoyance:The people at the Halloween party at the theater last week. They threw pop corn kerrnals at me.
    Last Disappointment:That I could not buy more manga last week.
    Last Soda Drank:Coke
    Last Thing Written:the word "coke." Last story I wrote was my mythology a few weeks ago
    Last Key Used:Car key
    Last Words Spoken:I don't know. Danny and I were making fun of a picture with him and his friends
    Last Sleep:3:00 am to 7:30 am
    Last Ice Cream Eaten:Too long ago so I don't remember
    Last Chair Sat In:my computer chair
    Last Webpage Visited:Amazon

    6:09 pm
    It has been a while since I updated.....and you all will just have to wait more.
    Friday, October 22nd, 2004
    3:53 am
    Grundy scares me.....
    Grundy 1983 (3:51:44 AM): . . . can i borrow some clothes ;-)
    Sunday, October 17th, 2004
    8:24 pm
    Thursday, October 14th, 2004
    7:10 pm
    My day off.....
    So far everything is going great on my day off.

    I stayed up last night to finish "Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War." I loved it! Le sigh. I hugged the book for like a full minute after I read the last page. Now...I have to wait a full two years for the next one to come out.

    I got to stay up and finish a book. I have not done that in a very long time. Late at night is the best time to read a book. No one around. The quiet. The darkness.

    My Inu-Yasha DVDs came today. You all remember that incident right? I miscounted and ordered set #10 when I needed #9. Oh well. I got to watch some. Plus I ordered the OVA with it...so it all turns out well.

    Got to go shower now so I can watch some more on my Inu-Yasha!


    Current Mood: content
    Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
    6:11 pm
    I have not updated in a while so here I go.....

    On Friday just as I was leaving the library to go back to school the UPS guy came in and had me sign for some boxes. And what was in these boxes you ask? I will tell you. Books. And not just any books.....two of them I had been waiting for. "Snakecharm" for a year and "Abarat: Days of Magic Nights of War" for two years.

    I read "Snakecharm" last night. And when I say last night....I really mean I read the entire thing at work. I started it at 8 after my round and then finished it at about 11:30 or so. I immediately started the other book. IT IS SOOOO GOOD! Le sigh.

    I got out of all my classes early today. I think the teachers are ready for fall break. I read with my free time after the first two classes. After the last I got to go home and eat lunch! I never get to eat lunch on Tuesdays. I usually get out of class at 1:30 and go in to work at 2. So no time for Amy to eat.

    I finally got my story that I wrote back in Mythology. I got....**drum roll** a....100% WOOT! My mom finally got around to reading it Sunday night and she told me she loved it. Jenne liked it. Jen loved it. Sister Sellers loved it. I feel very happy.

    I was at the bookstore for nearly three hours on Saturday. Amanda showed up and then we talked with some other manga fans for a while too. So basically we were there till close. BJ (the manager) told me that I can go ahead and bring him a list of title to automatically set aside when they come in. That way...I get them first and I don't have to special order them if some other person comes in and takes the last copy off the shelf.

    Saturday is the re-enactment. Yayness!

    Okies...I am outies.
    Friday, October 8th, 2004
    6:38 pm
    I wrote a little song:

    "La la la
    Life is great.
    Everything is wonderful.
    The world is peachy keen"


    I feel like hugging a tree and thanking it for giving me fresh air.

    Current Mood: chipper
    Saturday, October 2nd, 2004
    9:25 am
    Well Courtney...why fight it....we are meant for each other...why would the Memes lie?
    LJ Battle Royale! by monmonito
    Weapon you got:Telepathy
    Your goal in the game:To be left alone.
    Number of students killed:8
    For fun, you kill:tigerade
    Out of a personal vendetta, you kill:sombra_83
    Accidentally, you kill:jayesjournal
    You have an alliance with:jayesjournal
    You develop a puppy-love romance with:moonlitfaerie
    Watch out for:sakuratreats
    Percentage of survival possibility:: 29%
    Dying words:"I'm melting! Melting!"
    Quiz created with MemeGen!
    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    4:14 am
    Finally DONE! After 4 hours and twenty minutes!
    Mythology Story I wrote )
    Monday, September 27th, 2004
    9:07 pm
    Quote of the Day
    "Jane you ignorant slut."
    7:45 pm
    Okay....so if you are are stupid raise your hand.

    **looks around and raises arm slightly**

    So...My order came in the mail today. I ordered the third Inu-Yasha movie and the 10th DVD with episodes 139-150 on it.

    I get home from work today and pop in the first DVD of the new box set. I see a new opening.....which is good...but on the recap...I remembered none of the things that happened.

    So....I pull it out of my player and look at the disc number on it. It said 25. I pull out the last DVD set that I had bought....it said 21. DRATS!

    Apparently I cannot count. I swear I counted that I had 9 sets of the series. I know I counted 9...numerous times. But....it seems I am indeed stupid because.....in fact I only have 8 sets.

    So now I must go order the 9th set. Oh well...I will order 11 with it....the I can OD on Inu-Yasha. I think there is a OVA set out there too. Might as well get that.

    I popped in the movie instead. OH WOW! It is soooo good. As far as I have seen...which is like 30 minutes. I only have two hours in between jobs today. So I get to come home...relax for 45 minutes....then eat dinner...very fast....and leave. I spent my relaxing time today finding out that I cannot count and watching some of the movie. Knowing me...I will probably stay up watching the rest after I get home at 12:30 tonight.
    Sunday, September 26th, 2004
    11:24 am
    Reflections of a manga obsessed projectionist librarian.
    I went to the party at Waldenbooks last night. Once again it was buy three get the fourth free. Needless to say....I took advantage of that. I got eight books.

    My left arm is sore. I injured it last night while I was there. I had my VERY heavy plastic sack filled with my books hanging off my arm while Amanda and I were looking at our favorite scenes in a manga. Well...like 15 minutes later....I slipped the bag from my arm down to my hand. When I looked at my arm I saw these DEEP indentions in my skin that were blue! I could see my veins clearly. Without realizing it....I had cut off circulation to my lower left arm. I still have light red marks there today.

    On the brighter side....my right arm is less sore today. I sort of got it caught on Friday in a place that shall not be revealed because then I would look like a complete fool and no one will talk to me anymore.

    For anyone who has been keeping up on post on my LJ and Grundy's....we have been having a "fight" for the last two days. He made a comment on Friday that I did not like so I told him I was not going to talk to him anymore. Basically I was bored...so I kept acting like I was mad long after I was no longer upset. It is fun to mess with people.

    Thursday night I was up till 2 am writing ten pages of notes for my test Friday morning. It did not even cover 1\3 of what I studied! I was freaking out because I couldn't find three things in the book!

    I have to write a story for mythology for Thursday. The teacher gave us a list of 30 characters (not gods) that have to be in there for one reason or another. You know....I am going to make mine like 400+ pages and see how she likes that!

    I can't wait until Halloween. I need to place an order for my costume soon.

    I also cannot wait till October 16th! That is the day of the re-enactment.
    11:13 am
    Pure concentrated evil walks the earth.....

    and it works at WestGlen.
    Saturday, September 25th, 2004
    1:43 am
    Grundy is a meany and a poopy head.
    Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
    9:31 pm
    Some stuff...
    What will your Funeral be like?
    by rashock
    You will die by:Mysterious unsolved murder. The killer was never found and neither was your body. Your casket is empty and you family mourns till this day in hopes that you are still alive or died a swift death.
    Death Date:October 21, 2062
    Number attending your funeral?96
    How much will you leave to friends and family?$4,840,803
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Which "Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" quote best suits you?
    by Aurian_Fry
    You are:And for the remainder of the voyage I want you to consider every possible meaning of the words, "Silent as the grave." - Commodore Norrington
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Which "Pirates of the Carribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" quote best suits you?
    by Aurian_Fry
    You are:Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest... Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly...stupid. - Captain Jack Sparrow
    Quiz created with MemeGen!
    5:05 pm
    Last night...was horrible.

    Oh no.....projection was FINE. No problems for me until I was shutting down #16 and part of the intermittent fell off...but I fixed it.

    No....the problem was Mary. To explain everything I would need to see you in person. Lets just say that she annoyed me a great deal..

    Grundy told me she called him up right after we left the theater. She wants him to have a party at his apartment. Yeah right. Like she would ever be invited. No one likes her. There is a "We Hate Mary" club at work. I kid you not.

    I gots to talk to Shayla again. A little research allowed me to discover her new SN. Alas....she is leaving next week to go to art school.

    I bought the new Green Day CD today. ^_^ I splurged and got the limited edition. I don't think there is any difference but no matter! I do what I can to support such a great band.

    Went to the dentist today. My appointment was for 3 but they had a slot open up and I went in at 2. The lady talked soooo much! It was past 2:30 before she even started on my teeth! Apparently I have a chipped tooth that suddenly appeared right at the end of my session. Hmm....gotta wonder about that. The dentist used the air thingie when she was checking me out after my cleaning and she is like..."yeah that got it. you have a chipped tooth."

    I am sooooo hungry! I have not eaten since I this morning. I have not been home since 7:25 am.

    I have a historical society meeting tonight...so that is even longer I have to wait to eat.

    I get to go pick out my costume for the Civil War re-enactment tomorrow. Try the pieces on an such so I can have them reserved for me.

    That is all I want to type. I am sure there was more but I don't remember.
    1:22 am
    I think I need to go in for past life regression. I obviously have some serious issues to work out.
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